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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



God, if Cornellius calls in to talk to Lou. I fear the Universe may crack.
Also. I think Lou needs to breathe away from the mic.
should be a good interview though


He plays his entire Oscar acceptance speech as an introduction, really?


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on February 05, 2015, 12:53:19 AM
Why does George sound like he's on the phone?

He's in his new studio with the flushing chair.

I can't believe Jorch hasn't told Lou about the little black kid who fooled him out of five dollars on Bourbon Street.

It would sound so great in Jorch's little-black-New Orleans-kid accent we heard just the other night.

Jesus how long is this bumper music going to last? He plays the entire song so he has to talk less.... guess he is doing us a favor.

... and more commercials. WTF?! Is there a show or just commercials and bumper music?

Jorch said he hasn't used the word "Negroes" in 30 years.

That means Jorch used the word "Negroes" during the Reagan administration.


I still can't get over Noory telling Lou he wishes a guy like him was in Ferguson during the riots so that he could QUELL the people there who were angry.

I wish George was in Ferguson when all that shit went down. I'm sure he would have made those fools calm down.

Quote from: SnapT on February 05, 2015, 01:13:47 AM
I still can't get over Noory telling Lou he wishes a guy like him was in Ferguson during the riots so that he could QUELL the people there who were angry.

The dumbass actually said "put a quell (sic)."

Jorch said that having Lou Gossett Jr. in his studio was "surreal."

I'll bet Lou was thinking, "You know what's surreal is that fiberglass black wig and shoe polish all over that 'stache.  You look like a salesman for Men's Wearhouse."

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 05, 2015, 01:13:25 AM
Jorch said he hasn't used the word "Negroes" in 30 years.

That means Jorch used the word "Negroes" during the Reagan administration.

I was taken back by that statement, and now have reason to believe that along with George's disgusting impersonation on the young boy he met in New Orleans that the man not only sucks... but might be a little racist. I'm shocked that he didn't call Cornelius "Corny" again as he seemed to enjoy doing. Oh, and odds are after this George will begin calling Lou his friend like everyone else famous that he gets into his studio.

I'm all for George being fired, and replaced by Lou too.

Lou Gosset once played the Egyptian military dictator, Anwar Sadat.

And Jorch looks like Saddam Hussein with his weird wig and dyed mustache get-up.

Now that's "surreal."


Corny's call did not disappoint.

And the weird spiel George gave afterwards about what a great guy Cornelius obviously is from the sound of his voice alone was hilarious.  Corny is Noory's one black friend.

Remember when Art had open lines? Almost every caller asked: "Is this Art Bell". Probably because they were so excited to talk to Art. No one asks George the same question because the callers are praying that another guest picks up the phone. Caller: "Is this George Noory?"  George: "Well yes it is." Caller: "Shit, I was hoping it was George Knapp".

Lou Gosset Jr. says he's an American-African.

I say Jorch is a Moron-American.

Nick el Ass

George while talking about how great an actor Denzel Washington is can only recall seeing a movie about him flying a plane upside down, and not Glory... or any of the other great flicks he has been in over the years. Good God, man.

I love how Jorch couldn't shut up about Ferguson during the interview with Lou Gossett.

It was so obviously the last time blacks had crossed his mind much, and, thus, it was the only thing that could burp out of it.

God, Jorch was hilarious as usual and didn't disappoint.

Peter Lawford of the Rat Pack would have called Jorch "a bloody twit."

Hulk Hoagland

Hey brothers! It sure does appear George would like to take some of this guest's love juice every morning with his vitamins.

Quote from: Hulk Hoagland on February 05, 2015, 02:01:51 AM
Hey brothers! It sure does appear George would like to take some of this guest's love juice every morning with his vitamins.

Damn, Jorch sucked on Lou Gossett's asshole so hard I hope Lou doesn't have another alien baby when he gets home.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 05, 2015, 01:47:30 AM
Lou Gosset once played the Egyptian military dictator, Anwar Sadat.

And Jorch looks like Saddam Hussein with his weird wig and dyed mustache get-up.

Now that's "surreal."

This TV movie brought the wrath of Egypt against Columbia Pictures, the film's producers and star 'Louis Gossett Jr', all of whose films were, briefly, banned in that country....hopefully after this interview  Jorch will be banned on ALL  stations in the US....permanently.

Nick el Ass

How in the hell do you follow Lou with a shitty second half about Mars?!? If George was smart he would have dumped the second guest, and had open lines all night.

It's funny how they never find -- nor even look for -- an "Ass on Mars."

Martians were humorous.  Just look at old episodes of "My Favorite Martian."

Quote from: goldendeal on February 05, 2015, 12:33:23 AM
Listen to this son of a bitch once again make this interview about himself....only Jorch could interview a movie star and somehow make the entire interview about himself.

I was thinking the same thing. Lou Gosset did a good job interviewing Jorch.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 05, 2015, 12:27:46 AM
Yay! The Vermont Teddy Bears are back!! Including the zombie bear. Remember when Noory was telling us that the zombie bear was to demonstrate your 'underlying love'? An email to George and a post on here later and it was suddenly re-recorded as 'undying love'.
Jorch still thinks Tri-Calm is "blue and white, and comes in a box."  Or is it "blue and comes in white box?"  Hell, Jorch is still trying to figure out where LA is located.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 05, 2015, 02:33:26 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Lou Gosset did a good job interviewing Jorch.

Yeah, but, fellows, Jorch is the bigger star.

The Numbers Lady knows that.  She ran Jorch's birthday against Lou Gossett's, and Lou's star didn't even register.

Also, Jorch is mentioned in the Torah Code, and Lou didn't even play anybody who is in the Torah.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 04, 2015, 08:26:15 PM
Prepared with help from Tommy, here are Jorch's cue cards for tonight's interview with Louis Gossett Jr...

How long did it take for LG to realize he was on live radio with a lazy moron?  With first time guests at some point there is often stunned silence, a note of surprise in their voice, something, to indicate the moment has arrived.

I almost feel sympathy for guests who come on just assuming someone hosting their own radio program is of at least average intelligence, prepares for the show, and is able to communicate - but of course it's their own fault for not checking to see what they are getting themselves into ahead of time..

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