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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



re: GN shaving his 'stache ... it'll only take a day or so for it to crawl back. 


Quote from: wotr1 on September 24, 2014, 11:56:02 AM
Hilarious... I was going to ask if it is the infamous Hawaiian studio.  I suppose it is portable.

it appears to be on skids. portability for loo-tenet jorch


Dropping an intelligent, well-spoken guest who hadn't been on in five years really annoyed me, so I emailed Stewart Pearce:

QuoteMr Pearce -

I was enjoying your appearance on this evening’s Coast to Coast AM radio show but was disappointed when it was abruptly cut from the announced two hours to one.  I hope it’s not another five years before you return. Your insights were fascinating.


His reply:

QuoteDear (Immy),

Thank you so for listening to CoasttoCoast!

I was also very surprised when the line went dead, because my Publicist was told I had two hours â€" cest la vie!

The attached may interest you. [various related links]

Angelic Blessings

Premier, this is the team of unprofessionals you have working for you.  >:(

Quote from: Immy on September 24, 2014, 12:53:04 PM
Dropping an intelligent, well-spoken guest who hadn't been on in five years really annoyed me, so I emailed Stewart Pearce:

His reply:

Premier, this is the team of unprofessionals you have working for you.  >:(

Wow, I thought Noory or someone at the studio would at least let them go politely off-air, not just hang up.  Absolutely unprofessional.


"...when the line went dead"
I've contacted a few C2C guests who were dropped mid-segment. It's Noory's typical rudeness when he can't ask a relevant or topical question.  I was enjoying Pearce as an interesting and articulate guest for a change, even if his topic is way out there.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Immy on September 24, 2014, 12:53:04 PM
Dropping an intelligent, well-spoken guest who hadn't been on in five years really annoyed me, so I emailed Stewart Pearce:

His reply:

Premier, this is the team of unprofessionals you have working for you.  >:(

I'm not shocked Noor Co. just hangs up on their guest when they either disagree, or Noory can't keep up. They are truly a sad bunch.

Quote from: Jorch Einstein on September 24, 2014, 11:54:15 AM
Since Jorch shaved off his 'stache, he should just glue a black cockroach to his upper lip. Would look real good. And anyhoo, when his new 'stache starts growing in, he'll have to start dying it black right away, or it won't match the black shoe polish on his hair.

Or perhaps a NooyPillar


Turns out there is also a TommyPillar


Another New Age huxster in the first hour, who I was going to turn off, until he started talking about Glastonbury. I drove to Glastonbury from London in May of 2000. It's a great town, and the only place in Britain I could easily find a vegetarian meal... but way too many New Agers for my taste. Usually when I visit an area over-run by New Agers, I have the urge to bolt for greener pastures. However, Glastonbury is such a pleasant village, and Wells Cathedral with the bell-ringing swans is a few miles down the road, so I decided to stay on a bit despite all the New Agers. Like the guest, I climbed Tor Hill and sat inside the Tor. I didn't see angels, but I did see a great view of the surrounding countryside.

If this guy really did talk to angels, then why didn't they tell him that the Mayan 2012 scam was a psy-op going back at least 40 years and pounded to death by C2C host and guests for at least 17 years? I'm not going to let this fade away like all the other inaccurate predictions and fear-porn pushed by C2C for as long as I've been listening. It amazes me how fast people forget failed predictions by "professional psychics", or else make excuses for wrong predictions. As we all know, Jorch will agree with any guest on any subject, even if what he is agreeing about is the opposite what he agreed with the night before. Therefore it surprised me when, instead of agreeing with the New Ager on a point, he repeated several times: "many people would agree with you on that". I think he said it several times because not agreeing is so new to him, he had to practice it... to strengthen his resolve. Could the Snooron be developing a nascent backbone?


How many times did the British "angel viewing" guest respond to George's question with a variant of:
"as I just said"
"as I was saying"
"like I just mentioned"
and so on....does he even listen to the guests or is he playing a game on a computer or watching something on tv during interviews?

Quote from: albrecht on September 24, 2014, 08:07:00 PM
How many times did the British "angel viewing" guest respond to George's question with a variant of:
"as I just said"
"as I was saying"
"like I just mentioned"
and so on....does he even listen to the guests or is he playing a game on a computer or watching something on tv during interviews?

During the show Jorch is either shopping online for black hair dye or shopping for sex toys for him and Tommy.


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on September 24, 2014, 08:37:08 PM
During the show Jorch is either shopping online for black hair dye or shopping for sex toys for him and Tommy.

or cruising bellgab.

Quote from: albrecht on September 24, 2014, 08:07:00 PM
How many times did the British "angel viewing" guest respond to George's question with a variant of:
"as I just said"
"as I was saying"
"like I just mentioned"
and so on....does he even listen to the guests or is he playing a game on a computer or watching something on tv during interviews?

That was probably why he got kicked. George's very first question after the guest's long introduction was followed by a very long (and I think angry) pause, and then the guest collecting himself and saying something like "as I was just saying..."

If he wanted two hours with George, he simply needed to say "That's an excellent question."  Would have that been so hard?


Quote from: Immy on September 24, 2014, 12:53:04 PM
Dropping an intelligent, well-spoken guest who hadn't been on in five years really annoyed me, so I emailed Stewart Pearce:

His reply:

Premier, this is the team of unprofessionals you have working for you.  >:(

Wow. Just wow. I shouldn't be, but I am shocked. Disgraceful and unprofessional on any level. He calls us haters and comes on here claiming to want to learn and improve. Fucking hypocrite.
We heard from a reliable source that he was paid to attend an event. He was only obliged to be in attendance for a few hours, but his only concern was how quickly he could duck out and get to a bar to drink and sing karaoke. Which he promptly did.
George Noory does not only suck, he is a nasty sack of shit.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on September 24, 2014, 09:49:50 PM
Wow. Just wow. I shouldn't be, but I am shocked. Disgraceful and unprofessional on any level.
This one does seem a little much even for Coast and Noory.  Somehow I am still a little surprised that nobody would even get on the line to lie.  "sorry, we are having technical difficulties on our end" or some other excuse (I am sure that nobody there could possibly summon the backbone to say that the interview just is not going well.)

To just hang up is the equivalent of asking somebody to accompany you to a party, making a point to ignore them and leaving without them.  It just should not be done regardless of how bad the date was.

Yes, that sleazy little cretin has the nerve to insult his critics...

on tonight's show, we will learn how to protect ourselves from e-bowl-a with


Noory is quoting French President Francois Hollande. Only this cretin....ONLY this fucking moron..... could turn that into Francois Hollonday and deliver it in a distinctly Spanish accent.

He's giving us his nuanced solution to the ISIS fighters again. 'Take 'em all out. Boom!'


The guest says that 1 in 12 people - 600 million people - are living with viral hepatitis. Noory blurts out 'Pamela Anderson is one of them!' Wtf??? I have visions of an outsize Baywatch poster on Noory's bedroom wall.
He then says that he wants to talk more about 'this Ebolic' after the break and follows it up with The Bee Gees' I Started A Joke.
It's all getting a long, long way beyond a joke.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on September 24, 2014, 11:45:11 PM
The guest says that 1 in 12 people - 600 million people - are living with viral hepatitis. Noory blurts out 'Pamela Anderson is one of them!'

It's a Pavlovian response.  Noory hears a noun and he has to blurt out the only thing he knows about it.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on September 24, 2014, 11:45:11 PM
The guest says that 1 in 12 people - 600 million people - are living with viral hepatitis. Noory blurts out 'Pamela Anderson is one of them!' Wtf??? I have visions of an outsize Baywatch poster on Noory's bedroom wall.
He then says that he wants to talk more about 'this Ebolic' after the break and follows it up with The Bee Gees' I Started A Joke.
It's all getting a long, long way beyond a joke.

I can't imagine how he has any friends because he would just randomly blurt out whatever ailments they have when the topic comes up. The Bee Gees song is just an epic failure, or maybe an inside joke because Noory seems to think all sorts of stuff is fake... like 9/11 and ISIS. Plus he at one pointed questioned if ebola was real when the people were being brought back to the US for treatment.


Why doesn't sNoory go to Africa and report on ebola? Hell, I'd donate money to send him. One way.

Quote from: SnoorysStache on September 25, 2014, 12:30:22 AM
Why doesn't sNoory go to Africa and report on ebola? Hell, I'd donate money to send him. One way.

That's not a good idea.  if Noory goes there and starts broadcasting his alternative medical advice, we might as well just write off the entire continent right now.

well it looks like we are being tricked into watching beyonbleef if only to see NoStacheNoorys new look

George's solution to Ebola is to drink diluted bleach  ::).  He had his aha! moment when the guest taught him that bleach kills viruses.

omfg noory just found the cure for ebola!
drink bleach!
"not straight out the bottle, dilute it"


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 25, 2014, 12:52:53 AM
George's solution to Ebola is to drink diluted bleach  ::)

Hell, I'll donate the bleach if Nooron will drink it!  ;D

Quote from: narcissist noory on September 25, 2014, 12:56:12 AM
omfg noory just found the cure for ebola!
drink bleach!
"not straight out the bottle, dilute it"

Fuck, the FCC should crack down on this shit.

isn't it illegal to give people dangerous medical advice?

Nick el Ass

Quote from: narcissist noory on September 25, 2014, 12:42:24 AM
well it looks like we are being tricked into watching beyonbleef if only to see NoStacheNoorys new look

Everyone will need eye bleach after seeing what is hiding behind that stache of his. Note to readers: On second thought in no way, shape, or form would actually advocate pouring bleach in your eyes to eliminate scary images... unlike Noory.

Quote from: nooryisawesome on September 25, 2014, 01:27:25 AM
Fuck, the FCC should crack down on this shit.

isn't it illegal to give people dangerous medical advice?

I always thought so... and would love to see them put a stop this moron before someone decides to follow his advice.

Nick el Ass

Don't these people know that Jack Kennedy was in a rest home in Texas with Elvis.

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