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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: George Drooly on September 30, 2014, 06:15:34 PM
How long did it take George to report on the meteorite in Russia? Several days, I believe.

"Hearz whutz happned, get reddy for that."

I find George is usually a little behind on the news.  He doesn't have time to look up at the Fox News feed over his head (according to this article) during his eight hours of show prep.  He usually interrupts with 'this just in' in the middle of his broadcast after finally getting a chance to search Google while his guest yammers on about something or another.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 30, 2014, 06:30:36 PM
I find George is usually a little behind on the news.  He doesn't have time to look up at the Fox News feed over his head (according to this article) during his eight hours of show prep.  He usually interrupts with 'this just in' in the middle of his broadcast after finally getting a chance to search Google while his guest yammers on about something or another.

Like he did with the last solar flare even with his emp campaign in full swing. George interrupted his guest for a split second to mention it as breaking news many hours after it happened, and then dropped immediately.

Last night was the first time I've ever heard condolences being offered to a dead person. Jorch also briefly mentioned that he needs a miracle. What? Could there be trouble in paradise? Has someone suddenly become concerned about hemorrhaging listenership? Does Jorch have a clause in his contract that states he can be terminated if listenership dips too low? This was one of those rare, quick almost under the breath comments he makes when he feels worried about something. It's totally different that his usual yap-flapping.

George Drooly

The only news that pertains to "breaking" in that studio is whatever chair Tommy is sitting on


Yep. The Big E is first up. 'I hate to say "I told you so..." '
We're all doomed. If only we'd listened to Prophet Joorch.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on September 30, 2014, 11:11:22 PM
Yep. The Big E is first up. 'I hate to say "I told you so..." '
We're all doomed. If only we'd listened to Prophet Joorch.

Yep he sure told us.  He told us they shouldn't bring two care workers back from Africa for treatment who he decided really didn't have Ebola anyway.  If only we had listened.  We might have prevented the government from knowing what they were doing and given ourselves a false sense of security, thus overlooking other possible entry points for Ebola.  Yep, good thing George is on the job.


Joorch wants to run his Sandy Hook as false flag theory, but doesn't have the guts to put it upfront as something he believes. Instead, he wraps it up in 'I've been reading reports that some people think....' For 'other people' read Alex Jones. Thank God his guest gave this abomination of an idea short shrift.

Nick el Ass

Tuned in just in time to hear George say they are there until they die... so the justices are almost like popes. I forgot tonights abomination was about the judicial system.

Quote from: Nick el Ass on September 30, 2014, 11:46:07 PM
Tuned in just in time to hear George say they are there until they die... so the justices are almost like popes. I forgot tonights abomination was about the judicial system.

You mean I've got to listen to this guy for another hour?

Nick el Ass

George is slurring his words a little more than usual, and stuttering bad. I think the low ratings might be driving him to drink.

I'm sure glad my station cancels out all of Noory's fly-by-night ads.

Quote from: Nick el Ass on September 30, 2014, 11:53:55 PM
George is slurring his words a little more than usual, and stuttering bad. I think the low ratings might be driving him to drink.
it's been mentioned before and i have to agree,it's the only explanation for the wide swings between the typical sewer level sucking and just unbearable

George said something like 'Justice is blind.. blah blah blah.  Do you think it's still the best system we have today?"
Nah, I think injustice is better, George.

It was more explicit than that.  Unfortunately I'm having problems with my internet connection so I forgot the exact quote by the time I got the chance to post this.

Nick el Ass

One caller talks about an apparently narcoleptic judge that fell asleep for 20 minutes during a trial (George's response was what a riot) followed by a drug dealing, murderous judge in a small town (response nothing of value). I think moving the show to Cali has allowed the Hollywood script writers to have something to do when not ruining perfectly good movies. .

Nick el Ass

Damn, I think the C2C callers are drunk too.

Quote from: Nick el Ass on October 01, 2014, 12:53:59 AM
Damn, I think the C2C callers are drunk too.

George needs to start hocking whiskey.  He might build his audience back up.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 01, 2014, 12:59:00 AM
George needs to start hocking whiskey.  He might build his audience back up.

I know... George can start offering free booze, and drugs to all the people who sign up to watch Beyond Belief.  Gotta get em hooked some way.

Walter Cruttenden, the current guest, is an investment banker and not an astronomer of physicist or professional "archeo-astronomer."  Take that for what it is worth.



Ok I admit it, this "second sun" topic is one of my pet faves - so I'm pleased that George actually got through that first segment ok without me wanting to smash my radio.  Let's keep the streak goin.

136 or 142

I believe the guest just said "Babylon Battery".  Surely he meant "Baghdad Battery"


I have to say, sNooryon is in particular form tonight?  Or so I've been lad to belive...

Just tuned in, and I say, he's on about the same things.  You yanks really let him run riot don't you?

So, Sorry, just channeling Maggie the Iron Bitch there...

Something about flowers,and not letting you, oh wait that was the song...

ANd the guest host...

PAS: twatsn't a dream, twas rael!  The guy kept trying to 'brush the dust of your dick"  what did he mean by that?


Endor plumbing...

Yeah, Pukel men (people) want to talk to you!

He's also been accused of fraud in financial matters:


A private spat between two of Orange County's best-known investment advisors turned public this week when Byron Roth, chairman of Newport Beach-based Cruttenden Roth, accused his partner and former boss of stealing clients and employees for a new Internet venture.

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Orange County Superior Court, Cruttenden Roth and Irvine-based Fidelity National Financial--which owns an 18% stake in the investment banker--accused the firm's founder, Walter Cruttenden III, of fraud, breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty.

Cruttenden, who resigned as chairman of Cruttenden Roth last fall but retains about a 13% stake, declined to comment Friday. A spokesman denied all of the suit's allegations.

"The lawsuit is baseless," said Jim Heinzman, a spokesman for Cruttenden. "Instead of blaming someone else for their problems, Cruttenden Roth should concentrate on their own business."


Easy answer to the question to "How did two stars form in a single system?"

George, I tell you the answer is:


Makes as much sense as the guy that you chose to answer the question...

Two forces, i.e. the pupae phase of the grey alien (BIGFOOT) and the other Reptilian phase where they are faking moon landings...

It is clear.  In a hexadecimal notation of the same...


I was watching a documentary on Ghurkas that was recommended on another thread when I went into the kitchen.  Naturally, coast was on and I heard the guest ask if Jorch has ever served on a jury (Noory said that being in the media he is disqualified.) 

The guest went on to say (without even giggling once) that "you, obviously, are a very smart and very persuasive guy."  Does Tommy demand in advance that guests plant their lips firmly on Georges ass at least once during the interview?  How can anybody actually say that to George (and why would they?)

tonight for the first time the guest was so tired of trying to decipher snoorons questions that he handed the interview over to his friend temporarily, so he could go bang his head against the wall

Nick el Ass

George impersonating James Earl Jones was hilariously bad. The man sucks at everything.


Endemic Void - Enlightenment

edit:  Not sure, don't give me that...  Whatever, Idiocracy is the best movie or the greatest movie I've ever seen...


It is awwsome that DickBroom continues to broadcast!  Again, I say this should be a testament to the severely disabled, whether they be congenital or genitally disabled, THIS GUY, should be a monument to you all.  He over-achieves his cant-remember-poo-poo

I am as equal as you are, and I say:


Dammit, I can't retretch-resent...  I doo apologize, Noory retch...

Dimitri From Paris - Okinawa Love feat. Kisen Horino


George Noory to guest:  "Stephen Hawking does not believe in God.  What do you think of that?"

It's nobody's business whether or not Hawking believes in God, moron. 

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