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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Jackstar on May 06, 2014, 06:24:50 AM




You think you are cool and witty, don't you?  But you are not, you are offensive and a troll.  Why not contribute in some real way to discussions instead of being such a child?

Guys, I fell asleep during the harp stuff, is this another instance of Noory agreeing with everything the guest asserts and being mindless with his questions?  I suppose he now thinks his job doesn't require effort...  I am so weary of Noory, listening to Art is so polar opposite, I don't always agree with Art, but I don't find myself grumbling "Oh shut up, idiot!" like I do with the Nooron.  Why must radio be so controlled by idiots and wingnuts?


Quote from: laserjock on May 06, 2014, 12:16:13 PM
You think you are cool and witty, don't you?  But you are not, you are offensive and a troll.
I am rubber, and you are glue.

QuoteWhy not contribute in some real way to discussions instead of being such a child?
I reject your reality, and replace it with my own.

QuoteWhy must radio be so controlled by idiots and wingnuts?
Why indeed?


Quote from: awake on May 06, 2014, 06:05:16 AM

Completely agree.  The asshat attempts to hijack every thread with his/her particular brand of bullshit.  I finally reported him yesterday and have my fingers crossed that some action is taken.

The first amendment can't just apply to people you don't agree with.  There were too many Art Bell themed fansites in the past that were to the point of being "too censored."  You didn't agree with what the board mods thought, you got kicked.  MV has addressed this topic in the past.

There's been times in the past that Art Bell (and other hosts I do believe) have had to explain to people how a radio works.  It has a knob, and a button.  The knob is used to adjust the radio to select what it is that you wish to listen to.  Here, it's under "Your Profile" and the "How to ignore another user."  There's a thread here that gives directions in the "How Too Use BellGab" section.  I personally don't go that route because I believe in the first amendment too much, and if anyone is publicly saying shit about me I'd like to know.

The button, of course, is used to turn it on or off.  I'm sure we'd hate to see someone go ("The people we miss on this awesome forum" thread proves this), but ultimately it's your choice.

There are things that 100% WILL get you booted from here.  Posting another member's personal information is one example, especially if there is malice in forethought.  I'm sure there are others... MV is the guy you would want to discuss that with.  Please remember though it is a little hypocritical if you happen to be a member that posts on here insulting shit about Noory, but gets hot and bothered when someone says something about you.  What gets to me sometimes is when that triggered is pulled too quickly, or when stuff gets TOO personal, but even then if you talk about yourself, you can open yourself up to it... but hey, talking about yourself and getting other people's perspectives can also lead to personal growth.

The user you was referring to... I'll refer you to the Art Bell Quits Dark Matter thread.  We had a talk a couple days ago...


 Did anyone hear George turn off his computer while saying goodnight to the guest and when the shutdown tones came over the air the a-hole did his "Did you do that?" To which the guest said "no" so,predictably,George denied,denied denied.Why lie about something so meaningless? He is a pathological liar as many have said here. GNS


Quote from: albrecht on May 06, 2014, 11:50:34 AM
... George deserves a Marconi award ...

Doesn't he sNoory already have a Macaroni award?  I heard he designed it himself, ah, here's a pic (he keeps it on the wall in the Hawaiian studio I think...):


man I hope the pic goes through, you can really see that sNoory was trying hard to make the award look good...


Quote from: bigchucka on May 06, 2014, 12:45:59 PM
...Here, it's under "Your Profile" and the "How to ignore another user."  There's a thread here that gives directions in the "How Too Use BellGab" section.  I personally don't go that route because I believe in the first amendment too much ...

Just a note on the ignore feature ... I don't use it much, but for the few users I want blocked I wish I could expunge them totally from my view of the site.  It's sucks to have the constant reminders "So-and-so has posted, do you want to read it?" and also people quoting them too.  I want them gone, like the way disgraced Roman emperors would be scrubbed from city monuments!  Anyway I mentioned this on the How-to-use thread once but I think this is the best we got, and at least it blocks the worst of it.

[politics mode on] By the way I agree with you in a strong defense of the 1st amendment, but just because someone has the right to speak they don't have the right to force me to listen by screaming in my ear day after day. Just sayin. [politics mode off]

... And now we return you to our regularly scheduled Noory Suck-a-thon.


Quote from: laserjock on May 05, 2014, 06:56:14 PM
Jackstar, you need to be site banned.  How many here like this guy's posts, anyone, someone?

Agreed, Jackstar has a problem.  A big problem.


Quote from: zeebo on May 06, 2014, 05:46:37 PM
I want them gone, like the way disgraced Roman emperors would be scrubbed from city monuments!  Anyway I mentioned this on the How-to-use thread once but I think this is the best we got, and at least it blocks the worst of it.

Once again, my brain jumps from Roman to Greek to Themistocles to the term you may have been going for... Ostracism.


Which would really apply here as it wasn't a permanent ban...


I've seen a bunch of whinypants crybabies complaining about my behavior here, and yet, mysteriously, only two people have bothered to contact me, about whatever their sandy taint problem was.

If it isn't bad enough to complain about to me personally, is it really bad enough to complain about? Well, I suppose for some of you, that is exactly the case.

My behavior is not always the best. My moon is in Gemini, so just give it a minute--it'll change.

My boundless sorrow and regret over your hurt feelings that are my responsibility will remain with me forever. You have my word on that.


Quote from: Jackstar on May 06, 2014, 06:18:05 PM
I've seen a bunch of whinypants crybabies complaining about my behavior here, and yet, mysteriously, only two people have bothered to contact me, about whatever their sandy taint problem was.

If it isn't bad enough to complain about to me personally, is it really bad enough to complain about? Well, I suppose for some of you, that is exactly the case.

My behavior is not always the best. My moon is in Gemini, so just give it a minute--it'll change.

My boundless sorrow and regret over your hurt feelings that are my responsibility will remain with me forever. You have my word on that.

fair point. at the same time if one person calls you out, it may just be them. If several people call you out, probably you.


Quote from: bigchucka on May 06, 2014, 05:59:56 PM
Once again, my brain jumps from Roman to Greek to Themistocles to the term you may have been going for... Ostracism.


Which would really apply here as it wasn't a permanent ban...

That's close, and probably more appropriate, but I was going for the more extreme version (as I tend to speak in hyperbole)   :)



Quote from: Jackstar on May 06, 2014, 06:18:05 PM
I've seen a bunch of whinypants crybabies complaining about my behavior here, and yet, mysteriously, only two people have bothered to contact me, about whatever their sandy taint problem was.

If it isn't bad enough to complain about to me personally, is it really bad enough to complain about? Well, I suppose for some of you, that is exactly the case.

My behavior is not always the best. My moon is in Gemini, so just give it a minute--it'll change.

My boundless sorrow and regret over your hurt feelings that are my responsibility will remain with me forever. You have my word on that.
Ah,we see we can add "superstitious" to your already well documented foibles of lewdness and paranoia.While two of those we can chalk up as acceptable eccentricities it`s the lewdness that has almost got you banned.You would do well to remember there are women who post here that may take offense to your ribald sense of humor.A quick self-censure of your posts will save you boundless sorrow and regret-and on that,sir,you have my word.


Quote from: Izintit? on May 06, 2014, 07:22:16 PM
Ah,we see we can add "superstitious" to your already well documented foibles of lewdness and paranoia.While two of those we can chalk up as acceptable eccentricities it`s the lewdness that has almost got you banned.You would do well to remember there are women who post here that may take offense to your ribald sense of humor.A quick self-censure of your posts will save you boundless sorrow and regret-and on that,sir,you have my word.

Women-wise it's a fine line between ribald and lewd.  The former you can maybe get away with, the latter, not so much.   :)


Quote from: narcissist noory on May 06, 2014, 08:41:24 PM
Looking forward to tonight's show!

I checked out the topics....yes, it sounds like a potentially great program.  I hope Noory shuts his mouth and allows his guests to "take over".   ;)


Quote from: zeebo on May 06, 2014, 06:23:50 PM
That's close, and probably more appropriate, but I was going for the more extreme version (as I tend to speak in hyperbole)   :)


I read it.  Reminded me on an interview I heard a couple months ago.  It was with Chris Benoit's son.  The subject of the WWE Hall Of Fame came up, and he believes his father should be allowed in.


Quote from: zeebo on May 06, 2014, 07:43:06 PM
Women-wise it's a fine line between ribald and lewd.

Quote from: Izintit? on May 06, 2014, 07:22:16 PM
A quick self-censure of your posts will save you boundless sorrow and regret-and on that,sir,you have my word.

If anyone would care to see the video YouTube found for me, that I considered posting as a reply here, and then quickly self-censored myself from sharing--simply send me a private message.


Quote from: Nebraska888 on May 06, 2014, 08:55:48 PM
I checked out the topics....yes, it sounds like a potentially great program.  ...

Gobekli Tepe?  Didn't we just have an Ancient Aliens segment last nite?



Quote from: Izintit? on May 06, 2014, 07:22:16 PM
Ah,we see we can add "superstitious" to your already well documented foibles of lewdness and paranoia.While two of those we can chalk up as acceptable eccentricities it`s the lewdness that has almost got you banned.You would do well to remember there are women who post here that may take offense to your ribald sense of humor.A quick self-censure of your posts will save you boundless sorrow and regret-and on that,sir,you have my word.

Sweet!  Someone used the word "superstitious", so that means today's episode relates to the post...  Actually relates to the whole damn conversation that was going on this forum today....



When Snoron first mentioned this guest in the intro, he just said he's done a movie about "Shasta".  I was like, you mean the soda?  Turns out it's Mount Shasta.



During tomorrow's economy roundtable show, Jorch will be sitting at the kiddie table with a juice box while the adults talk.


Quote from: zeebo on May 06, 2014, 11:32:05 PM
When Snoron first mentioned this guest in the intro, he just said he's done a movie about "Shasta".  I was like, you mean the soda?  Turns out it's Mount Shasta.


Nothing like working with a mother and daughter and having the mom come up to a group of people and mention the fact that her and her daughter were on a nationally televised talk show.  The reason?  Her daughter when she was a teenager decided to go to a party and was involved in a gangbang.

Juan Cena

Quote from: karios8 on May 06, 2014, 11:44:25 PM
During tomorrow's economy roundtable show, Jorch will be sitting at the kiddie table with a juice box while the adults talk.

I'm sure "roundtable" means that Snory will wind up interviewing guests separately, without them actually interacting. 

Damn those Archons!  They are not of the Body! Guide us, Landru!



Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on May 07, 2014, 12:54:51 AM
Damn those Archons!  They are not of the Body! Guide us, Landru!

GN: How much of a problem is the Archon situation?

Guest: Oh it's our number one problem!

Quote from: Juan Cena on May 07, 2014, 12:11:35 AM
I'm sure "roundtable" means that Snory will wind up interviewing guests separately, without them actually interacting.

Looks like they will be on all at once, should be an epic clusterfuk

Quote from: zeebo on May 07, 2014, 12:59:08 AM
GN: How much of a problem is the Archon situation?

Guest: Oh it's our number one problem!

That would be funny if i didn't recently find myself in the crosshairs of an narcissist/sociopath which is what this guy is saying that an archon is

Chances are good that there's at least a couple even on here, who could it be?


Grrr, I got so sick of Jorch's fucktard interruptions tonite. I paraphrase:

Jorch: We got to Steve, truck driving in [somewhere], hey there Steven!  >:(

Steve [to the guest]: Were you on Mt Shasta for the covergence?

Guest: Oh sure I was...

Jorch: Been there, done that Steven.

Shut TFU asshat, and let the guest finish his answer.

Anyone else seeing into Jorch's pathetic, wimpy childhood story about all the neighbor kids nailing him with squirt guns and going crying home to mommy? Instead of teaching him to defend himself, she fights his battle with a bucket of water. Not only is this insight into how insufferable he's been to most people for most of his life, but Tommy is now the new Mommy, wielding a hangup button instead of a bucket. It's all coming together.


George is the most pathetic talk show host going now. He always interrupts the callers, the guests all the time. Especially when they are on a good point about something he cuts them right off. You can listen to most of it during his news segment. He is getting worse. Strangely enough Ian Punnett kissed Noory's ass the other night like he is the inferior of the two hosts. Not even Ian should put himself to such low standards.

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