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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: zeebo on May 03, 2014, 06:30:21 PM
harp music speeds healing in ICU patients,
Q: Why do cats purr?

The answer may surprise you.

QuoteA domestic cat's purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz, which happens to be the frequency at which muscles and bones best grow and repair themselves. It is, therefore, speculated that cats naturally evolved their purr over time as a survival tactic â€" a biomechanical healing mechanism that ensured speedier recoveries.


Quote from: zeebo on May 03, 2014, 06:30:21 PM
Damn, I was hoping for a Knapp show this Sun., but when I saw the show title, "Manifesting/ Harnessing Energy", it had Noory suckage written all over it, and alas it is so.  (I bolded the sucky bits for your convenience.)

In the first half, harpist, author and energy healer Carrol McLaughlin discusses her participation in scientific studies that show how harp music speeds healing in ICU patients, as well as her work teaching others to manifest opportunity in their lives. In the second half, clairvoyant energy worker Rich Ralston shares his journey and the techniques he uses to harness the abundant energy available everywhere, and channel it for personal power. Hosted by George Noory.

yes its super snoory suck sunday.


Noory's attempted to re-write c2cam history with former weekend host John B. Wells last night with a caller during open lines.
He now claims Wells wasn't fired, but quit on his own.
This is totally contrary to many articles that came out at the time a few months back, including this one:

Art Bell weighs in on the present Coast To Coast AM controversy

I got a email from George saying they wanted to return c2c more to its roots with more paranormal shows. Thats why Wells was not renewed.

Jorch is a liar.


Yep. I even remember when he said the words 'different direction' on air one night. Someone called in to ask what was going on with JBW and that was part of the answer Jorch gave. And I remember being marginally impressed that he was handing the situation in a professional manner by not talking smack about JBW. Jorch was very terse with the caller and hung up quickly, which makes me wonder if last night's caller was the same guy. Hmmm.


I wouldn't think too harshly of Noory for being commonly polite and not announcing that Wells was fired.  In such a narcissistic business, what goes around comes around. I do remember his "different direction" remark sometime around Bell's self-inflicted fail-to-launch on Sirius.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on May 03, 2014, 07:50:23 PM
Bell's self-inflicted fail-to-launch on Sirius.


At the end, you can see them all running back to post in the Art Bell Quits Dark Matter thread.


At the risk of turning this into a JBW thread, I have to say that I started reading the above-linked article, but stopped. The author is clearly a big fan of Wells--I am not. I found Wells entertaining for awhile, but he lost me with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. There were other things, too, but that stood out. This author feels that Wells was cast out for telling too much "truth"--that's fine, he has his reality. I have mine.

Quote from: VtaGeezer on May 03, 2014, 07:50:23 PM
I wouldn't think too harshly of Noory for being commonly polite and not announcing that Wells was fired.  In such a narcissistic business, what goes around comes around. I do remember his "different direction" remark sometime around Bell's self-inflicted fail-to-launch on Sirius.

I agree but Noory does not need to lie about it either.
He could have simply said Wells is doing Caravan to Midnight and that he wishes him well.

Seriously how hard is that?

No, I think George was pissed off Wells had better ratings. If you were ever a streamlink member you could tell that Wells's shows had vastly more listens to than Noory shows. Also, I take Wells at his work when he said Saturday nights sometimes had higher ratings than mon-thurs combined.


Quote from: ItsOver on May 03, 2014, 06:38:11 PM
Yes, it's a Snoory Super Sunday Suckfest with the Screeching Submerging artists.  Thanks Jorch, for ruining the first Sunday of the month!

Oh frig it's Sunday's Submerging Subway Sandwich Artists too?  Talk about kicking us when we're down.  It's not enough Jorch gorges himself on turkee sammiches, but he's gotta foist those turkees on us too?


Quote from: Morgus on May 03, 2014, 07:01:17 PM

Art Bell weighs in on the present Coast To Coast AM controversy

Reminds me of the two things Chael Sonnen wanted Anderson Silva to do.  Make weight and show up.


Quote from: yumyumtree on May 03, 2014, 09:09:16 PM
he lost me with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. There were other things, too, but that stood out.

Do you really take that event at face value?


Quote from: Birdie on May 03, 2014, 07:30:14 PM
Yep. I even remember when he said the words 'different direction' on air one night. Someone called in to ask what was going on with JBW and that was part of the answer Jorch gave. And I remember being marginally impressed that he was handing the situation in a professional manner by not talking smack about JBW. Jorch was very terse with the caller and hung up quickly, which makes me wonder if last night's caller was the same guy. Hmmm.
I believe last night's caller was the same guy from before, since he mentioned he had been cut off by Noory when he asked about Wells a couple months ago...

Quote from: Jackstar on May 03, 2014, 11:19:45 PM
Noory isn't hosting tonight. You know, for people who are wrong a lot... you guys sure post a lot.

The Snorge is hosting Sunday.

Following Art's SIT show will be George's SHIT show


Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 03, 2014, 11:55:29 PM
The Snorge is hosting Sunday...

Haha, yeah I may be wrong alot, but at least I know what friggin day it is.   :D


It is Sunday.

Quote from: yumyumtree on May 04, 2014, 12:00:51 AM

lol. Won't you be surprised. Where are you at with the 2013 Boston Marathon?

by chance you wouldn't also believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by terrorists armed with box cutters would ya?
Quote from: yumyumtree on May 04, 2014, 12:00:51 AM


Oh yeah, guys with box cutters and a guy in a cave can totally schedule an identical N.O.R.A.D. exercise for the exact same time as a co-ordinated assault.


Quote from: Jackstar on May 04, 2014, 12:25:13 AM
Oh yeah, guys with box cutters and a guy in a cave can totally schedule an identical N.O.R.A.D. exercise for the exact same time as a co-ordinated assault.

That could have been random coincidence.  Same with the people who made a fuckton shorting the stocks and made a fortune.  What I always thought was the "smoking gun" there was the story about the Lloyd's of London lawsuit.  Rich, powerful insurance company... who did they sue to recoup some of the money they had to pay out to settle insurance claims?  Not the United States for failing to protect it.... not the Afganistani government for harboring Bin Laden....


Quote from: Jackstar on May 04, 2014, 12:56:23 AM
Dinner with your sister. Now.
If he doesn't have a sister, can he wear the wig instead?


Quote from: paladin1991 on May 04, 2014, 01:20:56 AM
If he doesn't have a sister, can he wear the wig instead?

If he doesn't have a sister, it'll be him in the sling, with Donald Rumsfeld's penis, with you pushing.


Quote from: Jackstar on May 04, 2014, 01:24:27 AM
If he doesn't have a sister, it'll be him in the sling, with Donald Rumsfeld's penis, with you pushing.
*channeling Harvey Korman portraying Hedy Lamarr* Kiinky.


Quote from: Jackstar on May 04, 2014, 12:56:23 AM
Dinner with your sister. Now.

Thanks for that.  Seriously.  Anyone who knows the both us in real life... I'd be able to show them that message and get a laugh out of them.  Guaranteed 100% Chance.  Then again, there's some members here that think you're not right in the head either.


Quote from: bigchucka on May 04, 2014, 02:56:09 AM
there's some members here that think you're not right in the head either.

Shirley, it's just a random coincidence.


Quote from: Abby Normal on May 04, 2014, 05:29:57 AM

I third that.

There's no actual evidence out there that would have me believe otherwise.


Quote from: PerfectTommy on May 04, 2014, 06:55:49 AM
I third that.

There's no actual evidence out there that would have me believe otherwise.

Sometimes you don't have actual evidence until the documents are declassified fifty years down the line.  Just saying.

I don't agree with Wells statement that is was completely staged and no kids were killed, though.  I think what caused it though was a failure in the way this country handles its mentally ill.  Too busy spending our money on other dumbass shit.  Banning a kind of gun isn't going to solve the problem either, because if a crazy fucker wants to take out a bunch of people there's plenty ways of figuring out how to do so that doesn't even involve a gun.

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