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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Morgus on March 12, 2014, 01:42:19 AM
Thats Noory's Standard Operating Procedure for dumping guests...
Usually, he give the lame bad connection excuse. I cannot believe he didn't mention anything at all after the break. At the very least, he should have given the guest's name again and some 'aw, too bad' platitudes about getting him back on at some point. Even if it was obvious he was trying to dump him. Jorch is so very rude sometimes.

Gassy Man

I'd rather listen to the other guy than Fanthorpe.

The quantum creativity guy sounded like it could have been an interesting segment. George dumped him of course.

I think George isn't paying attention to Fanthrope. Probably thinks of him as more time for his turkey sandwich.

George is nailing the French pronunciations.   


Quote from: Morgus on March 12, 2014, 01:20:55 AM
Noory clearly looking to dump this guest early after he started coughing  for a bit.
Maybe the guest's accent is annoying Noory?
Expect after the bottom of the hour break for Noory to come up with some excuse like his phone connnection went dead mysteriously?  8)

Great call on George dumping the guest!

It's Wednesday and I can survive another week, thanks to these programs tonight through Friday on artbell.com - jimmychurchradio.com. Jimmy Church is sitting in for Art Bell.  Do you think C2C will poach these guests since they don't do too well picking their own?

MAR 12 Wed. 7-10pm pacific LIVE  DOCUMENTARY: MIRAGE MEN ROLAND DENNING/MARK PILKINGTON UFOs: weapons of mass deception.

​MAR 13 Thursday 7-10pm pacific LIVE   MACK MALONEY/UFOs IN WARTIME

MAR 14 Friday 7-10pm pacific LIVE DR. MICHIO KAKU


Quote from: Mels-hole1984 on March 12, 2014, 01:30:12 AM
Morgus, you totally called that one.
I was kind of hoping George would give Amit Goswami the heave-ho.  Thick accent plus muffled connection equals I don't know what you're talking about.  But why did William Engdahl get dumped?  While I wasn't thrilled with his cheap shots at neo-cons, Dick Cheney, and the tea party, there was something different about him, and his theory that NATO snipers instigated the current Ukraine crisis (a statement completely ignored by truthseeker George) intrigued me.  He seemed like a serious and smart guy.  I swear I would have driven my car into a river if Lionel Fanthorpe had repeated any one of those goddamned stories, but instead he talked about other things, and he knows how to carry a conversation, and he turned me on to the "Voynich Manuscript," which sounds kind of cool.  Two guests dumped in one night.  A George Noory classic.

"I'm thinking this conversation is over."


Hahaha, Jorch opens his portal and flushes the guest and on to Fanthorpe.  All that shpeshial Jorch show prep pays off once again.  Come on PremRat.  Isn't it time to open your portal?

Abby Normal

George is always denouncing the "mainstream media."  Can you imagine Diane Sawyer, Scott Pelley or Brian Williams asking a retired airline pilot like Chesley Sullenberger or an NTSB investigator the following:  Could it have been supernatural?  Could it have flown through a portal?

Not only would they be fired within 30 minutes, their families would immediately get them to a hospital to see what was causing them to suddenly lose touch with reality.


I keep hoping some night I'll turn on the radio and Noory will be gone.  No mention of him, just gone.  In the same manner he handles some of his guests.


I understand David Paulides is writing a new book.  "Hanging Out at 7-11, The Unexplained Disappearances of Jorch Noory's Guests."  The only clues are the usual appearance of some guy named Fanthorpe and occasional trails of either turkey sandwich crumbs or discarded pizza rolls.



Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 11, 2014, 11:51:58 PM
Might I put a counter-question to those slightly self-righteously proclaiming that they are on the Noory wagon?
Why are you still regularly reading - and posting at - this thread? It seems a little illogical to come among a GNS! thread with your nose in the air muttering 'George Noory? Pshaw. Never listen to him myself'
Not wanting to pick a fight. This is said with a smile and the tongue in the cheek ;) but it does seem a little odd.
No fight.  Is it any more odd than those who listen nightly while simultaneously posting about the stupidity the shows guests and host?

There are many other threads on the site other and it is fun to pop in to read the reactions to dave's nightly fuck-ups.


Quote from: karios8 on March 11, 2014, 08:29:21 PM
What an irritating photo. Perhaps photoshop can make it better.
It's the cocked eyebrow that always gets me.  It's like he's mugging for those in on the joke.


Quote from: ItsOver on March 12, 2014, 06:05:23 AM
I keep hoping some night I'll turn on the radio and Noory will be gone.  No mention of him, just gone.  In the same manner he handles some of his guests.
Through a portal. maybe.


Quote from: ItsOver on March 12, 2014, 06:05:23 AM
I keep hoping some night I'll turn on the radio and Noory will be gone.  No mention of him, just gone.  In the same manner he handles some of his guests.
Yep; dropped guests are simply left hanging on their phone, waiting for Noory to come back to them after the break; 'til they figure it out.


C2C has become such a shoddy production, it's impossible to listen to with any enjoyment. 

Noory's ridiculous comments were entirely in keeping with last night's guest; the guest came on with a book about how to harness creativity (in context, anyone can be creative) and Noory makes it clear he has no idea what his guest's book is about. And it was easy to predict that Noory would hang up on the guest, and he did, of course.  So rude.  What kind of behavior is that on a national radio program!  The guest was not hostile, rude, or obnoxious.  He was slightly difficult to understand, but no more impossible than some of the guests I've heard.  Noory never asks guests to back away from their phones, and more often than not there is so much distortion and popping, it's too annoying to keep listening.

While speaking with a guest recently, who runs an observatory on a mountain top in Hawaii, the guest was describing how beautiful the stars were, and how you're half-way to space up there, and Noory injected his random thoughts like a third-grader: Boy, I bet cars go off that road all time!  How many of those accidents are fatal?  Blah and blah.

Seriously?  Does Noory even have the interest or desire to present a quality show, or at least enough talent to try?  Or is it more that C2C just isn't worth the effort, and neither are the listeners, and it's all just so laughable (to Noory and his employer) that we fools listen night after night, so, so what?

I'm finished with this pitiful effort of a show.  Noory will never be the calibre of Art Bell or George Knapp, he doesn't even try, and Premier doesn't even care. Noory is fond of saying "At least I'm here," when compared to Art Bell.  Yeah, you are still here, Noory, but only sort of, and so what.



Quote from: Morgus on March 12, 2014, 01:20:55 AM
Noory clearly looking to dump this guest early after he started coughing  for a bit.
Maybe the guest's accent is annoying Noory?
Expect after the bottom of the hour break for Noory to come up with some excuse like his phone connnection went dead mysteriously?  8)

Art would dump guests... As I recall, He would acknowledge it by saying. "The stoner or crazy line just went dead or I am not making this into a (enter random sociological/political forum name) on this show..." and would continue..  Maybe the producers just wanted to pounce on the Malaysian airline story, but at least tell the guest!

Abby Normal

The FTC is after Herbalife for being a pyramid scheme.  Weren't they a Coast to Coast AM sponsor a couple of years ago?  Going by a different name and URL?



Quote from: Gassy Man on March 12, 2014, 01:39:38 AM

Haha, the previous guest didn't get dumped, he got jacked (Springheeled-Jacked that is).

Quote from: ItsOver on March 12, 2014, 06:05:23 AM
I keep hoping some night I'll turn on the radio and Noory will be gone.  No mention of him, just gone.  In the same manner he handles some of his guests.

That would prove there is justice in the world.

Quote from: awake on March 12, 2014, 10:01:44 AM
No fight.  Is it any more odd than those who listen nightly while simultaneously posting about the stupidity the shows guests and host?
Nay, we keep the fire burning bright so some producer or potential host out there will see customers are unhappy. The future producers and hosts have a shot to gather listeners.


Quote from: annabelle on March 12, 2014, 11:18:51 AM
... While speaking with a guest recently, who runs an observatory on a mountain top in Hawaii, the guest was describing how beautiful the stars were, and how you're half-way to space up there, and Noory injected his random thoughts like a third-grader: Boy, I bet cars go off that road all time!  How many of those accidents are fatal?  Blah and blah....

That whole so-called interview was a colossal embarrassment to everyone involved and our species in general.  I'm surprised he didn't ask if they drink alot of Hawaiian Punch there.


Quote from: zeebo on March 12, 2014, 02:26:55 PM
That whole so-called interview was a colossal embarrassment to everyone involved and our species in general.  I'm surprised he didn't ask if they drink a lot of Hawaiian Punch there.

Hahaha, or ask it they ever run into Steve McGarrett.  I'll bet Jack Lord wishes he could take the escalator down from the pearly gates and punch out Jorch.  To hell with having Dan'o "book'im!"


Quote from: ItsOver on March 12, 2014, 03:00:00 PM
Hahaha, or ask it they ever run into Steve McGarrett.  I'll bet Jack Lord wishes he could take the escalator down from the pearly gates and punch out Jorch.  To hell with having Dan'o "book'im!"
yep, ghostly Jack Lord could appear in the new studio and give Noory a good Hawaiian "PUNCH"  ;D


Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 12, 2014, 10:56:33 AM
Yep; dropped guests are simply left hanging on their phone, waiting for Noory to come back to them after the break; 'til they figure it out.

I used to hope that Noory would be gone. But he kept saying--- I'll be here through Y2k, I'll be here through the end of the Mayan calendar, and now it's just "Here I am and I ain't leaving!"

What's up with the guest lineup not being announced for the weekend upcoming? Are they waiting to see who jimmy church and other shows line up so they can poach?


Tonites second guest ...

"Rev. Michael J.S. Carter will discuss the extraterrestrial origins of the world's religions, his own ET encounters, and his relationship with the late Zecharia Sitchin."

I wonder if Metaphysical Jorch will mention how he was inspired in his early years by reading  Sitchin's books.


Quote from: ItsOver on March 12, 2014, 05:56:49 AM
Hahaha, Jorch opens his portal and flushes the guest and on to Fanthorpe.  All that shpeshial Jorch show prep pays off once again.  Come on PremRat.  Isn't it time to open your portal?

AMEN!  ;)


Quote from: ItsOver on March 12, 2014, 05:56:49 AM
Hahaha, Jorch opens his portal and flushes the guest and on to Fanthorpe.  All that shpeshial Jorch show prep pays off once again.  Come on PremRat.  Isn't it time to open your portal?

I laughed waaaaay too hard at this.


Oh God. An hour of idle, pointless and unqualified speculation about an airplane and two of Sitchin's mis-representation of Sumerian language and culture. I'm allergic to the Annanaki. Should be good sleeping tonight.

Quote from: zeebo on March 12, 2014, 02:11:48 PM
Haha, the previous guest didn't get dumped, he got jacked (Springheeled-Jacked that is).

In the foggy skies above London town, a faint signal is detected.  Lionel Fanthorpe excuses himself as he recognizes that is the signal for "Story Time Man".  Lionel thinks to himself, Jorch must be in trouble again.  He needs me.  Off to the phone he dashes, dials up Commissioner Nooron and says "Never fear Jorch, Story Time Man is here."


Quote from: Abby Normal on March 12, 2014, 01:57:37 PM
The FTC is after Herbalife for being a pyramid scheme.  Weren't they a Coast to Coast AM sponsor a couple of years ago?  Going by a different name and URL?


I'm thinking that the commercial about the millionaire or billionaire doing researching about a company and when he found a good one "he bought it"... go here next dot com maybe?  I looked into it and that's when I would have first heard the name Herbalife.  Figured out what it was from a Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on getting rich quick


George Noory just does not give a fuck about giving a decent interview. What a scrumbag for ruining coast.

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