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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 14, 2016, 03:26:23 AM
Cruz is adamant about "More compromises with the Democrats," even though it's the only way legislation gets passed and signed into law. I understand the negative connotation of the word and why it's often viewed by one side or the other as surrender, but what exactly is the alternative to some kind of deal between opposing factions? Trying to shut down the government doesn't work, particularly when you're POTUS. So what's left? Some form of coercion or mass conversion?

The thing is Republicans always lose ground on compromises and Democrats always gain ground.  That plane will not fly anymore. 

Quote from: albrecht on February 14, 2016, 03:44:24 PM
Actually I think in many cases, not all,  the "I'm spiritual" deal is more of just a cop-out for not settling on a certain belief, "getting out" of any discipline, education, or rituals, and trying to be 'hip' in the belief in the politically-correct, culture-relativist way. It many cases the "I'm spiritual" is the George Norry of religion which is why he always expressing this type of thought.

Brilliant insight. I couldn't agree more.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 14, 2016, 10:58:44 PM
The thing is Republicans always lose ground on compromises and Democrats always gain ground.  That plane will not fly anymore.

So you think Republicans are just lousy negotiators or spineless and therefore can't get an acceptable outcome? Or is it that anything less than total victory is unacceptable to most and the less stubborn ones just end up voting with the Democrats?

Any way you explain it, their job is to makes laws. Are they not capable of making that happen in a two party system?


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 14, 2016, 11:51:10 PM
So you think Republicans are just lousy negotiators or spineless and therefore can't get an acceptable outcome? Or is it that anything less than total victory is unacceptable to most and the less stubborn ones just end up voting with the Democrats?

Any way you explain it, their job is to makes laws. Are they not capable of making that happen in a two party system?

Don't we have enough laws?  I think we have more than we need now.

I believe Democrats do a better job of sticking together behind their leadership, and using the media to sway public eye opinion. I also believe that some Republicans that campaign as conservatives, are in fact RINOs.  The GOP seems to embrace RINOs thinking they will capture some of the democratic base. Which always fails.


Quote from: Segundus on February 14, 2016, 03:27:12 PM
I'm saying that most are dishonest.  A person can have a 'religious' experience.  Ok, that's a part of their reality.  It gives them a broader view of existence, perhaps deeper insights.  That in no way equates to the dogma preached in churches, things that are pumped into a person's consciousness when they are too young to have critical filters functioning in their minds.  Smart people reach a point in which they do some mental house cleaning, recognizing that they've been sold a bill of goods.  Dopes just go along to get along. Yes, dopes.  If you do not start out in being honest with yourself you can be honest with no man. 

Test everything.

Test Faith? 

Quote from: Segundus on February 14, 2016, 03:27:12 PM
I'm saying that most are dishonest.  A person can have a 'religious' experience.  Ok, that's a part of their reality.  It gives them a broader view of existence, perhaps deeper insights.  That in no way equates to the dogma preached in churches, things that are pumped into a person's consciousness when they are too young to have critical filters functioning in their minds.  Smart people reach a point in which they do some mental house cleaning, recognizing that they've been sold a bill of goods.  Dopes just go along to get along. Yes, dopes.  If you do not start out in being honest with yourself you can be honest with no man. 

Test everything.

I tested it. it passed the test.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 14, 2016, 11:51:10 PM
So you think Republicans are just lousy negotiators or spineless and therefore can't get an acceptable outcome? Or is it that anything less than total victory is unacceptable to most and the less stubborn ones just end up voting with the Democrats?

Any way you explain it, their job is to makes laws. Are they not capable of making that happen in a two party system?

I think Republican leadership has been very weak for many years.  Yes, I would be tough but that is because the Democrats play tough.  Turnabout is fair play.  I'd prefer to have gridlock on an issue I strongly believe in than compromise on it.  I know that makes me a hard-liner but history has made me a hard-liner. This country is in decline if we do not do something to reverse course.  Our situation is not much different than what led to the Fall of Rome and we fail to learn the lessons from Rome.

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 15, 2016, 12:02:59 AM
Don't we have enough laws?  I think we have more than we need now.

I believe Democrats do a better job of sticking together behind their leadership, and using the media to sway public eye opinion. I also believe that some Republicans that campaign as conservatives, are in fact RINOs.  The GOP seems to embrace RINOs thinking they will capture some of the democratic base. Which always fails.

Exactly.  What's the point of having two parties that are practically the same?  Both want bloated government only the Democrats want to expand it more quickly.

Quote from: albrecht on February 14, 2016, 03:44:24 PM
Actually I think in many cases, not all,  the "I'm spiritual" deal is more of just a cop-out for not settling on a certain belief, "getting out" of any discipline, education, or rituals, and trying to be 'hip' in the belief in the politically-correct, culture-relativist way. It many cases the "I'm spiritual" is the George Norry of religion which is why he always expressing this type of thought.

When I was a youngster, girls would often say they were "spiritual." We came to understand that all that meant was they didn`t shower much and usually had a Chinese symbol tramp stamp on their lower back.

Like I said in another thread, turnabout is fair play.

From 2007

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks

New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, a powerful member of the Democratic leadership, said Friday the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

Schumer’s assertion comes as Democrats and liberal advocacy groups are increasingly complaining that the Supreme Court with Bush’s nominees â€" Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito â€" has moved quicker than expected to overturn legal precedents.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2007/07/schumer-to-fight-new-bush-high-court-picks-005146#ixzz40DZpLB5c

Value Of Pi

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 15, 2016, 12:02:59 AM
Don't we have enough laws?  I think we have more than we need now.

I believe Democrats do a better job of sticking together behind their leadership, and using the media to sway public eye opinion. I also believe that some Republicans that campaign as conservatives, are in fact RINOs.  The GOP seems to embrace RINOs thinking they will capture some of the democratic base. Which always fails.

The Republicans certainly have more schisms within their party than do the Democrats and that inevitably weakens their ability to create an agenda, much less make it happen. They need to do a better job of forming a consensus internally, if only so that voters can understand what they're voting for.

The not enough or too many question on federal laws is a real can of worms. Many existing laws are not enforced effectively due to a lack of resources or lack of will. But the other aspect that doesn't get mentioned as much is how poorly written so many laws are. They are political deals written in deliberately unclear language in order to get the required votes for passage. This then leaves Federal agencies the chore of translating these laws into vaguely actionable regulations that they can try to enforce. Later, of course, the courts are forced to sort things out.

You can say the system was designed to work this way in terms of division of powers between the three branches, but I doubt the Founding Fathers anticipated how bad a job would be done in crafting so many laws. This goes back to the influence of money on politics, which has had the effect of making it easy to drive a truck through the wording of many laws and thereby enriching the legal community.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 12:47:52 AM

I think Republican leadership has been very weak for many years.  Yes, I would be tough but that is because the Democrats play tough.  Turnabout is fair play.  I'd prefer to have gridlock on an issue I strongly believe in than compromise on it.  I know that makes me a hard-liner but history has made me a hard-liner. This country is in decline if we do not do something to reverse course.  Our situation is not much different than what led to the Fall of Rome and we fail to learn the lessons from Rome.

Well, one of Rome's big problems was that they got fat, lazy, corrupt and unable to solve their own problems. They built an empire but they became incapable or running it effectively or defending it. They tried outsourcing these tasks but that strategy failed. I don't think gridlock will fix any problem or stave off any disaster for America. It's just a symptom of failure to lead and to govern. So, I don't think any American should settle for it.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 14, 2016, 10:55:28 PM
Wow, you really are fuckin' nuts.

Is there a pill for sarcasm? You should take one.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 14, 2016, 10:55:28 PM
Wow, you really are fuckin' nuts.
No, I just actually listen to the lies and psuedo-patriotic blather that zealot Cruz hides his agenda behind.  Today Crux has a rally with Glenn Beck at his side.  Nuff said.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 15, 2016, 01:57:36 AM
Well, one of Rome's big problems was that they got fat, lazy, corrupt and unable to solve their own problems. They built an empire but they became incapable or running it effectively or defending it. They tried outsourcing these tasks but that strategy failed. I don't think gridlock will fix any problem or stave off any disaster for America. It's just a symptom of failure to lead and to govern. So, I don't think any American should settle for it.

Rome also started to allow religious leaders the power make political decisions... ruh roh!

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 15, 2016, 01:57:36 AM
Well, one of Rome's big problems was that they got fat, lazy, corrupt and unable to solve their own problems. They built an empire but they became incapable or running it effectively or defending it. They tried outsourcing these tasks but that strategy failed. I don't think gridlock will fix any problem or stave off any disaster for America. It's just a symptom of failure to lead and to govern. So, I don't think any American should settle for it.

Another problem with Rome is that it was far too large and the inhabitants outside Italy had, for the most part, no intention of assimilating into the Roman culture.  Not unlike the situation we have with many illegal immigrants now.  Then Rome started to decay from within with culture rot and corruption. By the time, Attila came onto the scene, many inhabitants of the Roman Empire were more than happy when he sacked Rome.

One other thing, Value Of Pi, and I do like you. You present cogent arguments logically.   However, I must make a point to add that our books are flooded with laws that no one enforces anymore.  To pass a law just for the sake of passing a law is not a good idea.  I'm sure you agree.  If we are going to pass a law, it needs to be enforced. Most true conservatives want to enforce all written law.  If conservatives don't like a law, then they will try to overturn it with a new law.  Democrats only enforce the laws they like and ignore the rest.

Quote from: rekcuf on February 15, 2016, 10:34:04 AM
Rome also started to allow religious leaders the power make political decisions... ruh roh!

Like Caligula and Nero.  They considered themselves gods.  The nerve!

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 04:44:43 PM
Like Caligula and Nero.  They considered themselves gods.  The nerve!

I should rephrase that statement. What I ment was; political and military decisions.  :)

Nero? I hope you were referring to Milo Yiannopoulos...  ;D

Quote from: rekcuf on February 15, 2016, 04:55:05 PM
I should rephrase that statement. What I ment was; political and military decisions.  :)

Nero? I hope you were referring to Milo Yiannopoulos...  ;D

No, Franco Nero.... ;D


Value Of Pi

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 04:40:11 PM
Another problem with Rome is that it was far too large and the inhabitants outside Italy had, for the most part, no intention of assimilating into the Roman culture.  Not unlike the situation we have with many illegal immigrants now.  Then Rome started to decay from within with culture rot and corruption. By the time, Attila came onto the scene, many inhabitants of the Roman Empire were more than happy when he sacked Rome.

One other thing, Value Of Pi, and I do like you. You present cogent arguments logically.   However, I must make a point to add that our books are flooded with laws that no one enforces anymore.  To pass a law just for the sake of passing a law is not a good idea.  I'm sure you agree.  If we are going to pass a law, it needs to be enforced. Most true conservatives want to enforce all written law.  If conservatives don't like a law, then they will try to overturn it with a new law.  Democrats only enforce the laws they like and ignore the rest.

Yes, GS made a similar point regarding passing new laws, which I responded to as follows (I generally agree about the problematic practice of selective enforcement of the law, which only encourages corruption. Plus, many of the old laws are a mess which needs to be cleaned up.):

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 15, 2016, 01:44:01 AM
The not enough or too many question on federal laws is a real can of worms. Many existing laws are not enforced effectively due to a lack of resources or lack of will. But the other aspect that doesn't get mentioned as much is how poorly written so many laws are. They are political deals written in deliberately unclear language in order to get the required votes for passage. This then leaves Federal agencies the chore of translating these laws into vaguely actionable regulations that they can try to enforce. Later, of course, the courts are forced to sort things out.

You can say the system was designed to work this way in terms of division of powers between the three branches, but I doubt the Founding Fathers anticipated how bad a job would be done in crafting so many laws. This goes back to the influence of money on politics, which has had the effect of making it easy to drive a truck through the wording of many laws and thereby enriching the legal community.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 15, 2016, 05:11:01 PM
Yes, GS made a similar point regarding passing new laws, which I responded to as follows (I generally agree about the problematic practice of selective enforcement of the law, which only encourages corruption. Plus, many of the old laws are a mess which needs to be cleaned up.):

Yes,  I agree with that assessment completely.


I just thought this was a tad funny....

Marco Rubio's 'Morning Again in America' ad appears to open with shot of Canada. & it wasn't even sunrise, but sunset.

QuoteThe struggle is real with presidential campaign ads right now. Ted Cruz’s team pulled an ad last week after discovering they had cast a former softcore porn actress in one of the roles.

Relevant yewtewb:



Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 14, 2016, 10:55:28 PM
Wow, you really are fuckin' nuts.
Well, Cruz does seem to go overboard with the religion angle.  I mean, giving 'God all the glory' before his cheating scandal broke.  If you give God all the glory, it would seem that He also deserves all the blame.


Quote from: Segundus on February 16, 2016, 12:58:46 PM
Well, Cruz does seem to go overboard with the religion angle.  I mean, giving 'God all the glory' before his cheating scandal broke.  If you give God all the glory, it would seem that He also deserves all the blame.
Cruz practices the fundie-Christiany version of taqiyya; anything goes because, after all, it's all for Jesus' glory...by way of Rafael's political career.  Anyone interested in the real Rafael Cruz Jr. should watch his lunatic old man's videos; this apple is still in the shadow of the tree.  And the old man has lied through his teeth all his life too.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 16, 2016, 03:39:57 PM
Cruz practices the fundie-Christiany version of taqiyya; anything goes because, after all, it's all for Jesus' glory...by way of Rafael's political career.  Anyone interested in the real Rafael Cruz Jr. should watch his lunatic old man's videos; this apple is still in the shadow of the tree.  And the old man has lied through his teeth all his life too.

Which old man do you think reflects the real Obama?



Quote from: GravitySucks on February 16, 2016, 03:49:52 PM
Which old man do you think reflects the real Obama?
I find Obama affable.  I think he's pretty much self-made, not riding into office on someone's coattails. 

W made a lot of mistakes during his presidency, one mistake that we are still living through is th weapons of mass destruction farce.  No president, looking back, thinks they did the best job.  Reagan was a little too zealous in union busting, I think, and he said his biggest mistake was granting amnesty to illegals. 

I think Obama and W are probably, personally, fine people - even though they have erred on the job.   


Quote from: Segundus on February 16, 2016, 04:45:07 PM
W made a lot of mistakes during his presidency, one mistake that we are still living through is th weapons of mass destruction farce.  No president, looking back, thinks they did the best job.  Reagan was a little too zealous in union busting, I think, and he said his biggest mistake was granting amnesty to illegals. 

I think Obama and W are probably, personally, fine people - even though they have erred on the job.
Trump has bored in on what Bush will really be remembered for; ignoring a stream of intel warnings and not only letting AQ pull off the 9/11 catastrophe, but exploiting it for a personal war that killed thousands of Americans and countless Arabs, and set the ME on fire with still no end in sight.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 16, 2016, 06:55:52 PM
Trump has bored in on what Bush will really be remembered for; ignoring a stream of intel warnings and not only letting AQ pull off the 9/11 catastrophe, but exploiting it for a personal war that killed thousands of Americans and countless Arabs, and set the ME on fire with still no end in sight.

Trump has been saving this broadside for the right moment, which is now. He's got some momentum after NH and can deal a death blow to Bush while the fallout weakens the other establishment candidates as well. If he gets the nomination, he can continue the Iraq theme when campaigning against Hillary, who supported GWB's decision to invade Iraq.

Politically, it's good timing. Does it convince lots of voters that he's up to the job of CIC just because he wasn't a part of the Iraq mess and has never held office? I'm not so sure. I do know that I"m not at all convinced.

Quote from: Segundus on February 16, 2016, 12:58:46 PM
Well, Cruz does seem to go overboard with the religion angle.  I mean, giving 'God all the glory' before his cheating scandal broke.  If you give God all the glory, it would seem that He also deserves all the blame.

I do wish he would turn down the evangelizing a notch.  That is not why I'd vote for him.  Being Christian is a good thing, IMHO, but broadcasting it everywhere is a bit of a turn-off.  Kasich also went overboard with the rhetoric during the last debate.

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