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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM


Quote from: b_dubb on September 29, 2014, 01:57:57 PM
yeah that's really terrible how Obama wanted to end combat in Iraq and bring home our troops.  what was he thinking?  except maybe we should support our troops and spend our money on improving domestic infrastructure

Like in everything else, he was stupid in bringing the troops home.  It left a vacuum that Al Qaeda was happy to fill. 

Just like everyone said.  Too bad for a lot of people rational thought has no place on the left.


We should never have gone there in the first place.  It's that fucking simple.  You hang this all on Obama but the real Evildoer here is the Dubbya administration


Quote from: b_dubb on September 30, 2014, 06:31:52 AM
We should never have gone there in the first place.  It's that fucking simple.  You hang this all on Obama but the real Evildoer here is the Dubbya administration


We are there (were) and that is the situation that has to be dealt with. 


I believe we are dealing with it.  With someone else's army on the ground. 

Here is an ad apparently being run against Mary Landrieu in the Louisiana Senate race.

It's one template for how to beat Democrat candidates, circa 2014.  It has the advantage of appealing to a group who traditionally vote Democrat against their own self interest, and it has the advantage of being the truth.

When establishment Republicans - who stand for nothing and represent no one - like John McCain and Mitt Romney, run and lose, and frankly Chris Christy and Jeb Bush if given the chance, it's because they don't campaign like this.

Elbert Guillory: Mary Landrieu is Not Helping Blacks

The man narrating the ad is Elbert Guillory.  He is a member of the Louisiana State Senate.  When he switched from being a Democrat to a Republican last year, he called the Democrats 'the Party of Jim Crow', and said the Republican Party is 'the Party of freedom and progress'.  (The DC RINOs notwithstanding). 

Quick Karl

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 02, 2014, 04:26:28 AM
Here is an ad apparently being run against Mary Landrieu in the Louisiana Senate race.

It's one template for how to beat Democrat candidates, circa 2014.  It has the advantage of appealing to a group who traditionally vote Democrat against their own self interest, and it has the advantage of being the truth.

When establishment Republicans - who stand for nothing and represent no one - like John McCain and Mitt Romney, run and lose, and frankly Chris Christy and Jeb Bush if given the chance, it's because they don't campaign like this.

Elbert Guillory: Mary Landrieu is Not Helping Blacks

The man narrating the ad is Elbert Guillory.  He is a member of the Louisiana State Senate.  When he switched from being a Democrat to a Republican last year, he called the Democrats 'the Party of Jim Crow', and said the Republican Party is 'the Party of freedom and progress'.  (The DC RINOs notwithstanding).

I actually have an email from Senator Guillory (not from his staff) - I wish to God HE was our President!

Michelle Obama is on the campaign trail telling voters if the R's win the Senate it will mean Impeachment.

It won't of course, but I hope she continues telling voters that.

Short of a meteor falling on D.C.  I don't know if anything will ever change things.
Ohttp://one-vibration.com/video/video/show?id=2127676%3AVideo%3A1516280&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_video#.VC8SdGYtDVIur tax money is financing all factions......

Quote from: Quick Karl on October 02, 2014, 07:12:11 PM
I actually have an email from Senator Guillory (not from his staff) - I wish to God HE was our President!

Listen to YOU gush.  If all it takes is an email to send you into this kind of rapturous support, then enable your PM, and let's get this "DPS for President" bandwagon on the road.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on October 04, 2014, 12:58:51 AM
Listen to YOU gush.  If all it takes is an email to send you into this kind of rapturous support, then enable your PM, and let's get this "DPS for President" bandwagon on the road.

You don't see me gloating about the personalized email I received from President Obama, with his signature, to Meee (oops, I already said that) in direct response to a comment I sent the White House about North Korea.  And I'm not even American.  In your face!  But yeah, you wouldn't see me gloat about that.

Quote from: Quick Karl on October 02, 2014, 07:12:11 PM
I actually have an email from Senator Guillory (not from his staff) - I wish to God HE was our President!
Cool!  I've got an e-mail from a Nigerian prince!


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 03, 2014, 03:53:22 PM
Michelle Obama is on the campaign trail telling voters if the R's win the Senate it will mean Impeachment.

It won't of course, but I hope she continues telling voters that.

I find that one of the most compelling reasons to give the R's the Senate.


Quote from: Lunger on September 30, 2014, 06:10:17 AM
Like in everything else, he was stupid in bringing the troops home.  It left a vacuum that Al Qaeda was happy to fill. 

Just like everyone said.  Too bad for a lot of people rational thought has no place on the left.
Two stupids don't make a smart.
But I guess three left turns make a right.

                   Hooray for Hollyweird

Gwyneth "goop" Paltrow, fresh off her uncoupling, terrifingly suggests to the rest of her  elitist snob comrades:

              “It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass," she told the crowd, which included Julia Roberts and Bradley Whitford.



Maybe he would be able to pass that elitist stick up his ass?


Quote from: paladin1991 on October 10, 2014, 09:18:29 AM
Maybe he would be able to pass that elitist stick up his ass?
If all of the persistent rumors over the years are true he might have done so.

Here's an interesting case study of how the 'Progressives' operate.  It's not a one-time isolated event.

Further evidence they don't give a hoot about Constitutional protections unless and until it benefits them.  How they use our laws and system against us.


For those not reading to the end, it includes trampling on religious freedom, denial of free speech, abuse of power by issuing and using subpoenas to illegally get protected lawful information, abuse of power by arbitrarily rejecting a referendum to overturn an unwanted City Council edict that had more than enough legitimate signatures - by claiming it didn't,

Here is the person running for US Senator in Kentucky, opposing Mitch McConnell (who is a jerk-off in his own way, and should have been easy to beat by a trustworthy candidate palatable to ordinary Americans).

She first went in front of a newspapers editorial board hoping to get their endorsement.  She refused to answer a simple question:  being a Democratic candidate, did she vote for Obama?  (Remember when it was cool to vote for Obama?)

Alison Lundergan Grimes Refuses To Answer Whether She Voted For Obama Four Times

The second video is more of the same, this time on what looks like a televised debate

Alison Lundergan Grimes Again Refuses To Explain If She Voted For Obama

This is so typical.  Pretend to be something other than what you are at home, and revert into very reliable supporters of the Party 'Leaders' when you get to DC. 

It seems like only the Conservatives tell everyone exactly what they believe in, what their principles are, and continue fighting for that after the election when most people stop paying attention.

The US (read:  Obama Administration) is handing control of the internet over to "a diverse, global group of "stakeholders" "


Just another destructive idea turned into reality by this destructive President. 

Strange how candidates don't want him around during their campaigns, and are refusing to admit they voted for him.  And can't wait to get back to DC to fawn over him and do his bidding.


Here's another Democrat US Senate hopeful, and Obama denier.  Former Senator Sam Nunn's lovely daughter with some of her BFFs

Michelle Nunn Won't Say If She Voted For Obama

Our system is supposed to be one of self determination.  Our government is supposed to be based on the consent of the governed. 

Our elections are the time to decide what we want out of government, the direction of the country going forward, the issues that are important and the best way to solve them.  And to remove those who are not representing us, and elect others that will.

If someone wants to run for office they ought to tell the truth about what policies they favor, what issues they want addressed, where they stand.  How else can the electorate decide who best represents them?  A candidacy is not supposed to be based on lies, candidates hiding who they are, mindless slogans, and buying votes with promises of handouts. 

Both of our 2 major parties are off track.  The Democrats are waaay further off track.  The current leaders and officeholders - from Obama on down - do not believe in the consent of the governed, the obligation to be honest about their goals when campaigning.  Their true constituency consists of the tiny percentage of angry loser America-haters, and they have to either fool or buy-off enough of the rest of us to get to 51%

Anyway, in order for involved intelligent voters to elect the best representatives, they need information to do so.  All the pertinent information.

Yet look what's being hidden and denied us in the run up to the election, and who it is that is doing the hiding and denying.  So far we are not going to be told the following before the elections. :

- Who Obama will chose as Secretary of Justice (Holder wants to resign, but Obama is holding him on until his replacement can be confirmed)

- What Obama's illegal 'Executive Order' regarding illegal immigrants will be

- The increases in ObamaCare premiums for next year

- The report on Bowe Bergdahl is complete, but it won't be released until after the election'

I'm sure there is more - who knows what other surprises Obama and the Democrats are saving for after the election.

A few things come to mind:

- If these people know their actions go against the will of the majority, why are they doing them (including trading 5 top level terrorists for the deserter Bergdahl)? 

- For those who still think Big Media is unbiased, why are they ignoring these items and not insisting on 'the people's right to know'? 

- Since this is an obvious attempt to deny people the information they need to make the appropriate choices at the ballot box, why is anyone still supporting this Party?  Hiding this information from the electorate is flat out Un-American

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 16, 2014, 01:32:03 AM
Our system is supposed to be one of self determination.  Our government is supposed to be based on the consent of the governed. 

Our elections are the time to decide what we want out of government, the direction of the country going forward, the issues that are important and the best way to solve them.  And to remove those who are not representing us, and elect others that will.

If someone wants to run for office they ought to tell the truth about what policies they favor, what issues they want addressed, where they stand.  How else can the electorate decide who best represents them?  A candidacy is not supposed to be based on lies, candidates hiding who they are, mindless slogans, and buying votes with promises of handouts. 

Both of our 2 major parties are off track.  The Democrats are waaay further off track.  The current leaders and officeholders - from Obama on down - do not believe in the consent of the governed, the obligation to be honest about their goals when campaigning.  Their true constituency consists of the tiny percentage of angry loser America-haters, and they have to either fool or buy-off enough of the rest of us to get to 51%

Anyway, in order for involved intelligent voters to elect the best representatives, they need information to do so.  All the pertinent information.

Yet look what's being hidden and denied us in the run up to the election, and who it is that is doing the hiding and denying.  So far we are not going to be told the following before the elections. :

- Who Obama will chose as Secretary of Justice (Holder wants to resign, but Obama is holding him on until his replacement can be confirmed)

- What Obama's illegal 'Executive Order' regarding illegal immigrants will be

- The increases in ObamaCare premiums for next year

- The report on Bowe Bergdahl is complete, but it won't be released until after the election'

I'm sure there is more - who knows what other surprises Obama and the Democrats are saving for after the election.

A few things come to mind:

- If these people know their actions go against the will of the majority, why are they doing them (including trading 5 top level terrorists for the deserter Bergdahl)? 

- For those who still think Big Media is unbiased, why are they ignoring these items and not insisting on 'the people's right to know'? 

- Since this is an obvious attempt to deny people the information they need to make the appropriate choices at the ballot box, why is anyone still supporting this Party?  Hiding this information from the electorate is flat out Un-American

Admit it.  You're really Ann Coulter, aren't you?   ;)


Tried watching Citizen Koch last night. Tea Party? More like Rube Party.

Here's another example of what journalism has turned into.


Always support the Democrats, always ridicule and demean everyone else, don't bother doing research - Left-wing opinion IS the news.

Just the fact that the is a new producer out there that didn't know Ron Paul and Rand Paul are medical doctors should be embarrassing enough, without this Tweet.

Quote from: b_dubb on October 16, 2014, 04:47:19 AM
Tried watching Citizen Koch last night. Tea Party? More like Rube Party.

Yes, I'm sure that's fair and balanced, and not an exercise in propaganda

I'd say other names for the Tea Party would be the Common Sense Party, the Let's Return To Policies that Work Party, the Constitutional Party, the Party of the Enlightenment, the Patriotic Party, the Party Fighting the Left-Wing Fascists.  Etc.

I suggest the Rubes are those who are not Marxists, but voted for Obama and believe what the Government, Big Media, and the Pop Culture indoctrinators tell them anyway. 


Another name for the Tea Party .... Koch Industries

Quote from: b_dubb on October 18, 2014, 08:37:51 PM
Another name for the Tea Party .... Koch Industries
I like it.  Other choices:

The All White party
The Jesus gang
The I Got Mine posse
The Science is for Commies crew
The Luddites
The Paulettes

So you guys are with Obama and the Fascist Left on this one - the US is too White, too free, too successful, too influential, too strong militarily.  We invent too many things, produce too much food, have too much wealth, and are too civilized.

I get it - we need to be flooded with the world's poor and diseased, we need to have our military hollowed out, our wealth redistributed, our healthcare system ruined, our guns and ability to protect ourselves taken, our religious freedon suppressed.  We need to continue dumbing down our schools and filling our prisons with illegal alien predators.  Our borders should be wide open and totally unguarded, and anyone in the world with a highly infectious disease should have their visa application expedited.  We need to speed up the process of having our credit and currency wrecked - preferably by borrowing ever more in support of people who want to come here and even those who only want the money and services but would rather stay home.  What's left of our economy should be suffocated.  Our culture should be attacked and our history lied about.

We should be spied on - every phone call recorded, every email saved, every piece of mail photographed on both sides, every move we make on-line monitored.  We should have a device in every vehicle monitoring where we go, and cameras in all public locations recording every move we make.  All government agencies should be armed to the teeth, and have drones to spy on us from above.

We need new taxes and all current tax rates should be jacked up

Only the Left should have the right of free speech and the right of assembly to protest, and even that should be carefully monitored for 'wrong-thinking'

Our alliances should be ruined, and our enemies strengthened.

Because, you know, Thomas Jefferson had slaves.

Well, you have the right guy in office for all that.

By the way, are either of you Americans?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 18, 2014, 11:04:03 PM

We should be spied on - every phone call recorded, every email saved, every piece of mail photographed on both sides, every move we make on-line monitored.  We should have a device in every vehicle monitoring where we go, and cameras in all public locations recording every move we make...
I ignored the rest of your crazy rant, but found the snippet above interesting.  Just the other day, you posted some nonsense about Reagan's executive orders being so much more even handed than Obama's, so I typed "Reagan executive orders" into google.  The second link was a story from Forbes.  This intigued me, as I know you have long admired the "good work" they do, as per some of your previous posts. 

It was an illuminating read, outlining how Reagan ignored the constitution, and Congress, to set up the framework for spying on American citizens that we are currently saddled with:


It was President Reagan’s infamous Executive Order 12333 (referred to as “twelve-triple-three”) that established and handed to the NSA virtually all of the powers under which the agency  operates to this dayâ€"allowing the agency to collect the data that so many now find to be so offensive.

McClatchy describes Executive Order 12333 as follows:

“It is a sweeping mandate that outlines the duties and foreign intelligence collection for the nation’s 17 intelligence agencies. It is not governed by Congress, and critics say it has little privacy protection and many loopholes.”

This is why we on the left demand progress.  Every conservative president since Lincoln has been progressively worse, undermining the rule of law, in bed with big business interests, constantly seeking new foreign wars to gin up their tediously woeful economic records with military spending, and dividing the nation along religious and ethnic fault lines in a desperate attempt to retain the wealth they have stolen from others.

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