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Any topic that makes you immediately turn off the show?

Started by rangers1919, July 11, 2011, 11:27:04 PM


I can't always listen live and I am a Coast Insider.  ;)  Since I pay for the podcasts I TRY to listen to all of them.  The majority have been deleted.  No need to keep that shit in my archive.   That being said....nearly anything regarding the afterlife, the numbers lady, religion (people like Stan Johnson), and angels....shit like that....YES...I will just turn off or delete immediately.

Nick el Ass

I tend to turn off the show upon hearing George Noory's voice most nights. If I happen to tune in to see what they are talking about and hear either Linda Moulton Howe, or some guest like Alex "I never heard one I didn't believe " Jones throwing out some wild conspiracy theory. It doesn't matter if they are 9/11 related. I can't take it. George doesn't even challenge his guests.


Quote from: Nick el Ass on August 17, 2012, 12:01:30 PMGeorge doesn't even challenge his guests.

TRUTH.  If anything he softballs questions.  He's a shill.  All of the other hosts have challenged their guests at one point.  Not Noory.  He needs to quit and go do infomercials.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: ShayP on August 17, 2012, 02:43:18 PM
TRUTH.    Not Noory.  He needs to quit and go do infomercials.
Well, he's got the bad moustache and hairpiece apparently required to sell pillows on TV.


Numerology and health topics bore me to deatthhh. I turn that off if I accidentally turn it on at all. And usually anything about religion or demons. I find the demons thing feels a little overplayed. Occasionally something religion-related sounds interesting, but it has to be pretty unique to get me to listen to the whole thing.

I love the creepy shows, (most) paranormal stuff they do (although it depends on the guest and specific topic), missing persons stuff, cryptos and a few other odds and ends. The NDE/remote viewing stuff used to mildly interest me but it too is beginning to feel overplayed. I'm a subscriber but there are some weeks when I'm lucky to find one or two new shows that are interesting. I still love it though because I can go back to some of my old favorites and re-listen.  ;D They have some really good ones that never get old. I wish George Knapp would do more.

There are some guests who I dislike but listen to anyway for the humor value. I remember my husband and I listened to one episode a few weeks or so back (not sure on the original air date) with a woman who claimed she could talk to all animals. That's great, I'm a dog person and I swear sometimes I can communicate with my dogs on a different level but I don't think it's a super power anyone should pay me for.

She was working her seminars and stuff for sale on her website pretty hard. What really put the last nail in the coffin was that she offered 'long distance' communication/healing  or something like that with pets. So she could do it without ever coming in contact with the animal.  I checked her site - again for curiosity (no way I'd pay someone for that garbage)-and I believe it was something like $150 to $200 per HALF HOUR of this long distance 'healing' or communication or whatever it was. It's not like anyone's dog, cat, horse or iguana is going to tell them she's lying. And ironically, everything she claimed the animal "said" when people called in or when telling stories of her clients, seemed to be pretty much what you would think a pet owner would want to hear. It was almost painful to listen to people asking questions and taking her seriously, so I don't know if I could listen to that one again. :P


As a newcomer, I thought I would revive this thread.  I will not listen to:

1. Shows about BIGFOOT. Yawn. I was born and raised in San Francisco, and have spent my entire life in a huge urban center like the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and now (retired) in Phoenix.  I couldn't care less about some beast in the woods. Why don't the macho men just leave the poor creature alone?
2. Shows with a guest that has a Christian fundamentalist world view, since it greatly distorts everything. Like a meat grinder, everything has to go through that filter and be forced to fit. Example: Aliens MUST be demons. e.g., L. A. Marzulli, Steve Quayle (who seems mentally ill to me), Brother Dimond (who seems mentally ill to me) and an increasing number of Bible thumping guests. Another example: Creationism is pure bunk but Noory gives it routine respectful treatment on C2C.
3. Numerology or Astrology.
4. Wacky health off-the-grid shows that can be very dangerous. From personal experience with a naturopath when I was ill, I ended up in an ER only hours from sinking into a coma from believing in her witch's brew of natural herbs and spices. I ALMOST DIED! Having such people on C2C is very irresponsible.  I've taken the flu shot every autumn and have not had a case of the flu since taking the vaccine. Horowitz, who thinks vaccines are part of some NWO conspiracy, is a paranoid delusional.
5. Right Wing political shows with Jerome Corsi, Gerald Celente (who has become just another cranky old man who in his last appearance on C2C was even ranting about the fashions that "young people" wear)  and other tools of the corporate 1% elite.
6. Shows about rock stars from the 60's.
7. Open lines with George Noory. Most of the call-ins now are the kind of people who have their pictures included in websites that feature "Customers of WALMART!!  One dumb person talking to another dumb person. If I wanted to hear a Southern accent I would move there.


I agree with most of what you wrote, particularly open lines.  I find those shows insufferable.  I can't really recall if they were better with Art, but it seems like the people who call in are really dumb.  Noory is too stupid himself to even have fun with them.  He seems to humor them and take them seriously which gets old fast.


Looking at some of this stuff I kind of wonder why some of you listen to the show at all?

I loved the show when Art was hosting and they would get into some of the more creepy stuff. I used to work late and would listen to the show and on more than one occasion it had me so scared I went around and turned on all the lights in the office.

Now, almost all the topics are mind numbingly dull. It has become a show with a dim witted nincampoop trying to display what he finds interesting. The really low level of intelligence it takes to see through these topics is an indication of how dumb the audience has become. How anyone can find numerology, food, or religion at all interesting has a pretty low threshold for what they'll accept as true. I harp on about crystals. I can't think of one single sentence that would be interesting about crystals. The most interesting thing about them is their geological creation, and thats not interesting at all.

Let's face it... Art used to make things interesting because, regardless of the topic, he approached these topics with an intelligence and the ability to ask questions that an intelligent person would have to have answered to give any credence to the topic. Thus, he could take something you normally would write off as nonsense, and he would force the guest to present evidence that would make it at least possible, in theory.

George doesn't have the intellectual curiosity to consider the logical questions you need to ask about some of these topics.  The only way you will get a good show when he is the host is when the topic is interesting enough on its own that hearing the guest speak about it is inherently interesting. George will inevitably bring the topic down to the LCD, and ask the most obvious and stupid questions, many of them the guest will already have answered. You will get maybe a good 45 minutes to an hour at the very best out of a 4 hour show.

Like most everyone else, I wont listen to anything to do with religion. If I wanted to hear this, there are plenty of religious stations that have it on all day long.

Angels just turn into schmaltz. Anything that becomes a sentimental, hallmark hall of fame show is garbage.

on a similar topic, is anyone else pissed about the "prayer list" he has every week? I've talked about it in another thread. I have no problem with people praying, but this just turns it into the 700 club. that's not at all in line with the audience Art was getting... but noory is too stupid to understand that.

i cant remember his name, but he keeps having his guy on, i think he's irish, and the guy is just a terrible radio guest. he was last on to talk about hp lovecraft. i find lovecrarft interesting, and normally, just hearing about the guys life and his work would be something that would be able to overcome noory's ignorance. unfortunately the guys droning, pausing "uhh uhh uhh" delivery made it impossible to listen to him. i turned it off.

honestly, i dont agree with a word that comes out of his mouth, but alex jones is at least a talented broadcaster and can overcome george's dumb questions. He can take one of noory's idiotic queries and spin a 10 minute conspiracy so floridly insane it is actually gripping just seeing where he's going to end up.

but folks, we now have a show that caters to dumb people, and until we get noory out of there, its going to be after that audience. noory really shouldnt be hosting this show. he should be a morning, drive time dj. those shows thrive off of bland pleasantness. people dont want to hear anything challenging or thought provoking in the morning. hey just want a nice pleasant voice to drone along while they are having their coffee and trying to wake up. all you have to do is not be controversial. Art's stock in trade was controversy, or challenging topics, or thought provoking radio. it was a bad mistake and a betrayal of the audience when they brought in this idiot to host a show we all loved.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 17, 2012, 02:57:25 PM
        Well, he's got the bad moustache and hairpiece apparently required to sell pillows on TV.

Sometimes I even think his mustach is a glue on. It looks like his hair and mustach were made from horse hairs and spray painted with cheap walmart spray paint.

George would be better set selling Pos-t-vac with those looks.


Mike J, excellent post!  :)

I realize it is ridiculous on my part to go into a C2C show  hoping that Noory won't (to quote Ru Paul) "f**k it up!" I applaud Noory's aspirations for success, but he just does not seem to get that he does NOT have a face made for TV.  I realize physical appearance is a gift of genetics and life style, but I find looking at pictures of Noory very unpleasant. He is not merely average or plain, he is ugly. God Bless him, this isn't his fault, but it would give a more sensitive person room to pause and ask himself if putting such a puss in front of the camera is really a good idea.


Gah, yes! Anything crap circles. Pseudo medicine and snake oil topics (isn't there enough of that on weekend daytime radio). Linda Moulton Howe droning as she reads an inane script about baloney. Anunnaki Nibiru nonsense and chem trails. For Pete's sake, you'd think if chem trails were real, someone would think to fly a plane up to one of those vapor trails, take a sample and put it to bed one way or the other. There's more, I'm sure, but nothing comes to mind.

I think anyone with real credentials like Michio Kaku are probably too embarrassed to be seen on Coast to Coast anymore.


Think i'm adding GMO's to the list.  Maybe if they can get somebody who is actually educated in genetic engineering or botany that works in the field then I'll listen. By field I mean science and not some back woods hippie farmer.

Noory had some guy on that talked about archeology and 'dig' he had done then hit with that crazy 6000 years of Earth's existence fundamentalist creationist thingee.Really gets me.Somebody isn't show prepping.


Unfortunately, even the topics that sound like they could be interesting end up disappointing. 

Kit Katz

Quote from: MikeJ on November 22, 2012, 05:53:02 PM
Unfortunately, even the topics that sound like they could be interesting end up disappointing.

Perhaps because we've heard about them before - more than once? Almost any topic, no matter how interesting the first or even second time around becomes less interesting, even boring, on subsequent hearing unless a totally new aspect is presented. Let's face it, most of the stock in trade Coast topics such as UFO's, alien life, NDE experiences, reincarnation and the after life, earth changes, etc. have been discussed repeatedly on the program going way back to Art Bell days. Little new to be said on these subjects.

As for subjects which lead me to tune out or turn off, religious topics except when approached from a strictly historical perspective top the list. A close second are medical and health topics (if I wanted to listen to a Dr. Oz, I would). Third are discussions of spirituality and prophecy which drag on for two or three hours dealing in nothing other than the guest's vague theories and speculations.

Unlike many here, I enjoy Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones. Though I don't buy into all that they present, there is a hard core of truth to some of it and it makes for lively discourse. Also, first hand accounts of UFO, Bigfoot and ghost experiences can make for fun listening. Believe the accounts? Nope, but it's still entertaining.

Quote from: Kit Katz on December 02, 2012, 07:17:56 PM
... Almost any topic, no matter how interesting the first or even second time around becomes less interesting, even boring, on subsequent hearing unless a totally new aspect is presented...

Especially when a lazy boring disinterested host asks the same questions he's asked the same guest previously, no matter how many times they've been on - for 'thuh new lissners' of course.


Yes, When I hear Alex Jones come on. It's like a knee-jerk reaction I turn the radio off.


Immediately turn-off the show?  How about not even bother to turn the show on?  The first Sunday of the month, with The Nooron AND the Submerging Artists are more than enough.

2008ish the "gloom & doom" shows turned me off for good. Makes me sad that my night time routine has been ruined since. I am very upset at the quality of the show, but obviously there won't be any changes. Hoping for a new coast to coast type radio show/better host.

Ima Mewstopid

"Tonight, we'll be discussing biblical prophes ..." -CLICK
"My guest is an expert in conspira ..." -CLICK
Any time the 'Fair & Balanced' crowd are invited to jabber on about their SWEAR TO GAWD - IT WAS JEEBUS! OUT ON THE MUD PORCH! HE'S BLUE-EYED AN' WHITE, JUST LIKE THE BABLE SAYS  ... experiences.
Honestly, I barely listen anymore. Noory is just boring and truly paranormal subjects are increasingly rare nowadays. I do like the 'In the News' section on the website but that's usually about it.

Nucky Nolan

It's a moot point. I seldom turn on the show when Noory hosts it. I definitely turn off the show when the subject is alternative health information or New Age philosophies. Sadly, many programs combine the two topics.


Anything to do with consciousness. George loves to topic. I most certainly do not.

CrabbyOld Bat

Politics, especially since Snorge lies about being "right down the middle". He's about as "right down the middle" as FOX News.

Alex Jones. A true nut-kabob whose voice sounds like a bad Patton imitation.

Steve Quayle. A fountain of incredulous gobbledygook who never really ends a sentence.

The Numbers Lady.  1 (Snorge)+1 (Glynis) = 2 much of the same silliness each time she's on.


When I hear these keywords

Tumerik.... I mean Tumarack... I mean Tumirick... I mean... aw to hell with it.
Carnivora... I mean Carnavora... I mean Carnavorra... damn you George, and your phoney sponsers!

Mr. Hanky

Any topic that makes you immediately turn off the show?

Easy. Anything that is non-UFO or space-based related. I listen to C2C for pure fantasy/entertainment value. If I want to read or listen to political topics, there are infinite places to go for that.


Lately I've turned the channel out of boredom,If Noory talks too much about tumeric or alternative medicine. I turn to sportstalk out of boredom when Noory does.

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