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George promotes scam

Started by George49, May 13, 2011, 08:18:49 AM


What does this say about Noory? Promoting that work at home junk program. That has been going for years, and they never say what it is..but we all know its somekind of nutrition program. You also have to pressure family and friends to buy it, even though Noory says you don't have to. Plus you have to buy large quantities of the products to try out or sale. Thumbs down.


Yup, Herbalife.  Totally distasteful and shows the lack of respect George has for his listeners.  Herbalife gives the show money, okay, fine.  Play a commercial, tacky but whatever.  But, the worst part is when George uses his fake-ass "I'm the only friend you have and here is my advice just for you" voice for the gullible.

Gross, actually.

The unbelievable thing is that Herbalife's stock price is 107.00 per share. How is this possible?

Eddie Coyle

   C2C has been the breeding ground for scams for awhile, Ed Dames being a paramount example. It's probably gotten worse in recent times,but it's endemic in broadcast radio nowadays.


Quote from: George49 on May 13, 2011, 08:18:49 AM
What does this say about Noory? Promoting that work at home junk program.

It says he's a self-absorbed weasel with the brains of an encephalitic parasite and all the smoothness of an out of control wood chipper.  Hey wait, this is almost exactly how my wife described me this morning...

El Kragen

It's really nauseating when he starts the commercial with the 'I consider you all part of my family, that's why I want to let you know about a great opportunity' bit. What a fucking clown.


Quote from: aldousburbank on May 13, 2011, 01:39:33 PM
It says he's a self-absorbed weasel with the brains of an encephalitic parasite and all the smoothness of an out of control wood chipper.  Hey wait, this is almost exactly how my wife described me this morning...

My slippers!

I've always gotten a kick out of that "food insurance" snake oil, if things are really so bad I need a year's worth of dehydrated paste to stave off starvation, what happens on the 366th day? Can one really store enough food to survive the apocalypse? A simple Boy Scouts survival manual would be more useful in such a situation, yet it's pretty hard to charge thousands for something one can download for free....... "SO CALL NOW!!"


Ya I checked this out because I trusted George only to find out it was a multi level marketing ploy like Amway...


Now these guys wont stop emailing me their marketing emails. I've made requests to unsubscribe. They keep emailing me.. I called them to try to get them to stop emailing me... and now they are soliciting my phone and I'm on the do not call list!

I had to threaten them with the FCC...


Sean Hannity promotes that work at home stuff too. Rush and Savage also promote some shaky stuff like Lifelock, etc. I guess it's all about the money but when I hear anyone personally promoting these scams, I lose trust in them.

It can't be worse than that penny auction B.S. George was peddling a few months ago.

"An i-phone for three dollars!"

Please. I immediately knew it had to be a scam, so I searched it. That three dollar i-phone costs the average buyer three dollars plus four to five hundred in "bids" (which one has to purchase), and fees. Whatta steal!! Goes great with overpriced gold coins and freeze-dried tomato soup!


The MLM has more legitimacy than most of the C2CAM guests.

I find them both offensive, they prey on the desperate and naive.


Five minutes of Googling clearly shows how dicey this scam is. And Noory, Hannity, et al pushing this nonsense is typical.


It really is a shame that prople that are in desparate situations are the very ones targetted. MLM is a numbers game that moves closer and closer to shakier ground with every conned customer.


I never would have suspected George. I trusted George. I guess without cause. But in the end he has shown himself as just another actor pinching pennies.


I'm sure many of Noory listeners these days have a lot of cats to feed, and Meow Mix doesn't come cheap. It's no wonder scams actually make money by advertising on this show. Does George even promote the Crane radio anymore? At least that was a real product and not some looney-toons survivalist cache. Given Noory's penchant for preaching about the End Times, buying anything from him is like buying Wolf Insurance from the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.


Today George promoted 2 more scams.

What a low life actor. Where's Art...


What blows me away about George is that he claims to be a "truth seeker" or just an "honest guy"...What a bunch of shit.  Yes, the work at home crap is a scam.  I wish someone would call in on open lines and ask how much commission they get per child sponsered through Children's International.  Noory tries to make it sound like Coast is giving free ads to help poor kids.  I would also like to hear someone on air put Noory on the spot and ask for every dollar donated how much actually goes to help these kids.  I would guess less than twenty cents.

Confront Noory about all this and the response would probably be "Wellllllll....That's business".  I have absolutely no respect and am disgusted by hypocrites who justify speaking out of both sides of their mouths with the excuse of "it's business". 

So...That makes it ok??? 

Truth seeker my ass!!!


And then there are the idiotic gold commercials, which GN reads without comprehending. 


Quote from: Jfredmuggs on June 10, 2011, 11:59:36 AM
And then there are the idiotic gold commercials, which GN reads without comprehending.

The show would be more riveting if George just rubbed his moustache on the microphone all night, without uttering a word.

The General

Quote from: Jfredmuggs on June 10, 2011, 11:59:36 AM
And then there are the idiotic gold commercials, which GN reads without comprehending.

Do people actually buy this garbage?  Gold's not a good investment, especially when it's at an ALL TIME HIGH!  What about 'buy low, sell high' don't people understand?  The people selling gold sure understand it.  They're selling something that is at the top of its value and getting cash for it.  People are dumb if they do this. 


Thing is there are quite a few things one can invest in aside from the obvious real estate, precious metals, stocks and other things along that line.

But people for the most part don't bother to seek these out either due to laziness or just jumping on the gold or whatever the latest invest fad bandwagon is.


"First prize, a Cadillac convertible' second prize a set of steak knives; third prize you're fired."

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