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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: K_Dubb on November 19, 2016, 07:01:36 PM
I want to believe he's capable of magnanimity but stuff like this makes it hard.  A great man would've repeated the line he already used about being president for all Americans and kept the dig about the cue-card.

It gives credence to his biographer's opinion he has the temperament of a nine year old child with adhd.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on November 19, 2016, 02:42:45 PM
I wouldn't call those socialism, I'd call them liberalism...

A distinction without a difference?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2016, 07:08:13 PM
The BE ceased to be after WW2..

LOLZ...and you draw comparison to a casino? pathetic...

Quote from: Value Of Pi on November 19, 2016, 03:50:44 PM
... The other thing that jumped off the screen at me was the statement about Republicans ruling or governing for fifty years (presumably uninterrupted by any opposition party) if Trump is even moderately successful. When was the last time you heard an American politician talk or brag about that kind of political dynasty which would last longer than four or eight years?

George Wallace comes to mind...

Oh for heaven's sake.  The mass hysteria going on is hilarious.

After the Clinton presidency there were plenty of people saying he would be the last Democrat president.  Eight years later, I heard the same about Bush and the Rs.

Without reading it, pretty sure he meant when citizen/president Trump actually gets things done that the American people want accomplished - that the the blow dried phonies in both parties who are beholden to Wall St and to each other have refused to do - that the taboo against electing regular citizens may be broken and these assholes may not be re-taking power anytime soon.  It's sad I have to explain this.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2016, 07:08:13 PM
The BE ceased to be after WW2..
But those on the inside know that was all a front and the City still runs the show, though there is a debate on whether Royalty does or their bankers, legal types, etc have usurped them. There are some weird ceremonies that go with a new Rt Hon. Lord Mayor takes over.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 19, 2016, 06:13:19 PM
It's troubling to me that he seems to be for Stasi style intelligence gathering but I guess we'll see. He's also pretty hard line pro-life. I wonder if they'll try to repeal Roe v. Wade? I suppose they have the political support but I have a feeling they'd lose with the public on that one though.

They'll send it back to the states to decide which is as it should be.  Many states will keep it but some will have restrictions.  I don't see a state banning it altogether.

Up All Night

Quote from: Donald Noory on November 18, 2016, 04:18:46 PM
Fraudster in chief Dumbald Trump agrees to $25 million settlement in Trump University case. And Trump agreed to pay up to a $1 million penalty for violating New York education law for running an unlicensed university.

Trumptards must be so proud, having elected a shyster who bilked people out of their hard-earned money with his fraudulent university.


One thing that's been interesting to me in the aftermath of the election is all the hate poured on Trump, the uprising of people talking about obstructing his agenda, hoping he fails, bringing up anything from his past that could put him in a poor light, saying he isn't 'their' president.

Weren't these the very same people - some on this very same website - who all along have been insisting any and all of that could ONLY be from 'Racism'.  How it was the ONLY possible explanation?  And repeat it every single day for eight years?  Remember all that?

Since these very same people are now saying and doing all this in response to the Trump victory, the only conclusion I can draw is they were either lying then, or are Racialists themselves.  Or both.  We certainly hear a lot out of them about 'White' people, so there is certainly at least some racial component.

Either way, lying about others motives and repeatedly assigning 'Racism' to them, or being racialists themselves, shouldn't we shun them now and sweep them aside?  Wouldn't that be appropriate treatment of chronic liars or those constantly falsely injecting race into our body politic?

Seriously, these people have shown us who they are, greatly overextended their disgusting rhetoric, and need to be on the outside of the policy making process until they consider the damage they've caused, apologize, and try to set things right.  I'm not holding my breath until this happens.

Fascism.  Political ideology that imposes strict social and economical measures as a method of empowering the government and stripping citizens of rights. This authoritative system of government is usually headed by an absolute dictator who keeps citizens suppressed via acts of violence and strict laws that govern the people.

Hmmm.  Replace ''usually headed by an absolute dictator who keeps citizens suppressed via acts of violence and strict laws'' with ''headed by a sometime dictatorial president and an absolute Supreme Court who keep citizens suppressed by dictating strict laws''.

We certainly have strict social and related measures imposed against the will of the majority.  The federal government and the national party ''leadership'' are certainly rigidly aligned with the economic interests of Wall St, and against those of the American people. 

Considering the above, I would suggest the following are either Fascist, or close enough:

Barrack Obama
Hilary Clinton
The Federal Government, as it currently operates
The Democrat Party establishment
The Republican Party Establishment
The EU
The major political parties in Europe

Can we glean any insight from this for reasons behind the results of certain recent elections?

Quote from: NowhereInTime on November 16, 2016, 07:31:29 AM
This isn't "butthurt", this is common sense. The notion that we are comprised of 50 unique principalities is archaic and arcane.
The only purpose a "state" has is to administer a geographical area, no more, no less.

Of course, those on the right are enamored of having easier to control geographical sub units where you can create and enforce your perversions more efficiently.

The Civil War decided the question of a state's primacy long ago. We now pledge allegiance to "one nation, under God". In this era of instant communication, interstate railways, highways, and airways the notion of the unique challenges to governance are quaint and obsolete.

In other words, conservative.

Too often "states' rights" is code for "telling people how we want them to live". It defies reason to have geography determine political power. Two senators for Wyoming and two for California? Absurd. That privileges the Wyoming voter with nealy 5 times the representative influence of a Californian in the Senate. Which state is more important to our nation's economy?

Justice demands we end "states" and their ridiculous privileges.

I may have dismissed NowhereInTime's case for eliminating state borders and state governments prematurely.

Rolling back oppressive government is a core principle of the Conservative philosophy.  I should encourage NIT in this new direction, rather than automatically dismissing him.  Let's go further - why not eliminate city limits and city governments, and county borders and county governments.  Fire districts, water districts, park districts, school districts, transit districts, even garbage districts.  And take a chainsaw to much of the federal bureaucracy.

He'll get no disagreement from me when he says of course those supporting these arbitrary borders are enamored of having easier to control geographical sub units where they can create and enforce their perversions more efficiently.

As he says, we now pledge allegiance to "one nation, under God".  In this era of instant communication, interstate railways, highways, and airways the notion of the unique challenges to governance are quaint and obsolete.

He has a point that too often these government setups are code for "telling people how we want them to live".  It defies reason to have geography determine political power.  It's absurd.

He may be on to something interesting when he says justice demands we end city, county, state, and much of the federal bureaucracy and their ridiculous privileges!


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2016, 07:08:13 PM
The BE ceased to be after WW2..

Oh yeah? then why are all those countries considered commonwealth?  ???


"Make America Great Again" code words for Make America "White" Again...

Trump learned from the Master!

Guess we got fooled again



Quote from: WhiteCrow on November 19, 2016, 09:05:59 PM
"Make America Great Again" code words for Make America "White" Again...

Trump learned from the Master!

Guess we got fooled again

Yeah, you're probably right, WC. We should probably all just throw ourselves off a cliff like lemmings.  ::) :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 19, 2016, 09:07:21 PM
Yeah, you're probably right, WC. We should probably all just throw ourselves off a cliff like lemmings.  ::) :D

Excellent idea ..we can all do our small part to help..
There are tall cliffs along the shores of the Rio Grande river. 


Quote from: WhiteCrow on November 19, 2016, 09:05:59 PM
"Make America Great Again" code words for Make America "White" Again...

Trump learned from the Master!

Guess we got fooled again


you WC, you are being very stupid now -really REALLY STUPID  -crows are smarter than you-
my yaks are smarter than you
provide evidence to your stupid statement
how many illegal immigrants you are employing in your joint ??


Quote from: WhiteCrow on November 19, 2016, 09:14:17 PM
Excellent idea ..we can all do our small part to help..
There are tall cliffs along the shores of the Rio Grande river.
Santa Elena canyon is awesome but only a, relatively, short portion of the river. In many places you can drive or walk across (depending on the flow.) For the more "Aldous" type you can, or could, go over and buy peyote grows or "moonshine-esque" Sotol made by the locals cheaply from that cactus (be warned on both though. Scams and some serious hangover if one gets the wrong stuff or over imbibes. Not that I have any knowledge of same.) Beautiful area. "The Stars At Night...."


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2016, 12:33:54 PM
"tnat"  "twatter".

Yorkshire or something is peeking through, maybe SV will have some insight on that. That said, it's still nothing compared to Hillary's record of shenanigans. I completely understand the criticisms of Trump, he was a businessman and to be one of those and meet any sort of success you have to kind of bullshit your way through it. It gets worse the higher you go. The trouble is, politics is even worse than business. The bullshit there doesn't even make any real sense, you're just trying to play on people's emotions while you raid the coffers. Well, Hillary's raided the coffers long enough. Time for someone else to take a shot at it.

Other sources such as Breitbart? Now, there's newspeak for the 21st century.

I've always viewed Breitbart as questionable and sensationalist. A toned-down version of Alex Jones. The trouble is, I see all manner of crazy shit in left-wing publications to the point that they had absolutely no idea that Hillary could lose the election and you guys eat that shit up. So much so that tons of left-wingers thought they didn't need to go vote because she had it in the bag. Start applying that same lens that you do with Breitbart to all media outlets. You'll shit your pants when you see how bad they are.

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on November 19, 2016, 08:48:51 PM
I may have dismissed NowhereInTime's case for eliminating state borders and state governments prematurely.

Rolling back oppressive government is a core principle of the Conservative philosophy.  I should encourage NIT in this new direction, rather than automatically dismissing him.  Let's go further - why not eliminate city limits and city governments, and county borders and county governments.  Fire districts, water districts, park districts, school districts, transit districts, even garbage districts.  And take a chainsaw to much of the federal bureaucracy.

He'll get no disagreement from me when he says of course those supporting these arbitrary borders are enamored of having easier to control geographical sub units where they can create and enforce their perversions more efficiently.

As he says, we now pledge allegiance to "one nation, under God".  In this era of instant communication, interstate railways, highways, and airways the notion of the unique challenges to governance are quaint and obsolete.

He has a point that too often these government setups are code for "telling people how we want them to live".  It defies reason to have geography determine political power.  It's absurd.

He may be on to something interesting when he says justice demands we end city, county, state, and much of the federal bureaucracy and their ridiculous privileges!

You are jumping the shark with these comments.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 19, 2016, 08:52:55 PM
Oh yeah? then why are all those countries considered commonwealth?  ???

There are countries in the Commonwealth which were never part of the British Empire (ie Mozambique, Rwanda), and there are former parts of it which were never part of the Commonwealth (eg Hong Kong, Burma).


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 19, 2016, 09:26:17 PM
I've always viewed Breitbart as questionable and sensationalist. A toned-down version of Alex Jones. The trouble is, I see all manner of crazy shit in left-wing publications to the point that they had absolutely no idea that Hillary could lose the election and you guys eat that shit up. So much so that tons of left-wingers thought they didn't need to go vote because she had it in the bag. Start applying that same lens that you do with Breitbart to all media outlets. You'll shit your pants when you see how bad they are.

Alright, you keep playing along with the standard narrative that these are somehow fringe, less than or phony but I'll ask you again, no, defy you to name one American journalist who more accurately analyzed this election than Alex Jones and the like? Here are your "trusted" sources getting it consistently and incredibly wrong:



Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 19, 2016, 09:26:17 PM

I've always viewed Breitbart as questionable and sensationalist. A toned-down version of Alex Jones. The trouble is, I see all manner of crazy shit in left-wing publications to the point that they had absolutely no idea that Hillary could lose the election and you guys eat that shit up. So much so that tons of left-wingers thought they didn't need to go vote because she had it in the bag. Start applying that same lens that you do with Breitbart to all media outlets. You'll shit your pants when you see how bad they are.
Here is the thing I've found about infowars or Breitbart, I don't look at much but aside from editorials they usually source their stories and one can find the original news sources (especially stuff about illegals or "refugee" crimes." Now, they might "spin it" but the facts and original police reports, video, indictments, etc can, usually, be found (if minors they might be sealed but some additional digging about things like "immigration holds" etc on government sites can bring it up.) It is more a matter of WHAT to report and HOW to do it. Much like NPR etc will "find" a local article about an illegal who becomes valedictorian or some such. A matter of editorial decision on WHICH news about illegals and "refugees"- both items can be true but the different news outlets decides WHAT to print/show. But most all news, on occasion, also fakes stuff or seizes upon other news sources to "get there first." Usually? Due to the second option but stuff like exploding vehicle fuel tanks and desire for wars (like NBC, CNN, Fox, etc) might be even worse than Alex's etc "news" site?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 19, 2016, 09:33:04 PM
Alright, you keep playing along with the standard narrative that these are somehow fringe, less than or phony but I'll ask you again, no, defy you to name one American journalist who more accurately analyzed this election than Alex Jones and the like? Here are your "trusted" sources getting it consistently and incredibly wrong:


Trouble is, I've been familiar with Alex Jones since the old days when he would chit chat with Jorch and go on short wave radio. He wasn't right then when he said silly shit like if you criticize the Queen of England inside England agents will come out of the woodwork and arrest you. I've also watched how he's toned down his conspiracy theory stuff over the years as it became less profitable.

I don't have trusted sources.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 19, 2016, 09:33:04 PM
Alright, you keep playing along with the standard narrative that these are somehow fringe, less than or phony but I'll ask you again, no, defy you to name one American journalist who more accurately analyzed this election than Alex Jones and the like? Here are your "trusted" sources getting it consistently and incredibly wrong:


Ann Coulter - been saying it since day 1


Quote from: albrecht on November 19, 2016, 09:33:05 PM
Here is the thing I've found about infowars or Breitbart, I don't look at much but aside from editorials they usually source their stories and one can find the original news sources (especially stuff about illegals or "refugee" crimes." Now, they might "spin it" but the facts and original police reports, video, indictments, etc can, usually, be found (if minors they might be sealed but some additional digging about things like "immigration holds" etc on government sites can bring it up.) It is more a matter of WHAT to report and HOW to do it. Much like NPR etc will "find" a local article about an illegal who becomes valedictorian or some such. A matter of editorial decision on WHICH news about illegals and "refugees"- both items can be true but the different news outlets decides WHAT to print/show. But most all news, on occasion, also fakes stuff or seizes upon other news sources to "get there first." Usually? Due to the second option but stuff like exploding vehicle fuel tanks and desire for wars (like NBC, CNN, Fox, etc) might be even worse than Alex's etc "news" site?

Yeah, exactly. These people figured out that reporting the basic facts of a news story isn't as profitable as creating a headline and weaving a narrative.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 19, 2016, 09:40:30 PM
Trouble is, I've been familiar with Alex Jones since the old days when he would chit chat with Jorch and go on short wave radio. He wasn't right then when he said silly shit like if you criticize the Queen of England inside England agents will come out of the woodwork and arrest you. I've also watched how he's toned down his conspiracy theory stuff over the years as it became less profitable.

I don't have trusted sources.
I've known him since his local cable access tv and then short foray into local FM radio. Don't trust but, as I mentioned before, he usually, sources his stuff- it is the conclusion and what to "report" that could be in question. But the documents, crime report, etc can, usually, be found in other sources- his conclusions are another matter. The first time I saw him in person, besides just about town etc, was in a loud argument against some Neo-Nazis at a local gun show (they were trying to recruit and give out "literature" post Rodney King and Randy Weaver thing, as I recall.) He was so loud that he was removed. He had some great stuff on tv about the local City Council fining and trying to seize an old veteran's home due to code violations. (Coincidentally that neighborhood was also being gentrified and big businesses wanted a building.) He went around and showed city owned property with same over-grown yards etc and then went to City Council members owned rental/investment properties with abandoned vehicles, over-grown yards, etc. He was fun, locally (the DPS protest for finger-printing for Driver's Licenses comes to mind.) It amazes me he got so global and he is a bit of a nutjob. But, hey, a local boy done good! And used the "free" media to make $$ (ex-wife took a bunch though) is amazing.

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 19, 2016, 09:42:29 PM
Yeah, exactly. These people figured out that reporting the basic facts of a news story isn't as profitable as creating a headline and weaving a narrative.

In other words they are the mirror opposite of Big Media

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