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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 21, 2016, 01:12:56 AM
Whatever revolt may happen at the convention, it will all be on the delegates. Party leaders will just say what Ryan is saying now -- that the rules have to be followed and the delegates make the rules, not them or any other elected Republican in an official capacity.

It's a very convenient CYA maneuver. The delegates will happily take the blame if this move can save what's left of the party they believe in until the next national election.

You have to understand, the GOP is playing long ball. They believe two things to be certain. First, if Trump is removed as the nominee -- whether surreptitiously, or "according to the rules" -- they risk making a martyr of him, and thus, paving the way for future intraparty insurrections. The prospect of that, is even more repulsive than Trump, himself.

Second, the GOP suits know that Trump will fail. Fail catastrophically. Whether that happens in November or some time after, is of little consequence because the end result will most likely be the same: a renewed GOP. Upon the fall of Trump, party insiders will seize the moral high ground, their motto being "we tried to tell you, but you just wouldn`t listen."

I suspect The Party will direct their resources toward maintaining control of the house and senate, while tacitly keeping as much space between themselves and the 800 pound orangutan in the room, as possible.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on June 21, 2016, 01:58:36 AM

I suspect The Party will direct their resources toward maintaining control of the house and senate, while tacitly keeping as much space between themselves and the 800 pound orangutan in the room, as possible.

I think that would work well for both Trump and the Party. Why can't establishment Republicans just shut the fuck up. Trump would be doing much better if Ryan, Graham, etc and the rest of the weak willed Republicans would keep quiet.  All they need to say when asked about trump is, "no comment".

analog kid

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 20, 2016, 11:30:36 PM
Hilary Moulton Howe?

That's what I keep reading it as  ;D

Value Of Pi

Quote from: FightTheFuture on June 21, 2016, 01:58:36 AM
You have to understand, the GOP is playing long ball. They believe two things to be certain. First, if Trump is removed as the nominee -- whether surreptitiously, or "according to the rules" -- they risk making a martyr of him, and thus, paving the way for future intraparty insurrections. The prospect of that, is even more repulsive than Trump, himself.

Second, the GOP suits know that Trump will fail. Fail catastrophically. Whether that happens in November or some time after, is of little consequence because the end result will most likely be the same: a renewed GOP. Upon the fall of Trump, party insiders will seize the moral high ground, their motto being "we tried to tell you, but you just wouldn`t listen."

I suspect The Party will direct their resources toward maintaining control of the house and senate, while tacitly keeping as much space between themselves and the 800 pound orangutan in the room, as possible.

In this situation, I don't see the party seizing any moral high ground over Trump or the voters, who will not want to be told how wrong they were. Pres. Trump will claim he was stabbed in the back by an establishment that never got behind him, the same establishment the voters didn't trust during the campaign. The voters are more likely to support a Trump under fire. This conflagration, together with damage Trump would do as President would leave the party badly damaged for a long time.

My scenario of dump him at the convention is quicker, cleaner with all the fallout taken by the power-usurping delegates who dared to pick their own candidate and subvert the will of the voters. After the yelling and screaming the party would guarantee that this dastardly deed would never be done again. Trump would be back playing golf, doing his thing, happy to be out of it. Republicans keep the House and/or Senate and plan for 2020.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 21, 2016, 03:20:51 AM
In this situation, I don't see the party seizing any moral high ground over Trump or the voters, who will not want to be told how wrong they were. Pres. Trump will claim he was stabbed in the back by an establishment that never got behind him, the same establishment the voters didn't trust during the campaign. The voters are more likely to support a Trump under fire. This conflagration, together with damage Trump would do as President would leave the party badly damaged for a long time.

My scenario of dump him at the convention is quicker, cleaner with all the fallout taken by the power-usurping delegates who dared to pick their own candidate and subvert the will of the voters. After the yelling and screaming the party would guarantee that this dastardly deed would never be done again. Trump would be back playing golf, doing his thing, happy to be out of it. Republicans keep the House and/or Senate and plan for 2020.
The Proletariat would revolt.

I enjoy reading Roman history. If America was in the Roman life span, it would be about the time of the Gracchi Brothers. I can see populist movements in the campaigns of both Trump and Sanders.

Quote from: nooryisawesome on June 21, 2016, 02:08:24 AM
I think that would work well for both Trump and the Party. Why can't establishment Republicans just shut the fuck up. Trump would be doing much better if Ryan, Graham, etc and the rest of the weak willed Republicans would keep quiet.  All they need to say when asked about trump is, "no comment".

We can ask why about a lot of things.  Why can't Trump present himself as dignified, intelligent, well reasoned?

Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 21, 2016, 03:20:51 AM
In this situation, I don't see the party seizing any moral high ground over Trump or the voters, who will not want to be told how wrong they were...

Did he win a majority of votes in the primary, or did he win a plurality in most states?  I think most primary voters voted for someone - anyone - else.

Not exactly the scenario of a person who's ultimately going to appeal to independents and Reagan Democrats, let alone convince his own party to get the vote out.


There is that theory that Trump was in it to get free publicity. 
He does not release his financial statements.
He is spending so little on his campaign.
He is taking a salary from his campaign.

Maybe he's in poor financial shape. 

Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 21, 2016, 03:20:51 AM
... damage Trump would do as President would leave the party badly damaged for a long time.

My scenario of dump him at the convention is quicker, cleaner with all the fallout taken by the power-usurping delegates who dared to pick their own candidate and subvert the will of the voters... Republicans keep the House and/or Senate and plan for 2020.

I have no love for the Republican Party, they deserve to die out and be replaced by something else.  Unfortunately they are the only alternative to a much worse Democrat Party.  Your scenario appears to be the best option at this point.

The Rs are in desperate need of leadership.  A Trump candidacy, let alone presidency, will do for the national party what Schwarzenegger did for the California party - end it.

Well, at least Trump is making a legitimate attempt to turn things around:


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2016, 07:26:20 AM
I have no love for the Republican Party, they deserve to die out and be replaced by something else.  Unfortunately they are the only alternative to a much worse Democrat Party.  Your scenario appears to be the best option at this point.

The Rs are in desperate need of leadership.  A Trump candidacy, let alone presidency, will do for the national party what Schwarzenegger did for the California party - end it.

Couldn't agree with you more.   I'm nominally a Republican but they have veered way off the reservation since the Reagan years.  Mitch McConnell is a hack and needs to be kicked out.  They keep on saying they are going to change things but they are in bed with the Democratic party.  I will vote for the Republican nominee but I'm not expecting much to change.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2016, 07:13:12 AM
We can ask why about a lot of things.  Why can't Trump present himself as dignified, intelligent, well reasoned?

Because he's not.

Quinnipiac polls today.

Pennsylvania:  Trump 41%  Clinton 42%
Ohio:  Trump 40% Clinton 40%

Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 21, 2016, 12:22:25 PM
Quinnipiac polls today.

Pennsylvania:  Trump 41%  Clinton 42%
Ohio:  Trump 40% Clinton 40%


Received blowjobs while on phone with ambassadors
Fucked Monica all over oral office
Paid Monica taxpayer money for on demand oral sex
Wiped lipstick stained seamen on presidential seal
Laughed when Mochica flashed him her thong

Oh that slick willy

Hillary refered to agents as assholes, chucked bibles at them, and told the to fuck off for no reason.

Yet we worry about Trumps anger?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2016, 07:13:12 AM
We can ask why about a lot of things.  Why can't Trump present himself as dignified, intelligent, well reasoned?
I fully believe DT could imitate the Pope and the media would find ways to keep portraying him as coarse and bombastic.

Quote from: nooryisawesome on June 21, 2016, 12:43:38 PM

Received blowjobs while on phone with ambassadors
Fucked Monica all over oral office
Paid Monica taxpayer money for on demand oral sex
Wiped lipstick stained seamen on presidential seal
Laughed when Mochica flashed him her thong

Oh that slick willy

Some idiot is going to come along and say the Daily Mail is garbage and unreliable.  Just wait and see.  Yeah, the Daily Mail is a gossip rag but that doesn't mean their stories aren't true.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on June 21, 2016, 12:44:18 PM
I fully believe DT could imitate the Pope and the media would find ways to keep portraying him as coarse and bombastic.

Coarse and bombastic won my vote.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 21, 2016, 12:48:46 PM
Some idiot is going to come along and say the Daily Mail is garbage and unreliable.  Just wait and see.  Yeah, the Daily Mail is a gossip rag but that doesn't mean their stories aren't true.

They took the story from secret service book. So it's legit story.

Left is trying to do a hit job on secret service agents character. The dude was an agent for 30+ years. I'll take his side over Clintons. No contest

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 21, 2016, 12:49:47 PM
Coarse and bombastic won my vote.

Slick willy's penis wiping do anything for you?

Quote from: nooryisawesome on June 21, 2016, 12:50:58 PM
They took the story from secret service book. So it's legit story.

Left is trying to do a hit job on secret service agents chrachter. The dude was an agent for 30+ years. I'll take his side over Clintons. No contest

Absolutely.  Apparently the guy is being blacklisted by the major networks.  Another reason not to watch TV.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on June 21, 2016, 12:51:37 PM
Slick willy's penis wiping do anything for you?

Not really. I'm more of an ass man.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 21, 2016, 12:48:46 PM
Some idiot is going to come along and say the Daily Mail is garbage and unreliable.  Just wait and see.  Yeah, the Daily Mail is a gossip rag but that doesn't mean their stories aren't true.
There are cases over which US news is silent until the DM picks it up.  After they run the story, the next day usually, we see it in our sources.

If both parties were not controlled by big monied interests they would make decent headway into representing citizens.  "Follow the money" in most cases will lead you to why something is done in this world.  If we had serious election finance reform we'd see serious change happening in the country.


That stuff listed that's in the book is NOT new.  It was printed in the papers years ago.  There was also something about Hill throwing a White House lamp at Bill. 

analog kid

Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 21, 2016, 12:48:46 PM
Some idiot is going to come along and say the Daily Mail is garbage and unreliable.  Just wait and see.  Yeah, the Daily Mail is a gossip rag but that doesn't mean their stories aren't true.

I'm the idiot then, because Daily Mail is the Gawker of the right. Breitbart is even less credible.

Which is not to say the Clinton story is at all untrue.



Quote from: Segundus on June 21, 2016, 02:26:02 PM
That stuff listed that's in the book is NOT new.  It was printed in the papers years ago.  There was also something about Hill throwing a White House lamp at Bill.

If anything is not news it is that Hillary Clinton is an easily triggered shit hurling ape.


Quote from: analog kid on June 21, 2016, 04:00:59 PM
I'm the idiot then, because Daily Mail is the Gawker of the right. Breitbart is even less credible.

Which is not to say the Clinton story is at all untrue.

Yeah and there is also a difference in "making stuff up" and choosing to print only certain stories or to report on certain subjects, people, etc. But as with everything I try to get the original sources, not to say initial reports can't be wrong, but if I see the actual law, local news and local newspapers reporting it, some government document, etc than I will trust a story from whatever website, no matter their politics. For example Breitbart is clearly with me on illegal immigration so it will print stories about them when they commit some horrible crime. But you can look up the incidents in the local police public information office, local papers, etc. So a true event but Gawker or Alternet would likely print the story about the illegal who graduated top of her class or some pro-illegal story. Again, both are true.


Urh there is literally not a single worst group as the "religious right" what a absolute bunch of phonies. If there is one picture pretty much says all needs to be said of the fraud that is Falwell's is this one taking a picture with Trump in front of his Playboy magazine. Why the media actually goes a long with this facade is beyond me, there nothing moral or legit or credible of this group. PS I read the woman on the cover is in prison for cocaine trafficking *thumbs up*. BTW what a creepy pose is that, a shi*t eating smile with your thumbs up.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 21, 2016, 12:22:25 PM
Quinnipiac polls today.

Pennsylvania:  Trump 41%  Clinton 42%
Ohio:  Trump 40% Clinton 40%

But, but, but, the mainstream liberal media told me that Hillary was crushing The Donald in the polls?

What gives?  Is Huffington Post not a credible news site?

Quote from: The King of Kings on June 21, 2016, 07:13:56 PM
But, but, but, the mainstream liberal media told me that Hillary was crushing The Donald in the polls?

What gives?  Is Huffington Post not a credible news site?

'The polls' don't matter, unless they are talking about the Electoral College and how that breaks down.  It isn't one race, it's 51 (each state plus DC) separate races.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2016, 07:17:19 PM
'The polls' don't matter, unless they are talking about the Electoral College and how that breaks down.  It isn't one race, it's 51 (each state plus DC) separate races.

Polls are nothing but tools for propaganda. I can't believe people would take them seriously, repost results here.  Might as well consult The Numbers Lady, lol.

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