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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 09, 2017, 02:27:02 PM
So it now appears that Comey violated no law in releasing his own unclassified memo and that Trump's lawyer may have violated whistle blower retaliation rules.  Bwahahahaha.  In every way, Trump is being beaten like a rented mule.

Oh, noes!  Whistle blower retaliation rules!

Oh, the humanity!

You got us Drumpfkins now!

Game over man, Game over.

Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 09, 2017, 03:27:16 PM
You have not set forth the elements of any crime.

And you have though?  Amirite?

Pretty soon you will go after President Donald Trump for jaywalking in 1992.  Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

Get fucked, liberal shitbag.  President Donald Trump isn't going anywhere.  The democrats are a disaster, no leadership, no candidates, direction, constant infighting, and still under the cloud of the Clinton's.

Quote from: coaster on June 09, 2017, 04:27:37 PM
the fandom that surrounds politics is indeed a mental disorder. for everyone. whatever happened to liking a candidate but still disagreeing with some of their views? the trump train is full of fucking crazies. read this thread. that one guy just tried to tie comey in with his brother's employment. tried to say the clinton's were molesting children with slices of pepperoni pizza.
then you have people saying trump is buttfucking putin and shit. that kathy griffin shit? i mean..wtf.
my god. dial it down a notch or a million, people. this shit is destroying us. keep dividing. see what happens.

A voice of sanity in the midst of the storm.  I can be a bit partisan sometimes and I'm no doubt to the right of you, coaster, but both sides need to settle down.


Quote from: laserjock on June 09, 2017, 04:19:54 PM
Dude, mental? you are the one pointing a gun because you are so butt hurt.

It's a meme. You're on the internet right now.  :D


Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on June 09, 2017, 04:41:39 PM
And you have though?  Amirite?

Pretty soon you will go after President Donald Trump for jaywalking in 1992.  Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

Get fucked, liberal shitbag.  President Donald Trump isn't going anywhere.  The democrats are a disaster, no leadership, no candidates, direction, constant infighting, and still under the cloud of the Clinton's.

Hah hah poor little butt hurt, huh? 

You pick a loser, this is what you get, little one.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 09, 2017, 04:03:34 PM
Only to someone as lost and deluded as you.  :D

No, seriously.  No crime.  Stop making up shit. 


Quote from: coaster on June 09, 2017, 04:27:37 PM
tried to say the clinton's were molesting children with slices of pepperoni pizza

I find it deeply disturbing that you choose to simply laugh off the global scourge of human trafficking by deliberately misrepresenting the facts of the situation here.

You're a disgusting, ignorant pervert. DIAF.


Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 09, 2017, 04:49:46 PM
No, seriously.  No crime.  Stop making up shit.

You first!  ;D

No but seriously he's guilty of several crimes and charges will be forthcoming. I'll expect you to piss and moan in an all out snowflake meltdown when they do.  ;)


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 09, 2017, 04:54:07 PM
lol.  That's a Democratic pig. Claire McCasskill.

plz don't bully


Quote from: Jackstar on June 09, 2017, 04:51:34 PM
I find it deeply disturbing that you choose to simply laugh off the global scourge of human trafficking by deliberately misrepresenting the facts of the situation here.

You're a disgusting, ignorant pervert. DIAF.
if it were possible, my eyes would literally roll out of my head.
i was a victim of sexual assault when i was a child, and i champion anyone who fights to bring justice to the victims of sexual abuse.
that being said, i will not bow down to some absolute bullshit conspiracy that alex jones and his ilk pulled out of their ass to further promote alex jone's ratings and boat payments.
fuck you sincerely. don't go diaf, but still. you're an idiot.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 09, 2017, 04:45:33 PM
A voice of sanity in the midst of the storm.  I can be a bit partisan sometimes and I'm no doubt to the right of you, coaster, but both sides need to settle down.
thank ya buddy. imagine that, we disagree on shit, but still get along. who woulda thunk it. more of us, please.


jackoff star you are an alex idiot


Quote from: coaster on June 09, 2017, 03:53:59 PM
What does that have to do with anything? I'm sure if he didn't have a brother, someone would have dug up info about his third cousin or something. sorry comey, your brother has a job thats different than yours. you're guilty of a conspiracy..

Have another drink and keep watching CNN.  ;D

Quote from: coaster on June 09, 2017, 04:59:38 PM
thank ya buddy. imagine that, we disagree on shit, but still get along. who woulda thunk it. more of us, please.

Thanks.  I'll catch you later, man.  Going to do a bit of yardwork before it gets dark. :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 09, 2017, 05:02:03 PM
Have another drink and keep watching CNN.  ;D
last time I watched cnn it was for the train wreck comey hearing. i no longer watch political bullshit. go back to fox. i hear they are fair and balanced now that the sexual predator and his buddy are gone.


Quote from: coaster on June 09, 2017, 04:57:40 PM
you're an idiot.

That's really just your opinion, and I don't find your story plausible in the least.

Quote from: laserjock on June 09, 2017, 05:01:34 PM
you are an alex idiot

I remember it differently.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 09, 2017, 05:02:42 PM
Thanks.  I'll catch you later, man.  Going to do a bit of yardwork before it gets dark. :D
me too. got to water the garden. its hitting 100 degrees this weekend.


Quote from: Jackstar on June 09, 2017, 05:04:16 PM
I don't find your story plausible in the least.

of course you don't. it fucks up your last insult.


i think the fact that someone conjoured up a story about pizzagate is an affront to every child who was ever molested. but i'm sure my post, which was trying to show you how absurd the pizzagate story really was, did much more damage.
again, go fuck yourself.


I wonder what jackstar jacks with... What a maroon.


Quote from: laserjock on June 09, 2017, 05:12:13 PM
I wonder what jackstar jacks with...
youtube videos of alex jones and bill o'reilly screaming.


Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 09, 2017, 03:27:16 PM
You have not set forth the elements of any crime.

Don't you know it's a crime if you are in a government job or have access to the WH it's illegal to talk about your experience at work! Thats why when you go to any bookstore, library or even Amazon and you go to the politics section you have hundreds of books, of every administration in our life time of ex-WH staff talking about their experiences at the job(Trump fact, all those writers are currently doing time) those same people also do interviews, are "experts" in news shows and also consultants on Presidents  biographies  (authorized and unauthorized)

As you also know, no FBI agents never talk about what happened during their jobs. They certainly never write books about their time in the agency. Yes FBI director of the majority of the 90s Louis Freeh did write a book, but it must have been about his wifes baking recipes. He certainly wouldn't be talking about his time in the FBI during the Clinton era, because the idiot-in-chef and whatever right-wing rag says that's illegal and it's repeated on bellgab.  He was also interviewed on many shows including the Daily Show in 2005 but this monster is still not behind bars!

This is what so messed up with the Trump zombies, they put their brain on freeze. This is a perfect topic, it's obvious BS by Trump. You have to be retarded to not know there's "tell all" books and interviews with fromer staffers or employees and yes you CAN talk about your interaction with the Prez. EVERYTHING isn't confidential even though dumbass thinks it is.


I worked in secret research, there are things I cannot talk about, but there ARE things I can. Silly Trumpers, they love sweeping generalizations and simple minded grand solutions. Big attention spans and even bigger, erm, hands.


Quote from: Meister_000 on June 09, 2017, 04:44:04 PM
Republican Pigs in all their Glory


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 09, 2017, 04:54:07 PM
lol.  That's a Democratic pig. Claire McCasskill.

No really, if you fancy yourself a Republican (let alone an American) you should know/pay-attention to what your party-leaders are doing in your name right now. This is not mere "partisan" politics, it is unpresidented lawlessness, cheating, zero legislative process and proceedure, zero "order" as in *law and order*. Your Party's officials have become utterly contemptuous, make a mockery of, ANY/ALL established notions of fairness and justice. It is not possible to be "Lawmen" (legislators) while abandoning those "principles". Please do not reply again without watching that short video. If you, 21st Cent, are ok with what you see happening there, well ok, at least you will then know exactly who you are, what you represent, what you sign-off on, willingly, with full knowledge, no excuses. These are the rules you play by, find acceptable, approve of.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 09, 2017, 04:52:19 PM
You first!  ;D

No but seriously he's guilty of several crimes and charges will be forthcoming. I'll expect you to piss and moan in an all out snowflake meltdown when they do.  ;)

No charges.  Not now, not ever.  I'll accept your apology any time.


Let's face the reality head on: Cog Disc is the very reason the right has excused a literal mass murder of our constitution. They don't really have any consistent ideals, values, and reasoning, it's dejure, whatever their head moutpiece says is the latest thing, they swing to that ax.

Look at the buffoons on that island in the Chesapeake who are losing the entire island, over 2/3's of it is now underwater and they have no where to go, but still care more about Trump's illusionary ideas than sea level rising. What happens with some men's brains is that the get hung up on a symbolic structure, manifesto of sorts, and they cling to it irrationally because it's the only way they can make reason out of the madness that surrounds us.

They Love Donald because he makes solutions sound so simple and obvious, but Donald never reveals specifics because the trick is to keep the illusion. Like blaming Mexicans for our lack of jobs. No matter how many studies and stats prove that those people have INCREASED employment for the rest of us, they won't ever believe it, because they are in love with a concept, an idea, rather than any rational, structures logic. They love being mad and scared, I think some of them actually even masterbate from it, I'd almost swear (ok, no, but lordy how you'd almost think they do).

It's all about a clarion call, a trumpet sound like a dog whistle they all come to. It's Cog Disc. I was one of them, I know exactly how their brains function because I was one of them, what we tell them scares the shit out of them. They are like Archie Bunker, terrified that the world was never the fantasy they created in their heads.

The trick is to get them to just let go, let go of it. Some make the leap and are freed, some go down with the ship, and that's ok, we all die, we can die as a waste or as a plus, it's our choice.

Hurr durr.


Quote from: laserjock on June 09, 2017, 05:51:15 PM
I worked in secret research, there are things I cannot talk about, but there ARE things I can. Silly Trumpers, they love sweeping generalizations and simple minded grand solutions. Big attention spans and even bigger, erm, hands.

So, did you have to laser your jock because of a bad case of crabs or something?  ???


Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 09, 2017, 06:19:17 PM
No charges.  Not now, not ever.  I'll accept your apology any time.

You might want to have some Playdoh and crayons on hand next week.  ;D

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