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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 01:49:04 PM
I see the BG Trump devotees desperation today in attempting to reassure one another that Comey's appearance didn't further damage the image of their leader. No worries, Trump's reputation as a pathological liar whose incompetence and unwillingness to follow established government protocol expected of POTUS is firmly intact. He remains an unpopular president elected by a minority of Americans whose approval rating continues to decline.

And the "cloud" over his office created by himself and his cohorts isn't going away.

Someone seems to be upset that impeachment doesn't seem to be in the cards.  Have to find that silver lining though, eh?  As for what you say, I don't necessarily disagree with some of your points but better than Hillary. :D ;)


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on June 08, 2017, 01:36:45 PM

You did hear Comey say in very clear terms that there was a plethora of fake news regarding Trump and his associates being put out by the MSM didn't you?  What is incredible is that you and your cohorts bought into every single one of these fairy tales and even offered your own embellishments in some instances.   I told you, Uhura, Meister and others that this day would come.  ( I know that Meister is non compás mentís but I never thought the rest of you were quite as barking mad--just in deep denial.) Whatever the outcome of this whole thing, you will know that you have been duped by your fellow sufferers from Trump Dementia Syndrome.   


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 01:57:36 PM
The stress of the job coupled with his fragile health may be a more "imminent" threat than impeachment.

Haha so from subpoena novenas to thrombosis hypnosis?


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 08, 2017, 02:03:55 PM
Someone seems to be upset that impeachment doesn't seem to be in the cards.  Have to find that silver lining though, eh?  As for what you say, I don't necessarily disagree with some of your points but better than Hillary. :D ;)

I don't believe anyone expected Comey's testimony to result in impeachment. Trump will continue to remain on the defensive however, even if nothing comes of the continued investigations into his administration. He's far less concerned with the deeper, more serious legal and ethical issues surrounding his office, than he is with his diminishing public approval, negative media portrayal, and the shrinking size of his cheering crowds.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 02:27:17 PM
I don't believe anyone expected Comey's testimony to result in impeachment. Trump will continue to remain on the defensive however, even if nothing comes of the continued investigations into his administration. He's far less concerned with the deeper, more serious legal and ethical issues surrounding his office, than he is with his diminishing public approval, negative media portrayal, and the shrinking size of his cheering crowds.

Welcome to fantasy land. The media has always had close minded hatred for Trump and they always will for any Republican seeking or holding the presidency. His base is solid as a rock. The economy is going to continue to make real improvements after the 10 year Obama recession. Republicans will continue to add to the 1,200 seats they've gained nationwide since 2010. And if Trump decides to waste his time seeking reelection he will be reelected with ease.

The Democrat Party/MSMedia has complete destroyed its credibility with this Russian charade. They'll be lucky if they avoid legal ramifications when it boomerangs on them. The only thing that will save them is Republicans and mainly Trump are more concerned with fixing the problems our country faces than they are playing Democrat Party style political games.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 08, 2017, 01:23:14 PM
Sure, pud...sure...and I'm actually queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.  ::)
Ha!  Nice. :))


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 08, 2017, 02:21:20 PM
Haha so from subpoena novenas to thrombosis hypnosis?

Come on now. I can't be the only one to notice he's probably packed on at least 50 lbs since last year. His 71 year old heart struggles to accommodate the extra weight, but go ahead and continue to believe he's the picture of health. Those protecting him from harm need to keep him away from the KFC and Mickey D's.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 02:48:42 PM
Come on now. I can't be the only one to notice he's probably packed on at least 50 lbs since last year. His 71 year old heart struggles to accommodate the extra weight, but go ahead and continue to believe he's the picture of health. Those protecting him from harm need to keep him away from the KFC and Mickey D's.

Yep.  The two scoops are a vicious plot by Obama holdovers.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on June 08, 2017, 01:10:01 PM
And a 100% of his political opponents get killed. But if you think a murderous thug should be respected, you'e in good company with Trump.

Popularity and efficiency- next thing you know, they'll be naming a super hybrid car after him.  ;)


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 02:48:42 PM
Come on now. I can't be the only one to notice he's probably packed on at least 50 lbs since last year. His 71 year old heart struggles to accommodate the extra weight, but go ahead and continue to believe he's the picture of health. Those protecting him from harm need to keep him away from the KFC and Mickey D's.

Don't let the size of the body armor confuse you.


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 08, 2017, 02:51:58 PM
Yep.  The two scoops are a vicious plot by Obama holdovers.

Lol! Pour yourself another drink, and one for me as well. Cheers!🍸


Quote from: Gd5150 on June 08, 2017, 02:37:24 PM
Welcome to fantasy land. The media has always had close minded hatred for Trump and they always will for any Republican seeking or holding the presidency. His base is solid as a rock. The economy is going to continue to make real improvements after the 10 year Obama recession. Republicans will continue to add to the 1,200 seats they've gained nationwide since 2010. And if Trump decides to waste his time seeking reelection he will be reelected with ease.

Yawn. Wake me when he Makes America Great Again.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 02:59:10 PM
Lol! Pour yourself another drink, and one for me as well. Cheers!🍸

Cheers, dear, looks like we're in for a long ride! 🍸


Quote from: Gd5150 on June 08, 2017, 02:37:24 PM
Welcome to fantasy land. The media has always had close minded hatred for Trump and they always will for any Republican seeking or holding the presidency. His base is solid as a rock. The economy is going to continue to make real improvements after the 10 year Obama recession. Republicans will continue to add to the 1,200 seats they've gained nationwide since 2010. And if Trump decides to waste his time seeking reelection he will be reelected with ease.

The Democrat Party/MSMedia has complete destroyed its credibility with this Russian charade. They'll be lucky if they avoid legal ramifications when it boomerangs on them. The only thing that will save them is Republicans and mainly Trump are more concerned with fixing the problems our country faces than they are playing Democrat Party style political games.

Trump needs to turn the IRS onto some of these bigger liberal media organizations like CNN and MSN,etc. in order to balance things out again. Or are we just going to keep being victims to political ideologues who try to control the message and set the agenda?  :-\

Rix Gins

Quote from: K_Dubb on June 08, 2017, 02:21:20 PM
subpoena novenas - thrombosis hypnosis

You have a couple of very good rock group names there, K.  Best copyright them.


Quote from: Rix Gins on June 08, 2017, 03:27:49 PM
You have a couple of very good rock group names there, K.  Best copyright them.

Thanks, Rix!   I concentrated really hard on them.

Up All Night

Now, can we please let The President get back to #MAGA !!!


Quote from: Up All Night on June 08, 2017, 04:12:10 PM
Now, can we please let The President get back to #MAGA !!!

I am sure he's still fitting in is golf games and ungodly amount of hours watching cable news.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 08, 2017, 01:51:59 PM
Oh, we all know you'll keep it going as long as they let you (apparently forever) but that's the only thing pathological here.

Oh, not just Trump.  Without having to say so, Comey let us know that Sessions is under investigation.  We got Sessions out of the Senate, how great it would be to get that racist asshole out of government altogether.

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 02:27:17 PM
I don't believe anyone expected Comey's testimony to result in impeachment...

Apparently someone did..

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 07, 2017, 12:18:24 AM
Bars will open in the morning across America on Thursday so that folks can drop in and watch the Trump take-down while they drink, just like a major sporting event...

Quote from: Gd5150 on June 08, 2017, 02:37:24 PM
... The Democrat Party/MSMedia has complete destroyed its credibility with this Russian charade...

The MSM has been conducting this BS for months, even before its false insistence of a Hilary victory.  All while telling us everything else is Fake News.  And these folks have been eating it up. 

Liberal ''Progressivism'' really is a religion for them, as well as a mental disorder.  Like Islam.

Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 08, 2017, 04:17:52 PM
Oh, not just Trump.  Without having to say so, Comey let us know that Sessions is under investigation.  We got Sessions out of the Senate, how great it would be to get that racist asshole out of government altogether.

And he's a racist how?  Or an ''asshole'', for that matter? 

Because who said so, the left-wing America haters who will say anything to smear an opponent?

Obama set race relations back decades.  Intentionally.

For its entire history the Democrat Party has been racist and used race to gain and hold power.

Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 08, 2017, 04:17:52 PM
Oh, not just Trump.  Without having to say so, Comey let us know that Sessions is under investigation.  We got Sessions out of the Senate, how great it would be to get that racist asshole out of government altogether.

How's he a racist, dickwad?


Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 08, 2017, 04:17:52 PM
Oh, not just Trump.  Without having to say so, Comey let us know that Sessions is under investigation.  We got Sessions out of the Senate, how great it would be to get that racist asshole out of government altogether.

ReallY?! So, do you often communicate with people telepathically then?  ???  ::)  ;D


BREAKING: In closed hearings. There talk that Sessions had a third undisclosed meeting with the Russians.



Democrats and SJW's BLOWN THE FUCK OUT!!!!! KEK!



Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 08, 2017, 04:27:56 PM
Apparently someone did..

Funny how you try and fail to insert the word impeachment into my post. The take-down was fascinating however, too bad you missed it. Comey came out on top, affirming Trump's reputation as a conniving liar. And you should know that the various investigations (plural) into Trump's administration--criminal/ethical--are far from over. With Russia there's Flynn, Sessions, Manafort, Jared; emoluments...the hits just keep on coming. Comey's public testimony was simply a glimpse into one car in Trump's train wreck.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on June 08, 2017, 05:34:43 PM
BREAKING: In closed hearings. There talk that Sessions had a third undisclosed meeting with the Russians.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on June 08, 2017, 01:49:04 PM
I see the BG Trump devotees desperation today in attempting to reassure one another that Comey's appearance didn't further damage the image of their leader. No worries, Trump's reputation as a pathological liar whose incompetence and unwillingness to follow established government protocol expected of POTUS is firmly intact. He remains an unpopular president elected by a minority of Americans whose approval rating continues to decline.

And the "cloud" over his office created by himself and his cohorts isn't going away.

Most President's are unpopular during their Presidency.  Obama was voted worst President ever by a Quinnipiac poll in 2014.

Secondly, President Trump won a majority of states and Electoral College.

Finally, the only "cloud" that hangs over the Trump Presidency is the liberal shit breath and hot hair from idiot cunt's like yourself who want to see America destroyed.  You literally sound like you are a "flat-earther" who demands it be taught in school, i.e, "teach the controversy".  Like in "creationism", it isn't true and it lacks any evidence, but dopey cunt's like yourself think there is a controversy, or a cloud.

Your constant whining and debunked conspiracy theories only continue to make democrats and liberals even more pathetic than they are, and in doing so all but guarantees a win for Trump's second term.

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