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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: albrecht on May 17, 2017, 04:16:21 PM
It will be interesting situation either way but especially if Mueller finds nothing illegal because formerly Mueller was acceptable to Democrats (nobody voted against him during his initial FBI Director nomination process.) But as we've seen recently, with Gorsuch and Comey, they are quick switch sides for political reasons if necessary. So I imagine Amazon's newspaper and the rest of the Democrats and media will not accept that and claim some kind of conspiracy etc. Likewise if Mueller finds something illegal how the Republicans will take it? Lots of them don't like Trump so I could see them going with the Dems and trying to oust Trump to get Pence in. And then Trump and his core supporters? They will likely claim some "deep state" plot etc. It will be interesting.

Do we really still need to put quotes around the term deep state? I mean, they pretty much outed themselves because of Trump. I can show you the headlines and such but I know that I don't really have to. Prior to Trump it was a conspiracy theory. Now it's an objective fact. There is a deep state who are pushing for a one world government and they're trying to bring Trump (and nationalism in general) down. :D


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 02:29:27 PM
Great news!  Comey to testify before congress next week. Must see TV.  Let's get to the bottom of all this.

Better yet.  A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate all aspects of Russia's alleged attempt to influence the election.  This whole thing has been politicized to the point where no organic government entity could carry out the investigation without there being doubt as to its integrity. 
The special prosecutor, ex FBI Director Robert Mueller, will lend credibility to the effort and pursue any and all wrongdoing  including that of the Obama Administration and anyone connected to the Trump campaign and Trump himself.  I want to see the guilty indicted and the innocent exonerated as soon as possible.  I especially want to see how accurate MSM reporting had been.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 17, 2017, 04:05:44 PM
Special counsel appointed by DAG. Obviously a Dem plot. Mueller former FBI director in charge.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 04:45:16 PM
Better yet.  A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate all aspects of Russia's alleged attempt to influence the election.  This whole thing has been politicized to the point where no organic government entity could carry out the investigation without there being doubt as to its integrity. 
The special prosecutor, ex FBI Director Robert Mueller, will lend credibility to the effort and pursue any and all wrongdoing  including that of the Obama Administration and anyone connected to the Trump campaign and Trump himself.  I want to see the guilty indicted and the innocent exonerated as soon as possible.  I especially want to see how accurate MSM reporting had been.

Me too. And if they're vindicated lots of grovelling by such as Trump who will retract without reservation all the accusations of 'fake news'. But I think there's more chance of unicorn milk being available in cartons than Trump ever apologising.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 04:45:16 PM
Better yet.  A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate all aspects of Russia's alleged attempt to influence the election.  This whole thing has been politicized to the point where no organic government entity could carry out the investigation without there being doubt as to its integrity. 
The special prosecutor, ex FBI Director Robert Mueller, will lend credibility to the effort and pursue any and all wrongdoing  including that of the Obama Administration and anyone connected to the Trump campaign and Trump himself.  I want to see the guilty indicted and the innocent exonerated as soon as possible.  I especially want to see how accurate MSM reporting had been.

I'm skeptical. Mueller used to work with Comey. This should be a little too cozy for anyone's liking but here he is, nonetheless. I expect nothing but a continuation of the baseless deep state smear campaign.  ::)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 17, 2017, 04:49:48 PM
I'm skeptical. Mueller used to work with Comey. This should be a little too cozy for anyone's liking but here he is, nonetheless. I expect nothing but a continuation of the baseless crap about a deep state* smear campaign conspiracy theory ::)

*Post Trump election buzz phrase. NWO is soooo last year.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 17, 2017, 04:49:48 PM
I'm skeptical. Mueller used to work with Comey. This should be a little too cozy for anyone's liking but here he is, nonetheless. I expect nothing but a continuation of the baseless deep state smear campaign.  ::)

Who would you have? Jeff Sessions? Who 'advised' Trump to sack Comey even though he is the subject of a Russian investigation being overseen by Comey. Trump corrected that particular upstart belief by saying he'd decided to sack Comey before being advised because of the 'Russia thing'.  ;D


Quote from: PaulAtreides on May 17, 2017, 03:37:21 PM
Your problem, of course, is that you are incapable of reasoning because in your heart of hearts you believe that you're superior based upon the color of your skin.  Admit it.

No, I'm superior because I have a superior IQ, my judgement is impeccable, I'm very handsome and  above all, I have a great deal of humility.  Oh yeah, I'm also a really nice guy and I'm kind to everyone.  So fuck off.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 05:02:15 PM

No, I'm superior because I have a superior IQ, my judgement is impeccable, I'm very handsome and  above all, I have a great deal of humility.  Oh yeah, I'm also a really nice gut and I'm kind to everyone.  So fuck off.


In addition to the investigations over Russia etc we need to have investigations in the tax-free foundations pushing all of the leftist ideas, political correctness, etc and also debate the laws about media ownership. (I don't like the idea that foreign governments can buy up our media and the concentration of media outlets into just a few hands.)



Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 17, 2017, 05:06:11 PM

I have corrected that misspelling but, now that I think about it, I do have a nice gut and I am very regular except after long flights, eating a lot of rich foods and once after eating some bad oysters I had a days-long case of the green apple quick step.  But, I don't want to talk about it.   

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on May 17, 2017, 05:11:14 PM
In addition to the investigations over Russia etc we need to have investigations in the tax-free foundations pushing all of the leftist ideas, political correctness, etc and also debate the laws about media ownership. (I don't like the idea that foreign governments can buy up our media and the concentration of media outlets into just a few hands.)


Free market economy. I and a lot of others were pissed that the UK's utilities and railways were sold off even though they were already owned by the public. What was warned would come to pass, did. And the railways are owned by France and Germany (BOTH having state owned railways) and the utilities owned by the Arabs, French, Germans, and whoever else. A Conservative government did that. The naysayers were told they weren't being patriotic because they didn't want the UK sold to foreigners as they predicted would happen.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 05:20:22 PM
I have corrected that misspelling but, now that I think about it, I do have a nice gut and I am very regular except after long flights, eating a lot of rich foods and once after eating some bad oysters I had a days-long case of the green apple quick step.  But, I don't want to talk about it.

Oysters are the devils work. You have no sympathy from me.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 17, 2017, 05:19:12 PM
Gowdy.  ;)

Gowdy would be an excellent choice but he has become too much of a Democrat slayer and would be a lightening rod for criticism by the all the usual dumb shits including our resident dumb shits here on BelGab. 


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 17, 2017, 05:22:46 PM
Oysters are the devils work. You have no sympathy from me.

Tell me about it.  I thought there would be nothing left of me but asshole and eyebrows.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 17, 2017, 05:20:58 PM
Free market economy. I and a lot of others were pissed that the UK's utilities and railways were sold off even though they were already owned by the public. What was warned would come to pass, did. And the railways are owned by France and Germany (BOTH having state owned railways) and the utilities owned by the Arabs, French, Germans, and whoever else. A Conservative government did that. The naysayers were told they weren't being patriotic because they didn't want the UK sold to foreigners as they predicted would happen.
Yeah, I'm not an Ayn Rand type. Maybe if there was perfect information in markets and no threats from foreign countries, honest politicians, but some things are necessary for national security to be produced domestically or run by government agencies and also some things also work more efficiently, and cheaper for the consumer, in a monopoly, with some oversight least they gouge the consumers. Generally competition is good but limited competition in certain sectors. And I especially don't like selling off things the tax-payers have already paid for to companies, often foreign.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 05:29:20 PM
Tell me about it.  I thought there would be nothing left of me but asshole and eyebrows.
Oysters got me a few weeks ago. I least I blame them though it could be a combination of things: crawfish (the last of the boils were VERY spicy as we threw every remaining spice in,) raw oysters (a Mexican suggested instead of lemon and cocktail sauce to put some tequila on them,) and drinking beer all day and late into the night.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 05:29:20 PM
Tell me about it.  I thought there would be nothing left of me but asshole and eyebrows.

Okay, so right after I posted this I realized that I had teed it up for some to say "and you were right" so I'm beating you evil bastards to the punch.


Quote from: albrecht on May 17, 2017, 05:34:26 PM
Oysters got me a few weeks ago. I least I blame them though it could be a combination of things: crawfish (the last of the boils were VERY spicy as we threw every remaining spice in,) raw oysters (a Mexican suggested instead of lemon and cocktail sauce to put some tequila on them,) and drinking beer all day and late into the night.

You should have drank the tequila and thrown the rest of that shit away. Just sayin'

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 17, 2017, 04:23:46 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, okay? Fuck off and die.

So you are anti-science then?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 17, 2017, 05:20:58 PM
Free market economy. I and a lot of others were pissed that the UK's utilities and railways were sold off even though they were already owned by the public. What was warned would come to pass, did. And the railways are owned by France and Germany (BOTH having state owned railways) and the utilities owned by the Arabs, French, Germans, and whoever else. A Conservative government did that. The naysayers were told they weren't being patriotic because they didn't want the UK sold to foreigners as they predicted would happen.

I can't believe I'm saying this but you're right. Of course, that didn't just happen in your country but here and in Canada as well to some degree. Which is why it surely must have been a coordinated effort of the deep state, the same one trying to impeach Trump.  ::)


Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on May 17, 2017, 05:40:14 PM
So you are anti-science then?

they're the people who burned witches in salem. they're the people who persecuted copernicus and gallileo because they spoke out against the social traditions of the time. they're the people who throw fags off the roofs in the middle east. they're the people who hung the niggers by their necks centuries ago. they're the people who tortured poor souls during the inquisition. they're all of the most oppressive and negative aspects of catholicism. they're the very people they sometimes pretend to hate.

they're the people who swallow every social convention and mindlessly regurgitate it. they'll defend their delusions and intellectual herd vehemently, and violently. anything different must be crushed. anything deviant is evil.

they're the same souls as those ignorant and backwards people who walked the earth before. the same class of person. the same "type" of personality. the only difference is that the social values around them have changed. and that type of person clings desperately to their social values and popular trends.

the only thing that sets them apart even slightly is that "tolerance and acceptance" has become fashionable. "tolerance and acceptance" has become the moral platitude of the day. people like them are always trapped by moral platitudes (they use them to gain power). look around you though, they even turned "tolerance and acceptance" into weapons. they turned "tolerance and acceptance" into an excuse for violence, militance and oppression. they're broken, shattered souls with nothing but evil intent dwelling deep within them :(


Quote from: gnooryblows on May 17, 2017, 01:26:54 PM
if you're even serious (which i don't believe you are), i have to say that dealing with low IQ people is really fucking tedious.

let's use "occams razor" and test the simplest explanation first. if you can tell me why millions of people wouldn't vote their own interests when there's nothing stopping them, then you can be considered to have some sort of maybe-sort-of argument. but if you can't, then you have no argument, absent evidence that none of it happened.

the burden of proof here lies on the individual who is arguing for the COUNTER "common sense" outcome to be true?

so if i am holding a ball behind a screen that nobody can see, and i say "i'm going to drop this and it's going to hit the floor", you're essentially saying "no it's not going to hit the floor unless you can remove the screen and prove that it happened". in order for your assertion to be taken seriously, you need to provide some sort of evidence or reasoning to back it up, otherwise people will just laugh at you (as they do)

in our case and in our metaphor, the vote is the ball and the measures which protect even the US government from reviewing which ballots were cast for who is the screen that's blocking our view. is that still too complicated for you?

Hahahhahah. Smartly said.


Quote from: gnooryblows on May 17, 2017, 06:06:12 PM
they even turned "tolerance and acceptance" into weapons. they turned "tolerance and acceptance" into an excuse for violence, militance and oppression.
Spot on.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 17, 2017, 05:26:04 PM
Gowdy would be an excellent choice but he has become too much of a Democrat slayer and would be a lightening rod for criticism by the all the usual dumb shits including our resident dumb shits here on BelGab.

You're okay with impartiality as long as the impartial one has brought democrats to book and you favour them? Is that correct?


Quote from: PaulAtreides on May 17, 2017, 03:37:21 PM
Your problem, of course, is that you are incapable of reasoning because in your heart of hearts you believe that you're superior based upon the color of your skin.  Admit it.

Could it be that in your heart of hearts you know that were  it not for your skin shade you would have no claim to victimhood and would be required to measure up (or not) with no excuse to fall back on?  People of color have been given 50+ years of prerential treatment in this country and some have used it to achieve a higher status in life.  Those people have my sincere respect and admiration.  However, many others still cannot ride the bicycle of life without the training wheels and it seems it will ever be thus.  When will more of you rise above bestial behavior and be able to compete on an equal basis.  (Maybe after you have all been paid reparations?).   If having the belief that many many more could and should makes me a racist then I will wear the name proudly. To think otherwise is to perpetuate the problem. 

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