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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Meatie Pie on April 04, 2017, 10:56:53 AM
Fake News is permissible if it supports the Obama regime. Dog-eared page of the playbook.

FIFY  ;)


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 10:53:27 AM
Isn't NY Post owned by Rupert Murdoch? Owner of Fox news? Yeah, I think it probably is.  ::)

So this is just a distraction nothing to see, about the bet lets make it A beer. I bet a beer Susan Rice is going to plead the 5th when she is called to testify. Not real news, just a distraction it should be a free beer. Take me up?   


Quote from: Meatie Pie on April 04, 2017, 08:28:49 AM
Vashtar presumably has a life, certainly a life of the mind.

Don't feel bad if he doesn't feel like making time to babysit urchins like you, Jackstar and Dr. MD.

Clarify a few things for us.  Are you male, female or undecided.   Is your avatar an idealized version of yourself or is it someone you hope to resemble after your sex change operation.   It's really quite confusing because some of your posts give us the impression that you are a menopausal old haus frau whose husband went out for smokes 20 years ago and has yet to return.   In other posts you come off as a cloddish mouth breather whose intelligence limits him to employment as a door stop.  We would just like to put you in the proper frame of reference so as not to treat you unkindly.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: smccomas69 on April 04, 2017, 11:06:39 AM
So this is just a distraction nothing to see, about the bet lets make it A beer. I bet a beer Susan Rice is going to plead the 5th when she is called to testify. Not real news, just a distraction it should be a free beer. Take me up?   

I bet my hair she doesn't need to. Show what she did wrong; use diagrams and a pp presentation if you need them.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 11:28:19 AM
I bet my hair she doesn't need to. Show what she did wrong; use diagrams and a pp presentation if you need them.

I'm guessing you're bald already or close to it.  ;)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 04, 2017, 11:30:47 AM
I'm guessing you're bald already or close to it.  ;)

Seriously I wish my hair didn't grow as quick as it does. Costs a fortune to have it trimmed frequently.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 11:28:19 AM
I bet my hair she doesn't need to. Show what she did wrong; use diagrams and a pp presentation if you need them.

Ha Ha good one. Did I say she did anything wrong? No I did not, I said "she is going to plead the 5th" that is what I am betting.

The previous admin has lost control of the narrative, they took the Russian BS to far and it is starting to backfire.       


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 11:28:19 AM
I bet my hair she doesn't need to. Show what she did wrong; use diagrams and a pp presentation if you need them.

If you need someone to explain what she did that was illegal and immoral, you possess neither the intelligence (no pun intended) nor the moral compass that would make any discussion with you on the matter worthwhile. 


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 11:33:04 AM
Seriously I wish my hair didn't grow as quick as it does. Costs a fortune to have it trimmed frequently.

Is your boyfriend too busy down at the salon to give you a trim and a manscape?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: GravitySucks on April 04, 2017, 12:19:08 PM
Here is perspective on the other perspective.



Breitbart's former boss (Bannon) oversees everything in the WH. Likely involved in the leaking via two WH staffers (one a protege of Flynn; who McMasters wanted fired, overuled by Trump, the second former employee of Nunes) to Nunes, who hot footed it to the WH, the day after the night before he'd been briefed by said staffers. Nunes tells his boss Trump the info he could have got without Nunes' involvement whatsoever. Info seemingly being classified incidentally.

Naturally Breitbart has published the above? Lol

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on April 04, 2017, 11:57:49 AM
Is your boyfriend too busy down at the salon to give you a trim and a manscape?

The break up wasn't easy. I'd bought him a new comb too. Bitch.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 04, 2017, 11:42:12 AM
If you need someone to explain what she did that was illegal and immoral, you possess neither the intelligence (no pun intended) nor the moral compass that would make any discussion with you on the matter worthwhile.

No-one has said yet what she did that was illegal. My understanding is she was NSA to Obama, and in that capacity had access to classified info provided by the IS, yes?

What evidence have you she divulged classified info to un cleared persons? Unmasking isn't leaking by the way; it adds context. But as neither you nor I know who or what or why, the point is moot. Unless of course you're simply repeating what Trump is tweeting?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 12:34:01 PM
No-one has said yet what she did that was illegal. My understanding is she was NSA to Obama, and in that capacity had access to classified info provided by the IS, yes?

What evidence have you she divulged classified info to un cleared persons? Unmasking isn't leaking by the way; it adds context. But as neither you nor I know who or what or why, the point is moot. Unless of course you're simply repeating what Trump is tweeting?

By the same basis what evidence is there that any of the conversations held between Russians and American citizens involved anything illegal?

The one thing that is a fact is the leaking of details of those conversations was illegal.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 04, 2017, 11:23:39 AM
Clarify a few things for us.  Are you male, female or undecided.   Is your avatar an idealized version of yourself or is it someone you hope to resemble after your sex change operation.   It's really quite confusing because some of your posts give us the impression that you are a menopausal old haus frau whose husband went out for smokes 20 years ago and has yet to return.   In other posts you come off as a cloddish mouth breather whose intelligence limits him to employment as a door stop.  We would just like to put you in the proper frame of reference so as not to treat you unkindly.
The woman in the avatar is appropriate for the site - former Skinemax actress Tanya Roberts, a kook whom Jorch rather badly hit on when she once appeared on his program.

The rest of your dreck I can't be bothered with at the moment.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 12:34:01 PM
No-one has said yet what she did that was illegal. My understanding is she was NSA to Obama, and in that capacity had access to classified info provided by the IS, yes?

What evidence have you she divulged classified info to un cleared persons? Unmasking isn't leaking by the way; it adds context. But as neither you nor I know who or what or why, the point is moot. Unless of course you're simply repeating what Trump is tweeting?

Yes she said that during the interview. She also said that there  “They allege there was a spreadsheet you put out of all of these names and circulated it.” Rice: “Absolutely false. No spreadsheet, no nothing of the sort.” She said that unmasked names “was not then typically broadly disseminated throughout the national security community or the government.”

That contradicts this:  A former U.S. attorney named Joseph diiGenova told the Daily Caller: “What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals.”

So....someone is lying. I doubt she will repeat that on the stand or she will Plead the 5th  My bet she lawyers up and takes the 5th.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: GravitySucks on April 04, 2017, 12:45:46 PM
By the same basis what evidence is there that any of the conversations held between Russians and American citizens involved anything illegal?

The one thing that is a fact is the leaking of details of those conversations was illegal.
That would be Messrs: Cohen-Watnick and Ellis who called Nunes to the WH to tell him the details before he returned the next day to tell Trump?

Rice wasn't privy to that meeting.


Quote from: WildCard on April 04, 2017, 12:11:35 PM

Are you still breathing oxygen and taking up space that might better be used by a colony of fungus.  How long has it been since you were declared to be in a vegetative state after doing a lid that you found on the floor of a porta-potty while attending a Janis Joplin concert that turned out to be ant poison instead of Acid.  That must have really sucked.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: smccomas69 on April 04, 2017, 01:26:23 PM
Yes she said that during the interview. She also said that there  “They allege there was a spreadsheet you put out of all of these names and circulated it.” Rice: “Absolutely false. No spreadsheet, no nothing of the sort.” She said that unmasked names “was not then typically broadly disseminated throughout the national security community or the government.”

That contradicts this:  A former U.S. attorney named Joseph diiGenova told the Daily Caller: “What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals.”

So....someone is lying. I doubt she will repeat that on the stand or she will Plead the 5th  My bet she lawyers up and takes the 5th.

This attorney? What was his role in this? And let us have some context shall we?

intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals.”

Intercepted phone calls made by foreign interests who were under surveilance speaking about US citizens. The topic was of a security concern, therefore the hitherto unamed persons were looked into. Later revealed as being Mr Joe Doe and Mr John Smith.

But that won't look good in Breitbart will it?


Also from the Washington Times  "And one more tidbit: These spreadsheets were allegedly requested by Rice a year before the 2016 presidential election"

This is way before they started the Russian narrative.

This is the deal, we KNOW Susan Rice will lie to the media, the weekend after Bengazi she hit all the talk shows stating with conviction that it was because of a video. The leaked / hacked emails prove that the day of the attack they KNEW it was a successful terrorist attack.

When she is under oath she will have the following choices. 1. Tell the whole truth and implicate a lot of people possibly even Obama. 2. Lie. That is perjury she goes to jail. (G.G. Liddy gangsta) I doubt she has the stomach. That leaves 3. Plead the 5th.   

Again: She will plead the 5th           


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 04, 2017, 01:38:49 PM
That would be Messrs: Cohen-Watnick and Ellis who called Nunes to the WH to tell him the details before he returned the next day to tell Trump?

Rice wasn't privy to that meeting.

I am speaking of the leaks that happened as early as January as reported in the NY Times beginning on January 20. Specifically the leaks that caused Flynn's ouster.

If anything close to being illegal had been intercepted during the period leading up to the election and inauguration, then Obama surely would have taken action.

It appears that despite great scrutiny by the Obama administration, no communications were construed as illegal, so the Obama bureaucracy decided to spin a conspiracy cloaked in lies and innuendo with the assistance of the MSM that still refuses to admit that Trump won the election.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 04, 2017, 01:58:09 PM
I am speaking of the leaks that happened as early as January as reported in the NY Times beginning on January 20. Specifically the leaks that caused Flynn's ouster.

If anything close to being illegal had been intercepted during the period leading up to the election and inauguration, then Obama surely would have taken action.

It appears that despite great scrutiny by the Obama administration, no communications were construed as illegal, so the Obama bureaucracy decided to spin a conspiracy cloaked in lies and innuendo with the assistance of the MSM that still refuses to admit that Trump won the elction.

Yep, the Flynn lie is the only thing to come out of this, and that's easily explainable as motivated by the popular misapprehension of the Logan Act which enjoyed wide currency at the time.

At this point I assume that, given the forces at their disposal, someone in the former administration knows all the facts linking Trump to Russia and has calculated that the vague hints at scandal are more damaging than whatever substance there is.

It's like the pee dossier.  If we hadn't read it, veiled references to it would sound really bad.  But, read it and the whole thing looks kind of silly.


As of Sunday April 2, Still "no evidence of collaboration between Russians and Trump campaign". So we just have an investigation until we find something to charge someone with.

But we know The Obama administration was abusing power to go after political opponents. Several felonies have been committed via leaks, wire taps, surveillance. We know Rice is a proven liar. We know members of the Clinton campaign have taken 100s of millions from Russians. The Podesta Group. Amazing the worthless Democrat media can't find it in themselves to report any real news. Even the BBC reported the story on Rice ordering unmasking and leaking of Trump campaign officials,  and they're almost as big of a joke as CNN. It must suck to be an ignorant leftwing lemming.


How much longer before Trump voters figure out they've been duped? SAD!

"We're building the wall. In fact it's going to start very soon. Way ahead of schedule. It's way, way, way ahead of schedule."
-Donald Trump, Feb 2017

Brownsville, Texas (CNN)
Before Donald Trump can build his promised wall between the US and Mexico, he will have to take private property from thousands of US citizens - a land grab that is expected to prompt years of legal battles, cost tens of millions in taxpayer dollars and delay construction.

[attachment id=1 msg=1032180]


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 04, 2017, 02:19:11 PM
Yep, the Flynn lie is the only thing to come out of this, and that's easily explainable as motivated by the popular misapprehension of the Logan Act which enjoyed wide currency at the time.

At this point I assume that, given the forces at their disposal, someone in the former administration knows all the facts linking Trump to Russia and has calculated that the vague hints at scandal are more damaging than whatever substance there is.

It's like the pee dossier.  If we hadn't read it, veiled references to it would sound really bad.  But, read it and the whole thing looks kind of silly.

Yup, Pee Pee Gate never really took off did it.  Maybe it was a piss poor idea for that pissy little Brit former spook to invent a story that only served to stoke the ongoing pissising contest and piss off patriots. 


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on April 04, 2017, 02:39:06 PM
How much longer before Trump voters figure out they've been duped? SAD!

"We're building the wall. In fact it's going to start very soon. Way ahead of schedule. It's way, way, way ahead of schedule."
-Donald Trump, Feb 2017

Brownsville, Texas (CNN)
Before Donald Trump can build his promised wall between the US and Mexico, he will have to take private property from thousands of US citizens - a land grab that is expected to prompt years of legal battles, cost tens of millions in taxpayer dollars and delay construction.

[attachment id=1 msg=1032180]

Ha Ha yeah ok. Do you think Susan Rise will plead the 5th that is my question. 


How badly do you think they are wishing they had not went down the Russian road?


Quote from: smccomas69 on April 04, 2017, 03:05:18 PM
Ha Ha yeah ok. Do you think Susan Rise will plead the 5th that is my question.

Something tells me these Texan landowners don't give a rat's ass about your pathetic attempt to deflect from the subject of the government taking their land.

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