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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 30, 2017, 01:21:15 PM
You're playing the reporter game. Criticize him for trying to save face but if he didn't you'd criticize that too and call him weak. Let's try to understand that the vested interest of most of DC is precisely to constantly put him in a no-win situation. This is the kind of corruption we should be trying to get rid of, not celebrating.   ;)

He's the president.  He controls what situation he's in.

He can ice out the media he doesn't like.  Rather than having everything he says and does go through their filter, he can go over them directly to the people.

He's commander in chief, the top diplomat, the top legislator, the top cop and justice official.  He is the chief executive of the federal government.  He controls the political calendar.  He has the bully pulpit, and can make things very difficult for judges and politicians.  He can tap anyone in the US for advice on anything.

But not acting presidential undermines all of it and leaves a void.  He ran against the media and against Washington in general.  By creating a void, they will fill it, and have been. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 30, 2017, 01:47:19 PM
He's the president.  He controls what situation he's in.

Yeah...sure...that's what JFK thought too.  ;D


I see the kudzu is back, and spreading like wild.

The tweeting is hurting HIM, that's the problem with it. 

He's never worked in government.  He's always worked in his own company, and always as the top person.  He's never had to learn to work with others.  He's never learned to choose his battles.  He's never had to convince others, or to compromise.  Because he was the boss.  If he wasn't getting along on a business deal, and money wasn't going to sweeten the pot and smooth things over, he could always just drop the deal and move on to the next one.  He's always just said whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted, and punched back if he felt insulted or threatened. 

It doesn't work that way in real life.  All these tweets, responding to every slight, making enemies needlessly, even  over simple current policy disputes - first, it makes him look bad.  He's sparred with a variety of people, but people notice it's always him not getting along with and attacking someone.  It builds up, on him, and not in a good way. 

Second, this is politics, not business, he can't just piss everyone in Congress off, drop the deal, and move to the next Congress - the way he could with a business deal.  This is it.  These are the people he will need to work with as long as he's there.  Most of them expect to be there long after he's gone.  It's remarkably stupid to make enemies of them needlessly.  He was always a terrible fit for the job, and certainly doesn't have the temperament for it.  An intelligent person would be aware of their weaknesses and work to overcome them.  I'm getting the feeling Trump won't

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 30, 2017, 01:54:24 PM
Yeah...sure...that's what JFK thought too.  ;D

Ok, unless he dies he has all the power.  If he uses it.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on March 30, 2017, 01:58:23 PM
I see the kudzu is back, and spreading like wild.

You just taking a break in between your manicure and your pedicure?  ???


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 30, 2017, 01:58:47 PM

He's never worked in government. 

And that's exactly why we elected him.  ;)

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 30, 2017, 02:01:15 PM
And that's exactly why we elected him.  ;)

That's correct, and that's fine, and I agree.  But he needs to switch things up a little in order to get things done.  For his own benefit.  For the benefit of the people who elected him. 

That he can't grasp this basic fact reaffirms everything we thought about him all along.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 30, 2017, 02:06:55 PM
That's correct, and that's fine, and I agree.  But he needs to switch things up a little in order to get things done.  For his own benefit.  For the benefit of the people who elected him. 

That he can't grasp this basic fact reaffirms everything we thought about him all along.

I agree. Right now I'm listening to former advisor to Jack Kemp, David Smick and he has some very reasonable strategic suggestions that Trump could do well to incorporate that involve offering up certain concessions to the Dems that wouldn't interfere with Trump's overall agenda. I think we'll probably see more of this kind of backroom deal making moving ahead now.


Uh oh baby Trump is having another hissy twitter fit right now, calling out individual GOP members for not voting with him on TrumpCare. Remember last week he said he didn't really care about the vote and his parrots repeated it.

This isn't a surprise as his entire life he surround himself with spineless yes men, anybody who stands up to him he gets triggered. Don't worry, he'll be able to suck on Hannity nipple tonight to calm him down

Yorkshire pud

The WSJ is reporting that Flynn has offered to testify in exchange for immunity. Who knows why he needs immunity, he's been the victim of fake unsubstantiated media hasn't he?

Then the Nunes comedy piece: The updated timeline on him (so far) is Nunes swapping cars one evening, dropping into the WH (The way anyone can do, right?) where he met two people who signed him in. Both young blokes: one who worked for Nunes and the other who was installed by Flynn and works for Trump; who apparently McMasters wanted to fire but was overuled by Trump.

Anyway, the next day Nunes goes to the WH again, chats to the press, Ryan, Trump and the press again, apparently after uncovering info that he felt Trump should be aware of in relation to Trump's allegation of being wiretapped.

To simplify: Nunes gets info from two WH staffers to support Trump who is involved on an investigation that Nunes is the chairman of, in order to go back the following day to tell Trump the speaker of the house and the press all about. Rather than take this classified info back to the intel committee he's chairman of.

Obviously its all perfectly explainable.  ::)



President Trump Meets with Prime Minister Rasmussen.  3.30.17.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: bateman⭐️ on March 30, 2017, 05:35:55 PM

Oh dear. I wonder if he remembers the words when he led the chant: Lock her up. Might need to re-write them slightly.

Yorkshire pud

Flynn has no sense of irony. Sept 25th last year he said (in relation to Clinton and Podesta) that no-one is too big to jail, and anyone asking for immunity is probably guilty.

I wonder if Judge Yates will get an apology? She warned the WH that Flynn had lied and susceptible to blackmail and she was fired because of it.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 06:07:39 PM
I wonder if Judge Yates will get an apology? She warned the WH that Flynn had lied and susceptible to blackmail and she was fired because of it.

This is almost as funny as the Dude.  ;D


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 06:07:39 PM
Flynn has no sense of irony. Sept 25th last year he said (in relation to Clinton and Podesta) that no-one is too big to jail, and anyone asking for immunity is probably guilty.

I wonder if Judge Yates will get an apology? She warned the WH that Flynn had lied and susceptible to blackmail and she was fired because of it.

Ya, this just too much -- tough-guy "patriot" needs "immunity" to do his *duty*, HA!

[edit] Here's your mentioned clip YP


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 30, 2017, 06:09:39 PM
This is almost as funny as the Dude.  ;D

Oh? Why? Because she had a point and Trump knew she might say something he'd rather she didn't? I don't think anyone with any sense now believes at face value anything coming outof the WH. Even Spicer looks tired from having to keep the fantasy going.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Meister_000 on March 30, 2017, 06:30:44 PM
Ya, this just too much -- tough-guy "patriot" needs "immunity" to do his *duty*, HA!

[edit] Here's your mentioned clip YP


A man of conviction, he'll no doubt stand by it. I wonder if he's sweating a bit now he knows just because he asked for immunity, doesn't mean he'll have it granted.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 06:36:56 PM
Oh? Why? Because she had a point and Trump knew she might say something he'd rather she didn't? I don't think anyone with any sense now believes at face value anything coming outof the WH. Even Spicer looks tired from having to keep the fantasy going.

The only fantasy being played out here is the one about Trump and a Russian conspiracy. If anything the evidence reveals a closer connection to the Clintons and other Dems but you keep spinning your webs, spider. I still love watching you get all caught up in them. Fascinating!  ;) ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 30, 2017, 06:42:18 PM
The only fantasy being played out here is the one about Trump and a Russian conspiracy. If anything the evidence reveals a closer connection to the Clintons and other Dems but you keep spinning your webs, spider. I still love watching you get all caught up in them. Fascinating!  ;) ;D

That'll explain why there's a bipartisan intel investigation in the senate looking into Russia/Putin and Trump/his staff, former and current. No mention of Clinton.

But the spider analogy is unfortunate; spiders don't get caught in their own webs. But Yates still seems vindicated. But I didn't expect you to address that, choosing instead to deflect.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 06:44:09 PM
That'll explain why there's a bipartisan intel investigation in the senate looking into Russia/Putin and Trump/his staff, former and current. No mention of Clinton.

Uranium One.  ;)


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on March 30, 2017, 06:40:42 PM
A man of conviction, he'll no doubt stand by it. I wonder if he's sweating a bit now he knows just because he asked for immunity, doesn't mean he'll have it granted.

It's already been denied to him I think (few mins ago, I'll get a link)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 30, 2017, 06:45:20 PM
Uranium One.  ;)

Oh you don't buy that bollox do you? Oh wait...of course you do. But the senate isn't looking into that. No. Only Trump and his circus.


Well, the faggots are taking over now and shameless sloganeering will reign supreme for the next couple hours. YAWN! Peace out.  8)

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