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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 16, 2020, 08:27:37 PM

"Meet the current dictator.  Same as the old dictator..."

Although the current slime ball has better hair and may be a smoother operator.


People should be rejecting both Bill Gates and Mark Cuban loudly. If either of them are put anywhere near official power we’ll all pay for it.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 16, 2020, 08:46:21 PM
People should be rejecting both Bill Gates and Mark Cuban loudly. If either of them are put anywhere near official power we’ll all pay for it.

And Google and Apple working together?    Caught a McAfee interview on the run still and says he is in Ecuador n doesn't believe Corona-Chan numbers as a "math major."


You are slipping, MD. You missed this one. Theresa Tam (Canada's public health minister who is pretty much running the government while Justine cowers in his basement) works for the WHO. She is one of several people on the oversight committee in charge of health emergencies.

Oh, and Justine is considering bringing in the emergencies act that will suspend all civil liberties. Guess who is likely going to the the one making the decisions then? The slimy cunt who works directly for the WHO.

I don't like conspiracy theories- but man this is getting sick... I'm going to guess that I will be on the list of individuals to round up and "disappear"...



Quote from: WOTR on April 16, 2020, 11:51:21 PM
You are slipping, MD. You missed this one. Theresa Tam (Canada's public health minister who is pretty much running the government while Justine cowers in his basement) works for the WHO. She is one of several people on the oversight committee in charge of health emergencies.

Oh, and Justine is considering bringing in the emergencies act that will suspend all civil liberties. Guess who is likely going to the the one making the decisions then? The slimy cunt who works directly for the WHO.

I don't like conspiracy theories- but man this is getting sick... I'm going to guess that I will be on the list of individuals to round up and "disappear"...


Hang tough and try to wake your countrymen up.  ;)

I noticed that they had to reedit her public service announcement because she sounded like she was barking at people in the first take. DEE DEE MAO! DEE DEE MAO!! >:( ;D


Here is a nice one from the CBC. It shows Justine and Dr. WHO with a caption "were all in this together! Let's stay connected" under it...

***I'll admit that this post was mostly because I wanted to use my new term for her- "Dr. WHO".  ;)


Quote from: WOTR on April 17, 2020, 12:17:36 AM
Here is a nice one from the CBC. It shows Justine and Dr. WHO with a caption "were all in this together! Let's stay connected" under it...

***I'll admit that this post was mostly because I wanted to use my new term for her- "Dr. WHO".  ;)

Hey, why not a Chinese communist Dr. Who?! They’ve had every other kind. ;D


Deputy Chief Medical Officer doesn't rule out forcing Australians to download the Government's coronavirus tracing app   
QuoteThe Government has said 40 per cent of Australians would need to sign up to the app for it to have enough data to function properly.

When asked if the panel of health experts advising the Government was considering recommending the app be compulsory if less than 40 per cent of people signed up, Professor Kelly said making it voluntary at first was "the way to go".

The Prime Minister also did not rule out making the app mandatory.
"My preference is to give Australians the go of getting it right. "That's my objective, that's my Plan A and I really want Plan A to work." Mr Morrison said he understood it would not be something people would do ordinarily, but that this was "not an ordinary time". "I'd be calling on Australians to do it, frankly, as a matter of national service."

The Government is modelling its app off one used in Singapore, where only 20 per cent of people have downloaded it. The app is called TraceTogether and uses Bluetooth to create a record of other nearby phones that also have the app.

I don't plan on 'voluntarily' having government spyware on my phone, and I don't see how they could force it on the public or enforce having it. Especially not one which would be using battery life consuming bluetooth or location services.


Quote from: Taaroa on April 17, 2020, 01:59:00 AM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer doesn't rule out forcing Australians to download the Government's coronavirus tracing app   https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-17/paul-kelly-coronavirus-tracing-app/12158854

I don't plan on 'voluntarily' having government spyware on my phone, and I don't see how they could force it on the public or enforce having it. Especially not one which would be using battery life consuming bluetooth or location services.

I heard of this idea being floated for all countries (I believe that Singapore has graciously agreed to provide the code to all interested countries.) The person who I heard talking had even recommended that you only be allowed into certain places (supermarket?) if you could show that you had the app.

I had two thoughts... Why not just update the idiot facebook app to do this? 90% of the morons who don't care about their privacy already feed facebook tons of info. You would not even need to change the TOS, just push an update to their phones.

I also wondered if they could force manufacturers to include it with the phone's O/S? I suppose that is where a rooted android might be handy...


Quote from: WOTR on April 16, 2020, 11:51:21 PM

I don't like conspiracy theories- but man this is getting sick... I'm going to guess that I will be on the list of individuals to round up and "disappear"...

When you get that early-morning knock on the door, I'm sure you'll be able to bore your captors into temporary incapacity, enabling you to make your escape down the drainpipe and make a new life for yourself as a Saskatchewan moose.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 17, 2020, 02:17:52 AM
When you get that early-morning knock on the door, I'm sure you'll be able to bore your captors into temporary incapacity, enabling you to make your escape down the drainpipe and make a new life for yourself as a Saskatchewan moose.

I know you will be interested in this tidbit of info... I live in a normal North American house. I can just waltz out the front door after stunning them into a coma. No European style drain spout scaling required.

Now all that is left to be determined is what subspecies I shall pose as. Shiras, Canadian or the Yukon/Alaskan? All can be found in Saskatchewan, so I'm not limited by this choice in adopted geography...

Thank goodness you chose Saskatchewan and allowed me options. Had you said "Cape Breton" I would be limited to having to impersonate an Alces andersonii...


Quote from: WOTR on April 17, 2020, 02:15:47 AM
The person who I heard talking had even recommended that you only be allowed into certain places (supermarket?) if you could show that you had the app.
That'd probably work here, since really there are only two supermarket chains with very few other options for the entire country and at the moment the government has even allowed them to openly collude on prices.

Quote from: WOTR on April 17, 2020, 02:15:47 AM
I heard of this idea being floated for all countries (I believe that Singapore has graciously agreed to provide the code to all interested countries.) The person who I heard talking had even recommended that you only be allowed into certain places (supermarket?) if you could show that you had the app.

For Crissake don't say the "S" word around the Brit.  I made that mistake on a forum even more obscure than this one and he was so triggered he left it - never to return.

Quote from: Taaroa on April 17, 2020, 01:59:00 AM
Deputy Chief Medical Officer doesn't rule out forcing Australians to download the Government's coronavirus tracing app


I don't plan on 'voluntarily' having government spyware on my phone, and I don't see how they could force it on the public or enforce having it. Especially not one which would be using battery life consuming bluetooth or location services.

Paul Kelly?  The pencil necked distant ancestor of Ned? 

Look how far you have come.  From a Kelly wearing a rubbish can on his head as he gets in a firefight with the bulls to some dork that insists you plug into some beast grid so that you are allowed to buy a can of bully beef.   

As Groyper would say:  "You hate to see it"


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 17, 2020, 04:26:33 AM
For Crissake don't say the "S" word around the Brit.  I made that mistake on a forum even more obscure than this one and he was so triggered he left it - never to return.

It was mainly the fault of the Australians anyway, as you very well know. I wish I could stick you in the cooler for a month.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 17, 2020, 04:48:23 AM
It was mainly the fault of the Australians anyway, as you very well know. I wish I could stick you in the cooler for a month.

Oh that is right.  You are inexplicably an anti-Brexit type like Dynamo. At least in her case she was worried about starving to death because she might have to pay three extra pence on a Danish Ham.  You on the other hand will miss groveling to your Hun potenates............

Bring it on Horst.  I've been in there before. 


USA is #1!

We lead the world in number of cases and deaths.



Trump’s action to defund WHO doesn’t go nearly far enough.  We need to defund the UN which would make it economically unviable and then expel all ambassadors, staff, etc. from the U.S. for having no visible means of support.  How’s that for a plan? 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 17, 2020, 08:25:42 AM
Trump’s action to defund WHO doesn’t go nearly far enough.  We need to defund the UN which would make it economically unviable and then expel all ambassadors, staff, etc. from the U.S. for having no visible means of support.  How’s that for a plan?

From you? Total bullshit. You should just continue threatening the people you disagree with, keyboard warrior. That’s the kind of Chinese strongarm tactics you’re into. DIAF.


Quote from: analog kid on April 17, 2020, 08:32:42 AM
The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it's never manufactured


Read the article dimwit.  They were acting as a logistics contractor in procuring the masks from various sources, not manufacturing them and have a delivery date of 23 April but state that the masks can’t be delivered until 1 May.  No doubt they were chosen because they already have a contract in place which would significantly speed up the procurement process  More Trump bashing by a “usual suspect.”  If they do deliver on time it won’t be reported by any MSM outlet.  Post often.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 17, 2020, 08:54:12 AM
Read the article dimwit.  They were acting as a logistics contractor in procuring the masks from various sources, not manufacturing them and have a delivery date of 23 April but state that the masks can’t be delivered until 1 May.  No doubt they were chosen because they already have a contract in place which would significantly speed up the procurement process  More Trump bashing by a “usual suspect.”  If they do deliver on time it won’t be reported by any MSM outlet.  Post often.

Pretending he doesn’t agree with him. ;D

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 17, 2020, 08:45:50 AM
From you? Total bullshit. You should just continue threatening the people you disagree with, keyboard warrior. That’s the kind of Chinese strongarm tactics you’re into. DIAF.

Panthera the company is allegedly going to procure them and deliver them by may 01.

analog kid

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 17, 2020, 08:54:12 AM
Read the article dimwit.  They were acting as a logistics contractor in procuring the masks from various sources, not manufacturing them and have a delivery date of 23 April but state that the masks can’t be delivered until 1 May.  No doubt they were chosen because they already have a contract in place which would significantly speed up the procurement process  More Trump bashing by a “usual suspect.”  If they do deliver on time it won’t be reported by any MSM outlet.  Post often.

How can you read that article and miss the corruption and price gouging?


Quote from: analog kid on April 17, 2020, 09:05:53 AM
How can you read that article and miss the corruption and price gouging?
Yeah, Cheetah.  "Orange Man bad, Orange Man bad!" Now shut the hell up and eat your banana.

analog kid

Quote from: ItsOver on April 17, 2020, 09:11:12 AM
Yeah, Cheetah.  "Orange Man bad, Orange Man bad!" Now shut the hell up and eat your banana.

Orange fan mad. Now put your fingers back in your ears and go watch Fox News.


Quote from: ANAL kid on April 17, 2020, 09:24:48 AM
Orange fan mad. Now put your fingers back in your ears and go watch Fox News.

I don't watch Fox, Cheetah.  Keep flinging your poo, if you have any left over from your breakfast.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 17, 2020, 08:45:50 AM
From you? Total bullshit. You should just continue threatening the people you disagree with, keyboard warrior. That’s the kind of Chinese strongarm tactics you’re into. DIAF.

Oh please, you're the biggest pussy on BG. You shy away from the slightest challenge, you pathetic mannikin.

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