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Ed "No Shame" Dames

Started by Ruteger, April 10, 2009, 08:20:26 AM

Uncle Duke

Quote from: paladin1991 on October 17, 2014, 09:53:21 AM
If he's talking killshot again, that means that both are on their way!  Oh boy!

There is the small matter of there being no operational shuttles.


Hmmmm, maybe his prediction guess is based on 1990's thought or cultural experience.  Today, we have the x-37B roaming the near dark of earth on patrol against those evil moon nazis.

Quote from: Uncle Duke on October 17, 2014, 10:30:06 AM
There is the small matter of there being no operational shuttles.

Oh ye have little faith.  Did you ever stop to think maybe a meteor was going to take out the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Virginia, where one of the shuttles is kept?  Or maybe New York or Los Angeles.   He probably didn't think that part was worth mentioning.


I recall one time, several years ago, when Dames had news about the Loch Ness Monster. Wow!  Very soon thereafter I opened a letter (physical mail) from a British penpal, a letter I'd had lying about for a while (since just before Dames's claims), and she was reporting the same news from British news sources. It became immediately clear to me that Dames had devoured the same reports and regurgitated them as his very own... but nothing came of it, the MSM yawned. Also regarding the killshot, the sun has been quiet lately, though some big spots are rounding the bend.  I get my solar news from http://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers which is always interesting, thus Ben is unlikely to become a guest on you know who's show...


Quote from: paladin1991 on October 17, 2014, 09:53:21 AM
If he's talking killshot again, that means that both are on their way!  Oh boy!
Did Bell ever disown Dames?  He treated Dames with a good deal of reverence when he was still doing the show.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on October 17, 2014, 06:45:53 PM
Did Bell ever disown Dames?  He treated Dames with a good deal of reverence when he was still doing the show.
I don't recall him having done so. Oddly Art had a few guests that were less than reliable but he still always seemed to almost fawn over them. I recall some episodes with Stan Deyo, Dames, etc. Hoagland at least he questioned more towards the end, though still had him on a lot. I think if they bought into the "quickening" with their predictions, no matter how off or vague or post-hoc, he seemed to back them up. I love Art shows but he wasn't perfect and, I guess, they brought ratings and the shows were certainly better than what we have now.

I'm surprised Dames is doing another Doompornopalooza World Tour.

I have fond memories of seeing him at Pine Knob during the '99 Fearstock tour. He played all his hits, everything from "Killshot","Jetstream on the deck" to "Babys milk blues"  He was the closing act after Gordon Michael Scallion and Stan Deyo. Gary North had an infamous 20 minute Y2K solo. RCH was handing out bad acid and LMH earned herself the nickname "Mel's hole" on that tour


Quote from: DebbyS on October 17, 2014, 06:35:13 PM
I recall one time, several years ago, when Dames had news about the Loch Ness Monster. Wow!  Very soon thereafter I opened a letter (physical mail) from a British penpal, a letter I'd had lying about for a while (since just before Dames's claims), and she was reporting the same news from British news sources. It became immediately clear to me that Dames had devoured the same reports and regurgitated them as his very own... but nothing came of it, the MSM yawned. Also regarding the killshot, the sun has been quiet lately, though some big spots are rounding the bend.  I get my solar news from http://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers which is always interesting, thus Ben is unlikely to become a guest on you know who's show...

He did the same thing with his prediction of the 'jetstream coming down to the deck'.  Several others as well.  A technique that he learned from SDM.

Juan Cena

So Dames has dumped Ukraine for Russia, and now it looks like he starting to bad mouth the US. What a dirtbag.

He'll probably be licking Vlad Putin's junk before the night is done.


Quote from: Juan Cena on October 21, 2014, 11:23:32 PM
So Dames has dumped Ukraine for Russia, and now it looks like he starting to bad mouth the US. What a dirtbag.

He'll probably be licking Vlad Putin's junk before the night is done.

Its always amazing to me that whichever country Dames is living in at that particular time, is always better than ANY other country.  ESPECIALLY the U.S.
EDIT: let's see If Nuke-em-high-Noory makes an appearance tonight.


I actually didn't hate Ed Dames at first. The fact that remote viewing is basically confirmed by the government to have existed made me think maybe there's something to it.
Once I got to his future predictions I realized he is a fake. Anyone can claim 100 % accuracy when no one follows up on the facts.
Seriously Art kept saying in 97 that his future prediction that an asteroid would fall in Africa in 1998 and cause a plague that would wipe out all the food and we would have to live underground eating alege for years was too much for me. Art kept saying "he's sticking his neck out pretty far!" Art should have never had him on again since none of his things came even close. What good is having your neck out there if no one is allowed to chop it off?   

Dames performance last night was pretty ethically abysmal.  He was really pushing the fear and trying hard to frighten people into attending his Kill Shot 2014 tour events.  Reference the lady who was asking about safe spots in Alaska.  Dames claimed that there were two safe spots, but if she wasn't in exactly the right spot she would run out of ammo trying to protect herself (or something to that effect).  He followed up by saying he would only provide the safe spot information at his pay events.

Also, there was the woman who said her bff, relative, lover, or some other close acquaintance was going back to Russia to be safe but that she, herself, was too old and wasn't moving.  Solution?  "North America actually has more safe spots than Russia.  Come to my seminars,"  but later in the program he essentially said Russia would make out well and America was essentially screwed.

Dames even played it up saying he gets everyone to sign a non-disclosure agreement when they attend because the information was too vital to get out and cause mass migrations to safe spots.

Noory asked why Dames wouldn't have an event in Los Angeles, and the response was "I don't pick my dates.  The organizers do that."  Then why not St. Louis?    Answer:  "I'm not going there.  It's too close to the New Madrid fault."  I call BS.  I don't think Dames wants to go anywhere where he expects people to protest his shameless activities.  Much better to entertain a party crowd in Las Vegas or gullible seniors in Orlando.

I looked at Dames' tour site where they make a big deal out of him sending out free DVDs paid for out of his own pocket, but they couldn't reveal the real information outside of the seminars.  Wow.  Free advertising.  Thanks Ed.

Finally there was the caller who, polite but obviously dubious, pointed out the responsibility Dames has -- considering his claims and the number of people he influences.  Dames, without a note of conscientious regret, said that yes, it was a great responsibility and that he was trying to do his part.

A common criminal might break into a few homes, cause a little inconvenience, and force the occupants to make claims with their insurance companies.  If caught, he will then suffer in jail and go through life with the mark of a felon.  Dames is potentially screwing over thousands of people, asking them to use their life savings to move to safe spots and stock up on survival gear -- potentially having to give up good jobs and relationships in the process.  People have even been known to commit suicide when they fear end times are near.  Yet Dames is a free man. 

For his sake, he'd better be right about all this.  I just wonder why it all seems to coincide with his retirement age.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 22, 2014, 05:00:29 PM
Dames performance last night was pretty ethically abysmal.....

I think there is something to Remote Viewing, but Dames is so full of shit his eyes are brown.

I think anyone who listens to Art's past shows can put it together and I am not just talking about every failed predictions that Ed pulls out of his ass.

So, Ed was Enlisted for a while, got a degree, and became an Army Officer.  Happens all the time...sounds good.

He was promoted to Major while in the RV program.  That means that his claims of being a 'Spy Master' where he ran 'Agents' and directed 'Operations' happened while he was a LT. or Captain. 

A Captain?
Anyone whose been in the Army or done any sort of Intelligence work knows those claims are bullshit on many different levels.

Ed also cites numerous different jobs; Targeting Officer, Spy Master, White House Briefer, Chemical Weapons something or another, Remote Viewer, Training Officer...  I know there are more jobs claimed but even with these alone that's a lot of training in the 6 years it takes to make Captain, 8-9 years to make Major.

Simultaneous offices in the Pentagon, DIA, NSA, CIA, and Defense Mapping?  Yeah!  Bullshit.

Art did a show with three actual Remote Viewers.   I think it was Igno Swann, Joe McMoneagle, Lyn Buchanan.  Art asked them about Ed and all three agreed that Ed wasn't a Remote Viewer at all.  He was the Training Officer who had done a few Remote Viewing Sessions to try it out.  Dames talks a lot about directing the activities of the Army RV unit, like it was his unit to command; tasking this and tasking that.  How does a Training Officer do this? 

In my military experience, the Training Officer was always the guy too worthless to be used anywhere else. A place to put someone until retirement.

But Ed fantasies don'tt really bother me as much as Art's shilling for him ( and all the other frauds Art used to book; Morton, Scallion, et al )  Art likes to twist events and past predictions to Ed's, and the rest's, benefit.  Never calling out what obvious frauds they all are.

Either Art is putting on a radio show, some sort of cross between the X-Files and Amos&Andy, or he is a gullible fool.

Dames was also once Walter Cronkite's houseboy.
Dames once made love to Morgan Fairchild...yeah that's the ticket!

Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on October 23, 2014, 12:53:22 PM
Dames was also once Walter Cronkite's houseboy.
Dames once made love to Morgan Fairchild...yeah that's the ticket!

Tommy Flanagan Ed Dames

Yeah, his girlfriend... Morgan Fairchild!  That's it.  Babes can't get enough of him, yeah.

Actually he's doing pretty well with that Russian/Ukranian bride if she pays him any attention.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 23, 2014, 01:09:03 PM
Actually he's doing pretty well with that Russian/Ukranian bride if she pays him any attention.

You mean the one that looks like she's his daughter?

This might be the same chick from her "buy a wife" site?

Quote from: area51drone on October 23, 2014, 01:24:59 PM
You mean the one that looks like she's his daughter?

This might be the same chick from her "buy a wife" site?

That photo never gets any less disturbing.


Quote from: area51drone on October 23, 2014, 01:24:59 PM
You mean the one that looks like she's his daughter?

This might be the same chick from her "buy a wife" site?

Wow. So I have a little more respect for the major now. Up from zero. One wonders if this is why Art liked him? Tho Art likes the oriental types. Btw, so, apparently the "kill shot" is no longer. It is a bunch of shots (George, helpfully, explained that by saying "bang, bang, bang."  What an idiot. Someone needs to attend the conference and leak the material. Maybe to cryptome or wikileaks if afraid of Ed's non-disclosure.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 23, 2014, 01:27:05 PM
That photo never gets any less disturbing.
Notice how she leans away as dAmesy pooh leans in. I wonder how many RV courses he had to sell to catch her eye


Quote from: b_dubb on October 23, 2014, 07:22:57 PM
Notice how she leans away as dAmesy pooh leans in. I wonder how many RV courses he had to sell to catch her eye
Its called threat of a kill shot, perhaps. Hopefully she is happy and ok. Not to be politically incorrect but ive known some Russians n they had nice proverbs like "beat your wife, every day. If you don't know why she will" and bottles of vodkas once opened must be finished but also bad luck for three on a bottle. And some weird deal about looking ina mirror if returning home or sitting on luggage before leaving or travel? I forget all of them.

Juan Cena

Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on October 23, 2014, 12:53:22 PM
Dames was also once Walter Cronkite's houseboy.
Dames once made love to Morgan Fairchild...yeah that's the ticket!

Ed Dames wrote nine operas.
Ed Dames shot eleven holes-in-one
Ed Dames' birth was marked by a double rainbow in the sky
Ed Dames doesn't use the bathroom
Ed Dames tries to stay young by injecting himself with the blood of virgins.


Quote from: b_dubb on October 23, 2014, 07:22:57 PM
Notice how she leans away as dAmesy pooh leans in. I wonder how many RV courses he had to sell to catch her eye
He'll just cycle through Russian girls as each wife reaches the permanent green card threshold and walks.  Isn't he on Ukrainian No. 2 already?  Not a bad plan for an old lecher.

Quote from: Juan Cena on October 23, 2014, 09:36:15 PM
Ed Dames wrote nine operas.
Ed Dames shot eleven holes-in-one
Ed Dames' birth was marked by a double rainbow in the sky
Ed Dames doesn't use the bathroom
Ed Dames tries to stay young by injecting himself with the blood of virgins.

Yet nobody has ever referred to him as "Dear Leader Viewer," and that's just wrong.

her body language in that pic speaks volumes.  she can barely contain her repulsion for that little turd.

On a related note, last saturday's SIT had the guy who wanted to launch himself into space with his homemade rocket. I wanted to see what happened and found this:
"Unfortunately, the failure of my (first) marriage to the Russian woman after only two months, sent me into a downward spiral, and I lost the passion, motivation and drive to complete the project.  I also found myself in the situation where the dream became greater than my resources, so I had to finally abandon the project in 2006."

Dames, take note

Dames actually made it in a movie! (Suspect Zero) I was looking up the movie that my relatives are watching, and noticed he was in it.  Thankfully I missed the part he was in.


Given Dames' hit rate he'd make a fine Stormtrooper in Star Wars.


Quote from: GuerrillaUnReal on June 06, 2010, 09:29:40 PM
Did you know Ed Dames never Remote Viewed in the military? He was just the guy taking notes in the secret military program.

If you have the time, there's a great read at

Here's an excerpt
I recommend everyone take a look through that article, it's a real LOLfest on what a scumbag Dames is.

The UFOWatchdog site in general is pretty good (even if Art Bell is in the hall of shame)

You know what I think I actually remember him saying in like his first interview that he himself didn't actually remote view and that he just led other people that were doing it. This is 100 % condriducted by everything he said he RV (satan for instance) later on. I can't believe none of the callers caught on to it. Everytime a caller tells Art how wrong Ed was Art just says he predicted a time range greater than Ed actually said, or he would name something going on vaguely related in to what Dames said that could be the beginning of a Dames prophecy. After a couple Dame's shows I gave up on him. RV Satan was the last one I listened too it was fun but Dames is BS with a long list of predictions he got wrong aka all of them. 


Quote from: henge0stone on February 10, 2015, 01:48:33 PM
You know what I think I actually remember him saying in like his first interview that he himself didn't actually remote view and that he just led other people that were doing it.
I think Dames was a admin puke/analyst in the Army and never "led" anyone. Anyone using their military title socially after leaving the service is a high level bullshitter anyway, unless they're retired flag rank. A Major is barely middle manager level.

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