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Richard Groypers' Bellgab Podcast

Started by Lilith, April 07, 2019, 01:07:54 PM


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 12:19:59 PM
is Erinn accusing me of harassment? asking for an aqaintence.

Oh, good... I'm getting sucked in. Thanks Groyper.

Somebody should tell Erinn that she needs to change the batteries in her smoke detector or CO detector. Those high pitched beeps in the background are a sure sign that you are flirting with dead batteries and a possible bad outcome to life.

:47, 1:35, 2:24 3:12

A new video is up and she happy and peppy because she dropped a few pills and chased it with rum.

Her subscribers are so happy for her. Yea Erinn, you self medicated all your troubles away, at least till the high wears off and you have another breakdown.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 11:31:42 AM
oh noes! muh channel is currently under siege by ErinnF's disabled cat lady goons. i have to shut my channel down due to these relentless personal attacks. also i have been throughly rekt and owned by the comment posted below. i could not have foreseen this. diabolical!
Closer to the start of all of this, I was going to say that you and Mycheal (Deacon) are probably pretty good examples of how to handle the net. In his case, people can tell him they hate his show and like Heather, he says he does not care. The difference is is does not go on air crying about his haters.

But now I see that I was mistaken about you... So it is just Myke to hold up as an example now? Another hero has fallen.  :'(


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on May 24, 2019, 06:30:23 PM
A new video is up and she happy and peppy because she dropped a few pills and chased it with rum.

Her subscribers are so happy for her. Yea Erinn, you self medicated all your troubles away, at least till the high wears off and you have another breakdown.
Victim-hood, never-ending grieving, grifting... Oh, yeah, and drugs.

Good times, good times.

Quote from: WOTR on May 24, 2019, 06:14:22 PM
That is all fine... But did he message you after 23:00?*

With the internet, and time zones, we probably need some clarification on the predator ruling. Is it 11:00 from the senders time zone, or 11:00 from the receivers time zone? I'm just trying to figure out how to let some Brit know that I'm interested without being labeled a sexual predator...  ;)

people having 11:01 PM electronic discourse? degeneracy!

Quote from: WOTR on May 24, 2019, 06:36:28 PM
Closer to the start of all of this, I was going to say that you and Mycheal (Deacon) are probably pretty good examples of how to handle the net. In his case, people can tell him they hate his show and like Heather, he says he does not care. The difference is is does not go on air crying about his haters.

But now I see that I was mistaken about you... So it is just Myke to hold up as an example now? Another hero has fallen.  :'(

im sorry. i was weak!!!

Quote from: WOTR on May 24, 2019, 06:30:16 PM
Oh, good... I'm getting sucked in. Thanks Groyper.

Somebody should tell Erinn that she needs to change the batteries in her smoke detector or CO detector. Those high pitched beeps in the background are a sure sign that you are flirting with dead batteries and a possible bad outcome to life.

:47, 1:35, 2:24 3:12

ive see you've caught Groyper fever. the only prescription is more trolling. 😀

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on May 24, 2019, 06:30:23 PM
A new video is up and she happy and peppy because she dropped a few pills and chased it with rum.

Her subscribers are so happy for her. Yea Erinn, you self medicated all your troubles away, at least till the high wears off and you have another breakdown.

*sigh* Monday's gonna be off the chain. a birthday will be ruined.

Quote from: WOTR on May 24, 2019, 06:36:28 PM
Closer to the start of all of this, I was going to say that you and Mycheal (Deacon) are probably pretty good examples of how to handle the net. In his case, people can tell him they hate his show and like Heather, he says he does not care. The difference is is does not go on air crying about his haters.

But now I see that I was mistaken about you... So it is just Myke to hold up as an example now? Another hero has fallen.  :'(

im trying but my subscribers arent donating to me!!! if each sub donated 1 dollar I'd have 68 whole buckaroos!


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 06:40:53 PM
people having 11:01 PM electronic discourse? degeneracy!
Maybe we can get Lee to record It’s 11:00 PM Somewhere.

Asuka Langley

Why is is so hard for women to tell the truth fam? #JasonDinduNuffin #MGTOW


Quote from: Kizuna Ai on May 24, 2019, 07:47:22 PM
Why is is so hard for women to tell the truth fam? #JasonDinduNuffin #MGTOW


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 06:45:49 PM
ive see you've caught Groyper fever. the only prescription is more trolling. 😀

It scratches a lot of itches.  Of course we all have our own styles.    ;)

Quote from: Kizuna Ai on May 24, 2019, 07:47:22 PM
Why is is so hard for women to tell the truth fam? #JasonDinduNuffin #MGTOW

lmao i have this fantasy of Callan totally going off on Erinn: "YOU BITCH, YOU HOE!"

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 09:04:34 PM
lmao i have this daydream of Callan totally going off on Erinn: "YOU BITCH, YOU HOE!"

Fug, i used to like Erinn/seraphim but her videos are getting to crazy cat lady for me. Who the fuck cries about needing a new pool cover when their roof is leaking so bad the drywall is falling off the ceiling in every fucking room of the house? She needs to buy some blue tarps and pay some Mexicans to nail them on  before she can see daylight though it. Shes so drugged out of her mind she cant prioritize anything and she cant even change a $3 battery to get her smoke detector to stop beeping.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 09:04:34 PM
lmao i have this fantasy of Callan totally going off on Erinn: "YOU BITCH, YOU HOE!"




Quote from: Kizuna Ai on May 24, 2019, 09:11:58 PM
their roof is leaking so bad the drywall is falling off the ceiling in every fucking room of the house?

Encountering a rare difficulty here, in finding an appropriate Sweet Valley High cover to post.


Quote from: Jackstar on May 24, 2019, 09:17:24 PM
Encountering a rare difficulty here, in finding an appropriate Sweet Valley High cover to post.

Try Harder.

Quote from: Kizuna Ai on May 24, 2019, 09:11:58 PM
Fug, i used to like Erinn/seraphim but her videos are getting to crazy cat lady for me. Who the fuck cries about needing a new pool cover when their roof is leaking so bad the drywall is falling off the ceiling in every fucking room of the house? She needs to buy some blue tarps and pay some Mexicans to nail them on  before she can see daylight though it. Shes so drugged out of her mind she cant prioritize anything and she cant even change a $3 battery to get her smoke detector to stop beeping.

Jason Callan's next vid:

"hello my legion! Jason Callan here. i regret to report Erinn has passed away due to smoke inhalation. take care muh legion!"

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 24, 2019, 09:31:02 PM
Jason Callan's next vid:

"hello my legion! Jason Callan here. i regret to report Erinn has pass away due to smoke inhalation. take care muh legion!"

Good news is if her house does catch fire the fire department wont have to cut holes to ventilate it since her roof has holes in it anyways. The best thing that could happen is the fucker to go up and collect insurance money. But then she would probably buy stupid shit like ugly dolls and whatever kind of junk women who have hit the wall buy after they go through menopause.

Asuka Langley

In b4 Erinn buys her cat a wedding dress and motorized litter box with her $350 in jew bux.

Asuka Langley

$350 could buy enough blue tarps to cover her roof. I am sure Jason would have went up there and nailed them on for her until she accused him of being a sexual predator.


Quote from: Kizuna Ai on May 24, 2019, 09:11:58 PM
...she cant even change a $3 battery to get her smoke detector to stop beeping.
No need for extravagance. The dollar store should stock them.


Quote from: Liberace! on May 24, 2019, 11:44:41 PM

Thanks for another international "Heather hit."  8)

*While this was good, I do believe that the cuckshack was still the catchiest on the album.


Quote from: brig on May 25, 2019, 04:11:42 AM

Is there a Jason and Erinn tune in development?

I have been looking for a subject to base my next song on. This would be a good one, but I don't really know enough about either of the characters generally, and my knowledge of this particular situation is limited to what has been said in this thread. Perhaps someone could help me with facts about both Erinn and Jason, and I can build something from that.

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