It was that Crazy Nurse Granny chick who clowned your mother. Go back and match up the voices.
It was that Crazy Nurse Granny chick who clowned your mother. Go back and match up the voices.
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Erinn and Tootsy Wootsy must be related. The constant demand for attention coupled with the immediate hand-biting that follows is too much of a coincidence.
Quote from: Spookcat on June 25, 2019, 02:13:08 AMI'll just say this and go back to watching the new spinoff show from afar - this woman wants Senda in a way she either can't deal with, doesn't understand or won't admit.
Perhaps this is just part of the plan to get Bellgab taken down so Falkie will talk to her again.
Quote from: AZZERAE on June 24, 2019, 03:15:25 AMIs there a needier twat on these boards than you are?
I don't know how to say this, but I wrote it and I'm considering hitting delete on the entire thing.
Quote from: brig on June 17, 2019, 03:13:30 AMSomething happened that she isn't talking about.
No surprise here, but Erinn said all her friends are online...
She said she is lonely, unhappy with her life, now she can't even start a relationship, no friends within her physical vicinity...
...and we should listen to Erinns life philosophies seriously because why?
She needs more BellGab.
Quote from: WOTR on June 13, 2019, 08:20:17 PMThank you much.
Wow. Time to throw in the towel. When 3OF makes an appearance and forsakes Senda's thread for yours, it is time to start worrying.
BTW- Welcome back.
Quote from: Richard Groyper on June 13, 2019, 11:13:25 AMIt sounds like the Thrive people are essentially selling uppers.
she grinds up THRIVE into a powder (maybe it's already powder idk,) then sniffs it.
Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 17, 2015, 07:53:55 PM
Kathy is NOT moving back and has told me so.
We do have some financial things that we have to share for now but IF she's going to have sole use of the car, I am NOT going to pay for her car insurance and she isn't going to like that at all.
I am already looking to buy my own car ( and yes, you haters, I will go pay off my traffic fines first ) so I will not have to rely on her to run me around.
After the February trips I can save $100 a month towards it and be able to pay off my tickets too.
IF she finds a place to live in Pittsburgh or Antioch, she's not going to be seeing me that often anyway.
Too far, too much traffic and wastes too much gas.
I will need her to bring MY stuff out of storage and back in here or get my own storage ( and don't tell me to get rid of the stuff or sell it, it's NONE of your business and I am way past tired seeing the bs posts over and over ).
I spent thousands on her and her needs for 38 years.
Its time to take care of ME.
My electric bill went up with her here.
If I stop paying for her car insurance and storage that's $108 a month alone that I can use.
Of course, she'll call me an asshole or worse for doing it.
The bus system here sucks. Stops at 9, doesn't run until 9 on the weekend and then only once an hour and quits at 6.
That's why public transit in spread out areas doesn't work. You need a car.
My biggest problem is doctor's appointments in SF. Takes 2 hours taking bus and BART and have to rush to get home by 9.
I should have my own car by the end of next year.
My traffic fines are $600. And my state senator has said they will get the idiotic " I had a stroke when I didn't " suspension of my license removed so I can get my license back without paying or a test. I never had a stroke and have the doctor's paperwork to prove it.
I've even had women online ask me out on dates.
I am not ready for that yet until I lose weight and I was overeating way too much with her here. I've not eaten all day yet. Too busy.
I have mixed feelings about Kathy but am so glad she is out of here, you have no idea.
She is mad at me but what else is new ?
She gets that way at the drop of a pin or if I say or ask something the wrong way.
I am not going back to the abuse and her slovenliness.
And don't give me any pigsty crap either.
I have a lot of stuff.
Get over it.
Thanks to Gerry for the 600 videos post mesage too.
And I will be stepping up to the nest level when my new Ipadair # 2 arrives next week.
No photos, one game, a couple of apps and it will be with me 24-7 when I go out so I never miss a video/picture opportunity again.
Now if I can just find my new camera light.
I brought it up here and my mind was so frazzled with all of the crap I can't remember where I put it.
I started to stutter a lot with her here and kept forgetting what day it is as well.
That's stopped as the stress producer is gone.
I still love her but our relationship is toxic and we cannot live with each other and Kathy, while she can be sweet and nice, is unreasonable far too often.
I am still physically worn out over all this and have to force myself to take breaks from now on.
8 hours in front of this screen is killing my back and I had to sleep with a heating pad last night.
On the bright side, my favorite restaurant in SF is re-opening. Old one was around for 107 years.
QuoteIt's quite simple--I will explain.Are you talking about Falkie posts or Heather posts? If the latter I feel you.
I carry on, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, the Recent Posts feed suddenly gets shitted up with nonsense bullshit about nothing at all important! OVER AND OVER AND OVER.
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 02, 2018, 11:43:28 PMI have always believed this was the case. The fat man has plenty of money squirrelled away. This latest grift is for the vehicle.
Even within the last month or two.
I didn't want to say it and expose him to close questioning, but I believe Falkie has more than enough cash and credit on hand to travel there, get a very nice hotel room, enjoy meals out, and buy all the books, t-shirts, collectable memorabilia that he sees and likes, special smaller sessions with his favorite stars, and autographs.
He's detailed it all out on video for going on a year now, with frequent updates as to how it was coming along. He had the money ad credit all lined up, and that was before Curtis collected the money for his three day pass.
I believe the current donation campaign is for the car, land, container home, next year's Alien Con, and cat food. If so, he should be more upfront about it.
Quote from: SredniVashtar on June 03, 2018, 10:05:02 AMThat tortured writing style is one of a kind, eh?
Hi, damon.