Art since BellGab has been run over by a few ass hole trolls(most here are reasonable enough but are outshouted by no life trolls) it is smart for you to quit BellGab. Trolls deserve to be ignored--enjoy your life, put the no life shits on total ignore and let them stew in their own noxious juices. Like the majority I don't like how you handled your abrupt quitting BUT like most don't go on like butt hurt whiny little babies about it--it's just idiotic. Unfortunately it's a small number but it is enough to stay way clear of BellGab--so smart move Art.
Don't know if you will come back to radio but IF you do--use your Facebook(where you can control access and get rid of ass holes) to communicate to here and elsewhere will get the message anyway as any word will spread quickly. Just keep toxic BellGab in your rear view mirror. Live well and forget the dicks.
Don't know if you will come back to radio but IF you do--use your Facebook(where you can control access and get rid of ass holes) to communicate to here and elsewhere will get the message anyway as any word will spread quickly. Just keep toxic BellGab in your rear view mirror. Live well and forget the dicks.