Yeah to me, Ian has a side to him that's still a naughty schoolboy who giggles at sex stuff--harmless though cute or annoying depending on your perspective. Interesting mixture with his intellectual side.
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Show posts MenuQuote from: CronkitesGhost on September 27, 2020, 03:05:35 AM
That group could destroy a Golden Corral faster than COVID-19.
that's Ian on the right? is he still that fat? i hope not, i like him a lot more than Noory. He's like 60, there's a reason you don't see many really heavy elderly people :/
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 30, 2015, 12:24:40 PM
Is it impolite to point out that if he's quit BG the likelihood of him reading your post is remote? So your sentiments to him are somewhat moot.
Quote from: Freyja on December 29, 2015, 04:46:24 PM
Well thank you Jackstar <batting my very long sensuous eye lashes>
Crass my ass! I try to be nice...most of the time. I was asking a simple people here think they need to be "protected" by an ignore function and if so why?..they are not able to do this on their own?
Oh my god...posts here have offended the sensitivities of others and the lynch mob is forming and those who can't take it say "oh, thank god for the ignore function"!!!
What is wrong with some of the people here?!?!?
YES, the topic that DP brought up is a very sensitive that brings up a bad time and memories for the Bell family.
I get that some of you feel that doing this was insensitive, inappropriate, maybe even cruel...I get that.
Again, I repeat <sigh> that all this has been public knowledge for a very long time ( 1997). There has been more than a plethora of chat, remarks on the internet since that time in many is NOTHING NEW!!!
Folks that want nice...stay on the Bella Haven thread, drink coffee and sing Kumbaja...otherwise put the internet on "ignore" and find something else to do that doesn't ruffle your sensibilities.
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on December 29, 2015, 04:42:08 PM
And your a fucking idiot thinking I'm a stalker when as I pointed out, im posting about Art on an Art bell forum and he acted like a bitch and asked his fans to "get my identity" when I wasnt even talking to him about anything and only posted facts from legal documents available in a video I also posted.
How many years have you wasted posted here? Ive got a few weeks total at most.
However, I'll decide whats a waste of time and effort and what isnt.
Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on December 29, 2015, 04:39:22 PM
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on December 29, 2015, 04:30:03 PM
Now that's some masterful complaining right there, an obvious cyber-stalker is after Art and you've somehow made it Art's fault. Customer service departments worldwide must quake in fear at the mention of your name.
Quote from: Art Bell on December 29, 2015, 03:51:55 PM
I think this turd still does not get it! He has already proven he is a Cyber Stalker. I have come to believe he just might be my Stalker. He wants more investigation and he will get it. Anybody this consumed with trying to hurt me because I left a Radio show is suspect.
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on December 29, 2015, 03:40:41 PM
Wow, alot of reading to catch up on.
So Art, all this time you plan on spending "tracking me down" and printing out all my posts, calling me a cyber stalker (theres an off switch on your computer bro) trying to doxx me, etc... Thats an awful lot of time and effort placed into some person who hurt your feelings online-
TERRORISTS have threatened your family IN REAL LIFE and you dont seem to be placing nearly as much effort into capturing them.
I think that alone proves my point. There were no Terrorists/Stalkers since you get bent out shape over words to the point you are actively pursuing me and my information - I can only imagine the resources you would put into finding someone who really threatened you and your family.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
-Anyhow , Like I said before- Doxx me. Its all you can do. Then we take things to level 2.
And yes bellgab, I'm a dick. But I think ive demonstrated how quickly Art Bell will go on the offensive and involve his fans (Find out who he is my minions, hahahahahaha) when something real happens , even in the virtual world. THIS is the reaction words on a computer screen garnered- yet real life threrats are pretty well shrugged off.
Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 29, 2015, 03:30:14 PM
He's already mentioned possibly coming back randomly. He's obviously not coming back full time, but he could still record a couple shows a week, here and there, any time he wanted to.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 29, 2015, 02:59:45 PM
I don't think anyone believes he's the font of all evil. The same way that Noory isn't. The same way Hoagland isn' get the idea?
But I do believe too many through choice or blind loyalty can't or won't see the wood for the trees.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 29, 2015, 02:54:25 PM
Yes, and now you're elevated into 'Consideration for being loved by AB.' Seriously.
Quote from: Art Bell on December 29, 2015, 02:50:16 PM
I do not think I said I would Sue him. However if I did please feel free to post it to refresh my memory. I think I just asked for anybody who knows his real name, right?
To be sure what he has been doing is Cyber Stalking. I am going to print out all his message's and see if some others agree. Everybody knows my real name right? Time to discover his. He sure acts like a Stalker.
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on December 29, 2015, 02:48:26 PM
Shouldn't you be off somewhere acting productive?
Quote from: Ciardelo on December 29, 2015, 02:43:45 PM
Now that we are in the finals, I hate being on a losing team. I need to change my vote to not.
Never was any doubt!
Quote from: GravitySucks on December 29, 2015, 02:08:51 PM
Proof this is not a scientific poll. The answer was 42.
Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on December 28, 2015, 06:52:13 PM
Wonderful thread .....
Psychoanalysis on line. What could be more accurate than that ?
Many fuk-tards here should analyse themselves ...
Praise to MV