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Messages - Scully

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
June 28, 2018, 01:14:02 AM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 27, 2018, 11:56:02 PM
M. Scott Peck would have been a great guest for the show along the lines of Dr. Richard Gallagher.  Unfortunately he passed several years ago shortly after writing his final book, Glimpses of the Devil.

You and I have always had some kind of intangible connection, 21st Century Man.  M. Scott Peck was one of my favorite authors.  Never hear any more about him since he passed. Till tonight. Namaste.  :)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
June 27, 2018, 05:33:26 PM
Quote from: DaveSchrader on June 27, 2018, 03:53:25 PM
Yep, and more to come. It's a show with a paranormal and anomalous vibe, that includes ghosts and hauntings along with all the other topics we cover.  That's what you get with a 5 day a week show.


I always wonder why the "not another ghost show!" whiners spend time  listening to a paranormal genre show. Just looking for a chance to vent their general malaise?

(Here comes the tired old "Art did the stuff I like" excuse ... wait for it.)

News flash: Art is dead.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 22, 2018, 03:14:25 AM
Quote from: Bluejay on June 20, 2018, 11:29:52 AM
Yep.  It will be one less thing to be curious about.  It’s called closure.  Doesn’t necessarily apply only to those who were close to him, but for the rest of us who have been listening for years, it’s just one less thing to speculate about.

It has always struck me as interesting that Art not only died on a Friday 13th, but also managed to make it past his 12th wedding anniversary by 2 days. Homage to Airyn? Coincidence?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Connie Willis
June 03, 2018, 12:17:24 AM
Quote from: GravitySucks on June 02, 2018, 11:44:14 PM
Sounds pretty stoned to me.

I've never heard her when she didn't seem to be stoned.  ::)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 03:08:12 AM
Quote from: malachi.martini on May 18, 2018, 02:34:52 AM
Not interested in normie paradigms, not on a team. The reference was a topical one, meant to bridge the gap between esoteric possession and modern analogues. That it triggers so much proves the point.

I rest my case.  8)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 02:01:45 AM
Quote from: dsz on May 18, 2018, 12:49:50 AM
;D ;D ;D

... #Adjectives Aren't Politics ...

Referring to "Libtards" is a sure invitation to trade political insults.  Jes' sayin'
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 01:37:53 AM
Quote from: Skeleton Jelly on May 17, 2018, 11:48:32 PM
It's not going to work because when you get trained by a diva, you end up as a diva. It's a sad fact but I think Art's guidance ended up being the worst gift of all time. You can't teach humility when you're a god. He was a perfectionist and squabbled over things like music choice, intro music, thunderclaps, audio quality subscription models to the point where it was always in the way of him delivering. Hell she wasn't even using her own equipment. She'll never settle for anything less than what she started with.

Exactly my thoughts. :(
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 12:09:24 AM
Quote from: WinWinS on May 16, 2018, 11:59:26 PM
love true crime with paranormal twists!

Me,too, Winnie!  ;)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 12:05:53 AM
Quote from: mgordon on May 16, 2018, 10:57:42 PM
I'm just going to say it.  I think Art was behind the scenes with her for the whole two and a half years.   In essence,  running the show.   She was just the voice.   Didn't know what to do anymore when he left her behind.   That's why she was gone so long.

Heather admitted on her first night back on air that she was living in Art's guesthouse since 2/16.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 15, 2018, 11:57:02 PM
Dave, I agree with your ending assessment of the first guest. She was almost incoherent for me, and I usually love to hear about NDE's.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 15, 2018, 11:41:59 PM
This guest is making me grit my teeth.  Dave is handling her as well or better as anyone could, but I can't wait till we get to the second guest tonight.   ::)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 10, 2018, 03:04:38 AM
Thanks, Dave, for handling those "situations/guests" so well tonight. Gave you a chance to show you can manage whatever comes at you.  ;)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 10, 2018, 12:05:53 AM
Quote from: mnbmnbmnb on May 10, 2018, 12:03:15 AM
I listened to only maybe 20% of Heather's shows has she ever dumped a guest?

She has!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 10, 2018, 12:02:11 AM
Quote from: Faustina on May 09, 2018, 11:54:42 PM
People return to the fold when stuff gets interesting again.

Thanks for the shout outs, Guys and Gals. So good to have something going on again.  8)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 09, 2018, 11:47:13 PM
This is like a slow, painful death ...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 09, 2018, 01:59:11 AM
I'm noticing a lot of us refugees are coming back into the fold.  Praise Dave Schrader.
Quote from: Sarah on May 07, 2018, 10:47:45 PM

I couldn't be happier!

I was hoping for Dave Schrader but I wasn't expecting to get so lucky.

If you're not familiar with Dave, you're in for a treat!

Dave hosts / hosted Darkness Radio and is / was a guest host on C2C and he's done some of my all-time favorite interviews.

Dave covers ALL paranormal topics very well and he's also a lot of fun when the topic is less serious.

Ahhhhhh... this is good.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 06, 2016, 03:42:50 AM
Quote from: littlechris on March 06, 2016, 03:08:28 AM

In Loving Memory of Arthur William Bell III.


Can't think of anything more appropriate, littlechris. Perfect.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 25, 2016, 12:30:07 AM
Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 24, 2016, 09:52:28 PM
I agree mostly, but we didn't need Donald or Bernie to inform us about what's going on. Yes, they are running for POTUS, but Bernie, while sincere, has no chance of winning or changing the status quo. Trump, on the other hand, is only talking the talk to get elected and has no intention of getting big money out of politics, regardless of his self-funding campaign. Neither are viable in terms of reversing the trend.

What's even worse is that Trump as the Republican nominee (and at the top of the ticket for other candidates) may well signal the beginning of the end for the American political system and version of democracy. (I'm sure you think we're already there but we're not. There's still time and space to maneuver.) And if he becomes president and doesn't have a total personality and character change by Inauguration Day, that may turn out to be the least of our problems. Think civil unrest on a large scale at home and chaos on the international scene.

Here's my first answer. Don't let him take power. Don't go from bad to much, much worse because "something needs to be done." Then, the next bit of magic to get things back on course for average Americans will require somebody to step up and make a play (in football terms). Don't ask me who but maybe get a turnover, like reversing the SCOTUS ruling that corporations are people or bringing back Glass-Steagall. Change the course of change and change the momentum. That's as good as I can do on a Wednesday. Ask me again tomorrow or the next day.

Well said.  Scary, isn't it?  :(
Quote from: Lt.Uhura on February 13, 2016, 01:58:02 PM
... I disagree with the comments here about the paranormal field being finished.  It doesn't have to be the same old worn out alien and ghost stories told by the same guests.  What's sorely needed is enthusiastic, creative radio producers and hosts with new insights.  There is an abundance of both old and new unexplained phenomena to explore, and there will always be an audience eager to hear about it. 

Welcome to Dreamland...
      A program dedicated to an examination of areas in the human experience not easily nor neatly put in a box.  Things seen at the edge of vision, awakening in a part of the mind as yet not mapped, and yet seems every bit as real as the air we breathe, but don't see.  This is Dreamland..

I couldn't agree more.  I constantly hear new stories on all the sources we now have for hearing people's paranormal experiences.  I believe many of them are made of whole cloth, simply because there are so many of them and because I know from personal experience that many of these things do occur.

In any case, whether or not we Google the guest's history and find they're a bit eccentric, if he/she tells a good enough campfire story, I love to hear it in the middle of the night.

Believe it or not, Chris Carter and I are both on a strange path to find God. Or whatever you choose to call the creator of this crazy world.

I'm a news junkie by day, but enough is enough. Night time is different.

I love that Dreamland lead-in, Lt. Uhura.  Thanks for posting.
Quote from: pate on February 12, 2016, 01:19:14 AM
If the Crucifixion was one of the 'thousand paths' for believers such as yourself, it would be necessary.

People who have not heard "The Word" of the Crucifixion and what it means in the Judeo-Christian context, are not automatically "damned to hell" is what I learned.  That is why there was the notion of evangelizing, right?  To introduce the "unwashed masses" to the Good News and give them the opportunity to accept what Jesus did for them.

I didn't think you are excluded from Salvation if you are ignorant of the "deal."  In my mind that would solve the "thousand path" dilemma.  I am no Theologian, I have read some C. S. Lewis though, who I think is one of the best Christian apologists of the 20th century.

My small unformed mind saw a bit of Paradox in that statement...

I think it depends on whose dogma your parents were feeding you.

I was raised strict Southern Baptist, and was told in no uncertain terms that everyone on earth would burn in hell throughout eternity if they didn't know about and publicly accept the crucifixtion of Christ as one's only means of "salvation". Hence the necessity of the Great Commission which charges all Christians to "Go ye into all the world, teaching and preaching the gospel to every living soul."

I believe the Crusades were all about that.

Even as a child I knew that didn't sound quite fair. :'(
Quote from: ItsOver on January 22, 2016, 04:49:52 PM
How many times do I have sing this damn song for Mr. Bell?
As many as it's warranted, IO. Love those golden pipes.  8)
Anyone else feel like they're in Romper Room, being read a story by a teacher who's a little giddy? :-\
No, I don't think Art is a sociopath, but here's what makes the most sense to me:

Sometime during the MITD days, I distinctly remember Art saying that both his parents were military (Marines), and both of them were alcoholics.  He said something to the effect that "You can imagine what my life was like growing up," and he also said that is why he doesn't drink at all.

"The two most fundamental characteristics/issues of adult children are the need for control and all-or-nothing thinking and behaviors. These fundamental issues/characteristics are in turn related to difficulties in:

Dealing with feelings
Dealing with responsibility
Asking for help or support from others
Grieving losses
Other issues and characteristics that can result are:

Fear of losing control
Distrust of others and self
Avoidance of feelings, including anger
All-or nothing thinking and behaving
Being over-responsible and/or irresponsible
Neglecting own needs
Creating “crises” when non exist
High tolerance for inappropriate behavior and/or situations
Low self-esteem
Fear of abandonment and/or rejection
Lack of assertiveness and/or avoidance of conflict
Protecting others from experiencing their pain"

(Bolded italics are mine.)

Talk amongst yourselves.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
January 14, 2016, 04:06:30 AM
Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 13, 2016, 12:43:04 PM
Except that someone like Savage fights for what he wants instead of rolling over. And I'm saying that as someone who is not a fan of the Savage Weiner (his real last name).

She's losing me with this lengthy funeral for a rock star. Not what I was expecting on a Bill Birnes night ... or any night.  :P
For whatever it's worth, Clint Hill's version of why the Secret Service weren't on the footboards of JFK's car that awful day was that the President had specifically forbidden them to be.  He wanted to project a fearless image in the enemy territory of Dallas in spite of the Secret Service's objections.

The obvious rebuttal to this is that Clint Hill is just saying what a member of the SS would say. I recommend his book, "Mrs. Kennedy and Me," published in 2012.  He came out with another one, "Five Days in November" the following year, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. For those who don't remember the name, Hill was the one who managed to get Jackie Kennedy back into the car when she did whatever it was she was doing on the trunk of the car.

But that's just me. You guys have me hammered into a state of depression regarding pretty much everything.  Heather Wade being the least of my concerns.   :P
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
January 11, 2016, 12:32:09 AM
Quote from: jazmunda on January 11, 2016, 12:08:34 AM
so what did I miss?

You're what's been missed, Jaz.  ;)
Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 09, 2016, 07:59:53 AM
We don't agree, but we're not arguing. Maybe unusual for this place, but not a bad thing.

Now there ya go, VofP.  See there IS hope for this forum. You've renewed my faith.  ;)

Believe me, I prefer Art's humor to that of most people's, but if I have learned nothing else here, it's that people vary wildly on what they think is funny ... plus I'm also trying to adapt myself to the sad fact that we no longer have the probability of hearing his in the future.  :-\

Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 09, 2016, 06:13:52 AM
The question I asked previously was whether anyone heard any evidence that Heather has a sense of humor. That was very open-ended and no one has remarked on it except for one solid "no." Then since no one could support the notion that she did display any humor, I moved on to why this wouldn't bother some people.

Your response is neither here nor there. The question remains whether she demonstrates any sort of humor on the show (and if not, why don't people miss it since Art did bring humor), not what types of things she would or wouldn't find funny. All that matters is what she brings to the show and humor is an important element.

I elaborated and expanded on your question, O Joyless One. My response is both here and there.  We just don't think on the same level.

To answer your specific query, my opinion is that "Yes, she does have a sense of humor. I hear it often." Now we have two solid answers for you to toy with.

Lighten up, Fellow.  I used to find your posts interesting, but you seem to have fallen in with the riffraff now invading this forum.  Or don't lighten up.  Your choice.  Just don't expect everyone to be smitten by the power of your own personal perspective.
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