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Messages - pate

Random Topics / Re: ALLLLBRECHT!
July 21, 2022, 11:23:57 AM
I heard that he and Foodlion had moved to either Montana or Idaho to set up shop, this could just be one of those vile intar-tube rumors though...

How To Use BellGab / Yet another Great Unbanning?
July 21, 2022, 11:15:13 AM
It has been awhile, but as I recall eMCee from thyme to thyme would conduct "Unbannings."

From some of my acquaintances on the Whirl'd Wide DorkWeb I gather that some accounts are currently in a "Banned" status?

I was actually thinking on this just yesterday:  is this Banned/Unbanned status an artifact left from the most recent shuttering of Bellgab.com (re: two or so years ago) or is it intentionally directed at specific "problem" user accounts FOR REASONS?

Axing for a fiend.

Quote from: Morgus on July 20, 2022, 04:57:56 PMEveryone email George Noory that his favorite haters forum is back! :)


Quote from: WOTR on February 18, 2021, 02:24:47 AM
You know I enjoy your posts... But certainly your legal team has given you advice regarding continued interaction with the man you are saying is abusive and preparing a law suit against? If not, I would question if you should not be consulting with Rubini's "crack" legal team...

As Pate might say... "Carrie Ann."

Actually, I would say ”Carrie Anne.”


The spelling is important there and your use in this particular situation is entirely apropos for the context.


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Rush Limbaugh
February 17, 2021, 12:00:29 PM
Quote from: Juan on February 17, 2021, 11:25:39 AM
Who will be the first to tweet something nasty?

Quote from: K_Dubb on February 17, 2021, 11:46:18 AM
RIP, Rush.  I loved you once.

That didn’t take long... 

Although, the levels could be adjusted.  I will count that as an ante;  the stakes on this one are probably going to be pretty high...

Professionals are probably crafting eloquent debasements that will completely fill a single ”twit;”  if theythe hobo elite do not already have one prepared...

Quote from: K_Dubb on February 16, 2021, 04:41:18 PM
Haha yeah never got cold enough here, and everything is melting now.  I was pleased to learn that, despite threats, the Dutch managed to play Hans Brinker.


Quote from: albrecht on February 16, 2021, 04:50:56 PM
I got my silver blades awaiting. Edges of creek are frozen but still not enough to skate here. Glad they managed. There it is a perfect system if cold freeze because not really flowing water and canals connecting towns.

If I were adolescent I would snigger and make bad puns about 'fingers in dykes.'

This was an odd thing! I recall that they do play baseball also there (not on ice) but call it Honkbal.


I was tempted to break out my seldom used cross-country skis yesterday, it is rare to have the sort of deep freeze and dry powder around here to make it worth it.  Usually the ground is so warm that the scales on the bottom of them just gunk up with mud, and you end up tearing up the already stressed turf in the park or golf course you are skiing on...

I actually jacked up a neighborhood golf-course when I was a dumb 17-19yr old a billion years ago cross-country skiing on it... had the start of a nice run but half-way down the hill the skis started gunking up and ripping up the fairway!  I felt pretty bad, partly because one of my brothers was on the ground crew.  heh.

If we had a few more inches of snow I would have, as it is now it is thin enough that you could run over an obscured hunk of midwest limestone and really jack up the skis.  So I just shoveled my driveway and helped out some neighbors with theirs;  probably about the same amount of sore-ness as I would have gotten had I skied.

Al, I recommend against trying to ice skate down in TX.  Unless it is a really shallow puddle that has frozen all the way to the bottom, you need like a foot or so of solid ice over anything deep enough to drown you...  Take a friend with you if you do.

I know from experience how lonely it is to be out near the middle of a largish lake and hearing a "craaaaack" that clearly extends several feet on either side of you.  I think that was on ice that was solid from the shore to where it got out to a foot or so deep, but in the channel it started to thin out.  I was crossing a creek arm that fed into a reservoir, thinking it would be a nice "short-cut" home from school.

I felt pretty dumb for the rest of the walk home, especially since I had to back track quite a bit... 

It was neat seeing fish near the shore frozen in the ice though, it was clear as glass down to at least 8 inches.

I wonder how long it would have taken themthe hobo elite to find me if I had fallen through and froze/drowned?

Quote from: albrecht on February 15, 2021, 09:26:47 AM
Who would've thought that expensive, and ugly, windmills could ice up and cause rolling black-outs?

Hah, talked to a friend of mine that works at the what I assume to be the LAST operational Coal-fired power Plant in the Nation this morning.  I had to get a full report on why my Mother awoke this morning to find her C-PAP not running, house dark and getting chilly.

Apparently, she was a victim of a "rolling black-out."

No warning of course, other than vague news reports that you might experience short electrical outage that will knock out your freaking HOME VENTILATOR and suffocate you in your sleep...

I digress.

My friend at the local Coal-fired Power Plant apparently had a rough 12-hour shift last night...  He was mildly amused that the Solar Farm out in Kansas that failed horribly is responsible for both his rough night and apparently his impending job loss in the next few years because "...eww dirty coal!  GLOBAL WARMING, ermagawhd!.."

I told him that I would sell him excess power from my YIMBY Rickover Nuclear Reactor in the PFDRp as soon as this Election Theft Stuff is sorted out.  He will get the Favored Neighboring Nation discount rate...

Part of the problem last night, apparently is that some of his plant's power generation was destined to shore up the Mexican Power Grid or something.

All I can say is THANKS BIDEN!

Random Topics / Re: October Kino - What are you watching?
February 08, 2021, 11:02:38 AM
uber latte 'bore, son:


Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
February 08, 2021, 10:55:32 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on February 06, 2021, 10:04:41 PM
He might as while have had the fish...

Salthy foosh?




Gurl guy-knee wreks Oleo..

ediot: m'oar:


2witIot: rumble.com/vdz5x

threadI3ot: http://www.rumble.com/vdz5x
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Celebate(sp) RUBBY!
February 08, 2021, 10:35:49 AM
Quote from: Jackstar on February 07, 2021, 05:21:14 PM
h...ckstar #DiplomaticImmunity #MIB Seaden #Sorceror'sDen #ManInBlack #LOVE #TheTrueLegacy #TheOriginalLegacy #Official #MeowMagic #MermaidlivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*M*gic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #WithMustard #CommanderMeowMagic #MeowMagic #TakingBackTheNight #FromTheGreatAmericanNorthwest #Columbia #State_Of_Jefferson #RossMitchellMagic #J☆ckst☆r _M☆G!CK #MeowMagic #GroyperMagic #AzzareaMagic #Gabcast #D.R.A.M.A. #KingOfBellGab #HOF #LEGEND #TARTARIA #MUDFLOOD #Official #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheD...SEXY #MEOWMAGIC #MERMAIDLIVESMATTER #TIMETRAVELWITHUS #SPARKELINTHEDREAM #LEGACY #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME
#MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #MeowMagic #SparkleinyourEyes #TimeTravelWithUs #LEG.


Quote from: Jackstar on February 05, 2021, 01:10:45 AM
So let me take a stab .., I do not ...y subject .... Jackstar."?.",--..


Nautical; nor Nuticle


ediot: digress, apogees
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 08, 2021, 09:57:41 AM
Quote from: HorrorReporter on February 08, 2021, 09:18:38 AM
...question for those who know. I have always felt there was more excitement to the "Chase" opening song when Art was on.. obviously. But now i see another reason why. When you listen to the version used in the 90s and early 2000s before Premiere firmly implanted its talons into the program, a different version of the song was used. One that I cannot find anywhere..
Does anyone have that late 90s version?

Really difficult to hear:



Early Eighties version is more in tune to my ear.  Who-dafuq that was?  Dunno.  Ear-lily close to the Kansas City Comets "Knight Rider" theme song...  I guess you had to "be" there.

Soccer/futbol tots ghey.

Quote from: Richard Groyper on June 23, 2016, 09:49:34 PM
Isn't that her "resting bitch face"?

The neu schtuff is kewl, but those Golem Auldies!

"Wrecking bit-face {:|}" ... mmm, Karen 'bout.


ediot: Nautical Shore
Politics / Re: Brexit
February 08, 2021, 09:15:18 AM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on June 23, 2016, 01:52:59 PM
I believe their press is restricted from any election reporting until the polls close. They are permitted to say that the weather is very nasty.

Thank the Lawd for the 1st Mendation!
Politics / Re: Brexit
February 08, 2021, 09:10:43 AM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on June 22, 2016, 02:04:54 PM
They'd better consider carefully..Brexit means the EU rules will no longer be a moderating excuse when Muslims demand Sharia from Parliament.

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
February 08, 2021, 08:57:21 AM
Quote from: Silphion on February 08, 2021, 01:10:34 AM
Knives Out - Harlan's Plan: ...

I missed his passing by a few years apparently.  Your "Harlan" reminded me of the bastigeHarlan Ellison.

Always enjoyed his idea of "revenge":  Send them enough bricks (post-paid) that theythe hobo elite could build a defensible position behind which to hide...

Prosit, Harlan!
Politics / Re: PresidAINT Joesph Biden
February 08, 2021, 08:34:09 AM

Ces toutes terribles../

Merci Dieu, je sais un Hugenot(sp)...

    ! This post infuriates the Armee Caninian
Bearnaise sauce is basically Hollandaise sauce with Tarragon as a flavonid.
Quote from: Stellar on February 06, 2021, 04:06:20 PM
... and cosmologists ...

iAmbic pentameter on thus, waiting for the defence to decide if it should be a Jury or jsut a Single Judge.



Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
February 08, 2021, 07:36:41 AM
Quote from: albrecht on February 06, 2021, 09:08:36 PM
I ditched out a bit early after slamming some drinks and eating food, "in a consideration of caution." As expected the 'maskings' went away with the photographs, drinks, and food. Smallish wedding, maybe 60 people, a bit more maybe,  ceremony outdoor, food etc inside. Great weather, so nice. Not as traditional as I would normally like but 'in these unprecedented times.' Some were totally against masks- I was expressly told, almost challenged- "you don't have to wear a mask." I replied "I don't mind playing the bad guy." I couldn't tell brand of whiskey, a bit sweet for my tastes. One of these new local distilleries, I suspect. Also choice local beers (Shiner, Lonestar). Margaritas and wines also. Canapes sufficient. There seemed to be almost as much staff as attendees. They would mask, opening doors, and be spraying shit all the time on railings, door handles, etc. One time I got hit by a misting when I went to use the pisser and they were doing the stairs. It was one of those 'venues' that have sprung up like crazy recently but then hit by the 'Rona, so changing hands. Main dinner was BBQ from a reliable place and was good.

Politics / Re: Corruption
February 08, 2021, 07:27:25 AM
Quote from: whoozit on February 06, 2021, 07:16:43 PM
Something that is enforced as a law but is not, is.  This also seems to explain most of my confusion at what is happening in the world.

Random Topics / Re: The silence is deafening
February 08, 2021, 06:55:10 AM
Quote from: Jackstar on February 07, 2021, 05:14:13 AM
Well I signed up for another 55,000 cycles--with endless options for renewal--so as soon as I know, you will know, assuming I don't get served with another gag order.

What? Go back to sleep.


{endtest}so ends the CLAMity JANE?YaksTard MerGenSea...

As ewe 'ware
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Re: The Quincunx
February 08, 2021, 06:42:54 AM
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Kingdom of Nye With Heather Wade
February 08, 2021, 04:11:48 AM
Quote from: Silphion on February 08, 2021, 03:39:10 AM

send in the crickets:


Thas' aufable but slightly laughable...
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