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Messages - comaphobe

"Wow!" - GN
The only record stores that are still in business these days are the ones who never stopped selling vinyl.

Quote from: gnooryblows on January 01, 2017, 02:03:22 AM
Did you know J Lo's ass is insured for 27 million dollars? - http://people.com/celebrity/celebrities-insured-body-parts-jennifer-lopezs-butt-insured/holly-madisons-breasts

No, I didn't.... and don't care what celebrities do. I don't even like her much. I think she was in U-Turn and that's all I know about her.
Shepherd Smith is the best when he says stuff by accident, like blowjob, etc.... It's happened several times, it's like he does it on purpose. The blowjob one was about a J Lo block party. I can't remember the other slip ups, but I know he does it on purpose. He is so funny.  He is a serious fruit but I enjoy his commentary during live police pursuits. Anderson Cooper on the other hand is a total piece of shit and is of absolutely no value to the human race at all.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
January 01, 2017, 01:43:13 AM
I think I lost a YouTube channel once for uploading a trailer for that movie. Probably flagged/reported by a bunch of self-righteous white suburban douchebags who lean so far to the left that they piss at 90 degrees. I can't be sure though. This was back when RCH was seeing orbz at O-hole's inauguration. Not sure if that is related or not. Probably not. But maybe. Or maybe not. Possible. But not likely.
Random Topics / Re: Why does nobody like my threads?
January 01, 2017, 01:28:24 AM
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 01, 2017, 01:12:57 AM
But the problem is that if you listened to my words and understood them you might oneday be able to rise above your brutish dullardness.


But... but...

But... but... but...

We don't need a diktator..... or a Jim Jones..... or somebody preaching to the choir.

Nobody here sucks the cock of the New World Disorder, or appreciates the decay of individualism.

Celebrate science, history, and pop culture. Think of bellgab as a game of Trivial Pursuit in funhouse mode.

If you don't have enough tickets to ride the ride, don't expect somebody else to pay for you.

Unless you expect the system to help you, take it upon yourself to get out of the gutter.

Otherwise happy couch surfing and enjoy a life in shelters.

Nobody can help you except yourself.


Quote from: Nobody on December 31, 2016, 01:07:26 PM
At this point, Hoagland's has moved into mental illness.

roger that.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 29, 2016, 08:03:05 AM

I watched this movie this week. It's the only movie I have watched in many months.

I've seen it several times in the past. Really good movie and one of my favorites, but many of the support actors sucked serious ass. Mostly the railroad industry characters or police (bridge scene) where a cop gets out of his car and runs to his mark to deliver his silly line, then skips off like an idiot. Awful acting. Even the guy Roger in the beginning prison scenes had terrible acting execution, especially when the gaurds were kicking his door down, it looked exceptionally campy.

It's like there was an actors strike when the movie was being shot. A lot of people are really high strung and need to bring it down a notch. The old man drinking coffee from the thermos in the pickup truck (switching the tracks) sucked shit too. The whole relay back and forth over the radio in that scene was so obviously phony and fake and the tone of people's voices made it worse. The button on the mic was not even in sinc with the back and forth chatter.

All that criticism, but I still rate the movie highly. The core characters make up for all of the silly acting. My favorite scene is the getting a job, cleaning the table monologue. Really well done.

They should make a videogame of this movie.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
December 29, 2016, 04:34:28 AM
Quote from: albrecht on December 28, 2016, 01:38:35 PM
RIP Carrie Fisher. She was great in many movies, especially in the classic "The 'burbs." A great, funny movie featuring some great actors that, for some reason, was over-looked by both the Academy then and over-looked now the press when reporting on her death. She was great in her supporting role.


Excellent movie and supporting cast (except Feldman).
Random Topics / Re: A Great Kitchen Trash Can
December 27, 2016, 02:28:19 AM
Looks like a Thermos®
Random Topics / Re: Winter Holiday Thread
December 26, 2016, 02:21:02 AM
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
December 26, 2016, 12:05:12 AM
RIP George.

He was excellent with Queen in the Summer of 1992.

Depression casualty.

Random Topics / Re: True Confessions Of BellGab
December 25, 2016, 06:18:38 AM
Quote from: Jackstar on December 25, 2016, 01:43:09 AM
After Lars Ulrich gave his legendary press conference, I deliberately downloaded all of Metallica's albums over and over and over for like a month.


I watched a M**allica video with Dave Lombardo playing drums. It was strange to see/hear a real drummer playing The Four Horsemen.
Random Topics / Re: Winter Holiday Thread
December 25, 2016, 03:41:13 AM
Quote from: GravitySucks

tell that to takagi...
William Cooper thought everybody was co-intel. He even threw a high decibel screaming tantrum on a caller on his show one time.

He hated networks, ads, sponsors, and anyone who was either a host or a guest on commercial radio. I think he hated everybody equally. He talked down to Jones and Maxwell, and don't remember him ever having anything good to say about Art Bell or his show. Even Jones praises Art as a pioneer even though he's not into the paranormal stuff, he respectfully acknowledges it's significance. Cooper was just mean.

I am not sure what happened to Cooper with the raid that day, but he was senile as fuck and had no temper. That couldn't have made things any better on the day of his shootout.

He claimed to have known a lot about everything and everyone. I can appreciate A Pale Horse, but I don't think he was a prophet, just angry and bitter at the establishment that he used to be a part of.

Maybe Bill was a Mason and was exiled from a lodge at some point. The guy was bitter. If you questioned him, he got pissed off like a monster.

I have more sympathy for somebody like Randy Weaver.

Who gives a fuck if Art is a Freemason.
Random Topics / Re: Video Gaming
December 24, 2016, 03:21:38 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2016, 01:48:54 AM
Can't you emulate these on your PSP?

I can do GBA and just checked my files and do have Mario Kart Super Circuit in there but don't remember ever playing it.

I don't have a DS emulator that will work, I can only play d/l'ed games and homebrews that are signed, but only on a PSP with 6.3X or less. I had a black 3000 that I intended to mod but the screen went black about 18 months ago. It came with a knockoff battery so I blame that. But I now have a black 1000 and a blue 2000 with firmware I don't care about and willing to mess with but prefer somebody else does it because I don't want to brick a PSP.
Random Topics / Re: Video Gaming
December 23, 2016, 01:41:20 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 22, 2016, 05:47:31 AM
Different physics though. Both have the same kind of pinball bumper mechanics but in Wipeout you almost come to a complete stop when you bump into something. I find that frustrating.

Plus I think if you bump into things too much, you power down and explode and then you are totally out of the race.

Quote from: Taaroa on December 22, 2016, 06:32:06 AM
It would be interesting to see what a modern F-Zero would be like, but it seems Nintendo would rather keep milking Mario for all it's worth.

I would like to play a modern Super Mario Kart. I had clones for PS1, one was Chocobo's Racing and another had the characters and violence of Looney Tunes. Both were pretty good but I always missed actual Mario Kart. I mostly played the Super Nintendo one.

Sometimes I want to get a GBA or a DS just to play any Mario Kart games that were available.
Random Topics / Re: Video Gaming
December 22, 2016, 04:56:28 AM
Quote from: Taaroa on December 22, 2016, 04:41:20 AM
My vote goes to Wipeout Pure which was an all around great game and one of the best on the system even if it was a launch title. Haven't touched my PSP in years now, but I have been meaning to see if I can digitise my games collection for it in case the console is dead.


That series was cool. I had one of them for PS2, I think it was Fusion... and I have either this or Pulse for PSP but it's hardly touched.

Did you ever play SSX? It was a snowboarding game (EA Big) with similar visuals as Wipeout. SSX3 for PS2 was great. There was one for PSP called SSX On Tour.
Random Topics / Re: Video Gaming
December 22, 2016, 03:49:04 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2016, 11:58:25 PM
It was released on the PSP also, which you can usually find for about $40 used these days.  ;)

The units are dirt cheap now and so are the games, you can't go wrong. It's a good time to be collecting UMDs. Like the PS2, the PSP catalog was amazing and there were a ton of games of all types available. Some series had 5 to 7 games on PSP. I think I have 4 or 5 Need For Speed games and there are still a couple in the series that I don't have. I downloaded NFS Most Wanted in late 2000s and loved it so I actually paid for it later on, then started trying to accumulate other NFS games. I never actually played these on PS2, but they have been absolutely great on PSP.

PSP had 3 GTA games, not including any downloadable PS1 versions. I wasn't a huge fan of GTA3 or Liberty City Stories, I prefer GTA 2, San Andreas, or Vice City. I'll be honest, I played GTA4 at a friends house on his XBox a couple times when it was relatively new and it had no soul, just like GTA3. I completed neither of them.

I don't play any shooters but I buy games in groups and in lots from private sellers and have accumulated a stack of SOCOM games that I don't know what to do with. Some are the same game but different edition, or from a multipack with multipack branding. I don't know what to do with these frigging things, there is a small stack now. I'm starting to get doubles of several games. Gonna have a sale soon once I assess where I am at with this. I think I have 2 complete near mint/excellent condition Metal Gear PSP collections, except for the digital graphic novel, I don't have that yet, and I have no Solid Eye for Metal Gear Ac!d 2 and wish I knew where to locate one outside of Ebay. Metal Gear Ac!d 2 was excellent, I am sadden there wasn't a third game. I played that one through about 3-4 times and still trying to unlock the last 8% of the card deck 10 years later. I think there are a couple hundred hours of accumulative play time on my save file. One time I was on a train for 2.5 days and played this game non-stop. It has all the sounds and personality of MGS except you're playing cards on a 3 dimensional board which is aligned/blocked like a grid. The first game has more of a classic Metal Gear aesthetic, but the sequel has much improved gameplay. It is possibly my favorite game on the system, excluding anything Hot Shots or Ace Combat. I would love the Hot Shots Golf Coca Cola Edition with case and manual. I cannot find one anywhere.
Random Topics / Re: Video Gaming
December 21, 2016, 03:39:59 AM
Quote from: momijithing~awoo on December 21, 2016, 12:57:30 AM
cool i might do that. i never been big into video games but i have a original xbox i play halo combat evolved on fairly often. I also have a PS2 that i play vice city on once in a while i have played the new GTA and like it but not enough to spend $300 on the counsel and $60 on the game so i will just keep playing Vice City lol

If you like Vice City, try Vice City Stories on PS2. It is a really good prequel to Vice City and takes place (in 1984) 2 years earlier than Vice City (1986). It has a new soundtrack and many returning characters and voice actors from the original Vice City. Some parts of the city are undeveloped, as it takes place 2 years prior to Vice City, and certain landmarks are under construction in the prequel. Sunshine Autos is in their old location down the street and the Sunshine Autos showroom from VC is under construction in VCS with just the foundation poured with some rebar showing. Also, North Point Mall is kind of a drab place and lacking the skylights and trimmings that were in Vice City. There is also a small amusement park with a ferris wheel somewhere just North of Washington Beach near the cop shop. Also, unique jumps have been relocated or modified. You will also have access to some areas that were off-limits in Vice City (properties, etc).

Instead of collecting 100 Tiki idols like in Vice City, you seek out and shoot 99 red balloons in Vice City Stories. These are the hidden packages.

The game was made for PSP, but ported to PS2. It is a hell of a lot easier to play on a PS2 because the control scheme is more user friendly, where as on the PSP some controls (analog right, as well as L2 and R2) are completely missing and that can make things a little bit stressful when multitasking (IE: driving/doing drive-by shooting/rotating camera/keeping an eye out while doing all the above at the same time).

I loved Vice City, and bought Vice City Stories on a whim when it came out. I was really happy with Vice City Stories, and it was like playing Vice City all over again, except different missions and music as well as some scenery changes. I think there were several new vehicles as well. A couple of modes were also adapted from San Andreas too, like gang warfare (I think it's called Empire mode in VCS). Also, you could swim for a limited time in VCS, where as in VC if you were to land in the water you would be dead almost instantly.

Overall it is a really great counterpart to Vice City. You can probably find it used for $5 or $10 somewhere. I found a sealed one for PSP in the summer for $10. I think I paid $30+ tax for the PS2 version when it first came out, and that was money well spent for more Vice City.

Random Topics / Re: Video Gaming
December 21, 2016, 02:28:14 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2016, 12:49:10 AM
I'm playing NES games lately. What's your favorite lesser known NES game and why?

I thought long and hard and am going with Skinhead City and Lesbian Tennis.

Orb 3D, which was a puzzle solving game, each level is a riddle you have to solve by toggling icons as you fly/circle/loop through them, and it must be done before running out of fuel. It's kind of cross between Time Pilot, Mah Jong, Connect Four and Pong. It was actually a really awesome game.

Xenophobe, left to right scrolling shooter. You upgrade/change guns like you would in Contra but it's not at all like Contra. More like Kung Fu Master meets Aliens, or maybe Elevator Action with a scrolling screen. Really cool game, but difficulty is not that hard so you can easily play infinitely until you decide to quit. Good characters and scenery, plus there was a cool stacked split screen when playing multi player mode. I think the arcade supported 3 players, not sure if the NES also had option for more than 2 players.

Solomon's Key was also good. It was kind of a Mr Do type of game.

More popular games that were fun:

Baseball Simulator .1000. Excellent baseball game for NES, possible the most enjoyable of all of them IMO and I think I have played most if not all available baseball games for NES. There were several really good baseball games for NES but I enjoyed this game most for many reasons, one being custom league/6 user-built teams and rosters, plus the ability to play/save/continue if playing season mode. There were a half dozen interesting parks too, and one was in outer space with insanely low homerun walls in the outfield. I play it on my phone often and accumulate a lot of fielding errors. I have a hard time coming up with the ball using a touchscreen.


Blades of Steel
Gauntlet II
Dr Mario
Skate or Die!
Star Wars
Super Sprint
Bubble Bobble 1-2

Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
December 19, 2016, 02:38:24 AM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 19, 2016, 02:29:28 AM
Right.  There's a lot more to life than just fucking but you wouldn't know that from listening to mainstream radio these days.  I like my share of raunchy music but the stuff today is very bland in its vulgarity.  Sing about other things like people did in the 50's through the mid 90's.

They only ever sing about themselves now. It's selfish music and fitting for the society I guess. Before, people assumed a character or a role or possibly told a story in the third person, but today people sing literally and in the first person. Selfish and gross. It reminds me of the Bill Hicks sketch where he is making the demonic pig noises while cupping the mic and comparing pop stars to suckers of Satan's cock. It's even worse now Bill. Way worse. Unimaginably worse.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
December 19, 2016, 02:31:07 AM
Quote from: zeebo on December 19, 2016, 02:02:17 AM
cp you have a knack for saying things I wanna put on a t-shirt and walk around wearing

We should go into business... fold laundry... make shirts say different things depending on how many folds there were. We can embed secret codes into novelty shirts... Hide things in plain sight. Set it up where ppl would have to buy a whole bunch of shirts to create the bigger picture in order to decipher the master code which would be contained within the text of novelty shirts. We can subliminally reveal the secrets of Sumerian image panels via mail order fanbase.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
December 19, 2016, 02:24:26 AM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 19, 2016, 02:14:58 AM
Yeah, they wouldn't play it on Top 40 Radio in Atlanta.  It was pretty much limited to rock stations geared more towards classic rock.  Or to clubs like the Limelight.  You just couldn't say slut or bitch and make sex sounds on a Top 40 station.  Now that is about all you can say on a Top 40 record. :-\

Things have changed a lot, nowadays it's all about being vulgar. No substance at all.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
December 19, 2016, 02:20:29 AM
Quote from: momijithing~awoo on December 19, 2016, 02:03:06 AM
The dude was a poof but i guess most guys were in the 80's

Yeah I don't know what was up with all that.
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