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Messages - littlechris

Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 09:20:12 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on October 21, 2013, 09:17:59 PM
Most ARE paranormal.  ;)

ROFLMAO!!! I'm not touching that one!!!!
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 09:17:09 PM
Quote from: Étouffée on October 21, 2013, 09:06:20 PM

Chris, you had to be there!

(yes, female crawdad)
Good to see a LOT of female posters here! :)  I always thought that Art's show attracted mostly guy's for some reason. My DREAM girl would be an Art Bell fan, unfortunately most females arent into the paranormal. :(
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 09:03:39 PM
Quote from: Étouffée on October 21, 2013, 08:23:50 PM
I want Art to bend my spoon!

WTF?!! I hope you're a female!! lol
Im usually pretty suicidal from thursday - Sunday. IF it wasnt for Art, id probably be DEAD! :(
Quote from: Cynnie on October 21, 2013, 07:17:48 AM
Only art bell can make me dread weekends and look forward to Mondays !!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: What's up with next week?
October 21, 2013, 05:38:33 PM
Quote from: steelbot on October 21, 2013, 12:40:21 PM
I actually think it's in the "Guests" best interest here from Art's perspective, he's had 3 guests now that had issue with c2cam.  The first wasn't as big a deal, other than it was a coup for Art and DM listeners as we actually got to see the "good stuff" - and then the Ghost Busting gals, they apparently got an ultimatum.  However you work it, if Tommy, is doing "a search on the net, and found out you were gonna be on the ART BELL SHOW" then that means his search involved typing artbell.com and browsing their guest list.  So he's a tool and we all know it.  fuck it, Art's a class act, and by keeping his mouth shut on guests, then c2c won't know WHO is on the show.  Plausible deniability for the guests too, unless they point blank are asked by Tommy, then if they are, I think a legal case could be made.

Yeah, I dont blame Art for not posting his guests after C2C has tried intimidating/ stealing  them. I'd do the same if I was Art.
Quote from: Laurakinch on October 17, 2013, 08:38:11 PM
These ghost buster chicks giggling & BS is getting on my nerves already. In just a few seconds search online I found this:


I agree, thanks for the info, these chicks are annoying. hopefully they wont be on for the whole show!!
Quote from: Catsmile on October 17, 2013, 08:25:56 PM
Yeah I'm gonna wormhole Art, and tell them to quit breathing because I don't like it.  ::)

Keep listening, itll get old after awhile.
guys, feel free to text george snoory at  818-298-6521 and express your dissapointment regarding their dirty ways and how they are waging war on Art Bell!! I just did!
oh gosh!!!! one of these dumb broads sounds DITZY and is giggling and laughing!!! I just textd art at the wormhole and told him to put her in check!! If she continues, please message art and tell him to tell the chick to stfu and stop giggling and laughing!
Quote from: Nighthawk on October 03, 2013, 08:26:31 PM
I believe when she was on the "other" show that other host would take a nap for a while. Or who the hell knows what he did. I just know he was no where to be found.

EXACTLY!! I sometimes wondered if george would leave his seat and go get something to eat or use the bathroom. Afterall, LMH just plays recorded interviews of other people (BORING), so george really wasnt part of the convo.   Now with Art interviewing the same people as George, its actually just a rebranding of coast to coast, guest wise, but ohh how much more interesting Art is compared to Snoory!!
OH GAAAAWD!! NOO not boring ass linda molten howl!!lol Hopefully Art will liven her up and not let her talk on her own for hours and hours and hours....!!!!!!! Geez
Quote from: steelbot on October 02, 2013, 12:37:23 AM
LOL - check out my post above^^

Congrats! Thats  AWESOME!!
I was referring to the new member who just posted on here calling himself "spooky matter".
Quote from: Spooky Matter on October 02, 2013, 12:32:15 AM
So this is bell gab.  Well I really liked çspooky matter, obviously, and I had to see what was so evil with this site that Art called the posters, vaguely lovable.  Not the best remarks for his fans.  In fact, kind of insulting. 

I could not possibly read all the posts to understand why he would say such things but lots of people are famous for doing terrible things and after all, it did bring me to your viscous site  :P

Many of the members here are VILE, INSULTING, AND VICIOUS towards George Noory, but Art is loved here! Arts wording on air was that of giving this site love, yet not condoning the attacks towards George Noorey. Spooky Matter?? You spook me out dude.
Quote from: The General on October 02, 2013, 12:28:24 AM
Art Bell

Awesome thanks. I had typed art bell  in the search engine but it didnt work.
Quote from: Nighthawk on October 02, 2013, 12:24:50 AM
oh and are people forgetting that Art is a member of this site? Remember he posts and reads here?

What username does he use here?
Quote from: The General on October 02, 2013, 12:19:01 AM
I wondered if maybe Art had mixed feelings about this site. 
It can be very unrestrained and there is viciousness at times.
But he must know that this board exists because we're all big fans.
And of course because MV started it (as georgenoorysucks.com).

Are you kidding??? Art loves this site, other wise he would not have given us props on live air!! Yes he means vicious, but hes referring to how we destroy george noory!! lol  Art loves this place!!
Quote from: littlechris on October 01, 2013, 11:15:33 PM
TOTALLY!!! Hopefully Premiere is not owned by the same company that owns animal planet. Art may not be able to interview fat ass BoBo.

I forgot to add, rumor has it that bobo smokes an ounce of weed per week!!lol No wonder hes seen bigfoot!! hahaha
Quote from: popple on October 01, 2013, 11:13:47 PM
With Bobo please

TOTALLY!!! Hopefully Premiere is not owned by the same company that owns animal planet. Art may not be able to interview fat ass BoBo.
That would be cool if Art "verbally "raped whitley on air!!!!
Quote from: Maxwell on October 01, 2013, 11:09:58 PM
That was like the time Strieber was on with Wells and he jumped all over a caller
because he was asked about Communion the movie instead of Communion the book.

Somebody should call and rave all about the movie!!lol   Afterall, Art doesnt screen calls. Make sure you mention BELLGAB.COM if u make it on the airwaves!! Happy dialing!!
I guess this pic was taken soon after the sexual encounter:
i wonder what whit streib looks like? i envision him as a 50ish male, skinny nerd, balding. ill have to find a pic.
Art needs to start going HARD on whitley and start calling him out on his VERY questionable statements!! I love when art grills his guests, something snoory NEVER does!!

steelbot: Yeah i got some of that west coast greenerey too.lol  Fat bag of OG #18
WOW! Art just laughed at him for being being raped in his reference to cartman!! I love Art!!!!!!
Yeah, Hoaxland is boring and a complete nut!! Hes not as boring as linda moulten howe!! OMG!! That bitch puts me to sleep!!!!!!!
That was soooo SICK!! ART put bellgab on the map! 
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