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Messages - pate

Random Topics / Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
September 17, 2022, 04:57:17 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 04:39:08 PMI don't. It was a joke. If you were intelligent enough instead of the drunk you are you would've gotten that.

Well, that was rather ad hominem of you!

Had you considered the possibility that the post you just responded to in an "angry retard" manner might have been a joke as well?  Are you so retarded that you don't get that?

I must have hit close to the mark, or you were upset that I failed to list "Honorarium" as one of the possible sources of your Doctorate (theythe hobo elite felt bad for you because you are a 'tard)... Nautical Shore.


/self-reported:  off-topic
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 17, 2022, 11:30:32 AMDear sir, I can practically smell the sawdust 🥵 should you decide to film a series of woodworking videos in this manner with those big hunks of wood you are seasoning, while wearing little purple shorts, I am certain I and any number of my friends would like, subscribe, and ring your little bell most persistently.
Two Hundred Sixty, FFS Three Day Weekend, FSS
Any vidyas that may or may not exist of that nature are strictly personal and not for public distribution (EYES ONLY), although I might show them to the First Lady in an attempt to arouse interest.  I neither confirm nor deny this as a possible COA for reasons:

That is all, Carrie Anne!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"
Quote from: albrecht on September 17, 2022, 01:44:22 PMWear gloves girl.

The hawtest one (in my mind) was the one I assume to be the owner of the operation wearing the khaki long-pants who does that little dance number starting at about 2:45.

My only complaint with her is:  Where are your Safety Glasses?  I'm considering calling OSHA unless she explains to me personally what gives with this apparent lack of workplace safety!


Honestly though, they are all hawt:  wouldn't kick any of them out of bed.  I think the short-shorts were worn for the "click-bait" value, you can see one of them sort of stink-eyeing the camera at about 6:22 (or shortly after the interesting camer-pan that starts then).

They certainly know what they are doing, probably hobo elitists.


Random Topics / Re: CornHoleEbola-19.5
September 17, 2022, 04:29:32 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 04:10:33 PMRead, eh? Hmmm... 🤔

Alright, I'll do it!  :)

P.S. This is a good vid of a European parlimentarian ripping big pharma a new one over covid vaccines.  ;)

How did you become a fo reelz, yo Doctor of Philosophy, Science, Art, Medicine, or Dentistry with this profound aversion to reading that you demonstrably have?

Let alone how you wrote your dissertation with your demonstrated level of mastery of written language...

Axing for a fiend, TIA.


/self-reported:  off-topic
Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 17, 2022, 04:14:38 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AMThe issue you have is your inability to define what it is you mean by liberal.. I never have, never thought there's a need to. I'm sure SV feels the same. In the US, it's frequently used in a pejorative way, but when you ask what they actually mean, they don't know, and find they tend to agree with many things. It's interesting that the more educated, more open minded, better read, more travelled, less inherently angry and bitter would say they're liberal minded.

Now fascism is easily defined and easy to spot in people. The 'marks' lured into it tend to be insecure, not well educated, often angry at how the world treated them, and look for validation..

Up pops someone with a close cliqué who preaches their gospel of 'it's not your fault you're poor/uneducated/unemployed,it's 'their' fault'. 'Their' can be another religeon they don't like, a race, a culture and there's always always a willing crowd who identify as the mark. They're forgiving of anything the leader does, says or thinks, because he (usually but not always a he) has their back and can do no wrong.

Those close know he's a grifter, and they jump on the same train, because there's money to be made. The marks don't care because he's leading them to the promised land, he hasn't fully explained what that is and still won't invite them to his ivory tower but if he says he's the one, that's good enough for them..

He drops hints to pick out the enemy, and damage them, physically or reputationally, usually HIS percieved enemy, and that can include those who were once followers and 'friends'. He has no friends, he doesn't concieve of mutual love and status, he is the number one, everyone else is less. But because he's got his marks all lined up, they don't care he doesn't care about them, right up until they themselves are the enemy, the 'other'.

That is fascism.

Oh boy, this one I shall have to parse a bit (as well as redact/omit portions of superfluous text engaging in various logical fallacies including, but not limited to:  Straw Man, Appeal To Authority, Red Herrings, Equivocation, Etymological, and Circular Logic).

I suppose I shall begin at the beginning, which is always a good place to start.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AM... It's interesting that the more educated, more open minded, better read, more travelled, less inherently angry and bitter would say they're liberal minded...

The problem with this statement is exactly what is meant by the word "liberal," and that your statement reeks of caudacity.  There are two very distinct meanings to the word liberal:  one is meant to describe either an amount "...a liberal serving of potatoes..." which is difficult to ascribe a political position to (although many might equate a potatoe to a political position, it is more for humorous effect than anything really useful as a definition.  Incidentally, you pretty much are making the "logical" argument that "liberal=genius" and "conservative=potatoe" which is whimsical at best and at its worst demonstrates a profound lack of critical thinking and logic skills on your part);  the other describes a political stance which is commonly understood to be a distance to "The Left" from some arbitrary central political position.

I am going to make the dangerous assumption that you do not intend to conflate the two meanings and are attempting to engage in "argumentum ad absurdum" in some manner.  I note that you do this rather clumsily, as the point in this logical device is not to elicit laughter, but to point out that when a given position/argument is taken to an extremity (either on "negative" or "positive", that it becomes a ridiculous notion.  More on this later, Re: "Political Centrism").

To take an idea as complicated as "What is a Liberal in the Political sense," and attempt to fit that idea onto a single line extending infinitely in either direction considering the infinite endpoints to be "Liberal" and "Not Liberal" (or "Conservative" if you like, it matters little in this Simple One-Dimensional Analysis you present for us to consider) one will end up with an "IS/IS NOT" sort of decision-tree for the answer to that particular notion, especially when you remove relativism (or DEGREES of "Liberal" and "Not Liberal") and view it simply in terms of Absolute Values (similar to the idea that there are not Big/Little Sins only "Sin", and no Big/Little Good Acts only "Good Acts".  Yes a simplistic notion, but when the initial argument is Simplistic by its very Nature one must use the tools inherent to the Argument presented).

Okay, I am finished with that slightly parsed bit of your soliloquy, now on to the ultimate conclusion you make on your exploration of "What is a Liberal":

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AM...
That is fascism.

Which is a brilliant point, and semi-well done.  There was a bit too much exposition to get your punchline, but those type of "story-jokes" appeal to some.  For those that find the waiting on the punchline to be tedious, I shall distill you original post to its essence hear:

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AM...

It's interesting that the more educated, more open minded, better read, more travelled, less inherently angry and bitter would say they're liberal minded.

...That is fascism.

Which is hilarious;  I had no idea you were a fellow Absurdist!  Perhaps you didn't realize you were one?  Welcome to the club.

Apogees for not making my promised address on the idea of "Political Centrism" and how that relates to a single-axial examination of the multidimensional nature of Politics.

I will happy to do so in a later post;  if after thinking about that on your own:  you have any questions for me about why this is a profoundly difficult, if not impossible idea.


Quote from: albrecht on September 16, 2022, 08:38:35 AMHe EXPLICITLY points out that professional wrestling is entertainment (same legal term the other professional sports use- look at the back of your ticket.) In that case not really fixed but choreographed spectacle of athleticism and drama. Nobody (hopefully) bets on modern day wrasslin. But unlike WWF,WWE,NWA, whatever the people think others aren't fixed and an actual contest. That is his whole point. And not that 'all' are fixed but manipulated for the benefit of the leagues, advertisers, and gamblers (depending on the sport and locations.) We can see with the MLB changing rules, balls, etc to get ratings. So too much of a stretch to think certain games wouldn't be? 

MLB?  THey haven't "fixed" a game since the 1919 World Series, and Pete Rose was wrongfully barred from the Hall of Fame.

I think Major League Baseball is as pure as both the wind-driven snow and the WWF/WWE/NWA sporting associations.

Soccer, Hockey, and now the Football are suspect because theythe hobo elite allow No-Decision Tie Games which is clearly of benefit to the disreputable Sports Books.

I just looked at the titles at https://www.thefixisin.net/ and did not actually read the articles/books, Apogees

Does he also speak of Mafia connections?  They had to go legit after the stupid grocery store pizzeria thing back in the '70s.


Perhaps this was the route?

Nautical Shore.

Due to my somewhat tenuous connection to the Urban Lumber yard, I sometimes check out lumber mill vidyas.

This one, is just, I don't know.  You have to watch it, their set-up appears to be an old aluminum ladder and a 150(cm?) Stihl chainsaw which I think is about 60":

Pretty neat, but what struck me after a few minutes was the dude doing this crazy shit while wearing Purple Shorts and Flip-Flops.  His buddy also is in shorts, but apparently has chosen Crocs or something as his footwear of choice.  They don't talk much, but when they do it is clearly Russian or Ukrainian.

WTF?  At first I thought they were a bit "light in the loafers" or something, but after I realized they were most probably Insane Russians it made a certain amount of sense.  I did not spot any vodka consumption on-screen, but a questionable foot placement by purple-shorts Cossack, and the subsequent almost slip and fall near the end (about the 18:55 mark) when they are flipping the last 4-6" slab of burl made me think "INEBRIATION."

I share this not only for the WTF-factor, but also that I think my shirtless running-mate might enjoy it.

K_Dubb, you might Attend to that one.

Now the following one I saw the other day, and probably belongs in my The BellGab/bellchan eXXXtra Sexy Woodworking Thread:

In fact, I believe that it has a sufficient level of hawt-ness that I can justify a slightly "SPAMMY" double-posting of it to that thread.  I do this for the children, posterity, and drunken purple-shorted Russians of the world (whether they can appreciate the vidya or not)

I did not notice any burl or anything that stood out on these ladies Wood-Working Skillz:  I was intent on their very fluid, graceful, and seemingly effortless technique.  My wild guess is that they are in Ozarkia somewhere, which might just be wishful thinking on my part due to the proximity.

They do Good Wood.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 16, 2022, 02:03:51 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 16, 2022, 12:19:39 PM...Trumpykins supposedly...

Good enough evidence for Summary Field Execution, especially since he's a Political Enemy, stealing myour unanimous vote tally two years ago...

He would have gotten away with it, too if it hadn't been for the other *spit* perfidious fraud subsequently stealing just enough of those already fraudulently stolen votes in select districts to push himself over the edge.

Two wrongs DO NOT make a right, I would have that shit fixed!

Being a fair and just leader, I will mete out Justice to all my Political Enemies regardless of political affiliation.

Thus returning to our great great country the MAPA principles it was originally founded upon by our paterican founders:  You Can Take That To The Bank™, less my 25% cut!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"

*really hate having to do KamPain Stumpery on the phone.  Incidentally;  all my Official KamPain messaging today has been assigned the Classification of FOCUO, (to be crystal clear and focused like a laser 'n stuff)
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 16, 2022, 01:26:45 PM
Quote from: albrecht on September 16, 2022, 09:22:55 AMPolitics has become a religion...

I note that in the pre-Imperial Roman (Republic) era this country was in part modeled after this was absolutely the case.

To pervert or otherwise profane the sacred process of government was NOT at all kosher.

Julius Ceaser's "dictator-for-life" culmination of the Republican era was not the first instance of "profanity," but it certainly was the last one...

Didn't Marx have some pithy quote on the cyclic nature of history?

Pud, Dubya, Shred:  one of y'all surely have memorized the Red Hero's words, neyt?

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 16, 2022, 11:47:22 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 16, 2022, 10:54:56 AM... and it was small enough to be dispersed by a single casualty and a whiff of teargas.  But it could have been much different.

What you describe there doesn't seem to pass the "Smell Test" of a Bloody Insurrection/Coup (Attempt)?

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO farted in the elevator?"
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
September 16, 2022, 11:28:30 AM
Thread, has this been properly 'splained/debunked:

Seems legit, Nautical Shore?

Random Topics / Re: Music
September 16, 2022, 08:39:57 AM
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 16, 2022, 07:43:42 AMI saw the best rock show of my life last night. I've seen them before but yesterday they were so spot on and brilliant I almost thought it was a dream. Holy shit.


I have only seen their vidyas on the 'tubes.

Do you recall the Set List?

I should see if the play the same venue Southern Culture on the Skids does here in town.

Knuckleheads:  last show I saw there was Merle Haggard, as I recall.  He did a cool play-along with one of the trains rolling by (it's in the East Bottoms between two switchyards).

Cool venue.


/self-reported:  no muzak vidya
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 16, 2022, 08:33:18 AM
Uh-oh, I see via dark web and WikiLeaks sources that my last couple of posts have earned me a spot on the Effen Bea Eye's "Political Enemy Shit List!"

I will have to lie low and stay away from Hardee's for a minute.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 16, 2022, 08:01:33 AM
Quote from: albrecht on September 15, 2022, 08:42:43 PM... Usually this means that the party needs to show that they have been harmed, or will be soon harmed. Or, as some cases, tangentially harmed in the future...

Clearly, The Democrat Party is covered by this Law:  what is unclear is if The Republican Party is equally protected?

I note that Al Gore vs. State of Florida (et al
) actually HAD their day in court (several days AND several courts:  all the way to The Supreme one if I recall correctly) for that clearly meritless AND losing case.

What happened in the past twenty years with these alleged "levels" of legitimacy?

Eight years of Obama court appointments, or some other factor?

Again:  Axing for a fiend, TIA.

-Duly Elected By Unanimous Consent, Dictator-for-Life -PFDRp
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 16, 2022, 07:07:48 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 15, 2022, 10:54:05 AM...
If it had been half a million Patrinuts instead of only 60,000 in DC that day it would have been a different story but there was no way of knowing it would be a damp squib in advance.  These fuckers just didn't Trump hard enough I guess  :(


0-59,000 = Mostly Peaceful Protest (dumpster fires, property destruction & rapery:  OPTIONAL)

60,000-499,999 = Violent Bloodbath Insurrection (plus associated littering fines and/or jailtime)

500,000+ = Large Gathering of Folks with Legitimate Questions About A "Questionably Legitimate Election Process" (Mail-Order Presidency Disallowed)?

Axing for a friend, TIA.

Random Topics / Re: CornHoleEbola-22
September 16, 2022, 03:58:49 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 15, 2022, 12:38:43 PM...
Sorry guys no mass culling of the flaming horde, better luck next time  ;D


Is this because you people instituted a SeekRut Corn Teen ManDate association protocol on your own initiative?

Perchance was it a Double SeekRut Probeation Minstrel Period?

In addition to masks:  Were there other kinds of "protective" gear/uniform/costumes used to quell the spread of this dread CornHoleEbola-22 plague/affliction?

One last question:

Was the above image a common sight at "the community" recreational areas during the height of the pandemic (assuming that the peak of this particular KlownShow has passed, of course)?

I suppose we need to wait for the numbers/studies to come out in a few months to find out the efficacy of the CornHoleEbola-22 Cacsination, even with it's diluted "placebo-like" formulation I heard theythe hobo elite decided upon.

Quote from: albrecht on September 15, 2022, 09:55:26 PMhttps://www.thefixisin.net/
Get with the Program!

Dammit, I was hoping that would lead to a dark-web pirate stream of the game...

I notice that "thefixisin.net" says NOTHING about WWF/WWE pro-wrestling being fixed, which it is clearly not!  I have known since I was a small child that the Hulk/Andre the Giant nemesis/buddy development over the years was totally legit and stemmed mainly from their mutual appreciation of each other's athleticism.

Anyway, I doubt BozosPenis Head has the wit to keep the lid on this pro-sports fixing thing:  He can't even build a legitimate rocket to compete with Musk.  I think it had something to do with his obsession with the phallic design elements he insisted on in the design.

Nautical Shore.

Hopefully, theythe hobo elite are done with the woke-nonesense kneeling during the anthem thing;  which would seem a bit superflous with the half-white Quarterback of the KC Chiefs.  That dude is going to be the GOAT:  you can take that to the bank;  less my 25% cut!

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
September 16, 2022, 03:29:18 AM

Politics / Re: Pedophile-in-Chief Joe Biden
September 16, 2022, 03:27:56 AM

What is this Amazon Prime Thursday Night Football BS?

Quote from: albrecht on September 14, 2022, 01:23:41 PMDave is hip and with-it and not a square! He had Pat Boone on!

Ma Gnoory even called in to chat with him.  Surprising to me especially after Boone did that 'Satan-Muzak' metal album...

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
September 14, 2022, 01:23:12 PM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on September 14, 2022, 12:55:28 PMSo if he would have stuck it out with Diana, she would be referred to in the same manner?

I thought Diana was a royal by some distance?  Great-x10-grandpappy was Stewart/Steward of the Chevaliers or somesuch?

Whereas this one, in addition to the adultery angle, has not a drop of the sange-real/vrai and therefore no noble title & any of their children together (if any) would be technically "bastards" but not "royal bastards" (I think "royal bastards" might have a chance @ the throne if no "legits" live/exist.), Nautical Shore.

Quote from: JaxTard on September 10, 2022, 07:54:35 PM

You should make the switch to fentanyl, for the children.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"
Quote from: JaxTard on September 10, 2022, 02:38:34 PM

Methamphetamine abuse is not MAPA;  I have a List that all meth-abusing Shits are on: you can take that to the Bank, JaxTard!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 10, 2022, 02:02:38 PMI say it was you who farted, pate:  because whomever smelt it;  dealt it.
^fify, colon required, & other errors^

My loyal and shirtless running-mate will surely politely ignore this noxious emission, Master Trollda!

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?"
Two Hundred Fifty-three, FFS Three Day Weekend, FFS
Toady, I am pleased to announce yet another efficient, frugal, and expeditious MAPA initiative.  The Official Acronym still needs to be worked out for maximum impact;  the working title for this new program is the "Road Closure Fine Schedule Initiative For A Better Tomorrow";  it could also be "...For The Children":  the Focus Group will let us know which one is snappier, and what final form the name will take.

This is a very simple program, a Fee Schedule (or "Shit List) will be drawn up, which will levy fines associated with Time Wasted on Closures of Public Thouroughfares.  Primarily, this will affect Civil Engineering Contractors and will assist in streamlining various Public Work Contract Timelines they may (or may not) be actively engaged in.

These fines, fees, and/or remunerations will be levied at the time of completion of any given Public Works Contract:  less my 25% cut;  you can take that to the Bank!

This Federal Fee will be charged By The Minute, I have worked out a rough approximation of the aggregate economic cost of Public Thouroughfare Closures to be on the order of $100.00(USD)/minute.  This is a conservative estimate of course, that actual economic cost of these "temporary" road closures is very probably much higher.

That amount works out to:  $6k(USD)/hour, $144k(USD)/day, ~$1mil(USD)/week, ~$4.3mil(USD)/month (standardized 29-day lunar month), & ~$52.5mil(USD)/year (for both leap and standard years.  These numbers are quite low when compared to how much the average Public Works Project costs the tax-payer in time, money, and medical bills for Construction Induced Migraines.

It will also encourage timely completion of Public Works Projects that affect the usability of Public Thouroughfares!

No longer will those annoying holes in the streets linger for months on end surrounded by orange cones, detour signage, and idle construction equipment!  Those lazy civil engineer bastiges will be seen working very hard to Fix That Shit™, and it doesn't get much more MAPA than that, Jax!

This will also create, at minimum, thousands of new, lucrative, and exciting Federal Jobs.  A veritable army of Official Road Closure Timekeepers will be needed to descend on any and all work sites like a pack of hungry locusts to document every single minute my adoring people are inconvenienced, hampererd, and bedeviled by unnecessary road closures.  I figure, we can pay these timekeepers at minimum $20-25/hr (which should be on-par with the prevailing Union Wages the average Civil Engineering Worker-types enjoy).

I envision the standard equipment these Official Timekeepers will have, to be (or not):  Orange Safety Vest, Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Hour Glasses (calibrated in One Minute, One Hour and One Day durations), A Bell And Striker (To Officially Mark The Passage of EACH AND EVERY MINUTE a road is closed), Hearing Protection, &c (this list is amusingly long and quite full of shit)...

To emphasize the importance of this newest MAPA KamPain Planck I have interspersed Muzaks (each of which belong on one of the many Lists we have for Muzaks) above for the reader's listening pleasure.

Thank you in Advance!  It is an honor to serve.

pate/K_Dubb 2024
"WHO shat in the interregnum?" & "WHO farted in the elevator?"
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
September 09, 2022, 07:29:40 PM
What percentage Reptilian was the Queen:  Full-Blood, Half-Blood, Quarter-Blood, &tc?

From the image above, I am going to guess at minimum a Half-Blood...

I suppose we need to know what percentage Reptilian Prince Phillip was to figure out what percent Reptilian King Chuck is.

Anyway, I will let that stand for the moment as the research into that subject seems to yield wildly divergent numbers.

The important question, I think, is how soon King Chuck will institute Coffee Enemas at the National Health Service.

Will they be mandatory or just recommended?

Asking for a friend, TIA.

The Queen is dead, Long Live the King!

Politics / Re: The Ukraine CrySis - Crimea River
September 07, 2022, 01:30:38 PM
Quote from: albrecht on September 06, 2022, 01:41:23 PMI was just randomly making a joke and weak puns...

I was 90% sure about that, but not completely.  Plus:  I wanted to write the point-by-point refutations list, it was good exercise.

Politics / Re: Oh, Canada! ::)
September 07, 2022, 01:27:53 PM
Quote from: WOTR on September 05, 2022, 11:01:07 PMHasn't Brandon been on a rant about MAPA over the last couple of days?

Probably, although it does sting a bit that he keeps getting my MAPA slogan confused with the slogan of that other guy.

I don't expect much from old Poopy Pants Pedophile anyhow, well other than his super-power of "the gaffe."

I'll just chalk this up as another one.

Which is the worse leader, in your opinion, Turdeaux or Pedo Poopy Pants?

I know, it is moral relativism to engage in such:  they both are terrible, but maybe bragging rights about the Historical Worst can be gotten?

I find it amusing that The Former Worst President in History (who knocked Carter out of that spot) has been "de-throned" by his own Veep!


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