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Messages - Inglorious Bitch

Midnight in the desert with MV.
Quote from: El Chorro on April 23, 2018, 02:53:15 PM
She's really hanging on to the "Art would be livid about a guest host" reason for this being the end for her. I guess we'll see how many fans MITD has that aren't particularly Art's OR hers.

No, Art wanted a guest host-her. Art's fans did not want a guest host.
Quote from: Juan on April 23, 2018, 02:50:36 PM
Producer Michelle is part of the conspiracy.

And Lasha is threatening to post keith’s Phone number.

Keith should post Lasha's number. On Bellgab.
Quote from: Sean92008 on April 23, 2018, 02:48:26 PM
That's a 22-year old's stupidity right there.

She's over 40
Quote from: mv on April 23, 2018, 02:13:45 PM
See you at midnight.  In the desert.

Holy crap!! :o
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on April 23, 2018, 01:41:44 PM
Today Falkie taught me that Muslims like to rent vans.
That was a fact that I did not know.

They sell Halal shish-kebabs out of those vans. With a side of humus on some pita bread.
Quote from: FallenSeraph on April 23, 2018, 01:42:51 PM
I have some questions:

1. When Falkie was gang-raped in prison, WHAT WAS HE IN THERE FOR? Was it that whole stealing some dude's comic book collection and selling it for $200 thing? I don't think that's a jail-level crime, is it?

2. Is it true that he was involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital and, if so, does anyone know why?

Maybe the guy really is a psychopathically violent man.

As a kid he had knives under his mattress. It creeped out his parents.

He once choked out Kathy and others had to intervene so that he did not kill her.
Quote from: Sean92008 on April 23, 2018, 07:43:03 AM
For those of you discussing gun deaths, alcohol, stupidity... Isn't CPDD a bigger danger to kids?

Cell Phone Distraction Death... 

Oh, and big pharma got the teachers to push drugs to keep little Johnny sitting still at his desk. Coming off of those is where shit hits the fan.

If Keith recorded the biography/remembrance part ahead of time, he could do the show.  Minimal exposure to a live microphone.

Let's get rid of Drs

Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 23, 2018, 07:43:02 AM
Is there anybody on here you don't ooze around like a sycophantic boa constrictor?

You're just bitter that I never say anything nice about you.
Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 23, 2018, 04:50:28 AM
Perhaps with a small covering bet on jazmunda. Both he and Heather have hosted podcasts and have an unhealthy interest in Art Bell.

Actually, I think Jaz would make an awesome host for MITD. He has a great voice, a pleasing accent and is very knowledgeable on all things Art.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 22, 2018, 07:42:41 PM
Quote from: Sean92008 on April 22, 2018, 07:20:24 PM
Since Heather appears to be living with her mom, and Art's relationship with that woman appears to go back about 43 years, gifts to both of them could have been made.

:o  What? Where did you hear this? <popcorn gif>
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Martinez Tonight
April 21, 2018, 06:26:33 PM
Not in chat, but listening now.
Quote from: Chine on April 21, 2018, 05:22:47 PM
I just peeked in the Falkie thread, clicked on a video of him opening an iPad box with a pack of Newports in it. Ahahahaha.

That was Rallysquirrel. Best. Prank. Eva.
Quote from: chefist on April 21, 2018, 05:18:08 PM
Sure...everyone knows my name and where I live too...no biggie...you might even find a pic some horse porn out on the internet...old, but a pic...ha.

Not something to be  proud of, sir.   >:(
Quote from: Robert on April 21, 2018, 05:11:12 PM
The new Joe Franklin!

Dammit, you made me Google Joe Franklin!

Joe Franklin, born Joseph Fortgang, was an American radio and television host personality, author and actor from New York City. His television show began in January 1951 on WJZ-TV and moved to WOR-TV from 1962 to 1993. Wikipedia
Born: March 9, 1926, The Bronx, New York City, NY
Died: January 24, 2015, Manhattan, New York City, NY
Cause of death: Prostate cancer
Books: Up Late with Joe Franklin, MORE
Children: Bradley Franklin
Quote from: brig on April 21, 2018, 03:58:40 PM
She has a lot in common with Senda, except Senda makes me laugh while I'm cringing, Heather just makes me cringe.  I could probably get into Heather in a "Senda" kind of way, but then you would have all the Heather supporters trying to have me arrested again.

We'd better start a collection for your bail.  ;)
Quote from: ShayP on April 21, 2018, 03:07:36 PM
Noory has also shown an appreciation for nostalgia.  He could do some shows that pick a period of time that he grew up in and address it in his 'newspaper reporter' identity.  He could do his ode to Cronkite at the beginning and segue into some other topics and stories.  Bring in guys who are from that era.  Dick Bertel, etc.  Anyone who is still alive.

That's a great idea. Noory so often sounds bored or not interested in topic matter on C2C and it shows. He would be great at doing a show that highlights shows and movies of yesteryear, in which he shows enthusiasm.
Quote from: chefist on April 21, 2018, 02:36:48 PM
Pahrump Tonight! Has been activated!

Yes please!
Quote from: Grifynne on April 21, 2018, 12:58:35 PM

As a side note, there's always that running joke about how do you explain what BellGab is to someone who isn't in this community. I did that with my husband a while back and it was a strange conversation explaining MV, Falkie, mayo, White Crowwww, horse porn, etc., etc.  ;D

Did you feel dirty afterwards?  :D
Quote from: mv on April 20, 2018, 11:28:28 PM
by the way... she wouldn't have called the gabcast that night without my involvement.  i'll tell that story some other time. 

glad to have made that night happen.  you guys are welcome.

That was a great night to be a fly on the wall.

And here I thought that Art had been the instigator.
Quote from: mv on April 20, 2018, 07:02:05 PM
this is the reason my wife gives as to why she would choose not to remarry if i were to die.  a saint, that woman.

i countered by informing her i'd immediately begin pounding as much beav as possible in the event of her untimely death.

I remember Howard Stern once saying that if his wife died, he would bring a date to the funeral.  :P
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 20, 2018, 03:22:14 PM
Quote from: Genessee KC on April 20, 2018, 01:18:40 PM
Hello Bellgab, long time lurker first time post. RIP Art Bell

Quote from: GravitySucks on April 19, 2018, 09:29:48 PM
Seriously WTF?  That is at least 5 days in a row he has posted a video wearing that same green alien abductee tshirt

Maybe the aliens abducted all his other shirts?
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
April 20, 2018, 02:14:20 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on April 18, 2018, 10:03:08 PM
Same here.  Carl had a great sense of humor on that game program.  I used to listen to it and Car Talk, just to hear the brothers banter.  Ha!  No Carl greeting for you.  :'(

Unencumbered by the thought process!
Quote from: whoozit on April 19, 2018, 04:33:16 PM
Nice tits Ibby

I never tire of hearing that.  :D
Quote from: mv on April 19, 2018, 04:29:15 PM
nah, i would have started a bird watching forum which you'd currently be using, with occasional airings of "the chirpcast."

Chirpgab-we've got the best tits in town...

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