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Messages - Barfly

Is that the one he ripped off the people that gave him cash?
There is a video somewhere on that, the Egyptian authorities wouldn't let him in
Quote from: trostol on January 22, 2016, 02:46:08 AM
lol she sounds like she is just agreeing with him to shut him up
I caught that also, its the hesitation.
Quote from: ShayP on January 22, 2016, 02:44:27 AM
Braaps everybody!  :D

....and Cheers!  8) 

Welcome brother
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 22, 2016, 02:40:34 AM
He'd just talk your ear off at the door and you'd never get your shopping done  :D
Good point, He may make a good ice cream man driving a truck around, but i think he would frighten all the children.
I thought of the perfect job for Hoagie..Greeter at Wall Mart
Hoagie...computer expert
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 22, 2016, 02:25:45 AM
He has no grasp of the technical. It's too sciency for him  :P
He cant figure out why the USB cable wont plug in the ethernet port.
I often wonder how many people buy these books these people are selling, the only books i ever bought that where guests on Arts show all these years where by  Michio Kaku and Michael Shermer, but i would have bought those anyway.
Quote from: Chronaut on January 22, 2016, 02:18:01 AM

There's a term for that, dangit.
Its called mindfucked
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 22, 2016, 02:13:39 AM
I believe you're referring to pareidolia.
Hes also a narcissist.
Quote from: akwilly on January 22, 2016, 01:42:53 AM
paradigm and consciousness are the 2 most over used words on these types of shows
Yup, i always get a kick out of the guests on all these shows, they seem to think they know what extraterrestrials think, the motives they have etc.. its like that on EVERY fuckin show on UFO's , crop circles, Chupacabra, Bigfoot etc ..everybody is a expert.
Its all bullshit, same guests make the rounds on every show.
The issue is that there are hundreds of paranormal shows now, when Art did it back in the day he was the ONE.
Now its the same shit on every show with the same gene pool of guests that jump from one show to another.
Thats why its not exciting anymore, we have heard the same shit from mostly the same guests since the 90's
LOL, this guy is about a hour away from me
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 22, 2016, 12:43:50 AM
Did you ever see the British TV movie called Alternative 3? Here is a YouTube link:

Not sure where to find a download but it's gotta be out there somewhere in torrentland  ;)
It's an April Fools joke that has since become great conspiracy lore  8)
I could DL it from YouTube, but its only 480p  >:(
Quote from: Juan Cena on January 22, 2016, 12:41:17 AM
So RCH is going into sex talk?
We can only hope  :)
Quote from: GravitySucks on January 22, 2016, 12:32:04 AM
Second Hand Lions
Great cast, downloading now
Quote from: akwilly on January 22, 2016, 12:29:49 AM
Can you bring any edible weed on the plane?
LOL, maybe, I dont know how security is leaving the country, im not taking any chances.
Quote from: Coffeeman on January 22, 2016, 12:25:38 AM
It's hammed up in areas, but the best era movie and of the spy genre in recent years.
Cool, i just need another flick to download in case i need it, i hope to sleep some of the trip.
Quote from: akwilly on January 22, 2016, 12:26:11 AM
Sharknado 3. Don't get Sharknado 2 it has a scene where the sharks over take an airplane and that would be scary to watch when flying.
;D tnx for the tip
Anybody see Bridge of Spies? I downloaded it as well as the new Fret Files, Im loading up my Nvidia tablet with stuff to watch and listen to on the flight back.
Is Bridge of Spies good? It got good IMDB ratings, need to load up some more entertainment if i cant sleep on the plane, in flight movies usually suck.
Quote from: GravitySucks on January 22, 2016, 12:06:39 AM
Good party?
You have no idea  ;D
Saw some great local bands, my friend who owns the house im staying at knows one of the bands and i got to sit in to play acoustic with them for a jam session at the end of the night.
The Dutch know how to party!
Quote from: GravitySucks on January 22, 2016, 12:02:48 AM
Hey bro
Whats up GS, its so fuckin cold here, its about 0 c now, i had a great time so far but i wanna get back to the island, i leave Sat morning.
Quote from: Ciardelo on January 21, 2016, 11:57:16 PM
Can you walk over to the guest's house and ask him to please not suck so much? And his accent is funny. Can he fix that?
I just started listening, is he in Rotterdam?
Good morning from the cold city of Rotterdam
Quote from: ShayP on January 21, 2016, 04:56:42 AM
Ahhh shit.  :-\   Parting is such sweet sorry.  If you're in the path of the storm, stay safe and warm.   Cheers all!   See yinz tomorrow.   :D
Im out also, take care people
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on January 21, 2016, 04:53:20 AM
Holy Crap Stanton is still doing the circuit ? Burlington next week.  :o
He gets around, probably why he is still alive.
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