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Messages - 21st Century Man

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 18, 2016, 01:54:18 AM
You do a good job in Politics and movie reviews. Keep it up.

Thanks man.  I do have a couple reviews to post but I'm too lazy to do it now.  I just want to gel.
Quote from: trostol on February 18, 2016, 01:52:19 AM
ok...you HAVE to quit one...politics or ELO...chose wisely

Oh, I wish it were that easy.  I'd quit politics in a heartbeat but its sort of like saying I'm going to give up sex after my latest lay. Next day, I'm ready to ride again.
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 18, 2016, 01:46:25 AM
Eh, the Trump thread is a more productive place to be, so carry on lol.

I'm tired of politics now.  I wish I hated politics, to be honest, but I have an obsessive/compulsive disorder regarding it.  Man, is it getting old.  I keep saying after every election that I'm going to quit politics and never pay attention again but I can't stop myself.  :-\
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 18, 2016, 01:27:48 AM
You won.

Oh darn.  I missed it.   Too busy on the Trump thread.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 01:40:15 AM
Quote from: Keyser Söze on February 18, 2016, 01:20:00 AM

Ted Cruz is one of the creepiest dudes I've every laid my eyes on, if I saw him on the street I'd grab my children by the hands and run the other way.

He's not as creepy as your avatar.  Now that's CREEPY!!!  Fat man in spandex.  Sean Connery in Zardoz pales in comparison to that.
Random Topics / Re: Reading Minds: The CoastGab Book Club
February 18, 2016, 01:29:23 AM
I'm reading The Devils of Loudon by Aldous Huxley right now.  It's a great read but not for everyone especially if your vocabulary is rudimentary and Huxley does expound on theology and philosophy, primarily Jesuit, at times.  It would also help a little if one knows French. There's not too much uninterpreted French in the book but just enough to frustrate me in spots.

If you've seen The Devils by Ken Russell then you basically know what the story is about though it is obviously covered in much more detail here.  The  sexual mores of priests and others in the Catholic church of this age are described in great but not crude detail. I'm only about a third through it and have not gotten to the possession part yet..

Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 01:06:29 AM
Listen to this, Lena and GS.  I have good reason to be suspicious of Trump.  It is short.

Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 12:59:16 AM
Quote from: GravitySucks on February 18, 2016, 12:55:05 AM
Trump said he named two conservative judges in the debate as possible candidates. I didn't watch the debate, so I haven't had a chance to research them, but in the same press conference he reiterated his strong belief in the 2nd amendment.

I'd wager he would but there's like a 20% chance he could name someone like Kennedy or another person who is not so great.  With Cruz, the chance of that happening is maybe 1% if that.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 12:56:53 AM
Quote from: Lena on February 18, 2016, 12:51:07 AM
Trump is not moderate, he is more hardcore than Conservatives. He is Nationalist. With Conservatives you lose, because they always give in more and more to Liberals.
Conservative is not a position of strenght, you always lose as conservative, slow but sure.
Nationalism is.

For the country's sake, I hope you are right but he's said a lot of things in the past that do not add up.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 12:52:29 AM
Also, I worry about the Supreme Court for obvious reasons and I'm convinced Cruz will nominate judges with a strict constructionist view of the Constitution.  Trump may not.  If he doesn't there goes the 2nd amendment, religious freedom and other rights we hold dear.  We have the duty to make a carefully informed choice for the sake of the country.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 12:47:05 AM
Quote from: Lena on February 18, 2016, 12:34:23 AM
As a Christian you really should support Trump.
Islam is our true enemy, and nobody but Trump dares to say it.

I will support Trump in the general if he is the nominee.  Seriously, Lena, you need to get your head out of the clouds because you will end up being disappointed by Trump in the long term.  I can understand if you think Trump has the best chance to win.  That could be a well-informed choice but right now you seem to think Trump is the end-all.  I've been disappointed by Republicans for decades and I am tired of compromising my values for a moderate. 

In some ways Trump is conservative when it comes to fighting Islamic terrorism and stopping illegal immigration but other than that, his views are moderate to liberal.  Above all, Trump is closer to Obama when it comes to the Constitution. That is my main beef.  I hope he proves me wrong. I'm going to stick with Cruz until I no longer have that choice.  You seem like a nice lady and we probably agree on most things but I do think that I have fairly good discernment when it comes to politicans and make no mistake, Donald Trump is a politician now.  Hopefully this primary season won't drag on until the convention because I do hate bickering with other conservatives.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
February 18, 2016, 12:34:00 AM
Quote from: TigerLily on February 16, 2016, 06:27:00 PM
+1. The vote is passed. The law is changed

Too bad.  My wife and parents already voted.  You lose.  :P
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 12:31:20 AM
Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 18, 2016, 12:29:36 AM
I`ve spoken to Cruz, been around Cruz, seen him speak a number of times, etc. He doesn`t evangelize. His stump speech is very straight forward; I`ll do this, that and the other thing. Only ONCE does he even mention anything that could be construed as "religious." That`s when he mentions the fact that Ronald Reagan had his hand on 2 Chronicles 7:14 when he took the oath of office. He talks about it for a full 60 seconds. Oh, and he asks that we all say a prayer everyday for the United States.

Is Ted Cruz a Christian? Yes, he is. But that`s not what he bases his campaign on. By the same token, he doesn`t run from it either. The fact is, Ted Cruz is the only candidate that gone completely against the grain in Washington. not only has successfully defended gun rights and religious rights in front of the USSC,  He`s the one that stood up to Obama and tried to make a difference.

That's exactly right and well-said.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 18, 2016, 12:17:15 AM
And just to remind everyone.  Trey Gowdy was also the one who nominated John Boehner for Speaker of The House in late 2014.  Yes he was speaker before that but he had to run again in 2014.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 11:51:45 PM
Quote from: Lena on February 17, 2016, 11:42:38 PM
not unsubstantiated at all:
"In my house, if my daughter Catherine, the 5-year-old, says something she knows to be false, she gets a spanking,"


He lied that Trump is "pro choice".
He lied about Carson dropping out (his staff is hopefully under his control), then he lied about CNN tweeting that Carson dropped out.



So what. I got spanked when I was 5.  That's abuse?  LOL.  Geez.  Humanity has gotten way too soft.

For the record I loved my parents and they were far from abusers.  I hope you give your kids a spank on the ass every now and then when they do something wrong.  If not, you are in for a lot of pain and heartache later most likely.

Cruz did not lie about Carson dropping out.  Some of his staffers did and he put the fire out when he got wind of it.  As for Trump, he is pro-choice but he knows that he can't win a lot of Republican votes with that so he pandered and said he was pro-life.  He also continues to say that he believes in federal funding of Planned Parenthood.  Is that ok with you?

As for Still he has an ax to grind obviously.
Quote from: Donald Noory on February 17, 2016, 11:35:51 PM
Hey, it's the dumb redneck bible-thumper who likes Ted Cruz because he panders to dumb redneck bible-thumpers.

Oooh, Donald.  Sooooo nasty.  I'm shaking in my boots.   :P
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 11:36:35 PM
Quote from: albrecht on February 17, 2016, 11:32:50 PM
I would vote for him before others in, again, a 'lesser of evils', but he strikes me as "that guy" in class who demands the personal. He failed in some test and then takes in up in class. Sure. Socractic method etc. But, but,then again always raises something. Those guys get old, for class and I'm sure else! All conjecture, but I seem him is 'that guy' in various classes. And, a very smart, and clever, guy, no question, but a too much so (in a way if you know what I mean?)

I know what you mean. Cruz is not the most charismatic guy and to be frank, I have my doubts that he can win a Presidential election but I agree with him more than anyone else running so I'm going with him right now.  Of course, I think almost anybody could beat Clinton or Sanders so why not.
Quote from: Donald Noory on February 17, 2016, 11:27:20 PM
Who said I don't have work? By the way, how much do you get paid to be the self-appointed thread policeman, with Cuckadelo? P.S. keep calling into the gabcast, your backwoods, hayseed ignoramus persona is really funny. It's a great act.

Donald Noory's theme song.  Bernie uses it for his campaign theme.

Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 11:24:54 PM
Quote from: Lena on February 17, 2016, 11:15:57 PM
The hate Cruz because he is an asshole, liar and nobody can trust him. Of course they don't hate Trump for that, because Trump has integrity.
But they hate Trump more secretly, because nobody can control him, he is too strong and not tainted. They can not blackmail him.
Cruz own daughter hates him, he beats his children.

Whatever.  He more than likely merely punishes his children for doing bad things like most normal parents do. A spank on the ass. Stop spewing this unsubstantiated bullshit. 

What has Cruz lied about?  Name one thing!! 

Do you swallow everything Trump spews?

Oh, dear. Now I've gone and done it. 
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 11:19:47 PM
Quote from: akwilly on February 17, 2016, 11:05:37 PM
I really don't like politics but I am bored and have a few minutes to kill. I tend to lean conservative but I will vote for whatever candidate talks the least about God, abortion or gay rights stuff. Not that those aren't important things it is just I personally don't care who is the most "religious" and I find that after the election all those issues take a back seat to "real life" problems.

LOL.  Those aren't my top 3 issues.  I just want our politicians to follow the Constitution like Scalia did. 

Is 136 around? Should I duck and cover?
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: Lena on February 17, 2016, 11:05:33 PM
Cruz is not anti-establishment at all.
His wife works for Goldman Sachs.
He got special credit from GS and "forgot" to declare it.
Cruz will not? Everybody make deals. Trump deals will end the retreat that Conservatives have had all the years.
Cruz is a FRAUD, you will hate yourself for supporting him, but he will not win anyway.

The more interesting question you did not answer:
Would you force your wife to carry a child from a rape?

I am not scared of religious people at all. I am more christian than Americans. You are all scammed by stupid evangelicals.

Tell me what has Cruz done, other than his wife working for GS, that is Establishment.  So what if he got credit with GS.  Many people do. Cruz fights with the Establishment every day on Capitol Hill.  Establishment RINO's hate him more than they hate Trump. That should tell you something.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 11:10:21 PM
Quote from: Lena on February 17, 2016, 11:05:33 PM
Cruz is not anti-establishment at all.
His wife works for Goldman Sachs.
He got special credit from GS and "forgot" to declare it.
Cruz will not? Everybody make deals. Trump deals will end the retreat that Conservatives have had all the years.
Cruz is a FRAUD, you will hate yourself for supporting him, but he will not win anyway.

The more interesting question you did not answer:
Would you force your wife to carry a child from a rape?

I am not scared of religious people at all. I am more christian than Americans. You are all scammed by stupid evangelicals.

Of course not.  I would support her decision, no matter what.  I hate abortion but it is not really a political issue with me.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 10:58:48 PM
Quote from: Lena on February 17, 2016, 10:52:13 PM

Rafael Cruz is a proven liar.
Also, if you have good human judgement, you can see he is disingenuous. That is what make him ugly, because he can't control all his face muscles correctly, they give away the lies and make him look so hideous.
He is the "fetuses man", because he tries to get Evangelical votes, and always talks about abortion.
Trump is pro-life too, but reasonable. Will you force your wife to carry a child when she got raped?
Nobody will ban abortion anway, not Cruz, not anybody.
Anyway, you should not support a proven liar who is bought by Goldman Sachs and Establishment.

Wow, you sure sound scared of religious people.  Some people are passionate about abortion.  Maybe they have had experiences that make them that way.   Cruz is not a theocrat nor is he a pawn of Goldman Sachs.  That is crazy conspiracy garbage. Cruz is also about as anti-Establishment as you can get.  Moreso than Trump who will makes deals with the Demonrats.  Cruz will not.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 10:54:03 PM
Quote from: albrecht on February 17, 2016, 10:42:59 PM
Wayne Madsen, I think, is the source of the Rubio "fag" issue (if it even is an issue besides various far-left, far-right and conspiracy forums.) It is a stretch though from that one arrest to the full on and, as you mention, I'm not sure the electorate would really care. I'm more concerned with him about his immigration beliefs and some other things. But if you look it up there are some funny pictures (supposedly) and the arrest was, again from what I can see, legit but just for drinking beer etc as a kid. Not a big deal.
::) Though, not me, and maybe not others, but things like being a closet "fag" or even having a criminal history could actually be a bonus in the general.

Hmmm.  Now you have me curious.  I could really care less about sexuality as long as the man has constitutional  conservative principles.  What people do in their bedroom is their business.  I was against gay marriage as I believe in the biblical definition but since it has happened, I'm going to let it be though I wish such laws had been legislated by the proper legislators rather than imposed by the Supreme Court.  I've always been for civil unions as I think gay couples should have the same legal benefits as straight couples.

I don't think the Rubios have a lavender marriage like the Clintons (I know Bill isn't gay but Hillary apparently is).

Anyway, now I have to look up Wayne Madsen.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 10:35:54 PM
Quote from: Lena on February 17, 2016, 10:29:45 PM
You support the fetuses man Rafael Cruz, or the homosexual Rubio, or the unstable autist Bush? No joke, Trump is the only who is not totally weird and compromised.

I would never support another Bush.  Too liberal. Rubio is better but for the gang of 8 bill.  Since when was he a fag?  Yeah, he has a high voice and maybe a tiny bit of a lisp but that does not make him a fag.  Proof, please.  As for Cruz, yep that is who I'm going to go with and so is my wife.  What do you mean about Rafael being a fetuses man?  Are you for abortion?  It is a non-issue for me.  Not on my priority list but it would be better if people were more responsible and had fewer abortions. Just my opinion.  I'm a constitutionalist and Trump is not.

Oh and Rubio is a liar too.
Politics / Re: Bernie Sanders 2016 Thread
February 17, 2016, 10:24:09 PM
Quote from: albrecht on February 17, 2016, 10:08:55 PM
All I know is that I'm getting out some old pamphlets and stuff about the 'hobo language and signage.' I had a friend, who was a character but a best friend, who accosted some oldster homeless guy and for some days and they went drinking, camping in their camps, and etc and he wrote down a bunch of stuff in a notepad. But after that, since I didn't believe it, when he showed me his stuff- I looked stuff up and there is, apparently, symbols etc that hobos use to help others. Fairly crude the Vikings even had time, what with even all their rapine, to have more coherent stuff. But, cheap wine and riding rails, means simplicity, I suppose. Here is a link for those also who hope to be able to apply for Sander's redistribution and vote in his land:
This was not my friend's stuff. I got his somewhere but links I found just now with quick search (actually Gypsy, hobos, etc an interesting subject that Art should have, if he was around.)
There are others on the net now. Consider them, likely, like all the other languages now demanded to vote or get government give-aways, but maybe if you use them you will get 'first priority' because even a smaller minority or, at least, prove legitimacy of not 'being in the system'?  ;)

Those signs seem to indicate that hobos generally think women are saps unless they work for the police.  LOL
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
February 17, 2016, 10:13:54 PM
Quote from: MV on February 17, 2016, 09:52:00 PM
only 100 people?  really?  they must think they've perfected polling to such a science that they can pull it off accurately with such a small pool.  i'm told that by the year 2021, they'll have political polling down to a sample of 5 just people.

i'm sure limbaugh will be tripping all over himself tomorrow to discuss this poll.  he's obviously a cruz guy, although he understands the trump phenomenon.

As do I.  I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee but I will not support him in the primaries.  I don't like his sue-happy attitude- that is one of the problems with this country we live in now- and he acts like a baby a lot.  He whines and cries until he gets his way.  He's very immature.  He is also a liar.
Politics / Re: Bernie Sanders 2016 Thread
February 17, 2016, 09:57:04 PM
Bernie's campaign theme.


Accompanying story.

Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn’t Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics


Donald Noory's role model.
Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
February 17, 2016, 05:24:24 PM
Quote from: onan on February 17, 2016, 05:01:38 PM
Oh there is gonna be some mudslinging now.

LOL.  If you think the slinging is bad now honey.  You ain't see nothin' yet!   To paraphrase Al Jolson.
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