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Messages - MDL5676

Quote from: NooryIsADouchebag on April 04, 2013, 02:42:16 AM
Here's a fun example from tonight.. While asking about the "portal to hell" from today's news, George referred to the "nauseous fumes" at the entrance.

It's noxious George. Quite a coincidence actually since its a word that describes you perfectly.

George doesn't believe in coincidences... lol
Quote from: NooryIsADouchebag on April 04, 2013, 02:31:04 AM
Tonights guest is actually decent but George has managed to turn this show into a suckathon the likes of which I haven't heard in.. well, nevermind.  But, I think he has asked every typical stupid question, made every usual idiotic remark, made several failed attempts at completing the guests thoughts, and somehow managed to fuck up numerous word pronounciations while making banal observations about evil, ouija boards, portals, etc, - all in one glorious suckfest.  Did I forget anything?

No, I think your summary of tonight's uber debacle was quite succinct...
Further proof that Noory pays absolutely ZERO attention to what his guest is saying can be found about 22 min into the 12am (PST) segment... It went something like this:

Noory brings up that God forsaken Billy Mumy  "Twilight Zone" episode for the 19,742 time (I swear he has a "thing" for Billy or at least did when he was growing up)
Noory then makes a generic statement about the DaVinci Code movie being a "huge hit" and asking his guest why he thinks it was so "pop-uh-lure" and whether the guest believes that the movie is based on fact...

So the guest starts off by basicaly saying that the whole movie is pretty much a complete work of fiction and goes on to explain why he believes that to be so... so after finishing his somewhat lengthy answer explaining that the movie was a work of fiction and not based on reality, there is nothing but dead air for a moment until George comes back on (sounding like he was completely caught off guard) blurts out his old stand by "That may be so" ( basically agreeing tothe movie w/ the guest's position. He then goes on to restate the fact that the movie was popular, to which the guest agrees. George then goes go to say'"Maybe the things in the movie are true", which is followed by silence from the guest as he comes to realize that he is being interviewed by an idiot before finally blurting out something generic  about that being "possible", in an effort to try and not embarass or offend the host because he doesn't want to burn any bridges... They both make me sick. One is lazy, boring, and  a complete moron and the other's is a spineless suck up... --noory sucks--
Wow, did the Snooron REALLY just say that his "TV" show Beyond Belief is "taking the world by storm"?? Sometimes I'm torn between which school of thought I feel is most likely to be true... Is George just completely oblivious to his own suckage and in his own mind really believes that he is doing a great job and basically suffering from delusions of grandeur? (I.e. greatly over estimating his own singing ability, thinking he's "clever" with his ridiculous, lame & juvenile April Fool's jokes, trying to portray himself as some sort of "celebrity",etc)?? Of is he aware that his show is horrible but his severe narcissism simply won't allow him to accept the fact that he has once again failed (just as he has done so many times before in his life) and so he goes into denial mode and essentially creates his own alternate reality instead...

Either way, Noory sucks, HAS always sucked, and WILL always suck.  Like my Dad used to say: "A tiger can't change it stripes" and "You can't shine a turd"


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on February 04, 2013, 09:23:17 PM
No shit? That is beyond amazing. I mean, really. Let me get this straight. Noory wants to set up some sort of welfare system supported by listeners of HIS show, with the recipients being HIS show's listeners with Noory eventually setting himself up to look like some kind of food stamp Jesus? This is the craziest fucking thing I have ever heard!

Not only is it crazy, but it's about as well thought out as Noory's idea to put that P-90X picture on the C2C Website... I mean, think about it... If George's true motivation/intention/goal in all of this was "to set up a foundation to help members of the coast to coast 'family' who are in need" (because we all know how much St. George just likes to help his fellow members of the human race), what kind of sense would it make for him to ask 9,000 people to pay $10 a month to subscribe to some website, with the rationale that said website would then pay him a small percentage of the revenue generated, which Noory would lead us to believe would then be put into this "foundation" and used to help needy coast to coast listeners, etc. etc. etc.

I mean, does that make ANY fucking sense to anyone but the Nooron? If he REALLY wanted to help people, and that was his true motivation, he could EASILY just set up a non-profit or philanhtropic foundation, and ask those same 9,000 people to make a $10 donation to any such foundation directly. That way you would cut out the middle man (i.e. GaiamTV) and allow the majority money to go towards actually helping people instead of going to fill corporate coffers. But the reason George wouldn't want to do it this way is because if he did, the money would go into some sort of trust account and there would have to be trustees in charge of disbursing funds, aboard of directors, various levels of oversight, required public filings, etc... Which, basically means that at the end of the day, there's nothing in it for Ol' Georgie, so he figures why bother?

My Dad used to say "You can't shine a turd"...  Well Noory is most certainly one big, huge, heaping, stinking, steaming human turd...

-Noory Sucks-               
Ever since catching George's "appeal" the other night asking for listeners to subscribe to his piece of shit "Beyawn Baleef" show because as soon as the number of subscribers hits 9,000 he'll "be able" to set up that "foundation" that will allow him to "help needy members of the Coast to Coast family", I have been trying to find some sort, ANY sort, of further explanation/information/details on this, because the whole idea/concept stinks like rat and bothers me on a bunch of different levels... (and I'm sure I'm not alone on this)
Anyways, today I happen to come across this website http://www.coveritlive.com/index2.php?option=com_altcaster&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=21855b6455&ipod=y  which had a transript of this live chat session Snoory did back on November 13, 2012. Included this little exchange:

george noory: I'm curious. How many of you have signed up for the free 10 days of GAIAM TV.com?

Comment From uniuni: Not yet, but will do

Comment From DiannaDianna: Not yet, but I plan to. It sounds interesting.

george noory: The company producing it will give me a small percentage of those who sign up. Once we reach 10,000 subscribers (my goal is 50,000), I plan to set up a foundation and help out needy Coast listeners...who write in. It's the honor system but I really want to help. What do you think?   

Now, that I have George's "intentions" in writing, I fully intend to compose an email to George addressing how this whole thing smells like nothing more than a cheap attempt to take advantage of people's desire to want to "help" others, just so he can sell more subscriptions to his piece of shit "tv show", all with the intent of putting more money in his own greasy pockets... If true, then clearly the question of whether Mr. Noory has ANY sort of integrity or ethical, professional, and moral standards can finally be to rest once and for all, for clearly the answer is no, he does not. He is only concerned with himself and is the center of his own universe and his complete Narcissistic and sociopathic traits are on full display. The man has NO sense of decency and has no concept of shame. What an absolutely disgusting human being.               

LMAO... After calling the guest "Ramon" numerous times, the guest politely corrected George and told him that his name is actually pronounced "Raymond"... With George's "8 hours of show prep", I for one am shocked that this "minor" detail somehow managed to slip through the cracks...  ::)
And George being George, he ofcourse once again calls the guest "Ramon" when going to break... What.A.Douchebag...

I don't even want to count how many times Simple George has uttered his mindless"That may very well be" and "You never know" in response to whatever the guest had just said or talked about... I swear he did it 3-4 times in the closing few minutes of the 3rd hour... I think it's pretty clear that George must have run out of notecards (again) and once showed us all how incapable he is of holding even the slightest or most basic type of intelligent conversation or dialogue with someone over the age of 3; which once again showcases just how dependent the Snooron is on "Tommy, Lisa & Co."... It's only because of them that he's even been able to achieve the level of suckage and uninspired mediocrity that he has... And as much as he sucks (which he does ) and even though he has destroyed what was once a great show (which he has), one can only imagine how much worse it would be if he didn't have Tommy and Tommy's notecards as a crutch... admittedly a very feeble crutch, but a crutch none the less...

Noory = Perpetual Suckage   
Quote from: Grimace on August 11, 2012, 12:38:17 AM
I thought I'd try to entertain myself and catch up with the "August 09 2012 - Animals & Health" show on Youtube...

Already 15 minutes along and Noory has fucking pissed me off. Has this shit-for-brains ever owned a pet, has he ever gone through a pet getting ill, let alone terminally-ill? He seems amazed that pets share our same diseases then even lets out a fucking ill-mannered chuckle at some point. What a fucking shithead. Fuck you, Noory. Fuck you. I feel compelled to knock this schmoozer sleaze-ball's fucking front teeth out.

"PUtZ get Obe33z3?" he says in his stroke-mouth, throat filled with shit voice.

I hate you, George Noory. I want to teabag that stupid Wario-wannabe face of your's. Suck on my hairy fucking manpouch you god damned idiot bitch. Don't pretend be concerned about animal-testing on products, those abused creatures are ten times the MAN you will ever be.

Grimace, I salute you. Well done sir... :)
The latest example of George's mastery of the English language that caught my ear during the show tonight:

GN: Blah blah blah "in an attempt to have at least some ASSEMBLANCE of order..."

The word is semblance George... S-E-M-B-L-A-N-C-E... Heck, I'll even use it in a sentence for you... We would be forever grateful if you would please just quit and let someone that possesses at least some SEMBLANCE of intelligence and genuine interest in the paranormal and other subject matter that most of us enjoy, crave and miss so much take over hosting the show and try to save what's left of Coast To Coast before it falls into the dark, abyssal depths of utter and complete oblivion... You've worn out your welcome and we're all so tired of your doom and gloom, demons/angels, people are acting strange, turmeric, abiotic oil schtick...     

OH, and one more thing... For the love of God and all that is good and decent, would you PLEASE stop butchering my native language George... Clearly English as a language is beyond your intellectual capabilities, so perhaps you may want to consider trying something that's more in your wheelhouse, like some sort of low gutteral grunting perhaps... My God, sometimes I swear you are the missing fucking link George.


Here's a pic of that quack Seth Farber, PhD. from last night's show.
I think it speaks for itself...


I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one am so sick and tired of Un-0riginal George taking a theory or idea from from a previous guest and claiming it to be his "own". Case in point, tonight George was trying to make brownie points and/or make himself look smart by saying something along the lines of "Well MY theory is that the Earth has all the materials you'd need in order to cure any and all types of disease or illness." Really George?? That's YOUR theory, that YOU came up with huh?? Anybody that listens to the show on even a semi-regular basis will know that he does this sort of thing all the time. He constantly takes someone else's idea and tries to pass it off as his own. I mean, I seriously doubt that Simple George has ever had an original thought in his entire life... I bet he was one of those guys in coillege that would just plagiarize other people's work and not even bother to cite them or use parentheses... Just copy and paste and hope he didn't get caught because I'm sure Papa Noory would have been most displeased and (even more) ashamed of his underachieving son.

Which kind of segues me into another thing I'm sick of... I'm sick of George and his constant seeking of praise and/or approval from the guests by asking questions that usually have an obvious answer and truly IS a "no brainer", such as:

George: "Well, I've always believed that if you're gonna jump out of an airplane at 14,000 feet, you should always make sure you have a parachute on... So what do you think? Am I right about that?"

Guest: "Yup, you've once again hit the nail right on the head George. That's exactly right."

I guess that constant need for praise and approval goes all the way back to his childhood. In my mind's eye I can see Lil' Georgie desperately wanting Papa Noory's approval and wanting nothing more in life than to finally make his dad proud of him. But it was not to be. Rather than praise, George had to instead sette for the days when the look of disappointment on Papa Noory's face was less severe and less harsh than it had been the day before... And that's because mediocrity is just the best Ol' Georgie is capable of... Hence the abomination that Coast to Coast AM has become...
Coast to Coast AM
     1984 - 2003       

     Last night when masochistically forcing myself to suffer through another George Noory Bore Fest,  I heard him mention something about having to "catch an early morning flight to Philadelphia" to participate in some sort of Ghost Hunt... We all know the man has no real interest in the paranormal and that his "lifelong interest" and "fascination" with the paranormal is all just for show in an effort to bolster his status as a "seeker of truth"... GAG!!
     So since we can rule out "genuine interest" as being his motivation for going, does anyone care to speculate on what his true motivations may be? Paid appearance perhaps? Or maybe just another chance for George to go to an event where he expects his "adoring fans" will clamor to merely be in his presence and all tell him how "great" he is and what a "wonderful singing voice he has" blah blah blah, which will help feed George's giant ego and also reinforce his delusions of being some sort of "celebrity"...
     Anybody have any other possible motivations they'd care to share?                 
I find it a little odd and suspicious that George's interview with Jesse Ventura ended early and the final hour of the show being "Open Lines"... Since we all know that George isn't a big fan of open lines because it requires more "effort" to (somewhat) pay attention , not to mention that he also runs the risk of having to think off the top of his head (scary thought) and not just rely on his beloved "cue cards"... So why go to open lines instead of keeping Jesse Ventura for the final hour?? My gut feeling is that it is probably due to one of two reasons.
1) Jesse didn't want to be up too late and agreed to only come on for a specified amount of time
2) George wanted to try and be slick and leave a lil' early tonight so he plans on just popping in a tape of old open lines calls from a prior show for either all or part of the last hour...

Yet another demonstration of George’s quick wit and awe inspiring ability to think fast on his feet:
George was talking to the earthquake predictor guy in the news segment and at the end of the interview the earthquake guy was giving out the address people could send self addressed stamped envelope if they wanted to receive a copy of his newsletter (or something like that)… Anyways, the city he lives in named Glen Helen, CA (which is somewhat unique) . He went on to make a comment on how he had recently found out that there’s apparently another “Glen Helen” somewhere, to which Ol’ Georgie, Mr. Quick Wit himself, responded…

“Oh sure, well you know they always make sure to have a couple of those...”  :o :o :o WHAAA? HUH??

Good God, the depths of this man’s stupidity apparently knows no end…



P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to add that I’m not sure if that’s a verbatim quote of what he said , but if not it was something very close and very similar to that…   
John B. Wells' obvious lack of intelligence and ever failing attempts to try and come across as some sort of intellectual, deep thinking, hipster, cool guy are really starting to give the human turd (aka The Snooron) a run for his money as far as which of these 2 imbeciles is the worst host... Don't get me wrong, George still has a firm grip on the "top turd" spot, but in my opinion John B. Wells is just absolutely horrendous as well... His frequent inability to string together cohesive thoughts and put them into complete sentences is annoying at best. Not to mention the frequent pockets of "dead air" time that occur when his slow witted self is unable to come up with anything, I mean anything at all. to say and so he sits there in awkward silence hoping the guest will say something and bail him out... That and his numerous attempts to try and come up with something "deep" or "profound" or "cool" to say seems to ineveitably fail and just come across as someoone that is trying too hard to be something that he's obviously NOT... He obviously has no intellect or talent and has only made it this far because of his voice...               
Holy F*CK...

George just said that he beleives that people "are acting weird" lately because.... get ready now... because "there's something weird going on with the sun" and he "truly believes" that the sun is having some sort of "electromagnetic effect on people's personalities"... :o :o :o What. The. Fuck.   :o :o :o
Don't know if anybody else caught this or not, but at the very start of the "news segment" did George refer to the "billions of Japanese" that have been affected by the Fukushima disaster?? At first I was SURE I must have misheard him because surely nobody is stupid enough to think that "billions" of people live in Japan... But then I remembered WHO was talking and quickly reevaluated my position on this matter... So if anyone else heard this as well and can confirm this to be true, it would be much appreciated...

--NOORY SUCKS--       
"Once again George, as you so often do, you have managed to hit the nail right on the head on what is a very deep question..."

-quote from tonight's 1st half guest


Now thatboy and girls is some serious verbal fellatio right there... I wonder if the guest swallowed when he was done...

--noory sucks--
QuoteNoory tonight made the unbelievable claim that he lost so much weight from that PX90 or whatever exercise routine last year that he felt he was too thin and had to put more weight on.

I happened to be drinking a glass of water when I heard George say this, and I'll be damned if that water didn't shoot right out my nostrils as my body involuntarily reacted to George's words that cames blasting out of St. Louis like verbal feces, blazing across the land, into my town, into my home, slamming into my radio like a supercharged particle of bullshitanium...

The Nooron must think that we're all as stupid as he is if he thinks that any of us believe that steaming pile of crap...

Also, did anyone else hear the show a few nights back (CIA Guy show maybe?) where George was talking to the guest and once again brought up his "attempted kidnapping in Mexico" story (which I call total BS btw) except that this time he added something along the lines of "Homeland Security told me that had the kidnappers been successful, most likely their plan would have been to have me repeatedly make withdrawals from an ATM until there was no more money to withdraw, at which point there would have been no more George."

I swear this man is more full of shit than a backed up sewer line...

--NOORY SUCKS--       
On a sidenote? I missed George's intro for this guest, but on the Coast to Coast website it says this guy was in the Army for 50 years... 50 years and he retired as only a fucking Major?? Having previously served in the Army myself, that just doesn't jive and doesn't make any sense to me... NOT AT ALL... If anyone heard the backstory on this guy and could shed some light as to any possible explanations for how this guy retired only as an O-4 (Major) after "50 years", I would greatly appreciate it...   
I've counted at least 3 times in this interview where the Snooron has tried to "remote view" the guest (who's a former remote viewer for the U.S. Army) and has failed miserably all 3 times... PATHETIC... But not as pathetic as George's attempts to "explain" why his answers were a little "off" or technicallly "right"... It's so pathetic how hard you try to "impress" guests and/or callers with your "knowledge" and "abilities" (of which, you have NEITHER by the way). To me you just come across as being needy for any little bit of recognition or praise... That smacks of someone who has very low self esteem, which in your case is most definitely justified... NOORY SUCKS     
Good ol' Simple George once again graced us all with yet another impressive display of knowledge,unbridled brain power, superior intellect, and Sherlock Holmes-esque powers of deduction in the following exchange with Richard C. Hoagland:

RCH: In fact George, here in New Mexico tonight we are receiving our first significant snowfall this year...

GN: So does that mean it's cold there Richard??  :o

Um, YEAH George... Considering the fact that it's S-N-O-W-I-N-G, I'm pretty sure it's "cold there"... Man!! Nothing gets by the Ol' Nighthawk, does it Georgie?? Moron...

-Noory Sucks-
Tuned in tonight to find out that tonight's next guest is... <drum roll please> ... That's right, Lionel-Fucking-Borethorpe, AKA "Greatest Storyteller Ever Born"... And to make things even worse, I was unfortunate enough to still have the radio on as George waited all of 2.1 seconds before he started fellating Ol' Borethorpe right there on air and admit how he had Tommy schedule Fanthorpe to be back on the show because he hadn't "heard (Fanthorpe's) voice in a couple months" and he needed his "Lionel Fanthorpe Fix"... I shit you not... He actually said that... << INSERT INVOLUNTARY GAG REFLEX HERE >> Um, yeah, thanks but no thanks... I'll leave you two alone to carry on your BROmance in private... Besides, that blowhard Fanthorpe will probably just end up telling that same, old Spring Heeled Jack story for the 1,528th time, and as sure as the sun will rise in the east, Simple George will act as if he's hearing that story for the very first time, complete with George's full repertoire of "sounds" indicating feigned astonishment, incredulity, disgust and/or intrigue... Noory Sucks       
Tuned in just in time to find out that the next guest was... Lionel-Fucking-Fanthorpe (AKA the "Greatest Storyteller Ever Born") And then to add insult to injury, George took all of 2 seconds to start fellating Lionel and admit that he needed his "Lionel Fanthorpe Fix" because it had been a couple months since George has heard his voice... << insert involuntary gag reflex here >> Um, thanks but no thanks... I'll let those guys carry on with their BROmance in private, espcially since that blowhard Fanthorpe will just end up telling that same, old Spring Heeled Jack story for the 592nd time and Simple     
George was doing his "news" segment at the beginning of the show like he always does and mentioned the story about the 22 passengers from a Carnival cruise ship that were robbed at gunpoint near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico when returning from a jungle tour. After he was done reading the story, Delusional George actually had the balls to make a remark about how this story reminded him of his own experience in Mexico a couple months ago... FML :o I swear George's propensity for being a compulsive liar and for spewing absolute bullshit apparently knows no bounds... You're a sick, pathetic little man Mr. Noory... Get some help... Noory Sucks!           
While this dream expert lady has had some interesting insights to share about what certain types of dreams may mean, there was far too much talk about "Huuuuuuuuuuu-ing" and a shameless and nauseating amount of stroking George's ego with her "You're right on the money George!!" and "You've got it right George" type comments, which Simple George just gobbles up while simultaneously patting himself on the back for being such a genius... It didn't help that George once again managed to ask the guest questions that you would expect to hear from a 3rd grader... (i apologize in advance to any 3rd graders I may have just offended by comparing their level of intelligence to George ) His incompetence, lack of intelligence, sheer laziness, and absolutely zero interest in, or comprehension of, ANY of the subjects such as the paranormal, UFO's, conspiracy theories, crop circles, etc. which are the subjects that I dare say most coast 2 coast fans tune in to hear about... Or at least it is for most of us who have been around since the good ol' days when Coast to Coast was built from scratch with Art Bell's blood, sweat, and tears and was actually a good show with an intelligent host who had a genuine interest in the things that were being discussed and, believe it or not, actually listened to his guests and asked intelligent questions... The show that currently calls itself "Coast to Coast" is an impostor and a complete fraud that makes a mockery of what this show used to be...
-----NOORY SUCKS-----
Quote from: sleeplessinca on February 13, 2012, 10:22:15 AM
I keep hoping another provocative late night show will emerge.  I mentioned Laura Lee in my last post and found she is still out there!  You have to buy her interviews or download them or something.

It looks like he will be here for a long time.  Maybe he (or Tommy) reads this board to get some tips.  God knows, he's no Paul Harvey!

So I will post other boring stuff Noorey does or says:

"You never know" - his go to phrase when he cannot think of anything else to say or worse, wasn't listening.  I hate it especially when he says it really slow like I'm supposed to be scared or something.

"Something is going to happen" - his go to phrase when he wants to stimulate conversation or seem edgy or extra-sensitive like his famous aunt.

"Turmeric or colloidal" - used when he wants to show how healthy he is.

"Psychic vampire" - I just hate when he goes there.  It is obvious he is digging at the mother of his children and the other half of his failed marriage.  I love the way Art loved Ramona, his cats, came to love his new life and his new daughter.  I wish him well.

"There was a Twilight Zone where...." - a pathetic dated, desperate attempt at deeply relating to the guest.  Usuals are "To Serve Man", "I Sing the Body Electric".  Even worse, he will mention some movie he can't remember the name of.  I wish he would have a deeper well of literature to draw off. 

When he recycles Art's stuff like being moved by the children's voices on the ghost recordings.  Makes me miss Art all the more.

Any of his self promotion, bragging about how many stations or when he endorses things you know he doesn't really like.  I find his proud proclamation of his sleep number of 90 grating. 

When he humbly mutters "thanks" in response to callers' greetings as if they were giving a compliment.

Whenever he brags about his youthful start in the radio business.  He acts like it is because he is so fly.  He should read the book Outliers (if he ever reads) and he will find that he simply benefitted by being born at a very opportune time.  It simply didn't take as much talent or drive to succeed for certain generations as it does for others. 

When he cleans out the bookshelf of books he never read.  He doesn't even use the book to connect the listeners.  It is clear just a piece of garbage to him.

Enough for now.  I like Ian, Ian's replacement and Knapp so much better.
Lmao... Tonight George briefly alluded to his "Great Escape" from a while back and told his guest that he was "almost kidnapped in Mexico a few weeks ago", which once again proves that George is a full fledged card-carrying narcissist and pathlogical liar who suffers from delusions of grandeur and an inabilty to differentiate between what is reality and that which only exists in his sick, demented mind... So once again SNoory has unequivocally managed to achieve an even more profound level of utter suckage... Noory succeeds at failing...           
Radio and Podcasts / Noory Sucks
February 02, 2012, 03:44:48 AM
Lmao... A few minutes ago George briefly alluded to his "Great Escape" and told his guest how he was "almost kidnapped in Mexico a few weeks ago", which once again proves that George is a ull fledged card-carrying narcissist and pathlogical liar who also suffers from delusions of grandeur and an inabilty to differentiate between reality and events that only exist in his sick, demented mind. So once again SNoory has unequivocally managed to achieve an even more profound level of utter suckage...  :-\ Noory succeeds at failing...           
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