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USSC Justice Scalia Dead at 79

Started by VtaGeezer, February 13, 2016, 04:13:01 PM

Quote from: rekcuf on February 15, 2016, 01:11:16 PM
FearBoysWithBugs, I noticed you didn't respond to this post.

Publicly, no.  If you must know, I am willing to make him my one hour bride provided that he pays in cash.  Wealth is burden of my wooing dance, ya know.


Quote from: albrecht on February 15, 2016, 11:00:18 AM
Back to the subject. Why no autopsy and in keeping with C2C/ArtBell themes IF he was killed who did it?

Why is the Falkieite and a gang of cunts from a foreign country the only people who are in this thread, refusing to ask the pertinent questions while rolling around over each other in the mud?

Curious. Three pages of this shit to wade through this morning, and you fuckers are all over the map except for the spot marked X.

Don't think the rest of us don't see that, Fuckos.

136 or 142

Quote from: FearBoysWithBugs on February 15, 2016, 01:12:15 PM
It's calculated disrespect.  He's signaling that I'm not worth the trouble to insult using fresh, original material.

You have no idea how diabolical Snoopy can be if there is a woman or an alien skull at stake.

As this boards resident's retard I get to ask which one is Snoopy?

Quote from: Jackstar on February 15, 2016, 01:19:38 PM

Why is the Falkieite and a gang of cunts from a foreign country the only people who are in this thread, refusing to ask the pertinent questions while rolling around over each other in the mud?

Curious. Three pages of this shit to wade through this morning, and you fuckers are all over the map except for the spot marked X.

Don't think the rest of us don't see that, Fuckos.

The real discussion is happening behind the scenes, so that we can keep out the riff-raff.

Oh, you weren't invited?

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 15, 2016, 01:20:42 PM
As this boards resident's faggot retard I get to ask which one is Snoopy?


SnoozyVindaloo or however he spells his handle.

136 or 142

Quote from: FearBoysWithBugs on February 15, 2016, 01:22:18 PM

SnoozyVindaloo or however he spells his handle.

Hah, since we've established that you don't respect anything I say, I can say this without being accused or currying favor or anything, you actually are quite funny.


Quote from: FearBoysWithBugs on February 15, 2016, 01:21:32 PM
The real discussion is

Hint: you're the Falkieite. You don't really think anyone is valuing your opinion, do you?

Quote from: Jackstar on February 15, 2016, 01:19:38 PM

Why is the Falkieite and a gang of cunts from a foreign country the only people who are in this thread, refusing to ask the pertinent questions while rolling around over each other in the mud?

Curious. Three pages of this shit to wade through this morning, and you fuckers are all over the map except for the spot marked X.

Don't think the rest of us don't see that, Fuckos.

Oh, you. Your dead parents must be so proud.

Quote from: Jackstar on February 15, 2016, 01:25:38 PM
You don't really think anyone is valuing your opinion, do you?

Really??  [ S O B ] 

I'm almost as disappointed as your girlfriend was the first time you dropped your pants.

136 or 142

Quote from: FearBoysWithBugs on February 15, 2016, 01:39:34 PM
Really??  [ S O B ] 

I'm almost as disappointed as your girlfriend was the first time you dropped your pants.

Yes, but his girlfriend had a fetish for a man with a small penis.


Quote from: onan on February 15, 2016, 11:53:37 AM
On a completely serious note, many of the reasons that seem to vex you regarding the changing of diagnosis comes not from the medical profession, but from organizations that are rife with family members that refuse to accept the reality of the situation. The DSM wasn't changed regarding Asperger's completely because of medical clarity. It had a great deal to do with families' unwillingness to have their child seen by a specialist in the child's early years. I know a doctor who has a child with autism. That child is much lower on the autism scale than where Asperger's falls. He was unable or unwilling to recognize his child didn't have Asperger's. The doctor had to have his nose rubbed with case after case that were reviewed before he changed his screening procedures. Yes, it's nuts, yes people are emotionally ill-equipped to handle family members with any kind of developmental disability. And part of that stigma is the claim of some that they feel wronged because they get shit for using the term retard.
I understand what you are saying. Sometimes it can be a fine line. Despite what society says there still is much stigma and although we aren't as "pathway oriented" as some countries being diagnosed with something, especially if borderline (whether it is autism, ADD, ADHD, 'retarded', dyslexia (which is not in the DSM by the way,) etc in school can be a bad, or good thing. Also with the medication issues that we've discussed before. On the one hand it is very important to find any 'problems' early on because people can be helped. On the other hand once it is on your 'record' you can be pre-judged by teachers and might be steered in certain avenues instead of others- in addition to whatever bullying etc. It is important to the family to be involved and keep an eye on what schools and doctors are doing, I'm afraid for children in state custody or uninvolved parents because I could see 'drugging' to be the easiest/cheapest option or children who are border-line (or even 'normal') being steered into paths that could be 'normal' etc. Not to say that drugs, special classes, etc are not needed by some people.

Back to subject: who benefits from Scalia's death. Was it 'natural.' If not, who did it? And why no autopsy or public hearing/investigation? Maybe a special Senate Select Committee, or statement from our Surgeon General after an autopsy? At least?

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 15, 2016, 01:41:06 PM
Yes, but his girlfriend had a fetish for a man with a small penis.

A mirco-Jack. Shame is what killed his parents. Sad.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 15, 2016, 01:25:10 PM
Hah, since we've established that you don't respect anything I say, I can say this without being accused or currying favor or anything, you actually are quite funny.

In line with Jackstar's demand that we turn the discussion to the Falkie thread, let me explain that it is become sport in that hive of scum and villainy to mock Srpudenda's name by coming up with variations, often containing S and V.  It's one reason why his penis shrinks by three inches whenever he dares to show his puss over there.  I just carried the practice onto this thread because...well, just because.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 15, 2016, 01:41:06 PM
Yes, but his girlfriend had a fetish for a man with a small penis.

Then you can bet she was all over his mom, too.

Quote from: onan on February 15, 2016, 11:38:46 AM
I thought that at first. Now I think Ruth did it. She sexed him to death.

Ugggh.  Now I'm going to have nightmares.

136 or 142

Quote from: albrecht on February 15, 2016, 01:42:40 PM
I understand what you are saying. Sometimes it can be a fine line. Despite what society says there still is much stigma and although we aren't as "pathway oriented" as some countries being diagnosed with something, especially if borderline (whether it is autism, ADD, ADHD, 'retarded', dyslexia (which is not in the DSM by the way,) etc in school can be a bad, or good thing. Also with the medication issues that we've discussed before. On the one hand it is very important to find any 'problems' early on because people can be helped. On the other hand once it is on your 'record' you can be pre-judged by teachers and might be steered in certain avenues instead of others- in addition to whatever bullying etc. It is important to the family to be involved and keep an eye on what schools and doctors are doing, I'm afraid for children in state custody or uninvolved parents because I could see 'drugging' to be the easiest/cheapest option or children who are border-line (or even 'normal') being steered into paths that could be 'normal' etc. Not to say that drugs, special classes, etc are not needed by some people.

Back to subject: who benefits from Scalia's death. Was it 'natural.' If not, who did it? And why no autopsy or public hearing/investigation? Maybe a special Senate Select Committee, or statement from our Surgeon General after an autopsy? At least?

Albrecht, your back. I don't know if you listened to Syrett's show last night but I commented in the Richard Syrett thread on the idea of central bank's making available interest free loans to governments.  Most of my comment is citing facts and evidence from ironically two conservative organizations websites.

I would have P.Md you this, but I don't know if you like receiving private messages or not.

Sorry for the thread drift. 

On the topic, judging from the comment on politics1.com the quote that Scalia died with the pillow over his head may either have been a false quote or left out the explanation as to why nobody there regarded that as suspicious, which obviously is the case.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 15, 2016, 01:59:27 PM
Albrecht, your back. I don't know if you listened to Syrett's show last night but I commented there on the idea of central bank's making available interest free loans to governments.

I would have P.Md you this, but I don't know if you like receiving private messages or not.

Sorry for the thread drift. 

On the topic, judging from the comment on politics1.com the quote that Scalia died with the pillow over his head may either have been a false quote or left out the explanation as to why nobody there regarded that as suspicious, which obviously is the case.
I will check out the comment and plan to listen to the show later while I work in the yard.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 15, 2016, 04:19:24 AM
Interesting you complained that I posted an article from a biased website but everything you wrote here is a compendium of idiotic evidence-free Rethuglic talking points.

I agree further conversation with you would be pointless and I also don't give a damn what you 'think' assuming you even can think which is highly debatable.

If you're interested however, and you want to show that you aren't doing what you said I did, please provide supporting evidence from non biased websites of the following:

1.Obama has 'pissed on' the Constitution.
2.Obama refuses to 'enforce the laws of the land'
3.Obama has made sure that racism is alive and well in America.

1. I don't need to provide sources because it is all a matter of fact.  He disregards the separations of powers written in the Constitution using executive orders as de facto legislation to  circumvent Congress and give amnesty to illegals.  That is just one example of how he has pissed on the Constitution.

2.  If Obama enforced the immigration laws that are on the books, there would not be an illegal immigrant problem.  I would add that Bush was just as guilty in this regard.

3.  Let me count the ways.  Let's see the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Ferguson matter, Baltimore.  Obama stirred up the kettle and blamed the police first when the people that died were basically thugs and had been the aggressors. Baltimore was a bit different as the guy that died was in a police van.  What was funny about that is that there were hollers of racism when some of the cops in the van were in fact black.
       Obama has shackled the police and created an environment where police are fearful of doing their jobs in black neighborhoods. Now if they try to enforce laws and arrest drug dealers and threatening individuals, they will get the R word thrown at them and probably get fired.  There is openly a lot more hostility between the races now and this didn't exist 10 years ago.  Were things perfect before that?  Hell no but there was no new incident every month and generally everyone was getting along fine before he was President.

This is all common knowledge.

Back to Scalia,  would an autopsy at this point find the cause of the death or has the enbalming made this impossible?  I'd hate to see a conspiracy theory come out of this. It is probably too late to prevent one  from gaining a foothold now.I hate conspiracy theories because while a small percentage may be true, most of them are bunk.   


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 02:35:28 PM
Back to Scalia,  would an autopsy at this point find the cause of the death or has the enbalming made this impossible?  I'd hate to see a conspiracy theory come out of this. It is probably too late to prevent one  from gaining a foothold now.I hate conspiracy theories because while a small percentage may be true, most of them are bunk.

With the level of paranoia by many these days, why would they believe an autopsy? Especially if the report went against their beliefs? Quite honestly, I think Alex is being out done by some of you guys.

Well, the point is Poindexter, who discovered Scalia dead, said that there was a pillow over his head.  Is this true or not?  If true, an autopsy should have been made.

Roswells, Art

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 03:07:02 PM
Well, the point is Poindexter, who discovered Scalia dead, said that there was a pillow over his head.  Is this true or not?  If true, an autopsy should have been made.

Hitmen are so sloppy these days.


Scalia was grossly fat, 80, and a smoker.  I'd say it was closer to suicide than a conspiracy.

Quote from: Roswells, Art on February 15, 2016, 03:09:52 PM
Hitmen are so sloppy these days.

Good one!!  :D  I needed a laugh.  Thank you.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 03:07:02 PM
Well, the point is Poindexter, who discovered Scalia dead, said that there was a pillow over his head.  Is this true or not?  If true, an autopsy should have been made.

Oh, ffs, it had to be Obama.

Quote from: onan on February 15, 2016, 02:39:57 PM
With the level of paranoia by many these days, why would they believe an autopsy? Especially if the report went against their beliefs? Quite honestly, I think Alex is being out done by some of you guys.

Shhh! Get out of here! I'm trying to sell these rubes tap water.

Quote from: onan on February 15, 2016, 03:21:05 PM
Oh, ffs, it had to be Obama.

Nah, nothing to do with Obama.  What if you had found your 79 year old father dead with a pillow over his head?  Wouldn't you want an autopsy?

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 15, 2016, 03:07:02 PM
Well, the point is Poindexter, who discovered Scalia dead, said that there was a pillow over his head.

He didn't say there was a pillow over his nose and mouth.

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