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Dangerous Exes

Started by ponyboysunset, September 17, 2015, 12:40:49 PM


Hello all, I contributed an almost dating horror story to the Art Bell thread when the topic of Dave's paranormal dating site came up. Per Paperboy's suggestion I am starting this thread.

So in case you missed it I got off of all dating websites a few weeks ago. I was contacted by a woman who was interested in me so we began the whole routine of messaging and then texting. The whole thing was weird from the start though, no pictures at first and she didn't tell me her real name for almost two weeks. It was an unusual name so I sort of got that as I have one too, and I thought maybe she is just being careful. Oh how wrong I was. I won't post the link here, but I googled her as one is going to do in this day an age and imagine my surprise and horror to discover that she had an article written about her in a local paper for stalking, wait for it, her probation officer. She has three DUI's which in my state equals a felon, and had been banned from using the internet for harassing and stalking people. Here is the twist. She was super nice. Was always on time, polite. I backed away slowly and thank God she respected that. I sited not being over my ex as the reason, which honestly was true anyway. So that is my horror story.

I could say the same about my ex as I met her on the same site, but to be fair I have known her since we were nine and I thought she was safe because of this. God, am I dumb or what? LOL. Please feel free to add to this thread.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on September 17, 2015, 12:40:49 PM
Was always on time

LOL I'm imagining her always being on time because she has been stalking you on your way to the meeting spots. Sorry you experienced this type of behavior. It's actually quite scary. Luckily I've never encountered it myself.... or at least I'm unaware of it  :o


Quote from: popple on September 17, 2015, 01:05:35 PM
LOL I'm imagining her always being on time because she has been stalking you on your way to the meeting spots. Sorry you experienced this type of behavior. It's actually quite scary. Luckily I've never encountered it myself.... or at least I'm unaware of it  :o

At least I caught it before we met. We actually just texted because she lived three hours from me. But yeah, I am glad it was over before it started.

Very deftly handled, pbs.  I have no idea what I would do in that situation.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 17, 2015, 01:15:54 PM
Very deftly handled, pbs.  I have no idea what I would do in that situation.
Had I called her out on it she could have shown up at my house. I have a very weird name as most of you know. It could have blown up in my face. So now I just go to parties, and events that friends invite me to and try and meet girls the old fashioned way. By talking to them in person. LOL.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on September 17, 2015, 01:21:53 PM
Had I called her out on it she could have shown up at my house. I have a very weird name as most of you know. It could have blown up in my face. So now I just go to parties, and events that friends invite me to and try and meet girls the old fashioned way. By talking to them in person. LOL.

            Ponyboy, let me assure you that you are not alone. Before I, too, swore off internet dating, years ago, I had not one, but several similar incidents. One of them got as scary as yours and I still feel I escaped by the skin of my teeth. The next stop was a restraining order.

            No matter how much the technology has evolved, what remains true is that the internet, particularly when it comes to sex and dating, is the home of weirdos, psychos, looney toons and, as in your case, those recently released from some of our finer institutions of higher learning.  :-* It's hardly surprising. Well-adjusted people who are comfortable socially hang out with and meet people in the real world; it's where bonds can form in a natural way. It is the poorly adjusted folk who rely on the anonymity and remoteness of online communication, and one is well-advised to always be on guard.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on September 17, 2015, 01:21:53 PM
... So now I just go to parties, and events that friends invite me to and try and meet girls the old fashioned way. By talking to them in person. LOL.

Parties are good, or friends of friends, because those people have been pre-approved at some level (they aren't invited to parties or to hang out with your friends if they aren't somewhat ok, hopefully)

I don't really have any scary stories myself, but my brother has enough about his ex for both of us.  There were so many I'm sure I've forgotten most of them

One time they went out of town to visit friends.  She went ahead and he came later because of work.  She picked him up at the airport, and they were arrested on the way to the friends house - unbeknown to him, she'd stolen the car.


Tuesday was the second time this month I have had to call out the police to a home invasion by another of my admirers. To be honest, this is getting a little annoying. I keep telling Taylor Swift that this thing is over but she refuses to take 'no' for an answer. Despite my changing all the locks last week, she managed to wriggle through a bathroom window. I am a fairly tolerant man, but when it comes to finding naked pop stars in my bed covered in ranch dressing (or "raunch dressing", as she called it), it is time to say "enough is enough"! I had to chase her away with a rolled-up newspaper.


Think she'd be upset if I called her?


Quote from: pate on September 18, 2015, 04:40:55 AM
Think she'd be upset if I called her?

I'm done with her, be my guest. I can't afford the laundry bills for one thing.


It "depends" is one thing, a regular laundry service is another...

Why not buy a second set?  Like the moon landing?

Then dreams can continue for-evah

Did I type that out loud?


Quote from: pate on September 18, 2015, 05:06:06 AM
It "depends" is one thing, a regular laundry service is another...

Why not buy a second set?  Like the moon landing?

Then dreams can continue for-evah

Did I type that out loud?

Just as general background information, nothing personal meant: how much alkyhol do you consume on an average day?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 18, 2015, 05:09:55 AM
Just as general background information, nothing personal meant: how much alkyhol do you consume on an average day?

Enough to know better, but not enough to ask why.

Enough info>?


Quote from: pate on September 18, 2015, 05:20:44 AM
Enough to know better, but not enough to ask why.

Enough info>?

A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse, dear boy!


Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 17, 2015, 09:37:03 PM
I don't really have any scary stories myself, but my brother has enough about his ex for both of us.  There were so many I'm sure I've forgotten most of them

One time they went out of town to visit friends.  She went ahead and he came later because of work.  She picked him up at the airport, and they were arrested on the way to the friends house - unbeknown to him, she'd stolen the car.

OMG wow just wow. I have never gotten arrested because of an ex. Although my recent ex thought it was a good idea to drive around drinking wine out of a water bottle.


Quote from: Caruthers612 on September 17, 2015, 04:10:04 PM
            Ponyboy, let me assure you that you are not alone. Before I, too, swore off internet dating, years ago, I had not one, but several similar incidents. One of them got as scary as yours and I still feel I escaped by the skin of my teeth. The next stop was a restraining order.

            No matter how much the technology has evolved, what remains true is that the internet, particularly when it comes to sex and dating, is the home of weirdos, psychos, looney toons and, as in your case, those recently released from some of our finer institutions of higher learning.  :-* It's hardly surprising. Well-adjusted people who are comfortable socially hang out with and meet people in the real world; it's where bonds can form in a natural way. It is the poorly adjusted folk who rely on the anonymity and remoteness of online communication, and one is well-advised to always be on guard.


The lame ass reason I got on those sites was mainly because I am a lesbian. I didn't want to offend anyone by hitting on them if they were not gay or bi. Yeah, I'm over that. LOL.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 18, 2015, 05:23:20 AM
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse, dear boy!

Twice in the dark is no where near as fun as once in the sun, love:)

(we have to get these Britisher vis a vix Frog handshakes down In a true Mesonic order, neigh?)

Look folks, I have perfected an effective protocol to handling an ex.  I just buy them a house. Trust me, it works every time.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 18, 2015, 04:27:54 AM
she managed to wriggle through a bathroom window

She really needs to start eating more..


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 18, 2015, 04:27:54 AM
Tuesday was the second time this month I have had to call out the police to a home invasion by another of my admirers. To be honest, this is getting a little annoying. I keep telling Taylor Swift that this thing is over but she refuses to take 'no' for an answer. Despite my changing all the locks last week, she managed to wriggle through a bathroom window. I am a fairly tolerant man, but when it comes to finding naked pop stars in my bed covered in ranch dressing (or "raunch dressing", as she called it), it is time to say "enough is enough"! I had to chase her away with a rolled-up newspaper.

Again?  This happened before I got home?  You have got to stop putting out that 'single bitch' vibe.  You are my property.  Anybody comes near you, I consider it trespassing, with sexual intent.  Stop teasing these ppl and batting your little puppy eyes at them.

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