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Yes, the NSA is collecting your dick pics

Started by bateman, April 06, 2015, 03:41:37 PM


Glad I have nothing to hide. I thought I'd sent all my "dick" pics to all the single ladies already, but if the NSA wants them for Obama to enjoy thats understandable.


that was a pretty funny show. thanks for the link!


Hmmm.  Who'da thought they would have a printer capable of printing a sheet longer than a legal pad?  Damn .gov.  They got all the cool toys.
You think they will print up enough copies of my dick and glue them together to make a life size version?  What, of what, could they, would they use that for?


Quote from: paladin1991 on April 10, 2015, 10:53:57 AM
Hmmm.  Who'da thought they would have a printer capable of printing a sheet longer than a legal pad?  Damn .gov.  They got all the cool toys.
You think they will print up enough copies of my dick and glue them together to make a life size version?  What, of what, could they, would they use that for?
You will probably receive a job offer as a "body-man" for someone. The good news is that you will be able to take many vacations and, if you like golf, play as much as you want at good courses, there is a down-side however.


Quote from: albrecht on April 10, 2015, 05:50:27 PM
You will probably receive a job offer as a "body-man" for someone. The good news is that you will be able to take many vacations and, if you like golf, play as much as you want at good courses, there is a down-side however.
Well I do swing pretty good


Glad I found that wide-angle lens.

Hope they enjoy the "don't tread on me" tattoo.


Quote from: cweb on April 13, 2015, 11:23:22 AM
Glad I found that wide-angle lens.

Hope they enjoy the "don't tread on me" tattoo.
And your copies of 'The Anarchists Cookbook' and the Koran with diagrams of all those


Is the NSA over or under whelmed by this?

I'll take my answer "off the air" as it were...


(btw the 'official' NSA coq measurer better be hot or I will cry fowl on the scientific methodology used in this study.)


Heather Wade

Quote from: b_dubb on April 14, 2015, 10:37:36 PM
Is there a dick recognition algorithm?

One would think so. 
If there's a titty recognition algorithm, and let's face it, we all know there is, then naturally the only logical conclusion is there must be one for dicks too.

Nick el Ass

I'm not the least bit surprised the NSA would have a lot of other people's junk in their trunk. I just hope the junk isn't too leaky.


Quote from: (Redacted) on April 15, 2015, 12:32:20 AM
One would think so. 
If there's a titty recognition algorithm, and let's face it, we all know there is,

Can you tell me where I can download?


Quote from: (Redacted) on April 15, 2015, 12:32:20 AM
One would think so. 
If there's a titty recognition algorithm, and let's face it, we all know there is, then naturally the only logical conclusion is there must be one for dicks too.
Yeah, but the titty algorithm is locked into my DNA and eyeballs.


Hell these days even your local pd or highway dept is spying on you or data-mining, at least on some level. OF COURSE the NSA is collecting everything about you- despite whatever they claim or stopped before the "Freedom Act" passed.

Oh, and isn't it just great how all this information the government collects in their vast databases gets released to the public? IRS? TSA? How about all those missing badges, huh? Yet we need yet another huge, invasive government database- this time with all your health records for the crooks, blackmailers, or identity thieves to gain access to. Thanks Obamacare. They can't even keep the databases they currently have secure so the solution is to make more and consolidate them? And make it easier to "share data" between departments (Homeland Security revamp?) Sounds smart to me, idiots.
Here is the latest breach (that we have been told about:)

one of the reasons i opt out of the scanner. i like to see the look in their eyes when they find out up close and personal.  ;D


Does any of this surprise anyone?

In the end, there will be blood.


Quote from: paladin1991 on June 04, 2015, 07:45:47 PM
Does any of this surprise anyone?

In the end, there will be blood.

Will it be dick blood?


Quote from: onan on June 05, 2015, 03:09:07 PM
Will it be dick blood?

Not like your first time... you remember, your tears scenting the air....flavored by your forever memories of blood, latex and regret.


Quote from: paladin1991 on June 05, 2015, 06:37:57 PM
Not like your first time... you remember, your tears scenting the air....flavored by your forever memories of blood, latex and regret.

If you would have used your teeth a bit less, the regret wouldn't have been as daunting. But yeah the memories.


On the good side, for those like Obama, it is not just government bureaucrats with political agendas, hackers, and identity thieves that get your personal data when one of all of those government (and corporate) databases get hacked but also the Chinese communist party. But clearly we need more surveillance, more databases, more "sharing" of information on  between government agencies on US citizens and need more foreign IT experts getting special VISAs to come here and work to sort this problem out.....


Quote from: onan on June 05, 2015, 06:57:28 PM
If you would have used your teeth a bit less, the regret wouldn't have been as daunting. But yeah the memories.
Sorry, I was a tad enthusiastic.

there is no escaping it. i needed to purchase a better grade of pet food today at a pet store. at the check out, they wanted my phone number, name  and email address before they would allow me to make the purchase. i told them " i don't think so". i explained to them that once i swipe my card, they will have all the info they will ever need.
it took 15 minutes to actually make the purchase after a store manager was called.  i don't think that i'm an idiot. i'm aware that i provide all kinds of info everyday. i actually heard other people wonder out loud as to what my problem was in providing the info requested. at least two of these folks pulled out their phones and pointed them in my direction. i'm almost certainly on YT by now. fuck it. i paid in cash and left. i really needed the pet food for a sick animal.

“Repent, Harlequin," said the Ticktock Man. "Get stuffed," the Harlequin replied.” --Harlan Ellison, Paingod and Other Delusions


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on June 05, 2015, 08:02:07 PM
there is no escaping it. i needed to purchase a better grade of pet food today at a pet store. at the check out, they wanted my phone number, name  and email address before they would allow me to make the purchase. i told them " i don't think so". i explained to them that once i swipe my card, they will have all the info they will ever need.
it took 15 minutes to actually make the purchase after a store manager was called.  i don't think that i'm an idiot. i'm aware that i provide all kinds of info everyday. i actually heard other people wonder out loud as to what my problem was in providing the info requested. at least two of these folks pulled out their phones and pointed them in my direction. i'm almost certainly on YT by now. fuck it. i paid in cash and left. i really needed the pet food for a sick animal.

“Repent, Harlequin," said the Ticktock Man. "Get stuffed," the Harlequin replied.” --Harlan Ellison, Paingod and Other Delusions

I have given up. Pet Smart, Target, Lowes, Home Depot and others... looking into the soulless eye of a clerk as they ask, I realize I am walking in the periphery of the deepest level of hell. I once pointed out that if I use self checkout, I avoid these questions. It was then that I understood the brilliance of their plan. 

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