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Euphemisms for Crazy or Lacking Brainpower

Started by Camazotz Automat, March 28, 2015, 01:55:39 PM

I never tire of reading She's not playing with a full deck or His pilot light is out.

I'd like to read about one hundred more.


The saying we use Down Under is "He's a few snags short of a barbie".

Snags being slang for sausages and barbie being short for BBQ.

It's our version of "He's a few sandwiches short of a picnic".

Heather Wade

This guy is loopy.
Crazy as a barrel of shaved cats.
One beer shy of a picnic (Trailer Park Boys, I think)
All sixes and sevens.

I'll think of more.  Right now I'm about as tired as a one-legged man that just finished a marathon.

Yorkshire pud

mad as a box of frogs.
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer

Nick el Ass

I always giggle when I hear someone say something about someone being dumber than a bag of hammers, or that guy/gal isn't the brightest crayon in the box. My personal favorites is the cheese has fallen of his/her cracker.

Heather Wade

(!) Sharp as a bowling ball.
Dumb as a box of rocks, yeah I love that one.


We use this among my tribe:
He's a few poles shy of a full tipi.

Eddie Coyle

    "That kid is fuckin' gonzo".

     "I think he/she got hit by a bus". *Common South Boston phrase, due to the oft insistence that said whacko had started life normal but was hit by a bus in their youth, causing the resultant idiocy.

     ** Despite this term being utilized frequently, only one of these nuts was ACTUALLY hit by a bus.

     *** And that was "Johnny Fire Radio", circa 1960. His moniker being based on his carrying a walkie talkie w/o batteries and waiting on a wall**** near the fire station and chasing the trucks when they went out for a call. 

    **** Yes, Johnny was one of the "wall-nuts", a collection of loons and Albanian emigres.


He almost killed himself eating a pizza roll.

Nick el Ass

That man/woman is a few french fries short of a happy meal.


For lacking in brain power, here are two that I like:

1.  The wheel's still turning, but the hamster's dead
2.  He's so dumb, the government uses his head for wind tunnel testing

For crazy, I like this one:


Not the sharpest tool in the shed
A few cards shy of a full deck
Not playing with a full deck
Short bus rider
Bat shit crazy
looney tunes
his porch light's on but nobody's home
if he had a brain he'd take it out and play with it
if brains were dynamite he wouldn't have enough to blow his nose.
has an IQ below room temperature

just a few of my favorites .  :o


He lacks the intellectual horsepower...

Nuttier than squirrel turds.


Geranium in the cranium is from Dear Abby or Ann Landers many decades ago.


Dokyun (DQN):
Means “idiot”. Not just any idiot though, but someone so stupid that when they do something stupid, they actually think they are doing something clever.

"Dokyun-ya!” (ドキュンや!) In Japanese, “-ya!” tacked at the end of a noun or adjective can sometimes be interpreted as ” Jeez, what a ____"

Means "idiot", "stupid", "absurd", or (as an adjectival noun) "foolish"


If he had two brain's ...... he'd be a half wit.

He's ninety cents short of a buck .....

The lights are on ..... but, nobody's home ....


He's a taco short of a combination plate.

He's a couple of bricks shy of a load.

That guy is a real goober.

He's a noory.

What a noory!

He pulled a Noory.


Not the brightest crayon in the box

A few planets short of a federation  (yes, I'm talking to you)

all foam no beer

got a kink in their slinky

Butter slipped off the pancake

One bubble short of a bath

Panties in a twist (specifically for crazy bitches)

I greatly underestimated how much I would love this thread.

It's easy enough to do a search on such a topic, but would much rather hear from/through the filter composed of fellow Bellgabbers.

My thanks to all so far and to those forthcoming.

The lights are on but no one's home.
Not the brightest bulb in the box.
Dumb as a sack of potatoes. (I may have just invented that one)

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