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The Palin Family: Inbred hillbilly retards go wild!

Started by DigitalPigSnuggler, September 11, 2014, 10:29:19 PM

analog kid

The police say there's one, possibly two videos out there of the brawl. It included 21 people and Bristol had to be "dragged out of it by her legs."


I want to see hurling cans of Schlitz.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: analog kid on October 10, 2014, 10:31:16 PM
The police say there's one, possibly two videos out there of the brawl. It included 21 people and Bristol had to be "dragged out of it by her legs."


I want to see hurling cans of Schlitz.

I blame the parents. Ill disciplined, feckless, low information drains on the police.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 11, 2014, 12:34:31 AM
I blame the parents. Ill disciplined, feckless, low information drains on the police.

At least they aren't sexual predators like Bill Clinton and most of the Kennedy's

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 11, 2014, 12:43:33 AM

At least they aren't sexual predators like Bill Clinton and most of the Kennedy's

That makes it alright then. What are the chances you'd have given the Palins a break if they'd been the Obamas? In round figures?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 11, 2014, 12:47:26 AM
That makes it alright then. What are the chances you'd have given the Palins a break if they'd been the Obamas? In round figures?

Before Barry could even finish his sentence the media fell all over themselves promising to never take a picture or report any information on the holy ones children. Makes no difference, just pointing out the typical media hypocrisy.

The Palin family sounds fairly average really. With a hot mom.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Gd5150 on October 11, 2014, 12:55:50 AM
Before Barry could even finish his sentence the media fell all over themselves promising to never take a picture or report any information on the holy ones children. Makes no difference, just pointing out the typical media hypocrisy.

If you believe that crock of shite you have Santa come visit you at Christmas.


The Palin family sounds fairly average really. With a hot mom.

Average in they don't live up to the pious methods they advocate their fellow citizens should live by? And a candidate for high office who has an IQ in single figures. Oh and seemingly believes being drunk is the only preperation needed to go on TV? That's average? Sarah Palin isn't hot, perhaps to a bloke who goes after women with less facial hair than him, but hot she is not. She hasn't any class whatsoever.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 11, 2014, 01:24:25 AM

At least no one is suggesting she could have been a linebacker

No one is suggesting she could have been a vice President either, win win.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on September 12, 2014, 03:35:14 PM
America is in debt to Palin.

Personally, I found her to be a hawt what was that some sort of -19 holding sweet young lady by the pool side who would hand me a PBR if she weren't posing for a picture type lady. (I seem to have forgot a bunch of hypens in there "-")

Do you have any ider what my age old mentor and ainglaish teacher would have to saa 'bout that?  Didna thank so.

'nuff sayid (said?)

canna speel...


Every family needs a drunkin brawl or two. It keeps most of us humble.


I agree with you mostly onan.

The thing is who do you blame for GranMaMa's black eye?

The won that did that is lame...


Quote from: pate on October 11, 2014, 05:58:17 AM
I agree with you mostly onan.

The thing is who do you blame for GranMaMa's black eye?

The won that did that is lame...

I didn't follow the story. I am not a fan of Sarah and her politics. I don't think she is all that smart. But I also think her family, no matter how many white trash stories, should be off limits.


Aw, heck.  Taint no one to blame for anyone's black-eye...  Only have to look to one's nethers to see it (if one wishes)...

I follow the story for moar hawt photoshops....  I git board...  I confess...

Smart/dumb.  Family/WT stories...  I don't care, you don't seriously think she's a candidate, do you?  Eye candy with a different political viewpoint, now I can point you to some interesting torrent videos...

That all aside, that the vixen sides with Pat Robertson seems a bit of a 'jab' in the side...

I say that with all humility to all folks from either coast who don't care nothin' 'bout flyover country, and even those extra-terrestrial (non-'Mericans) that might read this...

She's an idjet, fur shure....  Interested only in herself... Still hawt I say...  But still....

Her kids surely aren't mean babies, those sort of babies have only sNoory to yell back at....  gOD.  if there is one, forgive sNoorge for yelling at babies in his weird ANZIesque experiment, even if he deserves none (forgiveness) *shudder*

That said, I think her person should be "on limits" wow, huzzah, &c...  No really, I typed that!

Quote from: onan on October 11, 2014, 06:02:10 AM
I didn't follow the story. I am not a fan of Sarah and her politics. I don't think she is all that smart. But I also think her family, no matter how many white trash stories, should be off limits.

Which came first - reality TV or open "news" season on "celebrities"?

I find both are better served ignored.  Although that is becoming more and more difficult.  :(

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 11, 2014, 01:34:59 AM
No one is suggesting she could have been a vice President either, win win.

Had she been just about anyone else`s running mate, she would have been VP. McCain is the worst candidate since Bob Dole.

At any rate, Sarah Palin could not possibly be any worse than that buffoon CURRENTLY occupying the VP job.

Quote from: Gd5150 on October 11, 2014, 12:55:50 AM
The Palin family sounds fairly average really.

Because every family has a daughter who gets pregnant at the age of 16, and doesn't marry the father, who goes on to Hollywood to star in porn movies, but who stays home to babysit her mentally-delayed brother, whom the mother refers to as "the retard."

Ayep, just an average family, really.  In Kentucky.

Yorkshire pud

I dunno, you call yourself a Christian; not very Christian spirited are you? Oh well.... Jesus was a liberal too.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 11, 2014, 01:04:38 PM
I dunno, you call yourself a Christian; not very Christian spirited are you?

He's an unabashed hypocrite, so yes, right in the Christian spirit.  Thing is, they'll cheerfully admit it: "Of course I'm a hypocrite!  I'm not perfect, that's why I need a SAVIOR!!1"

Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 11, 2014, 08:14:53 AM

... At any rate, Sarah Palin could not possibly be any worse than that buffoon CURRENTLY occupying the VP job.

I'm not sure how much credibility we should give those who insist Sarah Palin is dumb - aren't they the very same people who told us just how smart Barrack Obama is?

Yeah, the Palin's are dumb - what we really needed instead was an America hating Marxist who either sympathizes with Jihadist Islam, or is one of them

Whenever being lectured about the Palins, just recall that person is one of the people who thought Obama would be a terrific President.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 11, 2014, 07:44:28 PM

I'm not sure how much credibility we should give those who insist Sarah Palin is dumb - aren't they the very same people who told us just how smart Barrack Obama is?

Yeah, the Palin's are dumb - what we really needed instead was an America hating Marxist who either sympathizes with Jihadist Islam, or is one of them

Whenever being lectured about the Palins, just recall that person is one of the people who thought Obama would be a terrific President.

Sarah Palin is not dumb.  She has talent, just not the talent needed to hold government office higher than mayor of Jerkwater, Alaska.

What's irritating about her is that she's so fuckin ignorant, and that people love her not because of anything she's accomplished as a government official, but (for men) because she's "hot," and because she sticks it to those goddamn liberals. 


And they claim that teabaggers are ignorant retards with simple minds.  You found someone to masturbate to because of her looks, and a second shot on goal because she annoys liberals.  That's Preserdentialized material right there, bu goly.  Reach for the stars, tea baggers. 

Quote from: b_dubb on October 11, 2014, 06:12:58 PM
Christmas: Feast of Saturnalia 2.0

You know, I always wondered how the Saturnalia followers felt about this plagiarism.  Like, "We should have hired a PUBLICIST.  That's what we SHOULD have done."  Or something like that.

136 or 142

Quote from: Vladimir on September 12, 2014, 04:31:48 PM
Finally!! The liberal hate mongers think they got a juicy story on the Palin's! They've been trying for years to dig up a scandal to nail these upstart hillybillies with â€" too bad for them this story is nothing but a pimple on their collective butts compared to Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards, Jim McGreevey, Bill Clinton scandals â€" Oh and don't forget to add America's own royalty family: The Kennedy Klan.

Recent Republican sex scandals

1.Adam Kuhn(R) Chief of Staff to GOP US Rep Steve Stivers (R-OH) resigned abruptly after a former porn actress posted an explicit photo of his penis online.2

2.Vance McAllister, Representative (R-LA), married and the father of five, was caught on surveillance camera deeply kissing a married staffer. Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal, Chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party Roger Villere and House Republican Party leader Eric Cantor all asked McAllister to resign. In response he stated he would not seek re-election in 2016. He later changed his mind.

3.Ryan Loskarn (R), chief of staff to U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN), was found dead while awaiting trial on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography.

4.Chris Lee, Representative (R-NY), resigned hours after a news report that the married Congressman had sent a shirtless picture of himself flexing his muscles to a woman via Craigslist, along with flirtatious e-mails. He did not use a pseudonym or a false e-mail address, but relied on his congressional e-mail for all communication.

5.Mark Souder, Representative (R-IN), a staunch advocate of abstinence and family values,[23][24] resigned to avoid an ethics investigation into his admitted extramarital affair with a female staffer. Famously, he and she had made a public video in which they both extolled the virtues of sexual abstinence.

6.Mark Sanford (R), Governor of South Carolina, told his wife that he was hiking the Appalachian Mountain Trail while he actually traveled to Argentina to visit his mistress.  Later elected Congressman for the First District.

7.John Ensign, Senator (R-NV), resigned his position as chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee on June 16, 2009, after admitting he had an affair with the wife of a close friend, both of whom were working on his campaign. Under investigation, he then resigned his Senate seat 20 months early. (2011) In 1998, Senator Ensign had called for President Bill Clinton (D) to resign after admitting to sexual acts with Monica Lewinsky

8.Vito Fossella, Representative (R-NY), was arrested for drunken driving. Under questioning, the married Congressman and father of three admitted to an affair with Laura Fay that produced a daughter.

9.My Favorite: David Vitter, Senator (R-LA), took over the House seat of former Congressman Robert Livingston, who resigned in 1999 following revelations of an extramarital affair. At the time, Vitter stated, "I think Livingston's stepping down makes a very powerful argument that (Bill) Clinton should resign as well...." Vitters' name was then discovered in the address book of the DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey.  Is the likely Republican nominee for Governor of Louisiana in 2015.

10.Larry Craig, Senator (R-ID), pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct following his arrest in a Minneapolis airport men's room in June 2007, on a charge of lewd conduct. Senator Craig had previously stated that "people already know that Bill Clinton is a bad boyâ€"a naughty boy."

11.Mark Foley, Representative (R-FL), resigned his House seat when accused of sending sexually explicit e-mails to underage male congressional pages. He was replaced by Tim Mahoney.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 11, 2014, 12:54:40 PM

Thanks for posting these.  At least one of them is actually already on my Pinterest boards. Thanks to all who continue to stick up for the Palins, in any way.  Remember Obama Girl?  I wonder what became of her?


Quote from: yumyumtree on October 16, 2014, 01:29:52 PM
Thanks to all who continue to stick up for the Palins, in any way.

Because of all of the important contributions that they've made to our society and culture?

Or because it's not fair to kick a bunch of grandstanding hillbilly retard opportunists when they're down on the floor, drunk?


Biden's son getting kicked out of the USAF for testing positive for cocaine is so much more classier than this incident.

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