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It is now against the law to be homeless WTF!!1

Started by Zoo, April 05, 2014, 10:56:15 PM


This is the article. Virginia and North Carolina are supposed to make it illegal as well.

Have we really lost all are humanity? This is the worst thing I have seen in awhile. Dear god people! To all the so called christians out there you should be ashamed of yourselves. Your savior Jesus spent all his time with the poor!! We have so lost are way when we give away billions. The U.S. sent approximately $37,680,000,000 overseas to other countries and yet we make it illegal to be homeless. WTF is wrong with us as a country? They are not all just looking for hand out and even if they were who gives a shit!! Not when we as a country give billions to companies that in turn do not pay taxes. So what in the world are we doing? Have we been so blinded by greed we rather give money to the rich, fight wars and bribe other countries than take care of our own citizens? This hatred of the less fortunate has to stop people. Right now tonight it is estimated that some 45,000 to 50,000 recent Vet's are homeless tonight. I fucking love it when people say they support the troops/Vet's. So I ask them how and they say things like Um.. Ya great job jackass. I really do not even know what to say anymore. Everyone is going to say that they are lazy and blah fucking blah. While we give billions of dollars away to other countries. We as American Citizens we should be ashamed of ourselves turning our back on are own. Hell I am and frankly so should you!!1 



The General

What exactly is compassionate about leaving the homeless to rot in the gutter?


Quote from: Zoo on April 05, 2014, 11:16:23 PM
Saying we should stop it all together plain and simple!!1


I live in an area that has a fairly high homeless population. Yeah, society has failed those people, but let's not forget they failed themselves as well. Often times mental illness is significant, but so is refusal to accept treatment. Due to individual civil rights those mentally ill and homeless people are within their rights to refuse... fine. Why then should my neighbor be subjected to the consequences of homeless populations nearby? Why should I have to deal with panhandlers at almost every downtown business I visit?

No one is a bigger defender of the homeless than I am but do not for a second try to frame this as people that are being abused and subjugated by a corrupt police and justice system.


Quote from: onan on April 06, 2014, 03:39:26 AM
I live in an area that has a fairly high homeless population. Yeah, society has failed those people, but let's not forget they failed themselves as well. Often times mental illness is significant, but so is refusal to accept treatment. Due to individual civil rights those mentally ill and homeless people are within their rights to refuse... fine. Why then should my neighbor be subjected to the consequences of homeless populations nearby? Why should I have to deal with panhandlers at almost every downtown business I visit?

No one is a bigger defender of the homeless than I am but do not for a second try to frame this as people that are being abused and subjugated by a corrupt police and justice system.

Well said onan.  For a few, they were homeless not by choice.  I truly feel sorry for these people.  For the rest, they did it to themselves.  For anyone wishing to get out of the situation, the government should provide services to assist - and I believe they do.  If they aren't, they should be.   But I'm not in favor of the services that enable persistent homelessness.   Should homelessness be illegal?  Probably not, but it should be illegal for to sleep in certain places, urinate and defecate in others, and where to panhandle should be defined if not outlawed.   

I can't just go willy nilly camping, shitting and peeing anywhere I please without being arrested - why should they?


Some of these people are homeless because of the Bankster initiated collapse of 2008. Though they are probably smack dab in the middle of a breakdown now that their lives have imploded.

America will help the poor and disadvantaged just as soon it figures out a way to make ridiculous profits from doing so.


I knew most would say that it was the homeless peoples own fault for being homeless this is what we have been taught to say. But like I was saying we gave over $37 billion in foreign aid. So who really gives a shit if some want a hand out. You really think people like living on the street? I worked with the homeless all the time living in a major city giving them food, clothing, and treat them like a human instead of a disease. Also just thought I would mention this not one of them ever said "You know what I love living on the street." Although I have moved back to my home town because I lost my job, house, and car. I am now slowly getting back on my feet but this would have not been possible without my family,Not everyone has that.

b_dubb I really like what you said "America will help the poor and disadvantaged just as soon it figures out a way to make ridiculous profits from doing so."

area51drone and onan I was just like you when I had it all screw the poor they are mostly worthless people with know hope. We have been taught this in life and it is a shame!!1


Quote from: Zoo on April 06, 2014, 10:28:52 AM
area51drone and onan I was just like you when I had it all screw the poor they are mostly worthless people with know hope. We have been taught this in life and it is a shame!!1

Did I say "screw the poor!!1"?  Absolutely not.   Go read my post again before you accuse me of a heartless bastard.   What I do say is that if someone is making it their choice to be homeless, and live off purely the generosity of others, then to hell with them.    But if they are homeless, struggling and want to work for their income, then I think there should be services to help them out.   

If we just simply gave out money to everyone - no one would work, or there would be hyper inflation.   This idea that "oh, just because we have excess, we'll just give money to anyone who doesn't want to do anything but lie around sit on their ass, or take drugs, or whatever" doesn't work, zoo.   If people gave me money so I didn't have to do anything, I'd sit around and play video games like Casio too.  Jesus christ!!1


Quote from: onan on April 06, 2014, 03:39:26 AM
I live in an area that has a fairly high homeless population. Yeah, society has failed those people, but let's not forget they failed themselves as well. Often times mental illness is significant, but so is refusal to accept treatment. Due to individual civil rights those mentally ill and homeless people are within their rights to refuse... fine. Why then should my neighbor be subjected to the consequences of homeless populations nearby? Why should I have to deal with panhandlers at almost every downtown business I visit?

No one is a bigger defender of the homeless than I am but do not for a second try to frame this as people that are being abused and subjugated by a corrupt police and justice system.

You're holding the mentally ill responsible for making poor decisions.

By the very definition of mentally ill, these people are almost certainly incapable of making the correct decision, so to be critical of the mentally ill for refusing treatment seems bizarre in the extreme.


Quote from: Kelt on April 06, 2014, 10:40:57 AM
You're holding the mentally ill responsible for making poor decisions.

By the very definition of mentally ill, these people are almost certainly incapable of making the correct decision, so to be critical of the mentally ill for refusing treatment seems bizarre in the extreme.

You ignored the next line in that quote...   Due to individual civil rights those mentally ill and homeless people are within their rights to refuse... fine.     If you're willing to take away their civil rights, then let's do that and be done with the problem.

I live in a town that does as much as any town in America to aid the homeless. unfortunately, it`s difficult to help people who have no interest in being helped.

Here, anybody -- not just homeless -- can eat a first rate, nutritious meal, 3x/day, 7 days/week, prepared by a great chef from one of our thousands of restaurants and it won`t ever cost a single penny. The only caveat is, they have to listen to a brief Christian sermon, as the entire program is run by local Christian ministries.

At night, there exists a clean, safe place to sleep and shower -- right across the street from the community kitchen -- for anybody who desires it. The caveat? NO drugs, alcohol, tobacco, cursing, or violence, AND... gotta listen to the gospel. Oh, and every person that goes through the facility is offered free counseling, job training, dental and health care.

Overall, a pretty square deal for anybody needing a hand up. But, you can`t kidnap the homeless and make them go through the program. Many just want to be left the hell alone and do their thing.

The General

Quote from: b_dubb on April 06, 2014, 07:40:20 AM
Some of these people are homeless because of the Bankster initiated collapse of 2008. Though they are probably smack dab in the middle of a breakdown now that their lives have imploded.
I don't think that's the case.  Most homeless people are not victims of the banking system or economic housing bubbles that burst, most homeless are on the streets because of their inability to function in society.  Those that got hit hard economically might've lost their house and landed in a cheap apartment, but I really doubt that very many people ended up on the streets because of it. Most of the homeless people I see in Seattle are babbling, incoherent, mentally challenged or chronic inebriates.  They didn't just lose their job/house in 2008. 

Quote from: b_dubb on April 06, 2014, 07:40:20 AM
America will help the poor and disadvantaged just as soon it figures out a way to make ridiculous profits from doing so.
The average American is rich compared to the global economy.  America has done more to help the poor and disadvantaged than any other country on earth, simply by providing opportunity.  The global median income  is just $1225 per year.  If you earn just 34,000 annually, which is easy to do in America, that puts you in the top 1% of the world's highest earners.  Dude, WE are the 1%.  Americans give more to private charities than any other country, by far.  Not to mention the billions our government sends to Africa and other impoverished countries.  I just don't have any idea what you are talking about.

The only reason we have homelessness at all is because being homeless has been declared a civil liberty. These people are protected from being helped by well intentioned but very misguided people. If we were compassionate about the homeless at all, we would get them off the streets and put them in institutions or work camps depending on their abilities and problems.  And don't even start about "Reagan did it."


Quote from: Zoo on April 06, 2014, 10:28:52 AM
I knew most would say that it was the homeless peoples own fault for being homeless this is what we have been taught to say. But like I was saying we gave over $37 billion in foreign aid. So who really gives a shit if some want a hand out. You really think people like living on the street? I worked with the homeless all the time living in a major city giving them food, clothing, and treat them like a human instead of a disease. Also just thought I would mention this not one of them ever said "You know what I love living on the street." Although I have moved back to my home town because I lost my job, house, and car. I am now slowly getting back on my feet but this would have not been possible without my family,Not everyone has that.

b_dubb I really like what you said "America will help the poor and disadvantaged just as soon it figures out a way to make ridiculous profits from doing so."

area51drone and onan I was just like you when I had it all screw the poor they are mostly worthless people with know hope. We have been taught this in life and it is a shame!!1

I was like you when I was 5 and thought it was always someone else at fault.

I work with the poor and homeless on a daily basis. And I do more in the first few minutes of my day to help those than you do, probably in a month.

You get quite a few things wrong. I know you don't want to believe that. But think on it a minute.

Maybe you got a bad break with your felony conviction for drugs. I have no way to know. I do know that using that as your only outlook towards police will not serve you well. It is a form of bigotry. Most cops go to work every day and try to make a difference. You just get the bad points from national news and since it fits perfectly with your world view it must be completely true.

You also thought the state was inserting itself into a person's property rights regarding water. You believed it so much that you were unable to fully read the story and realize the individual was in the wrong.

Look this country is complicated and no one owes you an explanation for why they do or don't want to deal with another's problems...


Quote from: Kelt on April 06, 2014, 10:40:57 AM
You're holding the mentally ill responsible for making poor decisions.

By the very definition of mentally ill, these people are almost certainly incapable of making the correct decision, so to be critical of the mentally ill for refusing treatment seems bizarre in the extreme.

Since Are51 responded to your post I will leave that part alone.

Like most people your understanding of the mentally ill comes from some movie, TV show, or the small chance you have a friend or relative with mental illness.

I have a client that has been in prison twice for criminal assault with intent to kill. He has had over 50 hospitalizations in the last 5 years. All due to refusing his medications. He has burnt every bridge relating to housing in a 4 county area. No one will offer him refuge, not even the religious shelters. Tell me how to not be critical. 

He refuses his medications because he likes how he feels when he is manic. His exact words are "it is better than sex." He knows full well what the consequences are for non-compliance.

Mental illness is a chronic medical condition that requires medication. Not every one that is mentally ill lacks cognitive skills... far from it. Yes when a person is in psychosis there is no chance for rational thought but that is a small minority of time within the presentation of a mental illness.


Quote from: area51drone on April 06, 2014, 10:46:44 AM
You ignored the next line in that quote...   Due to individual civil rights those mentally ill and homeless people are within their rights to refuse... fine.     If you're willing to take away their civil rights, then let's do that and be done with the problem.

I don't see how the next line changes the context in any way.

That they have the RIGHT to refuse treatment in no way impacts their mental capacity to appreciate the need for treatment.

My issue is blaming the mentally incompetent for making incompetent decisions.


Quote from: onan on April 06, 2014, 11:16:54 AM
Since Are51 responded to your post I will leave that part alone.

Like most people your understanding of the mentally ill comes from some movie, TV show, or the small chance you have a friend or relative with mental illness.

I'll assume you know nothing about me personally, and I'll further assume you haven't conducted a comprehensive poll of "most people" regarding the subject of the mentally ill (if either of those assumptions are incorrect please feel free to correct me), therefore your statement regarding myself and "most people" can, and has been, dismissed.

QuoteI have a client that has been in prison twice for criminal assault with intent to kill. He has had over 50 hospitalizations in the last 5 years. All due to refusing his medications. He has burnt every bridge relating to housing in a 4 county area. No one will offer him refuge, not even the religious shelters. Tell me how to not be critical.

He refuses his medications because he likes how he feels when he is manic. His exact words are "it is better than sex." He knows full well what the consequences are for non-compliance.

I don't see how your anecdotal, one-off experience with someone who clearly has serious mental issues is of any importance to my point above.  I could equally counter your anecdote with my own experience of  the prison community, it would be equally irrelevant.  I also don't think your anecdote particularly supports your position.  Anyone who tries to murder others, "Because they like how it feels" is more than likely incapable of making 'good' decisions... such as "better take my meds".   Yet you're expecting this lunatic to make an informed and rational decision, despite his behaviour showing he's NOT a rational human being?

QuoteMental illness is a chronic medical condition that requires medication. Not every one that is mentally ill lacks cognitive skills... far from it. Yes when a person is in psychosis there is no chance for rational thought but that is a small minority of time within the presentation of a mental illness.

I don't even think it's a matter of cognitive ability... an individual with depression  might have (more or less) perfectly adequate reasoning skills, but the fact that the person is depressed will have a significant impact upon how they act upon rational thought. 



Follow-up story Columbia, South Carolina Rescinds Decision To Criminalize Homelessness. I just didn't see how the original plan, which included forced busing, could have been constitutional.

Quote from: Pragmier on April 06, 2014, 11:54:30 AM

Follow-up story Columbia, South Carolina Rescinds Decision To Criminalize Homelessness. I just didn't see how the original plan, which included forced busing, could have been constitutional.

Those crazy ol' South Kakkilakians. Just never know what stunt they'll pull next.


Quote from: Kelt on April 06, 2014, 11:53:42 AM
I'll assume you know nothing about me personally, and I'll further assume you haven't conducted a comprehensive poll of "most people" regarding the subject of the mentally ill (if either of those assumptions are incorrect please feel free to correct me), therefore your statement regarding myself and "most people" can, and has been, dismissed.

I don't see how your anecdotal, one-off experience with someone who clearly has serious mental issues is of any importance to my point above.  I could equally counter your anecdote with my own experience of  the prison community, it would be equally irrelevant.  I also don't think your anecdote particularly supports your position.  Anyone who tries to murder others, "Because they like how it feels" is more than likely incapable of making 'good' decisions... such as "better take my meds".   Yet you're expecting this lunatic to make an informed and rational decision, despite his behaviour showing he's NOT a rational human being?

I don't even think it's a matter of cognitive ability... an individual with depression  might have (more or less) perfectly adequate reasoning skills, but the fact that the person is depressed will have a significant impact upon how they act upon rational thought.

Let me rephrase.

Mental illness is not (in most cases) the lack of rational thought.

I understand your point of depression impacting rational thought. That point is a matter of degrees. Depression can be severe enough to bring about psychosis. It is transitory in most cases.

Someone with a psychotic disorder is not without the ability to make informed decisions most of the time. Some with severe enough illness are sometimes unable to be their own guardian. Taking away someone's ability to make their own decisions is quite complex and takes not only those in medicine but also those in the legal system to take away someone's autonomy, and even then it is somewhat limited.

The anecdote you take exception to presents us with a person that makes decisions that we may not like but they are not considered irrational. And the choice he makes to not take medication is willful and purposeful. Although, I doubt you will concede that point.

What I was originally responding to was homelessness and the position that the criminal justice system was making victims of the mentally ill.


Quote from: area51drone on April 06, 2014, 10:34:47 AM
Did I say "screw the poor!!1"?  Absolutely not.   Go read my post again before you accuse me of a heartless bastard.   What I do say is that if someone is making it their choice to be homeless, and live off purely the generosity of others, then to hell with them.    But if they are homeless, struggling and want to work for their income, then I think there should be services to help them out.   

If we just simply gave out money to everyone - no one would work, or there would be hyper inflation.   This idea that "oh, just because we have excess, we'll just give money to anyone who doesn't want to do anything but lie around sit on their ass, or take drugs, or whatever" doesn't work, zoo.   If people gave me money so I didn't have to do anything, I'd sit around and play video games like Casio too.  Jesus christ!!1

I am not trying to make you look heartless I was saying this is what we are taught. If I made it seem this way I do apologies. "I am sorry"

You know that is BS right? This is the big con of the elite. You really think you would do nothing besides play video games all day everyday? You would never do nothing else? You never wanted to figure out something, make something, learn something new, help others, or anything like that. Just play video games? I really think you would play video games for about a year then you would be bored out of your skull and then look for something that would peak your interest and do that. Did you know that people really love farming it would not matter if they got paid or not they would farm? Some people love to build things for no reason they just love to build. I do not have a problem with you playing video games all day. It is better than paying for a tank we do not use or weapons to some asshole like Saddam or Bin Laden but this is what we do. Ya I rather pay for you to sit on your ass and play video games than pay for a drone!!1


Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 06, 2014, 10:56:50 AM
I live in a town that does as much as any town in America to aid the homeless. unfortunately, it`s difficult to help people who have no interest in being helped.

Here, anybody -- not just homeless -- can eat a first rate, nutritious meal, 3x/day, 7 days/week, prepared by a great chef from one of our thousands of restaurants and it won`t ever cost a single penny. The only caveat is, they have to listen to a brief Christian sermon, as the entire program is run by local Christian ministries.

At night, there exists a clean, safe place to sleep and shower -- right across the street from the community kitchen -- for anybody who desires it. The caveat? NO drugs, alcohol, tobacco, cursing, or violence, AND... gotta listen to the gospel. Oh, and every person that goes through the facility is offered free counseling, job training, dental and health care.

Overall, a pretty square deal for anybody needing a hand up. But, you can`t kidnap the homeless and make them go through the program. Many just want to be left the hell alone and do their thing.

I think what they are doing is great and my hats of to them. I think they would do even more if they did not talk about Jesus but this is just my opinion. I still think it is a wonderful thing just think if they had unlimited funds what they could do? Say like a billion dollars, I wonder what they could do with that!!1


Quote from: The General on April 06, 2014, 11:01:52 AM
The only reason we have homelessness at all is because being homeless has been declared a civil liberty. These people are protected from being helped by well intentioned but very misguided people. If we were compassionate about the homeless at all, we would get them off the streets and put them in institutions or work camps depending on their abilities and problems.  And don't even start about "Reagan did it."

Just think what we could do if we were not fighting two wars but just one. Just think what we could do if large companies like GE would not get free money (grants) and actually paid taxes. Wow i know right shit then we could take care of us then help the world. Remember this we are the only species on this planet that pays to live on it!!1 


Quote from: onan on April 06, 2014, 11:02:10 AM
I was like you when I was 5 and thought it was always someone else at fault.

I work with the poor and homeless on a daily basis. And I do more in the first few minutes of my day to help those than you do, probably in a month.

You get quite a few things wrong. I know you don't want to believe that. But think on it a minute.

Maybe you got a bad break with your felony conviction for drugs. I have no way to know. I do know that using that as your only outlook towards police will not serve you well. It is a form of bigotry. Most cops go to work every day and try to make a difference. You just get the bad points from national news and since it fits perfectly with your world view it must be completely true.

You also thought the state was inserting itself into a person's property rights regarding water. You believed it so much that you were unable to fully read the story and realize the individual was in the wrong.

Look this country is complicated and no one owes you an explanation for why they do or don't want to deal with another's problems...

You are right on things Onan and others you are wrong. I look at the world for what it should be not what it is. Now do I let my feelings get in the way? Yes all the time. I try to do my best to look at things from all sides but other times I could care less what the other side really has to say. I know I am wrong about things sometime this is because I am not perfect. I take full responsibility for my actions and always have. I wake up everyday trying to improve myself to becoming a better person. I do respect what you write- I just do not believe your opinion is correct on some things. I know you do not like all my opinions and I am ok with that!!1 

Bart Ell

Quote from: Zoo on April 05, 2014, 10:56:15 PM
This hatred of the less fortunate has to stop people.
This use of "less fortunate" has to stop people. What ever happened to the "survival of the fittest" mantra? Why do we have to pansify everything? Why do I have to immediately feel bad for a homeless person and show disdain for someone successful without knowing the whole story of how they got there?

We our spending are money on the wrong things!1.8293

Sell your $40 masks and computers and feed the homeless!3.5


Quote from: Zoo on April 06, 2014, 01:56:54 PM
You are right on things Onan and others you are wrong. I look at the world for what it should be not what it is. Now do I let my feelings get in the way? Yes all the time. I try to do my best to look at things from all sides but other times I could care less what the other side really has to say. I know I am wrong about things sometime this is because I am not perfect. I take full responsibility for my actions and always have. I wake up everyday trying to improve myself to becoming a better person. I do respect what you write- I just do not believe your opinion is correct on some things. I know you do not like all my opinions and I am ok with that!!1

I appreciate your zeal. I really do. And not many want to stick it to the man more than me. Cynicism is hard to escape in today's world with every story and every spin available within seconds. Opinions are always worthy of more reflection, I get that.

I have to work with cops all the time. There are times I see them shirk their responsibility because they think they know better, are lazy, have too many other things to do, or some combination and more. There are other times they are not only professional but more than helpful at resolving staggering crisis. But to be clear corrupt cops are bad... just like any other corruption.


Quote from: Bart Ell on April 06, 2014, 02:13:03 PM
This use of "less fortunate" has to stop people. What ever happened to the "survival of the fittest" mantra? Why do we have to pansify everything? Why do I have to immediately feel bad for a homeless person and show disdain for someone successful without knowing the whole story of how they got there?

We our spending are money on the wrong things!1.8293

Sell your $40 masks and computers and feed the homeless!3.5

I really hope you have more regard for your fellow man than this, I truly do!!1

The General

Quote from: Zoo on April 06, 2014, 03:55:28 PM
I really hope you have more regard for your fellow man than this, I truly do!!1

!!!!1111!1 1  11!!!!1 
!! !!!!111!1!1 11 !!111111!!!!!!! 111 !1


Quote from: The General on April 06, 2014, 04:31:25 PM
!!!!1111!1 1  11!!!!1 
!! !!!!111!1!1 11 !!111111!!!!!!! 111 !1

He's amazingly consistent with that little quirk, gotta admit!!1

Bart Ell

Quote from: Zoo on April 06, 2014, 03:55:28 PM
I really hope you have more regard for your fellow man than this, I truly do!!1
Does my fellow man have more regard for me? I seem to remember my fellow man raping and killing my 14 year old neighbor. I remember my fellow man killing my fiancé because he had to drive home drunk. I also remember my fellow man shooting me in the shoulder because he wanted to kill the guy beside me and didn't have much regard for whoever was in the way. Should I have regard for all of them or only those who show they deserve it?

Fuck my fellow man and the midget pony he rode in on. Fuck all you mask wearing wannabees that speak down to others because you think you know what is wrong with the world and how to fix it. Fuck your passive aggressive attacks on Christians and everyone else, too. Holy farting hell you are high on the self righteous juice with quotes like,  "So for once in your lif remember..."

Fuck you, masky boy, fuck you very much.

Quote from: Zoo on April 01, 2014, 08:08:36 PM
So with this said I will leave you to your video games, porn, sports, T.V. shows, and what ever else it is you do.

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