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Banker "suicides"

Started by RcCle, February 15, 2014, 02:24:22 PM


6 Bankers dead and a WSJ reporter (reporting on bankers) is missing.  This is just in the past few weeks.  Jesse Ventura heading south of the border...  Is it time to find a cave with a bunch of MREs?


My brother in law mentioned these deaths to me a few weeks ago and I didn't believe him at first. It is kind of strange it hasn't been in the news more.


Weird deal, some sites claim some business dealings between them also. But, considering the lightweight prosecutions and penalties on banks, even when involved with laundering money for the ultra violent drug cartels or such things as LIBOR (or BCCI, etc before), I'm doubting conspiracy. Except that maybe these lost soul banksters had some conscience at the end. I'm afraid though this phenomena will get be to like the 'dead scientists' or 'murdered scientists' ala Quayle. Muddy the waters. Kelly, clearly, has suspicion but make a big deal and list and then you get nothing. Like the Clinton/Bush kill lists....expand to absurdity and volume and the actual is lost. Or??

Quote from: RcCle on February 15, 2014, 02:24:22 PM
6 Bankers dead and a WSJ reporter (reporting on bankers) is missing.  This is just in the past few weeks.  Jesse Ventura heading south of the border...  Is it time to find a cave with a bunch of MREs?

Anyone know if any Japanese bankers have committed suicide? I know one of their big exchanges stopped trading bitcoins over the last two weeks. A connection somewhere?

Quote from: albrecht on February 15, 2014, 11:06:01 PM
I'm afraid though this phenomena will get be to like the 'dead scientists' or 'murdered scientists' ala Quayle. Muddy the waters. Kelly, clearly, has suspicion but make a big deal and list and then you get nothing.

Someone is going to connect this to that TV financial reporter whose housekeeper killed those two young children in NY. Right before the reporter was about to "break a big story about financial fraud."
Kevin Krim with CNBC was the reporter's name.

Quote from: gringomisio on February 15, 2014, 10:57:32 PM
It is kind of strange it hasn't been in the news more.

Or...is it normal?


There might be something here. I recall that Yoselyn Ortega killing of the children of course but there are others longer ago. And what happened to her? (Last I heard like the Boston Bombing guy couldn't speak due to cut throat?) But, as I mentioned, it could be like "three on a match", or similar delusion thinking. But, then again, I'm still a believer in BCCI, Iran/Contra, Franklin Coverup, BBC Jimmy Savile bigger than him, etc.


Nothing more; nothing less

Heather Wade

Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 15, 2014, 11:52:37 PM

Nothing more; nothing less

Or... the result of the mass conscious hate of all bankers.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (Redacted) on February 16, 2014, 12:19:50 AM
Or... the result of the mass conscious hate of all bankers.

Or simply bollox. What is the statistical analysis on all professional suicides in the same time frame I wonder, across all demographs? In round figures. Farmers for instance, or insurance sales staff, or engineers, or bus drivers, or soldiers, or airline pilots...


ya know what... fuck you bankers... kill yourselves.  Really couldn't give a shit about anybody that kills themselves over anything to do with money... unless you owe like some drug dealer that might skin yer ass.... then yeah... kill yerself too.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Juan on February 16, 2014, 09:39:14 AM
Coincidence conspiracist

Coincidence conspiracist conspiracist.


Coincidence Rapist!!! i win


Even if 10 or 20 thousand of them swallowed a barrel or took a rooftop swan dive it would be about a hundred thousand too few.


I watched a comedy bit on the The Daily Show about the difference in perspective of bankers in Canada and the US. Canada has so much common sense... and even more decency.


Bankers.  Bottom feeders like lawyers and Halibut.


Hmm. The thing that strikes me as odd is that is a lot of jumpers. Out of curiosity, I looked up suicide method statistics. Jumping is popular in certain Asian countries, Taiwan in particular, but self inflicted gunshot wounds, overdose, and eating pesticide are more popular overall.
I am not surprised bankers are killing themselves, just surprised that so many chose jumping :-\ Can't decide if I find it suspicious, though...maybe just coincidence. A lot of bankers jumped to their death during the Great Depression, so maybe the method choice is somewhat symbolic? Idk.
It has to be a horrible way to go. 

Quote from: Birdie on February 21, 2014, 02:33:52 AM
Hmm. The thing that strikes me as odd is that is a lot of jumpers. Out of curiosity, I looked up suicide method statistics. Jumping is popular in certain Asian countries, Taiwan in particular, but self inflicted gunshot wounds, overdose, and eating pesticide are more popular overall.
I am not surprised bankers are killing themselves, just surprised that so many chose jumping :-\ Can't decide if I find it suspicious, though...maybe just coincidence. A lot of bankers jumped to their death during the Great Depression, so maybe the method choice is somewhat symbolic? Idk.
It has to be a horrible way to go.

I think most people that commit suicide have a history of trying to commit suicide. So it is odd when people just commit suicide out of the blue and are successful the first time.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 21, 2014, 02:39:15 AM
I think most people that commit suicide have a history of trying to commit suicide. So it is odd when people just commit suicide out of the blue and are successful the first time.

Not exactly: para suicides (not intending to die), are quite noticeably split by gender. Women by far outstrip men in para suicides, but men commit suicide more than women. Men between 15 and 30 are at the biggest risk (although that upper figure has risen in recent years in the UK). Farmers are the largest profession (as a percentage) to commit suicide. Reasons usually being the very long hours, high stress and loneliness, and of course opportunity-usually shooting), Doctors are also quite high risk. Many years ago I was involved in the field and it surprised me just how wide the demograph is, although as I said, there are clusters.. The mentally ill (particularly schizophrenics) are also at risk, and that is brought on by the depression resulting from the mental illness. 

It's why I asked in my earlier post, what are the statistics for other professions in the same time frame? Are bankers really having a suicidal blip, or is it merely being reported to the detriment of other less 'sexy' professions? Until proper analysis is brought to play, the figures are meaningless other than being just numbers.

Not to mention the one that 'suicide' with a nail gun.
Banksters  quieting the 'loose lips'~~~~~~
Libor, drug laundry, gold manipulation and disappearance ,derivatives~~~~~
Shits about to hit the fan unless they can cook up diversions like a war or something~~~~

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