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Christie: did he know?

Started by bateman, January 09, 2014, 12:53:43 PM

Quote from: b_dubb on January 11, 2014, 09:58:57 AM
The same can be said for people trying to advance the idea that Ron Paul is a white supremacist. Except you have no real evidence to support your character attack. 

You don't know what I have or don't have.  I just finished saying that engaging in a detailed discussion critical of Ron Paul is, in my experience, an exercise in futility and frustration which doesn't seem to vary a whit from one of his supporters to the next.  If you want to take that as a punt, be my guest.  Consider it my fact-free belief.  I don't care.

Quote from: b_dubb on January 11, 2014, 09:58:57 AM
I'm not a Ron Paul supporter

Oh, obviously not.  Goodness, what was there about your post that would lead one to THAT conclusion.

In other news, it's NOT selling Amway!  It's being your own boss and living a life of financial independence.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on January 11, 2014, 01:41:05 PM
I knew you were going to say that.
I knew that you were going to say that he was going to say that you were going to say that.

Quote from: aldousburbank on January 11, 2014, 01:50:47 PM
I knew that you were going to say that he was going to say that you were going to say that.

Stand back everyone, I'll handle this.

That sort of thinking is what led to Nazi Germany.  Godwin.

By the by...have you ever tried dividing a Mobius strip?


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on January 11, 2014, 01:56:18 PM
Stand back everyone, I'll handle this.

That sort of thinking is what led to Nazi Germany.  Godwin.
Why do you hate Escher?

Quote from: NowhereInTime on January 11, 2014, 01:06:43 PM
Childish analysis with absoutely no basis in reality.
So tired of conservatives whining about liberal media bias when you own the most watched cable news channel in the country, nearly all the newspapers except the New York Times, and all of AM radio.
I wish conservatives would stop complaining about the messengers and realize maybe it really is the message.

Really?  Well try this one then.

Obama has had enough scandals to last Big Media a lifetime if they'd been committed by Republicans.  I can list quite a few of them if you need your memory refreshed.  But after Obama blamed someone else and promised a 'full investigation' on each of them, we haven't heard a peep - not from him in regard to those 'investigations', not from the Media.

Just more evidence of evenhandedness?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 11, 2014, 03:58:44 PM

Really?  Well try this one then.

Obama has had enough scandals to last Big Media a lifetime if they'd been committed by Republicans.  I can list quite a few of them if you need your memory refreshed.  But after Obama blamed someone else and promised a 'full investigation' on each of them, we haven't heard a peep - not from him in regard to those 'investigations', not from the Media.

Just more evidence of evenhandedness?
No, just fatigue with conservatives looking for a liberal "Watergate" to hang on some Democrat's head.
You tried like hell with Benghazi, now it comes out that witnesses lied and further video evidence gives creedence to that "ridiculous" idea that these weren't Al Qaeda regulars but Libyan thugs who were pissed about how Allah was depicted in a movie, after all.

What else?  NSA spying on everyone?  Yeah, because that's ALL on Barry.  Thank God no other President ever did this!

What else?  Obamacare roll out mess?  That he "lied" about people losing their coverage?
At the most, it shows that this whole process was poorly handled, for which I am embarassed.  But what more can the media do?  Begin a drumbeat for (wait for it) impeachment?  On what grounds?

What else?  That stupid IRS thing where conservatives were "denied their voice" by the failure to accredit 503c status to your bullshit talking points SuperPacs?  You people have more money than the rest of us put together, but you are so greedy you wouldn't even spend it to promote your own candidate unless you got to do it tax free!!  My sides split laughing at how myopic you can be.

What else? "Funeral-Gate" where he took the picture with Cameron and the Dutch (I think) PM?  Seriously?  How sanctimonious can you be?

Did he do anything like lie about weapons of mass destruction to start a cash register war?  No-bid contracts for companies for which you were CEO?  Authorize break ins, then cover it up with cash? Sell arms to our sworn enemies, who had just a few short years earlier humiliated us by holding our people hostage then use the money to fund a bunch of gangsters?

Do you seriously want to get into a pissing contest with what the media does and doesn't cover?

Typical conservative - you lack persepctive.

Now please go ahead and throw some "Chomskys", "Alinskys" and "Maos" at me, which is what you do ever time I nail your hide to the wall.

Leaving our diplomats alone to die instead of sending nearby rescue forces, then lying about it - changing the story on a daily basis, and otherwise covering the Presidents actions/inactions up from that day on is NOT a scandal, but closing lanes of traffic in New Jersey IS. 

Do I have that about right?

Quote from: NowhereInTime on January 11, 2014, 04:23:32 PM
Did he do anything like lie about weapons of mass destruction to start a credit card war?

Fixed that for you.  The rest of the post was fine.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 11, 2014, 09:22:45 PM
Do I have that about right?

Dunno about your facts, but taking what you've said at face value, you have someone who fucked up a situation out of incompetence verses someone who fucked up a situation out of spite.

Advantage: Obama.  Deal with it.

Besides, I wouldn't bring up Chomsky on you anymore than I would Edgar Snow or Walter Duranty. 

No one pays attention to their writings anymore.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 11, 2014, 09:32:32 PM
Besides, I wouldn't bring up Chomsky on you anymore than I would Edgar Snow or Walter Duranty. 

No one pays attention to their writings anymore.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on January 11, 2014, 09:27:49 PM
Dunno about your facts, but taking what you've said at face value, you have someone who fucked up a situation out of incompetence verses someone who fucked up a situation out of spite.

Advantage: Obama.  Deal with it.

For Benghazi, I'd suggest something a little more than 'incompetent'.  How about criminally incompetent? 

Or simply unfit for office

In all seriousness, I am very disappointed with the whole Christie mess.  There are so few competent Republicans, who focus on the economy, reducing taxes, basic good governance, and working with like minded Democrats.  He seemed like a viable candidate for Washington until this.  Are there any potential Republican candidates for the Whitehouse left who aren't hardcore social conservatives?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 11, 2014, 09:53:07 PM

For Benghazi, I'd suggest something a little more than 'incompetent'.  How about criminally incompetent? 

Or simply unfit for office
Of course you'd suggest it. I've seen you suggest just about any form of malfeasance against Obama since I first visited this site over 3 years ago.
Still can do no more than imply wrongdoing. Ambassador Stevens was murdered by Libyan thugs but not Al Qaeda and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop it.  Calling in a counter assault team wouldn't have prevented his murder.
And how was Obama responsible for Stevens' death but not Bin-Laden's?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 11, 2014, 09:53:07 PM

For Benghazi, I'd suggest something a little more than 'incompetent'.  How about criminally incompetent? 

Or simply unfit for office

You're ignoring the point, and I have to give you credit for shooting a losing political position in the head and dumping it overboard. 

But forget about that.  Which one of your descriptions, given above, do you find morally more offensive than someone who willingly fucked his constituents in the ass out of spite for a political opponent?

And before you try to tuck your head into the armpit of comparing which caused more grief, we are talking (by your choice) which action should be subject to more moral outrage.  My view is that someone who fucks up due to lack of competence has a superior moral claim to someone who fucks up because he's an asshole that is trying to hurt people (again, just taking what you've presented as truisms about Obama at face value).  You might feel otherwise, and that's okay.  The world needs people who ditch their morality to gain advantage in a petty Internet argument.  They're the bad example in a teaching moment for the rest of humanity.


My stance on this is of course he knew.  This is politics.  It's not a left/right issue.  Everyone does this type of petty shit.

The thing that is surprising is that this is BIG news.  But I shouldn't be surprised.  This is almost as much of a non-issue as that duck hunter thing the other week.  But you guys keep jumping for that carrot!

As a Republican, I hope Christie falls.  Fuck him.  He is a terrible Republican and a fake conservative.  It is pretty easy to forget which party he belongs to.

Of course Obama knew what was happening in Benghazi. They had real time video feed, AND  there was a drone in the area. Why won't the WH answer one very simple question: where was the President when the attack was in progress?  The fact that Obama allowed Susan  Rice to go on every Sunday morning news show and lie through her teeth, is disgraceful.

ALL the facts have yet surface, as the administration is continuing to stonewall with hopes of running the clock out. It's not going to work. More hearings are scheduled, and more witnesses are coming forward.

Quote from: NowhereInTime on January 11, 2014, 10:52:26 PM
... and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop it.  Calling in a counter assault team wouldn't have prevented his murder...

Completely untrue.

Not only did they plead for more security before the incident which was ignored, but the attack on the compound went on for hours, nearly all day.  We have ships and planes all over the Mediterranean with special ops trained for just this sort of mission.  Some were fairly nearby considering flight time.  They were told to stand down.

Not only was the request for security ignored, but this occurred on the anniversary of 9/11.  Because of Obama's worldview - and that of the people around him - he was somehow caught off guard by Islamic Jihad didn't even take precautions securing our embassies on that date.

Quote from: NowhereInTime on January 11, 2014, 10:52:26 PM
... And how was Obama responsible for Stevens' death but not Bin-Laden's?

Obama (and his Rasputin, Valerie Jarrett) told the special forces to stand down twice when they were ready to eliminate bin Laden in his compound. 

The third time he'd gone to bed, and Hilary and Biden made the call to do it.  That's why there are no photos of him in the Situation Room when it when down. 

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on January 11, 2014, 11:04:12 PM
You're ignoring the point, and I have to give you credit for shooting a losing political position in the head and dumping it overboard. 

But forget about that.  Which one of your descriptions, given above, do you find morally more offensive than someone who willingly fucked his constituents in the ass out of spite for a political opponent?

And before you try to tuck your head into the armpit of comparing which caused more grief, we are talking (by your choice) which action should be subject to more moral outrage.  My view is that someone who fucks up due to lack of competence has a superior moral claim to someone who fucks up because he's an asshole that is trying to hurt people (again, just taking what you've presented as truisms about Obama at face value).  You might feel otherwise, and that's okay.  The world needs people who ditch their morality to gain advantage in a petty Internet argument.  They're the bad example in a teaching moment for the rest of humanity.

If you are only going to be outraged by vindictive spite, how about Obama fencing off the open air war memorials in DC during the government 'shutdown'.  87% of the federal government was deemed 'essential, but for spite Obama directed those parks to be closed down to out of town aging WWII and other vets who had come to visit them. 

That's about as low as it gets, but not a surprise coming from this assclown.

As for Obama and his Daley machine thuggery and Chris Christie and his fecklessness, I wouldn't give you 5c for either of them.

If I HAD to pick, I'd choose the guy whose actions backed up traffic to the guy who is getting people killed, conducting a saturation spy campaign, siccing the IRS on his opponents, ignoring if not exacerbating the lousy economy, and refusing to address his policy that has caused 10s of millions to lose their health care plans.  I guess that makes me a bad person.


Quote from: NowhereInTime on January 11, 2014, 04:23:32 PM

Did he do anything like lie about weapons of mass destruction to start a cash register war?

he tried to in syria over the gas attacks. putin put an end to it by threatening to retaliate. much like Kennedy did during the cuban missile crisis.

QuoteNo-bid contracts for companies for which you were CEO?

the only real job obama ever held was selling pot.

QuoteAuthorize break ins, then cover it up with cash?

how about overthrow govts which led directly to american deaths via those he supported with weapons and cash? yea libya and benghazi ...  gaddafi was no saint, but at least he kept the religious zealots in place if nothing else.no one was keeping them in check after we tossed out gaddafi.

QuoteSell arms to our sworn enemies, who had just a few short years earlier humiliated us by holding our people hostage then use the money to fund a bunch of gangsters?

you mean like fast and furious, and the weapons used to kill american citizens (and god knows how many innocent mexican citizens)? yea lets sell weapons to the mexican drug cartels, even though we are in a "war on drugs".this would be an impeachable offense

QuoteNow please go ahead and throw some "Chomskys", "Alinskys" and "Maos" at me, which is what you do ever time I nail your hide to the wall.

name calling is for those who have no real argument to the opinion, or simply want to troll.

as far as christie goes, he is a politician. he will say whatever to further his agenda. whether he knew or not, his answer would be what he said.
the old saying applies : how do you know if a politician is lying? their lips are moving.

analog kid

Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 12, 2014, 12:55:42 AM
Of course Obama knew what was happening in Benghazi. They had real time video feed, AND  there was a drone in the area. Why won't the WH answer one very simple question: where was the President when the attack was in progress?
So? It still took until only recently to determine the attackers weren't Al Qaeda. What was this real time video feed supposed to reveal about who was attacking and what their motivations were as it happened? What was a drone supposed to accomplish?

Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 12, 2014, 12:55:42 AM
The fact that Obama allowed Susan  Rice to go on every Sunday morning news show and lie through her teeth, is disgraceful.
Susan Rice repeated CIA intelligence after an attack on a consulate. The horrors.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on January 12, 2014, 12:55:42 AM
ALL the facts have yet surface, as the administration is continuing to stonewall with hopes of running the clock out. It's not going to work. More hearings are scheduled, and more witnesses are coming forward.
There's already been twelve hearings. What's known is a pretty complete picture, which is more complicated than the Republican sound bytes, with blame shared by them as well.

analog kid

Quote from: wr250 on January 12, 2014, 06:17:39 AM
you mean like fast and furious, and the weapons used to kill american citizens (and god knows how many innocent mexican citizens)? yea lets sell weapons to the mexican drug cartels, even though we are in a "war on drugs".this would be an impeachable offense
The problem there is that, when pressed, Darrel Issa admitted there was no evidence of a White House connection. And I'm not sure what legal grounds for impeachment you're referring to.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 12, 2014, 01:35:28 AM

If you are only going to be outraged by vindictive spite, how about Obama fencing off the open air war memorials in DC during the government 'shutdown'.  87% of the federal government was deemed 'essential, but for spite Obama directed those parks to be closed down to out of town aging WWII and other vets who had come to visit them. 

That's about as low as it gets, but not a surprise coming from this assclown.

As for Obama and his Daley machine thuggery and Chris Christie and his fecklessness, I wouldn't give you 5c for either of them.

If I HAD to pick, I'd choose the guy whose actions backed up traffic to the guy who is getting people killed, conducting a saturation spy campaign, siccing the IRS on his opponents, ignoring if not exacerbating the lousy economy, and refusing to address his policy that has caused 10s of millions to lose their health care plans.  I guess that makes me a bad person.
Yes this makes you a very bad person. Nearly as bad as me.  Shouldn't you be watching American idle?


Quote from: analog kid on January 12, 2014, 07:53:22 AM
So? It still took until only recently to determine the attackers weren't Al Qaeda. What was this real time video feed supposed to reveal about who was attacking and what their motivations were as it happened? What was a drone supposed to accomplish?
Susan Rice repeated CIA intelligence after an attack on a consulate. The horrors.
There's already been twelve hearings. What's known is a pretty complete picture, which is more complicated than the Republican sound bytes, with blame shared by them as well.
The ghost of Johnny Cochran?


Quote from: analog kid on January 12, 2014, 07:58:32 AM
The problem there is that, when pressed, Darrel Issa admitted there was no evidence of a White House connection. And I'm not sure what legal grounds for impeachment you're referring to.

its called aiding the enemy. obama is responsible ,even if his staff (in this case eric holder) gave him faulty or no information. just like when bush was given faulty info on weapons of mass destruction.

edit to add that obama has invoked executive privilege in this case, which indicates he knows of this. he did so to avoid civil or criminal charges, in this case contempt of congress. see here about the 4th paragraph down.

analog kid

Quote from: wr250 on January 12, 2014, 08:08:47 AM
its called aiding the enemy. obama is responsible ,even if his staff (in this case eric holder) gave him faulty or no information.
I didn't hear when declared war with Mexican drug cartels.

Quote from: wr250 on January 12, 2014, 08:08:47 AM
Just like when bush was given faulty info on weapons of mass destruction.
It's not like that at all.

Quote from: wr250 on January 12, 2014, 08:08:47 AM
edit to add that obama has invoked executive privilege in this case, which indicates he knows of this. he did so to avoid civil or criminal charges, in this case contempt of congress. see here about the 4th paragraph down.
An Op-Ed that cites Breitbart.com. Great.

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