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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

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Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 10:52:23 PM

Either they are jealous or they can't stand the idea of my potentially making enough money and gaining enough recognition to further my efforts.

Even if there are 4 shows a month you would make a 1000$. And you would report this income, wouldn't you Senda? Probably your gubmint check will get adjusted, won't it Senda?


I would be ashamed to be affiliated with someone who treats folks the way he has been rumored to do.

Oh, but wait you treat women vile on here so maybe it is a match made.


Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on June 01, 2015, 05:17:30 PM
For you newbies...

Falkie music video:


Bulkie falls asleep in the first minute of this video:


Faulty hits Kathy and claims he "doesn't remember" doing it in a later post (skip to 1:12)


TMI about Senda:

« Reply #1890 on: October 27, 2013, 07:53:14 PM »
Quote from: MrStoleYourGal on October 27, 2013, 04:47:29 PM
I don't know where to begin with this story, so I'll just do stream-of-consciousness.

George is known as "Falkenberg2001" on the website www.myredbook.com.  It's a site dedicated to trading information about prostitutes in the greater SF Bay Area.  If you go to that site and register, you can do a search on archived posts.  In that search you will find lots of fun stuff about George:

* He once tried to pimp out a pregnant woman to guys who wanted to suckle breast milk.

* He has a reputation for sponging money off of hookers, particularly the older ones, with his sob stories.  One hooker told a story wherein he said that he was broke and didn't have money for food.  She said she would help him and he got excited.  She went to the story and bought several bags of groceries and delivered them to his house.  He got upset with her because he wanted money, not food.

* He stalked a hooker (physically) to the point where she contacted one of the site owners and asked to have him banned, and she called the police.

* He's met every single celebrity and politician of note who were popular from the 1950's through the 1980's.  When one of them dies, he's right on the spot with some anecdote about him and that person.  He was nicknamed "Baron von Munchhausen" by another poster.

* He once walked the entire path of the BART line on the tracks themselves, a journey of some 40 miles, including under the Bay.

* In the early 2000's he was twice fired from his minimum wage jobs for stealing money and goods from the owner.  He reported all of this on the myredbook website, hoping to get sympathy (and handouts).

* He got a job in 2005 working at a movie theatre.  He was REALLY excited about it ("Gosh-wow!"), not because he had a job, but because he thought he could watch movies for free.  He got fired not long after that.  No one knows if it's because he was watching movies on the job, or pinching food from the snack bar.

* He's never held a job that makes more than minimum wage.  About eight years ago, after he lost his job at the theatre, and couldn't find another one.  About six months later, he found a doctor to certify him as "permanently disabled."  He's been living off of disability since then.

* He was reprimanded by a forum moderator for making racist posts.  His posts mostly consist of 20 to 30 anti-Obama cartoons that he's dug up off of the Internet.

* He's killed at least two of his pet cats.  He sat on one (*squish*) and stepped on the other.  The second one lived for a time, and while it did he solicited donations from other posters to pay for vet bills, which he claimed would cost in excess of $500.  Some openly wondered if the cat ever existed in the first place.

* His hygiene is not good, including his oral health.  He let a tooth rot until it became abscessed and caused a severe sinus infection.  He claimed to have almost died.  And asked for financial help.  All of the difficulty was due to the incompetence of others, though, not him.

* He's famous for his ability to exaggerate.  Like the time that he claimed that he spent 200 hours on the phone with a Dell customer service rep to fix a problem (due to Dell's incompetence and the rep's incompetence).  That's 200 hours, as in five full-time weeks.

Lord, I could go on for hours.  This is just off the top of my head.  The guy is a welfare cheat, an amoral weasel, and is probably mentally retarded.  It's all in the myredbook archives if you care to look it up, and it's only there because he TOLD everyone this stuff.  Imagine what he might have left out because he was too ashamed.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 10:41:47 PM

Noory and I = + 2 !

Again and always showing how consistently WRONG, STUPID & ARROGANT the clowns in this thread truly are !
Wrong about what exactly? Everyone has been telling you to find work and stop being a bum for a very long time now. I have no idea what you are blathering about when you say people are wrong. Explain.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 23, 2015, 09:38:48 PM
That wasn't "cheerleading trolling" - that was a legitimate statement.  Noory could have completely ignored the e-mails if he chose to, and still can now.  Nobody forced him to engage Falkie - he did it of his own volition.  It would surprise me if you aren't jealous of the Big Guy on some level, the way you're carrying on.

Yeah, I am totally jealous of a guy nearly twice my age (and weight) who has no job, lives in his own filth, and begs for money from Dave Noorie. /Sarcasm ::)

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 10:41:47 PMNoory just emailed me. The check will be in the mail next week and he will get me a copy of my segment and the show as well.And he said if the show sells I will be on every episode.

Suuuurrrreeee. And Dave will tell you "UH, could you wait a few days before you cash that" And he will tell you that for the next six months.


So basically it was a pilot episode?  I thought he had a legitimate show. They will probably shop that around forever until some internet "tv" channel like gaiam picks it up. I can't even imagine the trash bin that is H2 would want to pick up a show from noory. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 10:52:23 PM

Either they are jealous or they can't stand the idea of my potentially making enough money and gaining enough recognition to further my efforts.
Who knows what this might turn into ?
If I became successful it would drive them nuts because it would once again show how pathetically clueless they are.
And ... I have NOT hounded Noory for any of this except for the original question, asked once, can I Do an interview with you ?
The glasses payment, the appearance on his show were HIS ideas and I did NOT know about the show until he told me.
Ultimately it is HIS decision to do any of this not mine.
I can't force him to do stuff long distance and in an email or a series of emails.
And to assert otherwise is the height of idiocy.
Of course to expect clueless cretins to get facts and logical arguments in here may also be idiocy given that they REFUSE to accept the truth of the matters I bring up.
I am certain that George will give me permission to publish my segment at the very least. It IS designed to make me more well known to the general public and that is a paraphrase of his words NOT mine.

I have been watching the remake of Kojak with Ving Rhames. Really good stuff.
His character and I share the same tastes in lollypops.😊

It's official, Senda's new nickname is lollipop. The rest is fanciful crap. Clueless? The man who can't quote the post he's replying to... priceless.

Quote from: ONeill on June 23, 2015, 11:00:50 PM
Even if there are 4 shows a month you would make a 1000$. And you would report this income, wouldn't you Senda? Probably your gubmint check will get adjusted, won't it Senda?

So Falkie,

I'm sure you're going to reimburse George Noory for the gas money he fronted you for your interview trip and for the glasses ???  Giving the money back would be the right thing to do ...   Right ???  This is a core value moment for you dude, are you in align with your core values?  Or are you at odds with you values ... do you have a conscience ?  What's the little voice in you head saying?  Show everyone you're a 'Stand Up Guy' who doesn't need charity.  It's a test Falkie.


Falkie, what subject did you talk about in your segment?

Is this going to be a syndicated show like TMZ LIVE?  They do have a lot of Skype guests.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 23, 2015, 10:57:19 PM
I have no idea why you think this is some sort of victory over the 'haters.'  Everyone would be quite happy if you were gainfully employed.

I can honestly say that I hope you make enough to buy land in the middle of nowhere, hire contractors to build you a house and a cleaning lady / garbage man to keep it clean.

In many ways, I would be disappointed with people in general if this brand of "entertainment" is what they wanted to consume.  On the other hand, Paris Hilton and the Kardashians have already wrecked any illusion that I may have held that people want entertainment in line with what I do.

I think you will find that for many on this forum, their idea of entertainment is not you and Noory.  I realize when I see all of the garbage produced that I am not their intended audience- and this is a similar situation. 

Will you be critiquing the new Dave  show as you used to C2C, or does he get a pass now that it is team "George and I?"


Quote from: Keyser Söze on June 23, 2015, 11:50:12 PM
So Falkie,

I'm sure you're going to reimburse George Noory for the gas money he fronted you for your interview trip and for the glasses ???  Giving the money back would be the right thing to do ...   Right ???  This is a core value moment for you dude, are you in align with your core values?  Or are you at odds with you values ... do you have a conscience ?  What's the little voice in you head saying?  Show everyone you're a 'Stand Up Guy' who doesn't need charity.  It's a test Falkie.

No, Because those funds were a gift. The glasses because he knew I could not pay for them at the time and the gas money because it was to reimburse Kathy and me for our costs getting to the interview, in part.
It cost me money beyond whstever Noory gave me to get to that event.
This has nothing to do with " conscience " or " core values " or whatever negstive spin you and others put on it.
A gift is a gift. I have NO obligation to pay it back, morally or otherwise.
Neither were the donations made for the trip or to Kathy.
And George probably would not accept it even if offered.
Quit trying to justify your idea of what either my " conscience " or " core values " is, because you would be wrong in your assumptions.
White " Banned " crow loaned me $80. I paid him back. He also donated and said those were gifts.
So did Gerry and Drone
Drone sent me $30 to buy a Sirius XM radio. I offered to pay him back. He said i did  not have to and declined my offer.
Get over it.


Quote from: SnapT on June 24, 2015, 12:00:35 AM
Falkie, what subject did you talk about in your segment?

Is this going to be a syndicated show like TMZ LIVE?  They do have a lot of Skype guests.

I keep telling people I Do not know the topic of the show, the format or the guest and presumably my subject is not to be announced yet as well.
Those details will be released to me in time.


Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 23, 2015, 11:18:25 PM

Yeah, I am totally jealous of a guy nearly twice my age (and weight) who has no job, lives in his own filth, and begs for money from Dave Noorie. /Sarcasm ::)

Suuuurrrreeee. And Dave will tell you "UH, could you wait a few days before you cash that" And he will tell you that for the next six months.

I had NO trouble cashing the glasses check and won't with this one and I do not live in filth so shut up.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 23, 2015, 10:57:19 PM
I have no idea why you think this is some sort of victory over the 'haters.'  Everyone would be quite happy if you were gainfully employed.

Not everyone as you well know. They'd make some comment how I leeching off of Noory, live in filth or similar bs.
No matter what I do, with or without Noory or if I do something else, the haters will continue to hate, like O'Numb and his list for newbies. His bs is now blocked.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 24, 2015, 01:22:55 AM

I keep telling people I Do not know the topic of the show, the format or the guest and presumably my subject is not to be announced yet as well.
Those details will be released to me in time.

You recorded something, I mean - you talked about something into the microphone on your iWhatever?  And you don't know what the topic was? Or were you a special effects artist for farting, coughing, wheezing and slurping noises?

cosmic hobo

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 24, 2015, 01:22:55 AM

I keep telling people I Do not know the topic of the show, the format or the guest and presumably my subject is not to be announced yet as well.
Those details will be released to me in time.

I don't get it. How could you have participated in a show and not have any idea what it was about? What did you actually do or say? Did you interact with Noory? Did a producer ask you questions which you gave answers to? Were you given pre-vetted questions to ask? Were you able to hear the answers to those questions? Or will those questions be answered by Noory on another day?

For all you know they could have taken your questions or answers and then edited in such a way that makes you look like a fool (more of one) and then they send this around the Premiere office as a gag.

I hope we get to see that.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 24, 2015, 01:28:44 AM

Not everyone as you well know. They'd make some comment how I leeching off of Noory, live in filth or similar bs.
No matter what I do, with or without Noory or if I do something else, the haters will continue to hate, like O'Numb and his list for newbies. His bs is now blocked.

When did it stop you from reading and commenting on something? But seriously - this check is for work not a gift right? So you will report it as income for sure?


Quote from: Dateline on June 23, 2015, 11:05:44 PM
I would be ashamed to be affiliated with someone who treats folks the way he has been rumored to do.

Oh, but wait you treat women vile on here so maybe it is a match made.

I do not treat women vilely. I just return their bitchiness in kind and none of you will admit that it is they who  are wrong and not I, for doing it in the first place and getting away with it because they are anonymous trolls and use their sex as a defense against attacks as do their phony self-righteous  " defenders " for whom they can never admit their wrongdoing as well.


Quote from: cosmic hobo on June 24, 2015, 01:31:31 AM
I don't get it. How could you have participated in a show and not have any idea what it was about? What did you actually do or say? Did you interact with Noory? Did a producer ask you questions which you gave answers to? Were you given pre-vetted questions to ask? Were you able to hear the answers to those questions? Or will those questions be answered by Noory on another day?

For all you know they could have taken your questions or answers and then edited in such a way that makes you look like a fool (more of one) and then they send this around the Premiere office as a gag.

I hope we get to see that.

I talked to two of his producers. Then I talked to George and he told me the subject he wished me to comment on. I did that for 1:11. They liked it and will use it as a segment.
Noory is keeping things close to his chest for now. Once the show taping is done in Friday, all will be revealed because the audience members are sure to discuss it.
It does not bother me and Noory has told me he will give me further details later.
I am on there to do my segment.
If the show is successful George has said he will have other things for me to do and if I am well liked, I may well be featured at some point in the future on Coast.
We HAVE discussed that as well at length.
They are NOT going to show it around Premiere for " laughs" as I am part of the show and Noory intends to promote and feature me in the future in some capacity.
Its typical that everyone assumes the negative when it comes to Noory and what I am doing.
Just keep doing it.
It gives me something to laugh about and discuss with George & my supporters and friends.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 24, 2015, 01:40:43 AM

if I am well liked, I may well be featured at some point in the future on Coast.

who couldn't fall in love with a prostitute stalking, women beating, credit card stealing, obese, mooch? I mean, whats not to love?

Just heard about and discovered Falkie today...


What the fuck is this?
There's 561 pages of this?


I think George Noory is a very problem-solution driven personality.  He's not in things to laugh at people, or to craft a good product, or to stand up for what's ethically right.  He's in things to find solutions.  So, for instance, his program isn't a problem for him because he has a secure contract.  No reason to do a better job and fix it.  But Noory does have the problem that he makes less money than he would like.  Improving the program is not a reliable solution to that, so instead he goes on shady marketing campaigns, creates new crappy TV shows, merchandises everything he can, and puts himself out there at events every weekend.  Being good at what he does or responsibly providing a quality product doesn't enter into the equation.

Similarly, Noory isn't interested in laughing at Falkie or screwing him over.  He's interested in solving his problem of having haters who detract from the show.  Taking their advice and improving his product isn't a reliable path to that end.  Noory's solution is to go good cop, bad cop, threaten, divide, offer incentives, etc.  He doesn't bother getting all emotional about it.  He just shoots for the solution without regard to ethics, morality, personal pride, or anything like that.  He'll say anything to sell you a story.  He's very manipulative.

This is why I don't trust Noory, Falkie.  I think he is a man of his word if he absolutely commits to something, but I also think he uses people as pawns.  He's not interested in your needs.  He's interested in his own.  I don't think you can trust him for the long term.

I've read the last seven or eight pages.

:o  :o  :o

This is just pure madness. In my slumming days, I knew some people like Falkie. While he's relatively harmless to anyone with a triple digit IQ or self-esteem, I can't imagine the fucked up stuff this guy does to anyone dumb enough to believe him. Half of me finds this very funny and the other half of me is horrified.

No offense Falkie but your stories about recording shit for Noory were psychotic and frightening.


Quote from: GuerrillaUnReal on June 24, 2015, 02:14:53 AM
I've read the last seven or eight pages.

:o  :o  :o

This is just pure madness. In my slumming days, I knew some people like Falkie. While he's relatively harmless to anyone with a triple digit IQ or self-esteem, I can't imagine the fucked up stuff this guy does to anyone dumb enough to believe him. Half of me finds this very funny and the other half of me is horrified.

No offense Falkie but your stories about recording shit for Noory were psychotic and frightening.

Read the first seven pages, it's much better. I did that about half a year ago when this thread was at 80 pages. I ended up reading everything.

You have been warned.

Jesus... ah well, I should be working right now but I'm in.  ;)

To Falkie, I'm not trying to piss on you. I genuinely want you to get some help and be a better person. You don't have to weave such crazy stories to impress strangers on the internet.

I'm going to take myself out of this conversation and just lurk in this thread because I think anything I could say would be like dropping napalm on a forest fire. But seriously, you don't have to be like this.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 23, 2015, 10:52:23 PM

Either they are jealous or they can't stand the idea of my potentially making enough money and gaining enough recognition to further my efforts.
Who knows what this might turn into ?
If I became successful it would drive them nuts because it would once again show how pathetically clueless they are.
And ... I have NOT hounded Noory for any of this except for the original question, asked once, can I Do an interview with you ?
The glasses payment, the appearance on his show were HIS ideas and I did NOT know about the show until he told me.
Ultimately it is HIS decision to do any of this not mine.
I can't force him to do stuff long distance and in an email or a series of emails.
And to assert otherwise is the height of idiocy.
Of course to expect clueless cretins to get facts and logical arguments in here may also be idiocy given that they REFUSE to accept the truth of the matters I bring up.
I am certain that George will give me permission to publish my segment at the very least. It IS designed to make me more well known to the general public and that is a paraphrase of his words NOT mine.

I have been watching the remake of Kojak with Ving Rhames. Really good stuff.
His character and I share the same tastes in lollypops.😊


Noory, "introducing to you the public my newest abomination,  a dirtbag who hounded me and was a hater until I bought him off for a mere $240, the next media paranormal sensation who like so many of the others has no degrees, real experience in the field but just reads crazy crap on the Internet and because of social media have become so self important they buy their own stories.  A guy who sits around in a rats nest of a hovel in his unwash clothes or tee shirts he buys with money he un-ashamedly begs for since he has lived on the gov't dole giving absolutely zero, back to society except being a total drain on resources, a guy who has never done anything for anyone unless there was a return for him...the next BIG thing, my new discovery to the paranormal world of nuts, crazys and kooks who make the seriuos people in the field also look like crazys...the one, the only, (thank God), the funniest, the saddest thing to hit the airways since vaudeville...my personal clown and new court jester...I dave "jorch" snoory give you, The Pant Load From Shitsburg!!!!!!" "Hullooo, ouh rrrrr ewe? "
Please tell us how you became interested in the pear-ah-noor-mall?" 
Flakie "well dave, I'd fisrt like to thank you but everything I get or have has been just handed to me for free, bought for me with others money, but in fact I deserve it all and have it coming to me."  "To answer that fine question my master...I was on the line at the welfare office where I was picking up same free spending money, rent money, medical ins, food stamps and such for doing nothing but being lucky enough to live in this free society of ours when it hit me, I 'm a kook so what's the best way to get more for nothing? I heard Art Bell and said if I kiss his ass enough maybe I could get shit from him! After that didn't work I started hounding and blasting you until you came thru and here we are!!! America,  what a bunch if jerks!!!"
Snoory, "Why that ish sooo upliffing a tale, ish jist SOUPER!  OK folks that's all until our next episode!" Now a word from our sponsors...are you a loney and nutty loser? Need a date...call now and mention dave and......

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ONeill on June 23, 2015, 11:09:00 PM

Un-fucking believeable!!!! Well not really. I wonder if dave and the people who produce, etc this new "show" have any idea who they have jumped in bed with?
I have heard whispers about this stuff but never the facts, posts in his own words! ?
What a skel and a real mutt. A class 'A' douche sucker...yuck, i feel the need to shower.
BTW, what makes this bird brain think we want to see him as he plays his stpid sounds in the start of his award winning videos is beyond me. The dude doesn't own a mirror...and has no idea what it means to EDIT, even leaving in his beating his GF. Anyone looking at her bruises and then her "explanations " with him standing over her controlling her can see she is abused somewhere, sometime, by someone. She is a classic case and is very frightened of someone or something but feels she is trapped and has now where to go. He is a total piece of shit human being. Wow!


Quote from: ONeill on June 24, 2015, 02:19:16 AM
Read the first seven pages, it's much better. I did that about half a year ago when this thread was at 80 pages. I ended up reading everything.

You have been warned.

That's how I began.  On Page One.

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