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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 10:44:53 PM

<Crap that no one cares about>
Don't see any of you getting paid $250 to talk for a couple of minutes.

No, most of us work to earn out money. Unless you consider sitting on your butt with no pants on, talking to Dave (Who also is most likely not wearing pants.) over skype "Work"

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 11:41:56 PM
When I visit England, do you mind if I come over and clean?
PB if you ever come to SC be my guest to bring a bucket and mope. I got the rest of what you will need to clean.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 22, 2015, 12:30:02 AM

No, most of us work to earn out money. Unless you consider sitting on your butt with no pants on, talking to Dave (Who also is most likely not wearing pants.) over skype "Work"
That picture is now in my mind!!!!


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 09:25:29 PM

I have NEVER said its going to get me a house. I said it will enable me to pay for part of the down payment for LAND upon which to eventualy build a house.

Oh. Well, suddenly it all seems practical.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 22, 2015, 01:32:01 AM
That picture is now in my mind!!!!

Sorry. I can poke your eyes out if you'd like! You won't need those to listen to Art.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 09:25:29 PM

I have NEVER said its going to get me a house. I said it will enable me to pay for part of the down payment for LAND upon which to eventualy build a house.
Quit making crap up and pay attention.
There's a lot of work tobe done there before a house could be built.
I'd put in some kind of structure there first and clear the land.
As to an aged fat guy becoming a hit, we saw an aging incredibly fat woman become a hit with her Honey Boo Boo show, didn't we ?
And she's trying to make a comeback.
Stranger things on tv have happened.
Of course, I would NEVER expect YOU or the other haters to say :

" I hope George Senda succeeds and becomes a big hit and the new Noory program becomes a hit as well, in part so he can make money and get off disability and buy his piece of America. "

I would never live that long to see that happen on here.

Let's all face the facts and be painfully honest here...ok? What are the chances that jorch and his crew of nit wits are going to make anything worth watching? Furthermore the chances that what they do produce with his new sidekick...flakie will ever see the lite of day and ever come to anything is about as good as everyone of us all on the same day hitting the powerball lotto! So it's all much ado about nothing. Redacted on the other hand will be on the Art Bell new show. Flakie cast his lot and chose the wrong horse. I just hope that he will be able to pick up the pieces when dave shatters his feeble sad dreams. You just have to ask yourself...why?


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 22, 2015, 01:41:07 AM
Furthermore the chances that what they do produce with his new sidekick...flakie will ever see the lite of day and ever come to anything is about as good as everyone of us all on the same day hitting the powerball lotto!

So you're saying there's a chance...

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 09:39:57 PM

And I am tired of advice from people who would never come here and help me load a box into a truck or throw out a traschcan of papers to the recycle bin.
Lots of suggestions and no volunteers means empty comments signifying NOTHING.

You repeatedly say this as if you expect us to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to help you to clean up your own mess.  I realize that on one level you're saying you don't think we have a right to comment because you're the one doing the clean-up, but your continued harping on this really sounds like you expect us to all hop on a plane at great personal expense in money and time to wipe up after you.  Why should any one of us have the obligation to do that even if we were your next door neighbour?  You're literally throwing all your dirty laundry in our faces and then taking offense when we give advice on how you can get out of your self-made jam?  I don't like it when conservatives call people on social assistance or disability 'entitled,' but you certainly do fit the bill.

If you were cleaning up after, say, some hurricane victims, then fine... you could gloat all you wanted.  This, though, is just silly.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 10:44:53 PM
...Don't see any of you getting paid $250 to talk for a couple of minutes.

Is this what you're getting paid to do Noory's show, or are you talking about your glasses again?


There's no way this guy is for real. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, but the archiving of your usernames in this blighted thread is likely consequence enough.


Quote from: area51drone on June 21, 2015, 08:23:18 PM

Even you, onan, are deriving some kind of entertainment value out of reading this thread.  For you to suggest that you are better than others simply because you take a stance against Falkie rather than for him is hypocritical.   Some people love horror movies, some people love tear jerkers, some people like action, some slapstick comedy.   Your reasons for being here are the same as mine - you find some kind of pleasure reading about the adventures and misadventures of Mr. Senda.

That is utter bullshit. This thread often has me considering leaving the forum. Rationalize your complicit nature in whatever way you need. Yes, I have been terse, critical and sarcastic, but do not list me in your category of egging Falkie on to more embarrassing positions and actions, especially as entertainment. That is your perversion, not mine. And yes it makes you a lowlife slimeball.


Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 22, 2015, 12:30:02 AM

No, most of us work to earn out money. Unless you consider sitting on your butt with no pants on, talking to Dave (Who also is most likely not wearing pants.) over skype "Work"

Underrated post


Quote from: onan on June 22, 2015, 03:27:13 AM
This thread often has me considering leaving the forum.

Yet you keep coming back, so..

Quote from: onan on June 22, 2015, 03:27:13 AM
That is utter bullshit.

And, I guess you're just an asshole to Falkie then, not a slimeball?


I'll decide what I think is entertaining or not, and a guy boasting about a $250 payment (that might or might not come), and declaration of which draws the anger of haters, is entertaining.

Quote from: onan on June 21, 2015, 06:07:26 PM
Falkie is or was and maybe still is a davebot. Who fucking cares? His response to Redacted suggested much more acrimony than her comment warranted. Then again, at this point who cares?

As to Falkie being a good guy. Fuck, everyone is a good guy to some. More often than not everyone is a good guy to a great many others. And Falkie may do that as well. However, Falkie is also at least to some, a mooch. And it is very bad form to suckle funds from others for one thing and then use that money for something else. And if that is discounted as no big deal, then by all means keep contributing to him.

Falkie may well be another Andy Kaufman (sp). It does amaze me that his life is as chaotic as it is and yet he continues on. Most likely due to his denial of his surroundings. He freely volunteers information that would shame most people, then he becomes defensive if anyone challenges him.

And fuck all of you that suggest what he does is any form of entertainment. Laughing at someone in squalor isn't humor it is depraved. And as much as I find you interesting in the astrophysics thread, here you appear to be one of four to five slimeballs and shame on all of you.

Oh, pious Onan, please pontificate for us some more!  We all need to hear more of your sanctimonious musings!

The comments I made a hundred pages ago regarding your posts still hold true today:

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on May 24, 2015, 10:35:34 PM
Onan, I've read what you've posted the past few days, and I find the things that you've said to be disgraceful.  At least in the one I've quoted above, you seem to take some sort of personal responsibility for your part in all of it.  You like to wax philosophical about how you are largely above the fray, looking down at the rest of us with contempt.  If you are so disgusted by Falkie and the way he lives his life, as well as with the host of thread posters who are his supporters, then why do you come here?  Why don't you stay in the Art Bell thread, or any of the many other threads you could participate in?  The truth is that you're no better than the rest of us, and you like to get mired in the "filth."  Do everyone a favor - if you're going to post in the Falkie thread, then quit pretending that you're above it all.  Embrace who you are and get real for once, man.

Onan's reply at the time:
Quote from: onan on May 25, 2015, 02:06:56 AM
Some people are making the claim that I present as "above-the-fray". What the fuck? How can any idiot claim I am above anything in this thread? Are you guys nuts? (rhetorical, of course you are.) Some of you just don't like that I say what I think and it doesn't agree... well fuck off and die a bitter metaphorical death. I don't like faulty's behaviors. I make no bones about that. I am here because I can post in this fucking thread just like any other knob gobbler, again fuck off and die a metaphorical death. Faulty is half a step above a thief... or maybe just a thief, hell, it's only a little amount and hey you guys get your fun. Disgraceful? if you had said overly confrontational, maybe you would be on the right track, probably not.

I wish this thread didn't exist. If I poop on your fun... good for me.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 22, 2015, 11:52:58 AM
Oh, pious Onan, please pontificate for us some more!  We all need to hear more of your sanctimonious musings!

Oh dear; Did Onan hit a nerve?

Yeah, that'll be it.


Yorkie, I have a life and am not going to go count it, but I would bet you 20 pounds you have posted in this thread hundreds (plural) of times.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 22, 2015, 12:38:06 PM
Yorkie, I have a life and am not going to go count it, but I would bet you 20 pounds you have posted in this thread hundreds (plural) of times.

I wish there were thread stats.  I bet Puddy has posted three times as many times as I have in this thread.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 22, 2015, 12:30:15 PM

Oh dear; Did Onan hit a nerve?

Yeah, that'll be it.

I guess you're unable to detect comments dripping with sarcasm when you see them.  I'm guessing from Drone's exchange with him that Drone probably felt that the guy was back up on his soap box again, so I just wanted to point out for him (Onan) that speaking from on high is apparently his M.O.  He looks down from above on those of us who are supporters, who he views with such disdain and which I pointed out a month ago, and he tried to refute it at the time.  He probably can't help himself.

Hey Falkie, what do you think of men who wear bow ties?  How about bolo ties?

I'm interested in your thoughts.  Thanks.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 11:23:13 PM
Interesting.  $250, nice. 

If Noory's new show does well, how often will you be on?
After taxes etc what is that? Falkie are you now a dues paying, up to date card carrying member of the SAG or what ever union cover tv? Or are you guys a bunch of union busting scabs?? That one time $250 for what we still have no idea is gonna start to shrink. It's not like your relief cks. Welcome to the real world. For the life of me I can't figure what dave would use the falk for? Is he gonna ask him to talk or read a story from the news/internet that someone else wrote or worked to produce? What are your qualifications flakie other than the fact you know everything? Usually a Bono fide show or who knows, infomercial should have someone with actual real world provable credentials not claimed life experience or some such nonsense. Something is not kosher and stinks on ice flakie..you better have your eyes open and your head on a swivel when dealing with snore and his so called, "camp."
So you have to ask...is flakie there because he now has declared war on Art and has expressed his for his one time so called idol?

These are the things that make you go, hmmmmm?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 22, 2015, 01:17:22 PM
Hey Falkie, what do you think of men who wear bow ties?  How about bolo ties?

I'm interested in your thoughts.  Thanks.
Like RCH!?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 22, 2015, 01:39:25 AM

Sorry. I can poke your eyes out if you'd like! You won't need those to listen to Art.

You'll have to poke out my minds eye too.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 22, 2015, 01:11:03 PM
I guess you're unable to detect comments dripping with sarcasm when you see them.  I'm guessing from Drone's exchange with him that Drone probably felt that the guy was back up on his soap box again, so I just wanted to point out for him (Onan) that speaking from on high is apparently his M.O.  He looks down from above on those of us who are supporters, who he views with such disdain and which I pointed out a month ago, and he tried to refute it at the time.  He probably can't help himself.

You guys win. Good luck.

Jocko Johnson

Reading the posts flakie has made about purchasing land and then putting a bldg on it of whatever, just shows how far from rational thinking he actually is. He gas no idea about owning property and having to pay for it and is upkeep. Unless the gov't will give, care for and pay for it? Flakie there are besides the cost itself of the lot and bldg...thibgs like legal fees, filing fees, title searches, credit needed for mortgages/loans/insurance.  Taxes, fees, licenses. Workers, contractors, architects, engineers etc. Repairs and supplies for upkeep and regular maintenance. City, state, federal crap...especially in Cali...just bend over. You can barely keep that car rolling! Joining the world of property owners for living in or development, (that cracks me up!) is so far out of your reach. $250 at a time or even $25,000 or $250,000 isn't gonna do it, because when you let it turn to shit like your current hovel it will be over ASAP. Not to mention your disipline when you don't earn but have it given to you...teaches one to piss it away on stupid things like stuffed animals, alien head lamps, snoopy phones...you know all the necessary things a grown man over 60 needs bedides, good food, a nice home and proper medical care. Wow it's such a mess why we even try is ridiculous.  Forget I even mentioned it.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 22, 2015, 01:11:03 PM
those of us who are supporters,

Interesting description of yourselves...Let's hope Senda doesn't have to depend on those who would simply laugh and encourage more of his chronic self inflicted misfortunes eh?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 22, 2015, 12:38:06 PM
Yorkie, I have a life and am not going to go count it, but I would bet you 20 pounds you have posted in this thread hundreds (plural) of times.



You are playing the high-minded on a fun thread.
Do you know how stupid it looks to do that?

The General

MV- if you're not going to delete this thread and/or ban Falkie -
Can you at least rename this thread to something like
"Gay Midget Nazi Bestiality Incest Porn - DANGER MALICIOUS VIRUS"
So that I remember NEVER TO CLICK ON IT?

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