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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

I'm starting to realize I need disability income, vicodin, and 30 more years of misspent life to really enjoy this thread...


Quote from: eddie dean on June 21, 2015, 01:41:31 PM
I wholeheartedly agree and confirm this truth. Working with her on the gabcast, I've had the opportunity to speak with her pre & post show, away from the forum. She is one of the coolest, most down to earth and humble people I've had the pleasure to know. She is directly opposite of self important and smarmy.

I have to stick my neck out there as well on this, because I have talked with Falkie for many many more hours than you have ever talked with Redacted.   Although I poke fun at the big guy, and he pokes fun at me, we do enjoy an interesting relationship that we both get entertainment out of.    And you can't dismiss that, even if you think it's simply just me trolling falkie left and right.  Nobody would be that good of a troll or an actor.  Falkie is not as bad as you all think he is, and he takes far far more heat than he ever gave Redacted, and none of you stick up for him.   Is he a perfect human being?  No, absolutely not.  But neither am I, or any of you, whether  you will admit it or not.  No one is perfect.

I have already posted what I think of Art taking a co-host (any co-host), I think it's a bad idea.  It has nothing to do with Redacted.  Good for her if Art wants her on.   I also posted that Redacted's treatment of Noory, I felt, was inappropriate.  Nothing like what Nooryisawesome did, but she still made some remarks that I felt were not respectful.  I have posted time and time again that I am not a fan of Noory's version of C2C - sometimes he has decent shows but many times he does not - but he does, in all fairness, appear to be on the up and up when it comes to treating others with respect and decency.  I believe he's telling the truth when he is willing to go on the gabcast and stick HIS neck out there for you guys who treat him like dirt (various forum members, not all members of the gabcast).    He doesn't have to give you guys any of his time, yet he does, and I think that's something to be respected.   I also respect Noory in the sense that he certainly did not just "fall into" hosting C2C.  He must have had to work hard one way or another to get to that position, even if he's not and never will be Art Bell.  Not only that, but even though I am not a fan, he certainly has fans and has been able to keep the show alive and apparently well throughout his tenure.   None of us can say that we are as successful as him in that regard.  Maybe some of you make half a million dollars or more a year and you do better financially than him, I don't know.  But I think that for what he has accomplished, especially given that he really didn't get back into broadcasting until he was older,  he deserves at least to be treated with respect and not accused of being a liar to his face, or for that matter, have the nasty things said about him that are plastered all over this forum.    Hate the man's show, fine.  Say he sucks as a talk show host.   But I see no reason to hate the man.   And that's where I feel that Redacted made a mis-step.  It wasn't very professional, especially considering that she has the opportunity to go on Art's program.   But that's her choice and Art's choice to bring her on.

With regards to Redacted attacking Falkie, I feel it was inappropriate as well, calling him what amounts to a Davebot, apparently in all seriousness.   LittleChris might call Falkie a Davebot, but I know he's joking.  There should be absolutely no way anyone can honestly accuse Falkie of trying to attack or hate Art Bell, just the same as there's really no way any of you can honestly say he beats Kathy when it's clear he doesn't.    If any of you were in Falkie's financial position (let's assume it was through no fault of your own since I already know the response will be "I would never be there because I work hard!!" ),  you probably would accept the kind offer from Noory for new glasses and the potential for a gig doing some TV/webisode work too.    I don't see why Falkie should be attacked for recognizing that Noory isn't a terrible human being that most of you make him out to be. If Falkie wants to go after Redacted for her comments regarding that,  I don't see why it's any worse than what Redacted did in the first place.   He may have been overly harsh about it, but he did apologize multiple times for that.   Until she apologizes as well, I think his being hurt over this seems justified.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 21, 2015, 02:11:28 PM
Senda made three videos attacking the poster in question. None were necessary, he was asked here to remove them and refused.

I like roughhousing on these threads and I don't think Art needs a broadcast partner (in the same way that Vin Scully does not), but there should be honor among thieves. Don't make it so personal with someone that you film a damn video ripping a stranger on the Internet. It's the province of kooks.

^ Give this man a cigar.


Observing how you handle situations and poster's comments; you often start on the right track, you make perfect sense, then somewhere along the line you take a point or topic too far. I also notice that you escalate quickly and swing from one extreme to another. These are only MY observations. I'm not passing judgement or trying to disparage you. Be well.


Quote from: Who on June 21, 2015, 11:51:11 AM
People in a coma.   People who have suffered brain death.  People who are entertained by the following:



Quote from: area51drone on June 21, 2015, 04:45:53 PM
I have to stick my neck out there as well on this, because I have talked with Falkie for many many more hours than you have ever talked with Redacted.   Although I poke fun at the big guy, and he pokes fun at me, we do enjoy an interesting relationship that we both get entertainment out of.    And you can't dismiss that, even if you think it's simply just me trolling falkie left and right.  Nobody would be that good of a troll or an actor.  Falkie is not as bad as you all think he is, and he takes far far more heat than he ever gave Redacted, and none of you stick up for him.   Is he a perfect human being?  No, absolutely not.  But neither am I, or any of you, whether  you will admit it or not.  No one is perfect.

I have already posted what I think of Art taking a co-host (any co-host), I think it's a bad idea.  It has nothing to do with Redacted.  Good for her if Art wants her on.   I also posted that Redacted's treatment of Noory, I felt, was inappropriate.  Nothing like what Nooryisawesome did, but she still made some remarks that I felt were not respectful.  I have posted time and time again that I am not a fan of Noory's version of C2C - sometimes he has decent shows but many times he does not - but he does, in all fairness, appear to be on the up and up when it comes to treating others with respect and decency.  I believe he's telling the truth when he is willing to go on the gabcast and stick HIS neck out there for you guys who treat him like dirt (various forum members, not all members of the gabcast).    He doesn't have to give you guys any of his time, yet he does, and I think that's something to be respected.   I also respect Noory in the sense that he certainly did not just "fall into" hosting C2C.  He must have had to work hard one way or another to get to that position, even if he's not and never will be Art Bell.  Not only that, but even though I am not a fan, he certainly has fans and has been able to keep the show alive and apparently well throughout his tenure.   None of us can say that we are as successful as him in that regard.  Maybe some of you make half a million dollars or more a year and you do better financially than him, I don't know.  But I think that for what he has accomplished, especially given that he really didn't get back into broadcasting until he was older,  he deserves at least to be treated with respect and not accused of being a liar to his face, or for that matter, have the nasty things said about him that are plastered all over this forum.    Hate the man's show, fine.  Say he sucks as a talk show host.   But I see no reason to hate the man.   And that's where I feel that Redacted made a mis-step.  It wasn't very professional, especially considering that she has the opportunity to go on Art's program.   But that's her choice and Art's choice to bring her on.

With regards to Redacted attacking Falkie, I feel it was inappropriate as well, calling him what amounts to a Davebot, apparently in all seriousness.   LittleChris might call Falkie a Davebot, but I know he's joking.  There should be absolutely no way anyone can honestly accuse Falkie of trying to attack or hate Art Bell, just the same as there's really no way any of you can honestly say he beats Kathy when it's clear he doesn't.    If any of you were in Falkie's financial position (let's assume it was through no fault of your own since I already know the response will be "I would never be there because I work hard!!" ),  you probably would accept the kind offer from Noory for new glasses and the potential for a gig doing some TV/webisode work too.    I don't see why Falkie should be attacked for recognizing that Noory isn't a terrible human being that most of you make him out to be. If Falkie wants to go after Redacted for her comments regarding that,  I don't see why it's any worse than what Redacted did in the first place.   He may have been overly harsh about it, but he did apologize multiple times for that.   Until she apologizes as well, I think his being hurt over this seems justified.

^ Great post area51drone!

I watched his (Redacted)/Art Bell YouTube video and I never thought it was anything more than satire from "(Redacted's)" point of view. Like I just posted before he MAY have gone too far. As we all know feelings are subjective and offence is taken never given.

Jocko Johnson

Since flackie has stated his hate for Art and unbound less love for dave and all things snoory, we have seen and heard little from him compared to before? Does this mean he is doing show prep for his national/wordwide tv debut, or just realized dave is laughing his ass off behind his back with pre-doucher tammy?
A video about the lovely Kathy and her bunking up with the new star of tv, radio, Internet and the yousetubeses would be greatly appreciated since your loving and devoted fan want to know!!!


Falkie is or was and maybe still is a davebot. Who fucking cares? His response to Redacted suggested much more acrimony than her comment warranted. Then again, at this point who cares?

As to Falkie being a good guy. Fuck, everyone is a good guy to some. More often than not everyone is a good guy to a great many others. And Falkie may do that as well. However, Falkie is also at least to some, a mooch. And it is very bad form to suckle funds from others for one thing and then use that money for something else. And if that is discounted as no big deal, then by all means keep contributing to him.

Falkie may well be another Andy Kaufman (sp). It does amaze me that his life is as chaotic as it is and yet he continues on. Most likely due to his denial of his surroundings. He freely volunteers information that would shame most people, then he becomes defensive if anyone challenges him.

And fuck all of you that suggest what he does is any form of entertainment. Laughing at someone in squalor isn't humor it is depraved. And as much as I find you interesting in the astrophysics thread, here you appear to be one of four to five slimeballs and shame on all of you.


Quote from: onan on June 21, 2015, 06:07:26 PM
Falkie is or was and maybe still is a davebot. Who fucking cares? His response to Redacted suggested much more acrimony than her comment warranted. Then again, at this point who cares?

If it's who cares then why keep attacking him over it?  To me, it's old news, but I feel like there are times when Falkie is unfairly ganged up, and this is one of those times.  He deserves a little defense.

Quote from: onan on June 21, 2015, 06:07:26 PM
As to Falkie being a good guy. Fuck, everyone is a good guy to some. More often than not everyone is a good guy to a great many others. And Falkie may do that as well. However, Falkie is also at least to some, a mooch. And it is very bad form to suckle funds from others for one thing and then use that money for something else. And if that is discounted as no big deal, then by all means keep contributing to him.

Fine, he's a mooch.  Whatever.  Is it different than others?  Yes.  Do you have to give to him? No.   I personally have found the money I've sent him to be well worth it.  But that's me.

Quote from: onan on June 21, 2015, 06:07:26 PM
Falkie may well be another Andy Kaufman (sp). It does amaze me that his life is as chaotic as it is and yet he continues on. Most likely due to his denial of his surroundings. He freely volunteers information that would shame most people, then he becomes defensive if anyone challenges him.
And fuck all of you that suggest what he does is any form of entertainment. Laughing at someone in squalor isn't humor it is depraved. And as much as I find you interesting in the astrophysics thread, here you appear to be one of four to five slimeballs and shame on all of you.

Even you, onan, are deriving some kind of entertainment value out of reading this thread.  For you to suggest that you are better than others simply because you take a stance against Falkie rather than for him is hypocritical.   Some people love horror movies, some people love tear jerkers, some people like action, some slapstick comedy.   Your reasons for being here are the same as mine - you find some kind of pleasure reading about the adventures and misadventures of Mr. Senda.

I ask you, in regards to your slimeball comment, why on earth am I considered one?  Falkie has repeatedly said that we're "friends" in so much as two people who have never met but chat quite often on the phone can be friends.   If he gets satisfaction from talking with me, shooting the shit, poking fun at one another, etc, how on earth does that make me a slimeball?  He knows how I feel on various subjects that you all rag on him for, it's not like I secretly hide my feelings from him.   I'm not sitting here talking to him for hours and hours myself just gleefully laughing at every little mis-step Falkie makes, nor am I trying to take advantage of him in some way - I don't get money for interacting with him.  The Cat Box is just a "for fun" thing to him and I as the Gabcast is to you.   My being involved in his life, to the extent that I can,  puts me in the unique position that he actually does follow some of my advice when we speak off line, and he at at minimum takes some of it to heart.   Have I ever told him to do something that will negatively affect his life?  No.   I've actually talked Falkie back up from some pretty dark moments.   

So I ask again, how is that being a slimeball?   

Now, I'm not calling you a slimeball for getting some kind of pleasure out of this thread.  You have your own reasons for being here, and I can respect that.   I also don't call Dr. Who or any of the other vocal "detractors" slimeballs or names, unless I'm personally attacked.   But what would you rather have me do, just call Falkie names like "faulty," "fatty", "flunkie" whatever and put him down?   Who's attitude is worse here?  I think the only ones who have the right to throw any rocks are the ones who give Falkie sage advice and don't put him down.


His life would not be chaotic if he heeded the advice he's been given.
PaperBoy's advice about the piles was wise and practical.
Like other well-intended suggestions it was met with crickets.

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 21, 2015, 12:53:24 PM
I know (Redacted) personally. Swarmy and self important are the least apt terms to describe her. I don't even know you but can tell by your posts that swarmy and self important would not be sufficient to describe your self-necrotic condition and in fact, would be an upgrade. But I consider myself a gentleman so will nonetheless extend my hand in friendhip and say that- whenever you and your big guy wish to consumate the thing, your honeymoon suite at the Martinez Best Western is on me. You're welcome.

Quote from: coaster on June 21, 2015, 12:54:35 PM
brain dead gerry plays the part of falkie's cheerleader because he is a troll.The things he posts should never be taken seriously.

Quite to the contrary, Coaster, my friend.  As a quick reminder, here is a bit of what I posted when I introduced my parody character, (Retracted) - which was done with no prompting from George:
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on May 31, 2015, 01:20:58 PM
Hello, everyone.  Ol' Gerry is pleased to announce that he will have a new co-host (co-poster?) joining his contributions to BellGab.  Please meet my good friend, (Retracted).  She won't be here all the time...

(Retracted): I won't?

No, you won't.  People read Ol' Gerry's posts because they care about what Ol' Gerry thinks.  I appreciate that you're a super fan, but a lot of people might just see you as some random poster who gets in the way of the good work that I'm trying to do here to support and promote Falkie.  They'll be like, "who the hell is (Retracted), and why the hell would Ol' Gerry think that I'd want to hear from her?  Enough people don't even know who Open Lines Gerry is, and he doesn't need a co-poster.  (Retracted) will add nothing to his posts."

George has been taking an inordinate amount of heat for comments he made about Art not needing a co-host, along with other comments based on negativity spewed by the particular co-host candidate.  As he rightly pointed out this morning, he has been the only one taking fire, so I jumped in as another person saying "yes, I agree with most of what George has said."  What I posted was based on my own opinion and thoughts, and not as a "cheerleading" effort.  As an aside, I'd like to thank those of you who PM'd me to express similar sentiments regarding Art not needing a co-host.

With regard to any "cheerleading" going on, I will fully admit that I try to back George Senda, of course, whenever I can because the number of friends / supporters that he has on here are far outnumbered by the detractors.  Sure, he brings some of it upon himself, but often times, it gets to the point of piling on, even if he hasn't posted anything himself for a bit.  How would any of you like it if you were constantly being told how much you suck, how worthless you are, how bad you look, how you should f*** off, etc., etc., etc.?  Do I go over the top sometimes?  Sure, but George needs somebody in his corner - somebody like Ol' Gerry.  I've told him things privately in e-mails because I don't want to add fuel to the fire on here, and I've tried to be tactful about it - such as encouraging him to work on cleaning his apartment.

I thought Drone wrote a very good post earlier, and he doesn't portray the suck-up that Ol' Gerry does.  I'm sure that he has more credibility than I do with this Falkie-thread crowd, and rightfully so.  However, I'm here to take up for Falkie when nobody else will, and to encourage him to keep his chin up and keep doing what he's doing if it makes him happy.  I think that he would be motivated to change things, as many of you repeatedly suggest, if he ever hit some sort of "rock bottom."  If he wants to speculate about what he would do in the future if he came into some money, and if that gives him some hope and helps to keep him going in life, then good for him.  I'm here to advocate for him, and to extend my friendship to him.


I support Falkie, too. . . his apartment has provided a safe and secure home for a few of my distant cousins on my mother's side of the mouse family.


Quote from: Daggit on June 20, 2015, 10:08:03 PM
If Falkie thinks this gig is going to net him a house then I really pity him. Noory has probably filled his head with delusions of grandeur and the fall will not be pretty. I'm sure everything will work out considering the success rate of his other TV ventures. Plus Falkie is involved and he is a YouTube sensation. How could a middle aged fat guy yelling at the host from the corner of a played screen not be a hit?

I have NEVER said its going to get me a house. I said it will enable me to pay for part of the down payment for LAND upon which to eventualy build a house.
Quit making crap up and pay attention.
There's a lot of work tobe done there before a house could be built.
I'd put in some kind of structure there first and clear the land.
As to an aged fat guy becoming a hit, we saw an aging incredibly fat woman become a hit with her Honey Boo Boo show, didn't we ?
And she's trying to make a comeback.
Stranger things on tv have happened.
Of course, I would NEVER expect YOU or the other haters to say :

" I hope George Senda succeeds and becomes a big hit and the new Noory program becomes a hit as well, in part so he can make money and get off disability and buy his piece of America. "

I would never live that long to see that happen on here.


Quote from: Dateline on June 21, 2015, 08:38:58 PM
I support Falkie, too. . . his apartment has provided a safe and secure home for a few of my distant cousins on my mother's side of the mouse family.

Sorry to disillusion you but you must have been chenneling the WRONG apaartment.
There are no mice, rats, fleas, roaches or other vermin in this apartment except for when I log on to Bellgab and see the posts by the vermin on this thread.
Kathy will be doing a new Kathy's Korner this week. She went to see Jurasic World and I am sure she will want to talk about it and she has been sleeping next to me on the sofa bed and not in a cardboard box anywhere. The bed takes up a huge amount of room.
Wednesday she is staying at Patty's so I can get a good night's sleep ( or as good as I can on the thing ) and be awake and focused for my Skype interview and taping Thursday.
Next month after she moves all to Sacramento I take her to Marine World/Discovery USA but its very expensive. $64.99 !
There may be some kind of discount program for it. She's been asking me for years to go. Patty will have to pay her own way if she wants to come.
I would like to see the penguins and the giraffes, 2 of my favorite animals.
And don't give me any crap about spending money.
She needs some fun in her life now more than ever.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 21, 2015, 08:27:41 PM
His life would not be chaotic if he heeded the advice he's been given.
PaperBoy's advice about the piles was wise and practical.
Like other well-intended suggestions it was met with crickets.

Bull. I cleaned up in here and will do further cleanup as I have already said. The damned sofa bed is blocking me from getting stuff out of here because Patty flsaked on us twice and Kathy had to go and finish up cleaning and moving out stuff by herself. I couldn't help because her snoring and kicking kept me up all night.
Next month a lot of stuff in here goes to storage.
And I am tired of advice from people who would never come here and help me load a box into a truck or throw out a traschcan of papers to the recycle bin.
Lots of suggestions and no volunteers means empty comments signifying NOTHING.
I'm the one who has to do the physical work and both Kathy and I are are sore all over from moving her stuff and for my part.my stuff as both of us will be after the first of the month.

Only 29 days until all or most of us take that ride with Art Bell that we and I have been waiting for.

Sign up to stream the show. I will on the first.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 02:57:20 AM

Jealous of Redacted ? You must be ... Delusional.

I apologized twice in my videos and asked her to apologize to me and she didn't.
As to the alienation, as I have said there is a PRO Redacted coterie that will NOT accept ANY criticism of her for ANY reason, no matter how justified.
I say what I want and how I feel about the woman.
If others react negatively towards it, that is not my concern.
I am not the only person who feels that way but those persons will not express themselves openly because they see the treatment I got for speaking my mind.
I feel she bahaves poorly towards people on Gabcast and dared to say so.
That is my Bellgab thought crime....

I do not understand WHY Art needs a co host. He never needed one before. But I am not jealous of her. If Art succeeds more power to him and her...

Oh Falkie.  Remember when we talked about a complete lack of perspective, and a complete lack of proportion?

(Redacted) made an off-hand, light-hearted comment about you on the GabCast.  I'm not sure if you realize this, but your perfect storm of Falkiness has made you the butt of some jokes around here.  Your lack of perspective caused you to view her comment as some monumental attack.  It wasn't, but you react the same way to any comment made by any woman towards you.

Your response was vile and disgusting.  And completely out of proportion to anything she said.

Plenty of people have said Art never needed a co-host, and doesn't need one now.  That's not even in dispute - he doesn't need one.  No one really even said much to people commenting on that, other than maybe we should wait and see.  So it's not your opinion that she shouldn't be on that's the problem, it's your nasty jealous personal attacks.  Which you have never apologized for.

Next up was that video that was so bad it was funny.  Attacking her again, attacking Art Bell, attacking his upcoming show.  Now you declare yourself the victim because of your opinions, instead of the real reason - your uncalled for, over-the-top personal attacks.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 09:39:57 PM
... And I am tired of advice from people who would never come here and help me load a box into a truck or throw out a traschcan of papers to the recycle bin...

I would be happy to come help you dispose of your junk, with one condition:  I would be the one to make the final decision on which items are to be kept, which are to the sold, and which are to be thrown away - because you aren't capable of doing it, and anything less would be a waste of time


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 09:25:29 PM

I have NEVER said it's going to get me a house. I said it will enable me to pay for part of the down payment for LAND upon which to eventualy build a house.
There's a lot of work to be done there before a house could be built.
I'd put in some kind of structure there first and clear the land.

" I hope George Senda succeeds and becomes a big hit and the new Noory program becomes a hit as well, in part so he can make money and get off disability and buy his piece of America. "

I would never live that long to see that happen on here.
Realistically Senda ..... your best years are behind you. Squandered away on over-eating, not ever developing a 'work-ethic', unable to look after your basic needs, and an attitude of entitlement ......
You're in poor health now, unemployed, lazy, and you want your piece of America ......
Just how is this all going to happen ?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 10:30:10 PM
I would be happy to come help you dispose of your junk, with one condition:  I would be the one to make the final decision on which items are to be kept, which are to the sold, and which are to be thrown away - because you aren't capable of doing it, and anything less would be a waste of time

I and only I know what has to be kept, disposed of or thrown away, not you or anyone else.
Care to come pick me up in your car and I go over to YOUR house and use the same criiteria to toss out things that are important to you that you would do to me ?
I think not.
From your comments to me when you were IN my apartment about selling my books, donating them and the like, you'd probably throw ALL of it out, including me.
It's incredibly arrogant of you to call MY things " junk " and shows your mindset towards me.
And it is NOT a positive one.
I would NOT call other people's thing " junk ".
And few of you understand WHY the items are impotant to me nor would you bother to ask or care.
No way would I allow anyone to decide what stays in my life and what goes. I do have important personal papers, photographs and other things that have to be kept.
In the next 30 days, after I take more stuff to storage of my own and do futher culling of old books and clean I will do a new video showing the changes.
I'm out of here for the night and maybe for the rest of the week as well.
I have things to do, sorting to do and videos to create.
Including the Sklype taping on Thursday.
Don't see any of you getting paid $250 to talk for a couple of minutes.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 10:44:53 PM

I and only I know what has to be kept, disposed of or thrown away, not you or anyone else.
Care to come pick me up in your car and I go over to YOUR house and use the same criiteria to toss out things that are important to you that you would do to me ?
I think not.
From your comments to me when you were IN my apartment about selling my books, donating them and the like, you'd probably throw ALL of it out, including me...

I'm pretty sure I never said the word 'donate'.  Come to think of it, I didn't suggest throwing any of it out either.  I merely mentioned you could make a little money by selling some of the things you didn't need that have value.  Big crime, I know that now. 

I felt pretty safe making the offer today, but the real point was please stop acting as if people you barely know have some obligation to help you clean your apartment

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 10:53:31 PM
I'm pretty sure I never said the word 'donate'.  Come to think of it, I didn't say throw any of it out either.  I suggested you may want to consider selling what you didn't need and make a little money.  Big crime, I know that now. 

I felt pretty safe making the offer today, but the real point was please stop acting as if people you barely know should be helping you clean your apartment
Well PB, seems he has now bit another hand that tries to help. If you don't agree with him, your opinion is null and void. Just wait...he will need plenty of help when snore and co. screw him over.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 10:44:53 PM
... I have things to do, sorting to do and videos to create.
Including the Sklype taping on Thursday.
Don't see any of you getting paid $250 to talk for a couple of minutes.

Interesting.  $250, nice. 

If Noory's new show does well, how often will you be on?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 10:44:53 PM

I and only I know what has to be kept, disposed of or thrown away, not you or anyone else.
Care to come pick me up in your car and I go over to YOUR house and use the same criiteria to toss out things that are important to you that you would do to me ?
I think not.
From your comments to me when you were IN my apartment about selling my books, donating them and the like, you'd probably throw ALL of it out, including me.
It's incredibly arrogant of you to call MY things " junk " and shows your mindset towards me.
And it is NOT a positive one.
I would NOT call other people's thing " junk ".
And few of you understand WHY the items are impotant to me nor would you bother to ask or care.
No way would I allow anyone to decide what stays in my life and what goes. I do have important personal papers, photographs and other things that have to be kept.
In the next 30 days, after I take more stuff to storage of my own and do futher culling of old books and clean I will do a new video showing the changes.
I'm out of here for the night and maybe for the rest of the week as well.
I have things to do, sorting to do and videos to create.
Including the Sklype taping on Thursday.
Don't see any of you getting paid $250 to talk for a couple of minutes.

You haven't yet. Don't count your chickens. But it's telling that your grasping avarice knows the price of almost anything, but the value of nothing.


" I hope George Senda succeeds and becomes a big hit and the new Noory program becomes a hit as well, in part so he can make money and get off disability and buy his piece of America. "

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 10:53:31 PM
I'm pretty sure I never said the word 'donate'.  Come to think of it, I didn't suggest throwing any of it out either.  I merely mentioned you could make a little money by selling some of the things you didn't need that have value.  Big crime, I know that now. 

I felt pretty safe making the offer today, but the real point was please stop acting as if people you barely know have some obligation to help you clean your apartment

This is the crux. He feels as if the world owes him something; and all he has to do is snap his podgy fingers. And if anyone has a life away from indulging him he slags them off. I wonder if he tells Patty to her face the stuff he says about her here? Naa doubt it.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 11:23:13 PM
Interesting.  $250, nice. 

If Noory's new show does well, how often will you be on?

He'll declare it as income so the welfare department can adjust his benefits I expect.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 21, 2015, 10:44:53 PM
... I do have important personal papers, photographs and other things that have to be kept...

Yes, it's probably a few photo albums that the apartment manager is objecting to

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 21, 2015, 11:33:28 PM
This is the crux. He feels as if the world owes him something; and all he has to do is snap his podgy fingers. And if anyone has a life away from indulging him he slags them off. I wonder if he tells Patty to her face the stuff he says about her here? Naa doubt it.

When I visit England, do you mind if I come over and clean?


So, if George pays Falkie, and Falkie pays $5 for MITD, it's like George paying Art. I like it.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 21, 2015, 11:29:35 PM
You haven't yet. Don't count your chickens. But it's telling that your grasping avarice knows the price of almost anything, but the value of nothing.
Best Falkie reveal ever.

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