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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: coaster on June 19, 2015, 12:12:59 AM
Only 18 registered users, two of which are falkie and his "forum administrator". The others are probably members from here. Whats the point?
I love the rules there.- "New members  are also not allowed to make personal remarks about any members religion, health status, weight, employment status, intelligence, or otherwise disparage any member of this board." So basically, don't make fun of falkie. haha. how lame.
I should have expected such a comment to be made by a healthy, employed, intelligent person of undetermined religion...


Quote from: jazmunda on June 19, 2015, 12:18:24 AM
Falkie I hate to be the one to break it to you but you posting a message that Art posted on Facebook and Bellgab is not the same thing as Art posting it on your site.

Sorry to have to bring you back to reality from la la land.

Never said I was IN la la land but if it came from his site, I repost it, I don't ask how it gets there.


Falkie, you've been in la la land for ages. You think you are a semi-public figure. You think you have fans.

Quote from: wotr1 on June 19, 2015, 12:07:13 AM
Smarten up Falkie... Comment on Brigs' video.  You have somebody who seems to genuinely be a fan (G-D knows why) and you cannot so much as take a moment out of your busy schedule to comment and thank her ?  Learn something from Jorch- your fans matter... Particularly when you do not have a ton of them.  He travels around the country singing for them and meeting them in person- you cannot even wade into this wasteland of a thread dedicated to you to acknowledge one of your supporters...

I have yet to watch one of your videos start to finish (even the Jorch interview I probably only watched 2 minutes of, tops.)  Here is somebody who has probably subscribed, has commented, unlike so many others in this thread seems to have a genuine appreciation for you rather than trollingl (is that why you hate her OLG?) and has even made a video to interact with you...

Anyhow Brig- I like your camera presence even if I did not care for the content (I have troubles with anything Falkie related, particularly when I have just had a meal...)

I don't hate her - not even close.  I watched the first video, and did not care for the content or tone.  I guess I'll try to watch the other ones when I have time...but the first one where she's going on about how to wave to the camera?  I wouldn't call that a fan video.  I thought it was more of an attempt at a smarmy sense of humor.  To each their own.

The little bit I watched of the one where she started talking about the Native American reservation or whatever, which Drone said ended up with her getting $500, made me question b_dubb's sincerety about "digging" the videos.  He must get off on that sort of thing I suppose, hence my reply to his comment.


Fair enough... I suppose when she had responed to something I had said in her thread with the following quote I was a little gob-smacked.  I really do not get being a fan, nor why you would love watching his videos (and I think she had referenced him in a positive light in another of her videos.)  To like this place because it introduced you to falkie (as claimed below) is something I cannot fathom...
Quote from: brig on June 03, 2015, 09:49:54 PMI have to tell you, one of my favorite posters (Besides Art of course) is Falkie.......which yeah, I know he doesn't "go" by that anymore.  I laugh myself silly watching his videos.  Just thinking about him makes me laugh. I would have never seen Falkie, had I not arrived at The BellGab forum, so indeed, I DO like it here :D


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 19, 2015, 12:37:42 AM
I don't hate her - not even close.  I watched the first video, and did not care for the content or tone.  I guess I'll try to watch the other ones when I have time...but the first one where she's going on about how to wave to the camera?  I wouldn't call that a fan video.  I thought it was more of an attempt at a smarmy sense of humor.  To each their own.

Do you not see the irony in you disliking someone for acting like they are a fan of Falkie?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 18, 2015, 09:59:48 PM

Wrong, forum breath.

I also posted this one.


See the picture below as proof that some people do follow my forum.
I also have fans on Twitter, Facebook and my You Tube channel of course.
Latest visitor from Australia and newest from Nigeria.

What's the old rule of thumb ?
You tell one person about something and if enthused enough, he ( or she ) tells 10 other people and so on.

I HATE Art Bell ?


And I'm not a Davebot either but I am not going to insult the man when we are involved in a venture together.
Once I get all this cleaning done I will do reviews of George's shows.
Falkie...or whoever can tell me, I must have missed it. Last I saw was dave was going to make some sort of announcement.  So pray tell...what is the joint venture between dave and falkie???


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 19, 2015, 12:14:28 AM

And to show how nobody READS my forum here's the announcement from our Emperor himself where he announced the show is on.
it doesn't matter to me how many views so long as the word gets out to someone and is different from You Tube where it does.
Noory interview now at 1800 views.
Pearl moment 653.
Where is 'Ol Gerry anyaway ?

Midnight in the Desert is on the way! It is official now, Starting in late July we will begin streaming a full show from Mon-Fri 9PM- 12AM P.T. It will come to you Worldwide on the Internet in 64Kbps Stereo on Tune In which has a free app available for download right now.
Keith and myself have come to a agreement and the main Studio gear has been ordered. There is a great deal of work ahead and all of you who are friends and fans will have to help out when the time comes by spreading the word far and wide.

Wanna Take a Ride?

Art Bell

And one I posted from his page on sky snakes.

•From Art Bell. Art posted this on my Facebook page. Sky snakes ! by Admin

3/21/2014 6:08 am          http://www.artbell.com/sky-snakes-the-terror-in-the-air/

Last post     

•From Art Bell. Art posted this on my Facebook page. Sky snakes ! by Admin
3/21/2014 6:08 am     1 132
3/21/2014 6:31 am
by just69_98

As if we didn't have enough to worry about .

Sky snakes ?

WTF ???

Last edited by just69_98 (3/21/2014 9:56 am)
Looking to control the internet, one video at a time.
In a nice way, of course.

" Never let the enemy pick the battle site. - George S. Patton, Jr. "   

  just69_98 Moderator Offline
     Registered: 2/09/2014 Posts: 465 Re: From Art Bell. Art posted this on my Facebook page. Sky snakes !


I like to picture the sky snakes looking like this http://cdn.boardhost.com/emoticons/shocked.png


Last edited by just69_98 (3/21/2014 6:32 am  1 130
3/21/2014 6:31 am
by just69_98

0 52
4/14/2015 1:24 pm
by Admin

You are so delusional.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 19, 2015, 12:47:52 AM
So pray tell...what is the joint venture between dave and falkie???
Noory said he would let Falkie do "commentary" of one of his shows over skype, whatever the hell that means. In Falkie's eyes, this makes him a semi-public person.

Quote from: Daggit on June 19, 2015, 12:47:30 AM
Do you not see the irony in you disliking someone for acting like they are a fan of Falkie?

I didn't see it as being a "fan."  I saw it as giving unsolicited, unwarranted, and unwanted advice.

I'll watch her other videos.  Ol' Gerry is not so proud that he can't say he was wrong if that turns out to be the case, but I'll be surprised if it is.  If she's really a hard core fan of the Big Guy, and I misinterpreted her overall message based on the first video, then that's my mistake.

I will say that I stand by my assertion that I would take an episode of Kathy's Korner any day vs. Brig's "how to wave" video.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 19, 2015, 12:04:38 AM

Here's the listing from my forum. Not many but its 6 more views than Jaz had yesterday. 7 if you count mine.

I really don't think Art or Jazz needs your 6 followers. How many views have his 4 videos had and how many have your 400 had? You also had the benefit of being heard by Noory's audience.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: coaster on June 19, 2015, 12:53:08 AM
Noory said he would let Falkie do "commentary" of one of his shows over skype, whatever the hell that means. In Falkie's eyes, this makes him a semi-public person.
Thank you for the info.
Maybe as a goof snore will put him on one of those in-schider chats, if he even still does that. But no way, no how falkie goes goes on the air with dave live and unsensored, either radio or his bogus internet tv show.


How can Falkie be proud of that forum... I mean, it looks like something a middle school kid made in Computer class in 1999.  ???


Quote from: wotr1 on June 19, 2015, 12:07:13 AM
Smarten up Falkie... Comment on Brigs' video.  You have somebody who seems to genuinely be a fan (G-D knows why) and you cannot so much as take a moment out of your busy schedule to comment and thank her ?  Learn something from Jorch- your fans matter... Particularly when you do not have a ton of them.  He travels around the country singing for them and meeting them in person- you cannot even wade into this wasteland of a thread dedicated to you to acknowledge one of your supporters...

I have yet to watch one of your videos start to finish (even the Jorch interview I probably only watched 2 minutes of, tops.)  Here is somebody who has probably subscribed, has commented, unlike so many others in this thread seems to have a genuine appreciation for you rather than trollingl (is that why you hate her OLG?) and has even made a video to interact with you...

Anyhow Brig- I like your camera presence even if I did not care for the content (I have troubles with anything Falkie related, particularly when I have just had a meal...)

Yes.........well...........sadly,   I'm afraid all my efforts to learn to make a professional, educational video, in the Falkie tradition, and to lend Falkie a little support, because I felt sorry for him, and then further to find he probably didn't even notice.....Oh the pain  :'(


Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 19, 2015, 01:11:12 AM
How can Falkie be proud of that forum... I mean, it looks like something a middle school kid made in Computer class in 1999.  ???

I look at it this way.  I think he tries to stay "in character", and be consistent throughout all his media.  Know what I mean?  For example, his forum "goes with" his "intro music" style.  I dunno if I splained that very well, but maybe you get my drift anyway. 8)


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 19, 2015, 12:53:45 AM
I didn't see it as being a "fan."  I saw it as giving unsolicited, unwarranted, and unwanted advice.

I'll watch her other videos.  Ol' Gerry is not so proud that he can't say he was wrong if that turns out to be the case, but I'll be surprised if it is.  If she's really a hard core fan of the Big Guy, and I misinterpreted her overall message based on the first video, then that's my mistake.

I will say that I stand by my assertion that I would take an episode of Kathy's Korner any day vs. Brig's "how to wave" video.

It will probably surprise you OLG, to learn that you made my day.  YOU are the special ONE who FINALLY made me feel like an "official gabbling".  Having arrived here not to long ago, I have called into gabcast, posted during the spec sheet, and the gabcast chat, posted nice things about "Dave", posted bad videos, and told boring stories in my own thread, and curiously wondered why everyone has been nothing but nice to me, no matter what I do.  I even asked (Redacted) publicly for advice when I called in to GabCast for advice on getting past everyone being nice to me here, so that I could feel like I fit in. lol's  Well, now, since you have posted negatively about me, I now feel like an official gabbling.  Its difficult to feel like an official gabbling until at least ONE person has expressed their displeasure with at least ONE of your posts.  ;)  PS:  YES, Falkie genuinely makes me laugh.....I just have to think about him, I don't even have to WATCH him on a video, and I laugh....so yeah, I guess I am a Falkie Fan.

Quote from: brig on June 19, 2015, 02:28:42 AM
...  Its difficult to feel like an official gabbling until at least ONE person has expressed their displeasure with at least ONE of your posts.  ;)

Heh, maybe you're no fun to troll  :-X


Quote from: brig on June 19, 2015, 02:41:51 AM
I'll try harder  ;D
You will have to remove your videos and adopt a different persona... I have constructed in my mind what many individuals on the forum are like and rarely feel badly if I "troll" one or happen to tell one that they may need a shoehorn to remove their head from their backside.

However, in your videos you come across as a kind of sweet retired lady... Everybody knows a Brigs in their life and probably likes her.  It makes it difficult to be mean.


Quote from: Daggit on June 18, 2015, 08:58:33 PM
Didn't Falkie claim that he didn't say anything bad about MV?

but he said it through a character.  like imus.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 18, 2015, 09:29:18 PM

I usually don't but I find it disturbing that a podcast host has the need to get stinking drunk before every episode.
Of course, with his lineup, there may well be that need.
I don't know.

even shit faced drunk wearing a dress in a dumpster with needle marks on my arms, my life would be of infinitely more value than yours.  i laugh at any insults you could hurl my way. 

why do you hate art bell?


Quote from: coaster on June 19, 2015, 12:12:59 AM
"New members  are also not allowed to make personal remarks about any members religion, health status, weight, employment status, intelligence, or otherwise disparage any member of this board." So basically, don't make fun of falkie. haha.

ho leee shit is that a laugh riot.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 19, 2015, 12:14:28 AM
Noory interview now at 1800 views.

i could post a video of a two day old dook my kid left on the kitchen floor and it would get more views than this.  you are delusional.


Quote from: MV on June 19, 2015, 03:19:02 AM

i could post a video of a two day old dook my kid left on the kitchen floor and it would get more views than this.  you are delusional.

I have never called YOU delusional.




Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 19, 2015, 03:25:50 AM

I have never called YOU delusional.

Well, I have called you that. Because you are.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 19, 2015, 03:25:50 AM

I have never called YOU delusional.


Yeah, no way you'll get that all cleaned up in time. I'm surprised your "Fans" aren't offering to help... Eh, maybe it is just time to just torch the place and move on?

cosmic hobo

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 19, 2015, 03:25:50 AM

I have never called YOU delusional.


Holy sheet. I know you ain't finished but if this is even semi clean I would hate to have seen it beforehand. No wonder they want to kick you to the curb. That's just a tinder box waiting to ignite.

Here's what you should do. Buy some large plastic trash bags, throw every little nick nack, stuffed toy, chachkie (you should know that word) that you have in the trash.

Problem solved. Well your trash problem anyway. Can't help you with the other suit you got going on.


What a shithole. No wonder the apartment manager is on his ass about it. Fucking hoarder. He said he busted his ass in the kitchen, and it still looks horrible. How the hell does he waddle his big behind through those towering walls of junk? He has like two feet of walking space in the whole apartment. Falkie, I am so very glad I am not you. Who in their right mind would share a video of their place if it looked that bad? Just disgusting.

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