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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

eddie dean

When Aldous AND TheMudKing join in a refrain of disgust and contempt, it's a good indication that Senda just shit the bed!!

Falkie you are pathetic!!

The General

Quote from: MV on June 17, 2015, 05:08:45 PM

he was banned because with nearly every post he submits, an attempt is made to get a rise out of someone or manipulate a situation for his own amusement.  what perhaps annoys me the most is the fact that he sees himself as some sort of brain surgeon because of it all.  i'm just sick of reading it daily, whether it's directed at me or anyone else.  he has never given me any reason to feel anything but contempt for him, starting with his first unprovoked salvo. 

although it rarely happens, i know when it's time for someone to be shown the door.  good riddance, indeed.

And Falkie continues to get a pass?
C'mon. Isn't it time?
Because really, who is the bigger offender here?
I didn't even notice White Crow.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Daggit on June 17, 2015, 07:16:58 PM
It's official!

Art Bell HATES Falkie!!!!!

Wow...you could just see it coming...smh.

Jocko Johnson

You know for a guy like Falkie who attacked and attacked snoore with such vitriol to seemingly have his mind changed so completely 360 degrees with regard to dave, what can we say...it cost a pair of eyeglasses, an interview and most likely hollow promises for something more in the future, where Falkie will most likey be hurt by snogre. How sad how dave manipulates someone who is looking for help. Dave is a phoney rat. He can't stand even one guy hammering him! Well come July 20 it is the beginning of the end for jorge.
Because...THE KING WILL BE BACK and the floor will be wiped with the likes of dave and tammy...hoped you dudes saved your dough?!

Jocko Johnson

I tried to see the falkie "I hate Art Bell" video from that other link posted...nothing there. Can anyone else point me to the right direction to see?
Just as an aside...I can see jorge & tammy just laughing their useles and fat asses off. Falkie we all tried to warn you. Any affiliation with those two was never gonna help you here. Hope it was worth it.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 17, 2015, 09:40:36 PM
I tried to see the falkie "I hate Art Bell" video from that other link posted...nothing there. Can anyone else point me to the right direction to see?
Just as an aside...I can see jorge & tammy just laughing their useles and fat asses off. Falkie we all tried to warn you. Any affiliation with those two was never gonna help you here. Hope it was worth it.

Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on June 17, 2015, 06:21:22 PM
Here's a re-upload on dailymotion.



Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 06:45:51 PM

And for attacking someone who treats other people on this board and George Noory like dirt.

Look, Fuckie I found a video of some guy with strange glasses treating Dave like dirt, what would you say about him? He also says some interesting stuff about being involved with fires...



Seriously you stupid shit, what did this 240$ do to you? Did you take it all in 1$ banknotes and used them to clean your ears? You are a pathetic fuck.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: bateman on June 17, 2015, 09:49:54 PM

Thx Batey...but I  get 3 lines a magnifying glass and a x...? Nothing there.


Quote from: eddie dean on June 17, 2015, 07:20:41 PM
When Aldous AND TheMudKing join in a refrain of disgust and contempt, it's a good indication that Senda just shit the bed!!

Falkie you are pathetic!!

Chronic underachiever ........ pathetic in every sense of the word.  Truly a lump .....


Quote from: The General on June 17, 2015, 09:03:43 PM
And Falkie continues to get a pass?
C'mon. Isn't it time?
Because really, who is the bigger offender here?
I didn't even notice White Crow.

I think falkie is largely harmless, and he generally keeps to his own thread. People can choose to read it or not.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 06:32:01 PM
You, like so many others totally missed the point of the video.
It was NOT a tirade against Art and I said so.
It was a commentary of the negative aspects of the personality of Redacted and the continuous and repeated attacks on me by the same posters on here over and over with the same commentary that they have repeated for months.

I was not attacking Art but repeated just some of the anti Art Bell comments that HAVE been posted on the Art Bell thread that he is a serial quitter and worse and that some were expecting MITD to fail because of Art's back problems and other reasons.
I have already explained this at length.

I, Open Lines Gerry, come back to you now at the turn of the tide!

The detractors have been allowed to run amok for the past few days, but Open Lines Gerry stands tall with Falkie to say:

The man has thoroughly explained himself, as seen in his post above.  Some of you, who have the audacity to call a group of his supporters "trolls," have taken on some extremely trollish behavior yourselves as of late.  Look at the photo above - the man practically worships Art Bell!  As he pointed out in video #448 (Art Bell Subscriber Giveaway!!!), some of you just want to make everyone think that he hates Art, but nothing could be further from the truth.  He wears the Art Bell shirt, and he says "free Art Bell" and "free Art Bell's bumper music" at the end of every video.  Now you want to take a situation, and twist it, and accuse him of saying things he didn't say.  You should be ashamed of yourselves!

I hope that Art himself will open his eyes, and will count himself lucky to have a true diehard like George Senda, of course, as one of his biggest fans.

(Retracted):  We believe in you, Falkie!  Your detractors can go and burn in the Fifth Ring!!!   ;D ;D >:( >:( :o :o 8)

Quote from: SnapT on June 17, 2015, 05:29:26 PM

Art is concerned for you, Falkie!  GENUINE concern, not the Open Lines Gerry kind...

Has Art ever sent Falkie a dime?  Open Lines Gerry has - twice.

I'm not sure how you define "genuine concern," but I guarantee you that Ol' Gerry is a true Falkie friend and supporter.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 17, 2015, 06:45:51 PM

I was doing the video to comment on Redacted, Paladin, Coaster, Noory is Awesome, and the rest of my detractors who continually spew the same bs comments over and over, like Paladin has done with a 1000+ posts.
If I had wanted to attack Art Bell, I would have attacked him openly.
And the first attacking MV which I am definitely not doing.
Noory is always fair game, which in a sense is sad.
He gets less respect than Rodney Dangerfield.

Lets think about this. You went on a rant, in character, and its not to be taken seriously? Are you not responsible for the shit you say while in character? Do you have multiple personality disorder? You didn't attack MV?  "Bellgabble and his drunken revels" And Noory must be fair game, considering you have spent years degrading him in your videos. It only stopped because he pulled out his wallet. And then you cry about the hypocrisy of it all? Are we supposed to deep throat Noory just because you are now? Tell Noory to start paying me, and I'll be nice to him, hows that?
Do you not see how fucking crazy of a person you are?

The General

Quote from: MV on June 17, 2015, 11:08:11 PM
I think falkie is largely harmless, and he generally keeps to his own thread. People can choose to read it or not.
Okay.  It's your house, man.
I just try not to poop on the carpet.


Quote from: The General on June 17, 2015, 11:18:55 PM
Okay.  It's your house, man.
I just try not to poop on the carpet.
I crap everywhere- but my tax payer funded cleaning lady takes care of it once a week for MV.

Rumors are the Falkie has been in touch with Jimmy Carter. 

They will spend a few weeks later this year lunching together daily, while a dedicated team of volunteers builds a Habitat For Humanity home for him.  He will be instructing them from his directors chair.

There will be videos showing the work as it's completed, as well as videos blasting the volunteers as suckers and Carter as a terrible president.  Both Art Bell and George Noory will be offered a chance to have Falkie come on their programs with nightly recaps of the building progress and stream of consciousness commentary on Falkie's life in general


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 17, 2015, 11:50:26 PM
Rumors are the Falkie has been in touch with Jimmy Carter. 

They will spend a few weeks later this year lunching together daily, while a dedicated team of volunteers builds a Habitat For Humanity home for him.  He will be instructing them from his directors chair.

There will be videos showing the work as it's completed, as well as videos blasting the volunteers as suckers and Carter as a terrible president.  Both Art Bell and George Noory will be offered a chance to have Falkie come on their programs with nightly recaps of the building progress and stream of consciousness commentary on Falkie's life in general

Well, when I was a Democrat I voted for Jimmy.
Big mistake.
And only Noory will accept the invitation as Art will claim I sold out to big box building supply stores for payola.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 18, 2015, 12:01:29 AM

Well, when I was a Democrat I voted for Jimmy.
Big mistake.
And only Noory will accept the invitation as Art will claim I sold out to big box building supply stores for payola.

There you go again bad mouthing Art Bell in public.

No wonder he hates you so much.

Hopefully he offers to pay you for something so you can stop with the vitriol.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 17, 2015, 11:13:43 PM
Has Art ever sent Falkie a dime?  Open Lines Gerry has - twice.

Well, pat yourself on the back.  Send $0.20 to me ....... I'll buy a dough-nut, or a car ........ no, wait, I'll buy some property. Build my dream hovel, tell everyone how tough my life is, blame Mom ...... endless list .......

Did you want/need recognition for your donation Gerry?  Did you send(a) it all at once?


Quote from: Daggit on June 18, 2015, 12:07:21 AM
There you go again bad mouthing Art Bell in public.

No wonder he hates you so much.

Hopefully he offers to pay you for something so you can stop with the vitriol.

The man implied that I sold out for the cost of a pair of glasses.
I made a joke given Art's comment about me.
You people show on an almost second to second
Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on June 17, 2015, 06:46:12 PM
I like Falkie's videos. I love performance art, even if it's unintentional. :D

*side thought, Falkmeister calls MV out for coming home to his special lady drunk, as poor, abused Kathy cleans up an adult man's mess.

Kathy has not been over here to clean anything this time and I went over there to help out.
In the past when she had housing inspections, I went over and threw out garbage, straightened out stuff, did her dishes, vacuumed the carpet and cleaned off her microwave table, computer table and kitchen counters.


Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on June 17, 2015, 06:55:59 PM
Public Notice: Anything that I type is probably a joke.

Falkie, any argument on the internet will result in someone calling someone else a "nazi". U need 2 git gud, skrub lord. Clearly. you didn't get the joke (like you claim we didn't with your video). Now, quit typing and make another video please.

In the morning, I will.
Trying to get into Noory now.


I havnt read it but I'm sure everyone is thinking it. Falkie for President 2016


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 18, 2015, 12:28:50 AM
The man implied that I sold out for the cost of a pair of glasses.

Didn't you?


Quote from: bateman on June 18, 2015, 02:18:30 AM
Didn't you?

Of course he did. Bulkie, how does your allowance of 240$ compare to what other davebots make?


Somewhere in Grime with George Senda.  December 4, 2013:  "Noory, You Just Declared War on Me and I'm Not Gonna Take it!"

In today's episode, George Noory e-mails The Guy From Pittsburgh a new background for his videos (2:57 into video) - a dumpy room littered with pizza boxes.  Falkie is livid.  Hilarity ensues.



Sad turn of events here.
It will be complete when Dave deep-bones Falkie and renegs on the show promise.
He will have lost money, the respect of his hero and maybe worst of all, the strength of a conviction (that Jorch is a lousy character all-round).
Never trust someone with a Peter North mustache, kids.

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