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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Pizzapunch on May 05, 2020, 12:49:37 PM
He's live


What are the chances that he "never" receives the cheque? That would undoubtedly lead to some serious demands that everybody else who got theirs should give a portion to him...

Quote from: Norm on May 05, 2020, 08:46:31 AM
Senda has used so many variations of his name the IRS doesn't know where to send the money. tsk, tsk, tsk....


AKA: Alias, Nicknames, alternate spellings, misspellings, married and maiden names for George Senda in Martinez, CA:

Anthony Senda • Dmitri G Senda • Anthony G Senda • Dmitri Senda • Anthony George Senda • Dimitri G Senda • Dmitri Antongeorge Senda • Omitri G Senda

It would seem that the most logical solution would be to send a cheque to every name on that list...


Quote from: aldousburbank on May 05, 2020, 12:13:40 PM
The Fat And The Furious

I would think that his weight and the likely condition of his heart would make him "too fat (to be) 2 furious."


Quote from: WOTR on May 05, 2020, 04:38:38 PM
What are the chances that he "never" receives the cheque? That would undoubtedly lead to some serious demands that everybody else who got theirs should give a portion to him...

It would seem that the most logical solution would be to send a cheque to every name on that list...

Everyone I know who receives SSA or SSI payments have received their checks. Unless Senda receives his check Wednesday morning I suspect it's highly likely he's been flagged for manual approval (IRS distribution clerk) He's all over the map with different names, phone numbers, addresses and court records. Color George Dimitri Anthony Senda SUSPECT


I suspect he ate the check or is setting up the “I lost my stimulus check” variant of the “I lost my rent money” grift.


George still does not have his check
Thinks it is because he is a Trump guy so thats why he isn't getting it
George actually looks very tired and old in this video
Kathy received her check she gave George money to pay his internet
George still hasn't received his 9 bags of cat food he ordered. Is angry Amazon cant be contacted
Mentions future Safeway haul
George was up all night refreshing his bank account to see if deposit was in
Almost chocked to death on a sugar pop 5 minute struggle
George mentions his Obama phone should be in
says he is in survival mode
shows a chem trail says not sure what it is
complains about lack of donations
complains drivers license suspended because lady claimed he had a stroke. refuses to take written and road test and pay $75
George says he really wants to get a Prius with Kathy. They need to repair head gasket on old Prius in order to sell it for 3,000
George has some scheme on how this will yield him 8,000 to buy a Prius
says he paid for 6 Prius for kathy
Repair to prius will not happen until June at the earliest.
Claims broken down car was a lemon since day he bought has clean interior
kathy made mess of carpet
going to feed cats later


George is legit Gasping for air and struggling to breath
still no stimulus
George shows klenex, raisin bread, bottle of dressing, 2 pepperoni pizza all they had left, summer sausage, 2 cans of chilli, processed meat, tomatoes, potato salad, ham and cheese crackers.
still no 9 bags of cat food from amazon supposed to come tomorrow.


George complains he has 3 missing days of youtube
George says he is only doing 20 minute live videos as it is to hard on his body
complains no donations or financial support
claims him and kathy will live stream for 20 minutes
kathy feels same way he does
20 limit for live streaming
only counts $1.30 donation on superchat due to youtube cut
gets no support except 1 or 2 people
complains long videos are hard on his body
still no stimulus
he owes PNG $20, has rent paid
tired of getting multiple dates for stimulus
complains that people call him a conman tells him to go to hell
claims he is disabled is on SSI, hands are numb,2 crushed dis, nerve damage, bad shoulder, ankle, both knees, knee again, gained weaight, asthma , copd, heart problems, high blood pressure, refuses to work 68, didnt make enough money to make to get regular SSI due to being homeless and unemployment
Has cat feed money problems, had to haul 84 pounds of cat litter took an hour sorting it in the bathroom putting into two litter bottles
4.5 jugs of cat litter filled
cat litter all over the place
senda money


bad birthday week
no stimulus
too much money spent at costco
phone didnt work
medicare phone sucks
had to buy $32 phone
shows a can rack he bought, someone sent it to him from amazon wishlist
george fumbles with the rack for way to long
wants donations
promises video with kathy
complains about lock down
george wants second stimulus
claims prices are up
complains he cant get car fixed

Quote from: whoozit on May 06, 2020, 07:13:39 AM
I suspect he ate the check or is setting up the “I lost my stimulus check” variant of the “I lost my rent money” grift.

Parking lot wind, accosted by people in Walmart parking lot, couldn't see and alludes to face it was thrown away? which angle?

George pushing 2,000 per month Universal income is literally everything Conservatives are against.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 07, 2020, 11:52:30 AM

claims he is disabled is on SSI, hands are numb,2 crushed dis, nerve damage, bad shoulder, ankle, both knees, knee again, gained weaight, asthma , copd, heart problems, high blood pressure, refuses to work 68, didnt make enough money to make to get regular SSI due to being homeless and unemployment

I suppose if you stay stay on the disabled payroll for enough years, eventually it is true. I'm almost to the point of having to say that George could no longer work even if he had any ambition to do so.

Do I believe he could have worked for the last 40 years? Yup. But to be fair, after a lifetime of grifting and milking the system, I would say he is physically where he claimed to be all those years ago when he first found a doctor willing to sign him off.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 07, 2020, 11:38:02 AM

George still does not have his check
Thinks it is because he is a Trump guy so thats why he isn't getting it
George actually looks very tired and old in this video
Kathy received her check she gave George money to pay his internet
George still hasn't received his 9 bags of cat food he ordered. Is angry Amazon cant be contacted
Mentions future Safeway haul
George was up all night refreshing his bank account to see if deposit was in
Almost chocked to death on a sugar pop 5 minute struggle
George mentions his Obama phone should be in
says he is in survival mode
shows a chem trail says not sure what it is
complains about lack of donations
complains drivers license suspended because lady claimed he had a stroke. refuses to take written and road test and pay $75
George says he really wants to get a Prius with Kathy. They need to repair head gasket on old Prius in order to sell it for 3,000
George has some scheme on how this will yield him 8,000 to buy a Prius
says he paid for 6 Prius for kathy
Repair to prius will not happen until June at the earliest.
Claims broken down car was a lemon since day he bought has clean interior
kathy made mess of carpet
going to feed cats later

I enjoy your Cliff's notes, thanks.

I also chuckled at the fact that clearly some old fans of George's were in the chat asking appropriately annoying questions of him. Ha

Quote from: Pizzapunch on May 08, 2020, 10:06:17 AM
He's live again!


This is a good one!   Them bastards down at the Shake Shack ate his stimulus check.

Quote from: Pizzapunch on May 08, 2020, 10:06:17 AM
He's live again!


George is playing with a voice recording cat
George demands a second stimulus check. George is pushing some nonsense proposal fro BERNIE SANDERS
Still no stimulus check for George
George complains Republicans are worried about debt George demands more money
No kathy as George promised
George complains he has no car and no money to fix car
George wants empathy for not having a car
George says a vaccine should come out soon but wont due to regulations
George is angry people got fired
George complains more about the stimulus, cant get find payment status to work
George says he is george not Anthony
anyone who disagrees with more government handouts is mean spirited
George doesnt want a vaccine because he is a big guy
George is going over 20 minutes live video which he promised not to do three videos in a row
kathy has a bad tooth
notice george leaves a happy Halloween pumpkin all year round
george shows his filthy apartment
george doesn't want to do laundry doesn't like doing it
george needs the stimulus too pay his credit card payments and take cats to vet for respiratory infection, cat litter at costco
george hasn't payed back kathy, needs to pay her back
shows broken ipad needs money to fix it
shows mask
hugs fuzzy
more complaints about no stimulus check
George claims he needs more money even though he isnt losing money by not working because he spent money buying "corona supplies"
George says he is mad as hell
talks about Washington DC and how it is a literally swamp and he used to live there from 1958-62
says he cant run for office because he doesn't have $900 filing fee or walk well
complains he screamed on bus due to knee
complains RNC will have a convention
george cant fix prius because his hands
george again calls people who dont want universal income mean spirited
pretty one got into a cat fight with another cat
george claims he is a republican/libertarian who is for second stimulus
claims everyone should get a check
complains about children not social distancing 5 kids on a bike were too close for him when he was on the bus
published 300 articles on his paranormal forum since January
needs $8,000 to buy land and build container house
complains about no super chat donation
says he has sent other people money and they need to send him money
complains about youtube- should have more money for providing so much content and lack of superchat money
complains about fees on pay pal
complains people want him to buy a green screen but wont buy him things
needs new car, complains license suspended
bitches about trolls
complains about time how guy sent him pizza with jalapeno
says he tipped door dash $5 way above 10 or 15%
complains it is too hard for kathy and him to visit eachother due to bus and walking
george is thinking about trying hot sauce
complains sewer gab published wishlist
was sick since monday doesn't trust people
need to get prius fixed to sell it
complains too old to not have a car
refused to go to physical therapy like medicaid wants
doesn't believe in Gates conspiracy theory
says he once got $3 in super chat
says he is more worried about broke electronics that corona
wants to win lotto to donate to churches
send him self a $1 because people said it wasn't working in a chat
asked Noory at UFO conference if he could be on Coast to Coast and got silence, says Noory had too much wine
says he wants more money from stimulus second round
complains trump is too nice to Chinese leader
talked to worker at safeway, her boyfriend isnt working. Her boyfriend is making more money not working than working
bans person in youtube chat for disagreeing about second stimulus
complains he has no money and SSI does not pay enough
George thinks president should be able to serve more than 2 terms
Angry no second stimulus says people starving
says everyone needs $2,000- bans another user
wants to ban former politicians from working as lobbyist
complains about politicans selling stock after corona meeting
says he likes george knapp says everyone else sucks on coast
complains about repeat topics on coast
says flynn was railroaded
has plans to do something about art bell if he wins lotto
gets angry at chat user who talks negative about kathy and art bell threatens to block
south korea should pass out supplies to North korea
angry at republicans
laments no k marts
says voter identification is ok
needs to clean his bedroom up because its is a disaster
says he wants a bunch of electronics he wants
george says he enjoys watching old mac videos on youtube
list all of his broken equipment
says he couldn't do anything with a girl due to being 68
george joined paranormal dating not one girl was interested in paranormal
not interested in picard or voyager because picard is an ass in real life
doesnt like abrams as director of starwars likens him to jar jar binks
says kathy is retired
george is going to get steak dinner when quarantine lifted
wants meatball subway sandwich
lives on $942 a month
wants to build container house
says everyone got sick at ufo con he went to
shows a picture he had taken at ufo con with LMH and him
met nick pope and conference too
says he not a super well known paranormal personality
fractured kneecap 25 years ago never fixed right
had $2 for donation during live chat
ask for more donations
says his watch viewer numbers are amazing in 100s and 200s
pushes for people to sign and stimulus petition and universal income
wants $8,000 from stimulus to buy IMAC and fix prius


George keeps saying he is on Social Security.  He is NOT.  He is on Supplemental, which is different, and is funded by taxpayers, not by the Social Security Fund.


Is George just dumber than rocks, or is he lying?


Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 08, 2020, 01:34:45 PM
No kathy as George promised
george hasn't payed back kathy, needs to pay her back
says he cant run for office because he doesn't have $900 filing fee or walk well
complains it is too hard for kathy and him to visit eachother due to bus and walking
says he couldn't do anything with a girl due to being 68
They’ll need a crane.


Quote from: Lilith on May 08, 2020, 02:08:59 PM
Is George just dumber than rocks, or is he lying?
I suspect both, but I’ve met some pretty smart rocks (compared to George).

Quote from: Lilith on May 08, 2020, 02:08:59 PM
George keeps saying he is on Social Security.  He is NOT.  He is on Supplemental, which is different, and is funded by taxpayers, not by the Social Security Fund.


Is George just dumber than rocks, or is he lying?

Anthony addressed this 2 live videos ago. He claims it is through not fault of his own, and was caused due to being homeless and unemployed.

This  shows how little George worked in his life. You only need 40 credits to qualify for social security. Most people qualify by 30 to 35 years old.

The amount of earnings it takes to earn a credit may change each year. In 2020, you must earn $1,410 in covered earnings to get one Social Security or Medicare work credit and $5,640 to get the maximum four credits for the year.

Before 1978, employers reported your earnings every 3 months and we called credits "quarters of coverage," or QCs. Back then, you got a QC or credit if you earned at least $50 in a 3-month calendar quarter


Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 08, 2020, 03:51:00 PM
This  shows how little George worked in his life. You only need 40 credits to qualify for social security. Most people qualify by 30 to 35 years old.

The amount of earnings it takes to earn a credit may change each year. In 2020, you must earn $1,410 in covered earnings to get one Social Security or Medicare work credit and $5,640 to get the maximum four credits for the year.

Before 1978, employers reported your earnings every 3 months and we called credits "quarters of coverage," or QCs. Back then, you got a QC or credit if you earned at least $50 in a 3-month calendar quarter

I was just talking about this with my sister the other day...I told her I got the letter from SS stating I was fully "vested" when I was in my 30's...I don't think he's worked more than 5-7 years his entire life.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 08, 2020, 03:51:00 PM
This  shows how little George worked in his life. You only need 40 credits to qualify for social security. Most people qualify by 30 to 35 years old.

The amount of earnings it takes to earn a credit may change each year. In 2020, you must earn $1,410 in covered earnings to get one Social Security or Medicare work credit and $5,640 to get the maximum four credits for the year.

Before 1978, employers reported your earnings every 3 months and we called credits "quarters of coverage," or QCs. Back then, you got a QC or credit if you earned at least $50 in a 3-month calendar quarter

Correct, I started working at mostly minimum wage jobs at age 18 and by the time I reached 32 the IRS mailed me a letter stating I had accumulated enough credits to qualify for social security benefits when I retired -or- should I become disabled.

Senda has never had a job long enough in his entire life to satisfy basic social security requirements so he draws supplemental security income (SSI) otherwise he'd be living on the street giving blowjobs to winos for free WiFi.


Quote from: Norm on May 08, 2020, 04:12:00 PM
Correct, I started working at mostly minimum wage jobs at age 18 and by the time I reached 32 the IRS mailed me a letter stating I had accumulated enough credits to qualify for social security benefits when I retired -or- should I become disabled.

Senda has never had a job long enough in his entire life to satisfy basic social security requirements so he draws supplemental security income (SSI) otherwise he'd be living on the street giving blowjobs to winos for free WiFi.
Please don’t wish that on the winos.  That’s cruel. Snaggletooth would cause an impromptu castration.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on May 08, 2020, 01:34:45 PM

says he cant run for office because he doesn't have $900 filing fee or walk well

If George thinks that is all that is holding him back from being the next mayor of Martinez, I would be willing to donate to a go fund me for George to run (provided that somebody else is trustee.) I want to see Senda at a debate.*

The man was unable to hold a job through his entire life (including the gig on C2C that he only had to turn in a weekly recording.) Yet he believes he has the stamina to complete not only a campaign, but also a term as an elected official? Where is the "rotfl" emoji?

Quote from: Norm on May 08, 2020, 04:12:00 PM
Correct, I started working at mostly minimum wage jobs at age 18 and by the time I reached 32 the IRS mailed me a letter stating I had accumulated enough credits to qualify for social security benefits when I retired -or- should I become disabled.

Senda has never had a job long enough in his entire life to satisfy basic social security requirements so he draws supplemental security income (SSI) otherwise he'd be living on the street giving blowjobs to winos for free WiFi.

He is not retired, retiring means you you’ve actually worked. George is more on welfare than retirement.


Can we at least start to predict his behaviors and themes up to the point he is at death's door?

He has now turned on Trump...is that a sign of his dimentia?

What other indications are there of his clearly soon to be dirt nap?


Quote from: Liberace! on May 01, 2020, 02:43:07 PM
Confession: When I occasionally peek at this thread, I'm primarily looking to see if George Senda has died.  Not because I want him to die, mind you (I'm indifferent).  Merely, to see if he has died.

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