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WHOOT! Vandeven's in the house!

Started by EvB, September 09, 2008, 05:44:22 PM


let's just say, it's great.  however, for about the last 6 days, i have been calling the toilet home.  yup... something i ate.  no idea what it was.  nobody else got sick, and we're all eating the same things, so i'm baffled.  maybe it's just my weak, virgin stomach and its need for processed soy-based foods.

it's a bit hot here.

going to marrakech in a couple days.  should be nice.

hope all is well with everybody.  cheers.

Frys Girl

Oh man. I know what that is like. Once I got so sick from eating I had to go on an IV....Get well MV.

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on September 10, 2008, 03:04:19 PM
let's just say, it's great.  however, for about the last 6 days, i have been calling the toilet home.  yup... something i ate.  no idea what it was.  nobody else got sick, and we're all eating the same things, so i'm baffled.  maybe it's just my weak, virgin stomach and its need for processed soy-based foods.

it's a bit hot here.

going to marrakech in a couple days.  should be nice.

hope all is well with everybody.  cheers.

You probably already know this formula, but my favorite way to replace critical elements when experiencing too much white throne time while traveling:

Procure two 8 ounce drinking glasses.

Fill one with carbonated water.  Add 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda.  Watch it fizz.

Fill second glass with orange juice.  Add one teaspoon of honey and three pinches of salt and stir.

Alternate sipping from each glass.  Montezuma's Revenge can not stand up to this simple counter measure.

Obviously, OJ and honey have a high glycemic index and are not appropriate for everyone.  Other than that, do this 3 or 4 times a day and see how fast it makes you feel like a god.

It has always worked for me.  Sometimes I can't shake the residual god feeling for weeks.

Many have made comments to me about this side effect as if it were a bad thing.


Well Cam, that will replace electrolytes and fluid  -which is key - but what about stopping the process so once he gets 'em he KEEPS em? Does that just go by on its own? 

Bananas tend to be binding, and, since the are peelable are unlikely to reintroduce whatever got him in the first place.  They also will give him potassium he needs to balance some of the sodium in the seltzer/baking soda mix (though I imagine orange juice will as well)

Sorry for discussing your guts in public, MV - it's all from affection.  :-*

Quote from: EvB on September 11, 2008, 08:02:00 AM
Well Cam, that will replace electrolytes and fluid  -which is key - but what about stopping the process so once he gets 'em he KEEPS em? Does that just go by on its own? 

Bananas tend to be binding, and, since the are peelable are unlikely to reintroduce whatever got him in the first place.  They also will give him potassium he needs to balance some of the sodium in the seltzer/baking soda mix (though I imagine orange juice will as well)

He Gets 'em he Keeps 'em?  Really, Evb.  Such phraseology from a student of linguistics.  I think this moderation assignment has gone straight to your head and created a lack of judgement.  I suddenly envisioned a pack of kindergarten guttersnipes shooting scatological marbles, maracas shaking in unison.

"You gets 'em, you keeps 'em!"


The OJ provides adequate potassium.

The body is attempting to get rid of the colony of indigenous bacteria and would over time play itself out, but that might take the entire five weeks or just one more day.  Since we don't know that variable, he must stop eating or drinking anything that could do damage again.  I assume MV knows this.  Sealed beer and well done food only.

The two fluids I cited will speed up the flushing process considerably.  We could debate if you like about the benefit of the vitamin C or the acidic properties in the juice. I believe they are of great benefit.  Bananas are not at all a bad idea, but easily contaminated by the peeling process if the fingers come into contact with the banana fruit itself after peeling, so would require a certain amount of care.  The porous nature of banana peels (surpassed only by Satanic scallions in my opinion, from which you apparently can NOT remove/neutralize all E. coli unless you use fucking uranium) provides unlimited terrain for bacteria.   Even if careful, merely touching local fruit and then touching a mucous membrane would be enough to start the process over again.

My angle was that the most important thing is to feel better as soon as possible as his electrolyte count hangs in the balance between different countries.  His time is limited and he has to make the most of it.  If it were as simple as encouraging a state of "he Gets 'em he Keeps 'em" (still can't believe you said that) I would have said take loperamide hydrochloride - which would involve retention of the offending bacteria and possibly make him sicker.

We can also debate on the scientific vs. anecdotal evidence for the administration of several high colonics but I doubt MV would feel comfortable with us ~going there.~

I don't think it's that kind of vacation.

Gets 'em he Keeps 'em, EvB?  How am I going to get that out of my head?  YOU, who had difficulty assimilating "necrotic shark" toss THAT phrase into the arena?  It's like a curse - like that damnable song from Green Acres.  (I once dated an unstable girl  ((did I say 'once'?)) who, if you said the first few words of the Green Acres song, she HAD TO SING THE ENTIRE SONG.  I warned a family member, and he couldn't resist and said "Green Acres is the place for me..."  He sat horrified as she went through every word, complete with hand motions, bouncing on the couch.  I'll never forget the look on his face.  I warned him, goddamn it.)

Jesus Christ.  "He gets 'em, he Keeps 'em" may flutter between my temples on my death bed.

Marisa Ryan: Go toward the LIGHT, Camazotz!  Go toward the LIGHT!

Camazotz: He gets 'em, he keeps 'em..... oh GOD! I can't stop thinking about it!

Nurse: What did he say?

Marisa: He's talking about souls!  He's talking about souls! God gets 'em and he KEEPS 'em!  There was even an episode of COACH called He Gets 'em He Keeps 'em!  This is a beautiful moment!  Namaste, Camazotz!  Namaste!



Well...nausea and the side affects of nausea can also be significantly lessened by smoking a little green tobacco...*wink, nudge*

My personal recipe is toast, water, fruit Jello, Gatorade, and the above mentioned medication. I find that it's best to puke as much as possible if you feel like you need to. Out with the bad and all that. Hope ya feel better soon.


QuoteHe Gets 'em he Keeps 'em?  Really, Evb.  Such phraseology from a student of linguistics.

Sorry Cam.  I guess if my phraseology gets you the shivers, you keeps 'em.

Cuz, guess what?  In terms of analytical linguistics (the only linguistics class i ever took, though I am an English major) as opposed to applied linguistics (which is more aobut the formal rules) - the phrase is perfectly grammatical.


EvB - who got an A in ANYLITICAL linguistics - and had her sensse of outrage at such "creative" grammer toned down a few notiches.

Quote from: EvB on September 11, 2008, 01:50:11 PM
Sorry Cam.  I guess if my phraseology gets you the shivers, you keeps 'em.

Cuz, guess what?  In terms of analytical linguistics (the only linguistics class i ever took, though I am an English major) as opposed to applied linguistics (which is more aobut the formal rules) - the phrase is perfectly grammatical.


EvB - who got an A in ANYLITICAL linguistics - and had her sensse of outrage at such "creative" grammer toned down a few notiches.

I didn't say "shiver"  (too pussified) but rather "shudder" as in shaking convulsively or violently.  You underestimate what you achieved.

Needless to say, your insincere apology is less than adequate in light of the haunting your trespass created.

Oh, I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut if it's grammatically sound.... You misunderstand Me.

I was speaking of aesthetics.

Worlds of difference.

(Now, if you could bring your spelling up to speed ... "Anylitical"...?  Or does an A in analytical linguistics look the other way for that as well, dear?)

Anylitical does bring to mind some flip-flopping Obama as he copes with this Palin situation!  (Not just politics, but anylitics.)


((This is not an invitation for political debate and should not be construed as such.  I do not discuss religion, politics, anylitics, or my unbridled hatred for poodles.))


Quotemy unbridled hatred for poodles

Oh Cam - you've gone and done it now.  I may have to bring back my poodle avatar.  Or - make a better one!

One thing you say is certainly so - I can't spell worth shit. Oh well, we all have our weaknesses I guess.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on September 11, 2008, 02:54:12 PM
This is not an invitation for political debate and should not be construed as such.  I do not discuss religion, politics, anylitics, or my unbridled hatred for poodles.
oh god, cam.  in this time of personal hell i am experiencing, how could you mention poodles?

actually, i'm getting better.  had to go to the doctor here and he prescribed about 10 pounds of meds.  they seem to be doing the trick.  thanks for all the advice.  and actually, cam, i'm going to try that previously mentioned sparkling water/oj mixture at some point in the future, regardless of my health status at that moment.  sounds like it has potential.


I am sincerely sorry to have upset you so.  I hope this will make you feel a bit better about my disregard for esthetics, my poor spelling, and my utter lack of class.



Damn man I need to start hanging out more on this site. This place his really happening.


Quote from: timpate on September 11, 2008, 07:05:43 PM

Damn man I need to start hanging out more on this site. This place his really happening.
Don't feel so bad man. I can't spell for shit. I had to have Michael do all my grammar checks. Thank God he can spell. I also had to edit and read news on radio. LOL

I wasted that CatFight! picture earlier.

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on September 11, 2008, 09:46:36 AM

...  I suddenly envisioned a pack of kindergarten guttersnipes shooting scatological marbles, maracas shaking in unison.

"You gets 'em, you keeps 'em!"

That was amazing. Hemingway-esque even, if one regards it in a certain fashion.

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