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20131008 - John Hogue - Prophecies for 2013/2014

Started by MV/Liberace!, October 08, 2013, 07:55:02 AM


WTF, why are we listening to this financial adviser guy when he admits he himself doesn't have any money to worry too much about!?!?!   Art, get someone like Warren Buffet on, now *that* would be a show!


AH man I was sniping the guest from the wormhole but had to turn off the show for a bit. I don't suppose he mentioned "Kent"? I would have loved a crack at this guest.


Quote from: eddie dean on October 09, 2013, 12:43:06 AM
I just heard your call Fakie, yes I'm 1 hour behind.
I think Art was frustrated with the phone problems and took it out on you.
I'm glad you got through.

I don't know why a lot of the callers tonight (not you Fakie) didn't hear the white noise sound when Art picks up the call. Maybe it was not working but it is plain as day. It sounds like static. Maybe people don't pay attention.

I don't remember hearing any white noise. But then my hearing and sense of smell were wrecked by being sick with sinusitis for 2 years.
And when he picks up it you're not sure if he's talking to you or another caller.
On other shows, the screener comes on and tells you that you are coming on next.
Art's didn't.
And did anyone notice that the financial guy was or had been the head of the Turkey division of Bloomberg ?
Hardly a hotbed of international finance, is it ?
Or is Art deliberately not trying to get guests like Celente since he's been on Noory so much ?

One other HUGE difference between Art and the Snoory troll.
At the beginning of the segment Art and Hogue said something and cracked up and it made me laugh uproariously as well.
I've NEVER done that while listening to Noory.
Art's laugh is infectuous and I've missed it a lot.


Quote from: Spooky Matter on October 09, 2013, 12:43:17 AM
I've gotta listen to the show I missed now cause of reading all your comments about it.  Goodbye cruel Bell Gabbers!
Goodnight cruel SM... Or should that read exciting S&M?


Quote from: area51drone on October 09, 2013, 12:59:52 AM
WTF, why are we listening to this financial adviser guy when he admits he himself doesn't have any money to worry too much about!?!?!   Art, get someone like Warren Buffet on, now *that* would be a show!
hehe, Sorry Mr. Buffet's unavailable....and Mr. Gates is kicking the shit out of malaria right now...how about Trump! =P


Quote from: steelbot on October 09, 2013, 01:08:12 AM
hehe, Sorry Mr. Buffet's unavailable....and Mr. Gates is kicking the shit out of malaria right now...how about Trump! =P

I hear Ben Bernacke might be available soon...


K, my last commercial break for the replay folks...


I think Greenspan is still alive. I have his and Bernake's books on my financial shelves.
You don't realize how much stuff you've accumulated until you try to clean things up.
Its amazing how much stuff I have in this relatively tiny apartment.
My apartment in Martinez.
That's the end of the balcony where my corner apartment is and the second window is where my living room is.
I'm on hte second floor, the one with all the visiting cats.

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[attachment deleted by admin]



Posting a party invite on Facebook... 11XX Ferry St, Martinez.  Falkie is providing the pizza, the beer and the babes.


Is it my Imac or did the replay just crash ?
I really hate the constant glitches with Sirius.
And not in my apartment, thank you. It's too damned small and too much stuff packed into it.
As for babes, maybe after I call what's your price.
But don't tell my girlfriend.
However, we do have a big courtyard downstairs and a relatively big park right across the street.
Hmm, that gives me an idea.
How about a one or two day Bellgab/ArtBell paranormal conference ?
The UFO community has theirs, Noory goes to them.
Why not us ?
We could get LMH, Hoagland, Knapp and maybe even Art if he could be coaxed out of his trailer complex.


I'm listening now with no crash, but I'm behind due to pausing while working


Quote from: area51drone on October 09, 2013, 01:30:40 AM
I'm listening now with no crash, but I'm behind due to pausing while working

I figured out what was happening. Apparently I have to click on the live button.

Can anyone figure out a way for me to attach some kind of shelf to the back of my flat screen Imac ? I miss having my small stuffed animals on the top of my Imac like I did with my older ones and they keep falling off onto the desk.
One day I had the camera on and couldn't figure out why I kept seeing a black spot on the screen in Photo Booth. One of my stuffies was blocking the lens. It drove me nuts for about a half and hour.
If I designed stuff, I'd put tiny lights on the front of the Imac and on my printer because putting dark things on a dark background is so tough to see.
The Sirius cut out again. It keeps saying content is not available now. Try again later.
>:( >:( >:(


I went to the What's Your Price site. Lots of good looking women, but damned few locally or in California and the first 2 I found attractive were in ... Australia !
Which has some incredibly good looking and sexy women and was one of the reasons I always wanted to go there.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 09, 2013, 01:05:12 AM
One other HUGE difference between Art and the Snoory troll.
At the beginning of the segment Art and Hogue said something and cracked up and it made me laugh uproariously as well.
I've NEVER done that while listening to Noory.
Art's laugh is infectuous and I've missed it a lot.
Arts laugh is awesome !


Turn your computer speaker up please !!!

The Guy From Pittsburgh ( tm ) Calls Art Bell's Dark Matter

Art going nuts with the phone line problems :

" Going once, going twice. Oh, wait a minute, I don't have him on the air. "

ROFL !!!

The King takes time from his labours to speak to one of his roguish subjects.

My call to you and John Hogue and confusion about my name and my location

George Senda <falkie2013@gmail.com>
11:16 PM (3 hours ago)

to artbell
My last name is NOT Martinez. Ygnacio Martinez was the holder of the Spanish land grant for this area.

Martinez, Ca is the county seat ( Contra Costa County ) and is 30 miles northeast of San Francisco.

If Hogue is so predictive, how come he didn't know where I live ?


Another classic DM moment.

I think maybe a beep or something telling the listener's line is being picked up. I think you get so used to hearing the other callers calls come over your phone that you have NO idea that you've been addressed.

Sorry for the problem.

I've been listening to you for 13 years and could never get through before.

I've now talked to my liege, the King of Pahrump and now can die happy.

I hope it doesn't take 13 years to get through again.

Best wishes,

george senda NOT Martinez IN Martinez Ca.

Art Bell
12:25 AM (2 hours ago)

to me
Haha, sorry about that, sounded like a name, I did not hear California!


I am so stoked !

Art read my email and replied to it !!!
AND I got on the air too !
Talk about an exacta payoff !!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.5 smiles

I am not a phone line, I am a free man !


Hogue was as good as he is whenever he appears anywhere else. It's just John Hogue, and I think he bases his predictions more in how things are unfolding rather than staring into a pot of water. I think that makes him more of an analyst than a prophet, but ya know, at least he's not pulling it out of thin air like certain psychics do. And Art was quite solid in taking him to task, so overall I think it made for a good listen.

I'm looking forward to tonight. It looks like one of the science type shows I like, and I'm sure Art will have a lot to say about Yucca Mountain as it's in his neck of the woods.

I did not hear last night's show until earlier today. What a strange occurrence that was. I was at a Moody Blues concert of all things in Peoria, Il and spent it thinking "Great concert, but damn, I'm missing Dark Matter" because it was, well, a lot of Art's bumper music being played. Well, having heard last night's show, meh, it really needed Barbara.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 09, 2013, 04:18:39 AM
I was at a Moody Blues concert of all things in Peoria, Il

Do you live near Peoria?


No one lives near Peoria. I think the place is made up.

And I felt like I was in a weird Abott and Costello routine with that phone call.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 09, 2013, 05:07:58 AM
No one lives near Peoria. I think the place is made up.

Oh the truth in that statement.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 09, 2013, 02:52:30 AM
I went to the What's Your Price site. Lots of good looking women, but damned few locally or in California and the first 2 I found attractive were in ... Australia !
Which has some incredibly good looking and sexy women and was one of the reasons I always wanted to go there.

I'll take credit for that.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 09, 2013, 05:07:58 AM
No one lives near Peoria. I think the place is made up.

And I felt like I was in a weird Abott and Costello routine with that phone call.
LOL - well.....i actually live less than 2 hrs away from Peoria....and Ole Richard Pryor was from Peoria


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 09, 2013, 05:07:58 AM
No one lives near Peoria. I think the place is made up.
I have the same theory about Indiana.


Quote from: steelbot on October 09, 2013, 08:04:51 AM
LOL - well.....i actually live less than 2 hrs away from Peoria....and Ole Richard Pryor was from Peoria

Same here. I'm about two hours North of Peoria in the Quads.


Quote from: tmock00 on October 09, 2013, 09:41:59 AM
Same here. I'm about two hours North of Peoria in the Quads.
i'm south, closer to Springfield


Quote from: Spinner on October 09, 2013, 12:18:22 AM

Oh, c'mon, Falkie. I'm from California, and I don't know where Martinez is. Never heard of it. And I bet you that the majority of people living in California never heard of it either.

I only know where it is because I spent a lot of time in the Bay Area a few years ago and did a lot of driving around the area.  Martinez is close to Hercules, I believe.  I went to photograph the mothballed fleet of "ghost Ships," and I think they are pretty close to Martinez as well.  http://scotthaefner.com/beyond/mothball-fleet-ghost-ships/


I just listened to this show and I really enjoyed it.  I really like John Houge.  He has a lot of common sense.  The guy sounded genuine and very well read. I hope Art has him on again.


Quote from: HorrorRetro on October 09, 2013, 10:18:05 AM
I only know where it is because I spent a lot of time in the Bay Area a few years ago and did a lot of driving around the area.  Martinez is close to Hercules, I believe.  I went to photograph the mothballed fleet of "ghost Ships," and I think they are pretty close to Martinez as well.  http://scotthaefner.com/beyond/mothball-fleet-ghost-ships/
A friend of mine has this theory that when you travel out of state, none of it exists in certain sections of the country.
You see a road or a town you've never been to before and they have built it before you got there and then when you leave they tear it down again until the next car/truck comes through. It's all an illusion or a conspiracy. He also doesn't believe there's a China because he has never seen it and they could be lying to us all about it. I'm never sure at times if he's serious or is pulling my leg.

Given that I believe there are states after Pennsylvania but I still think there's no Peoria and all you Gabbers are trying to justify it so as to continue the conspiracy. After all, who would admit willingly to living in a town that's been the butt of thousands of jokes going back to Vaudeville days and beyond ?

I've been in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Michigan, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Toronto Canada, Heathrow Airport for an hour, seen what was supposed to be the Atlantic Ocean, and flew over Germany winding up in Nurembourg.


When that radio guy in Oakland was predicting the end of the world in 2012, on the days he predicted it, there were successive earthquakes centered in Hercules, which is right near the bridge crossing the other side of the Bay from here about 10 miles from here. This building swayed and for a second I thought " Oh, oh. Maybe the religious whacko had something and it is ... " It also swayed when there was a quake centered in the ritzy suburb of Oakland called Piedmont which is 20 miles from here. That quake was felt more intensely here than the ones in Hercules. Earthquake movement is weird. You never know where it will be felt.
When I worked in Concord, I was sitting at work and a quake hit and there was this HUGE boom and the whole booth shook at the Shell station. I was listening to Art on graveyard and thought a semi had lost its brakes and hit the booth.
Finally when the 1989 Loma Prieta quake hit, I was in Sacramento. I had 2 tickets to game one of the World Series but didn't go because I had to work overtime on graveyard the night before. ( I kept getting jobs or shifts for 20 years that kept putting me in those hours. ).
I was sitting with a friend in his apartment and we heard Al Michaels say " There's been an earth ... ".
Across the driveway from his apartment was the pool. Pool water sloshed out of the pool, across the walkway, through the fence, across the driveway and onto his front door 40 feet away. In Folsom, a guys hot tub was emptied out from it while he was standing there coincidentally filming on his deck.
If I'd gone to the game, I probably wouldn't be here now because Greyhound ran their buses under the freeway that collapsed before they went to SF.
My Mother's building was across from the then Red Cross Hq and she figured she was safe because of it but the power went out and no one could leave because the door has one of those electric buzzer locks on it. She sat there 3 days without power, no cooking, and no radio or tv.
Meanwhile, I had 3 tvs then and rigged up an outdoor extension cord set up and put all 3 on the lawn and ran successive tv feeds and everyone in the complex spent the next 24 hours periodically coming out and watching the news coverage of the damage, fires, etc. It was like a big disaster block party.


I liked the financial guy.  I identify with him much more than I would have with someone like Warren Buffet.  If the default happens Warren Buffet will be okay no matter what.  It was good to hear from someone who would be out-on-a-very-slim-limb if the government defaults, just as I would be.  Just because he doesn't have a lot of money, doesn't mean he has no knowledge.  I think he was probably very correct in everything he said.

So Kudos to Art for bringing him on!

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