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20131002 - Albert Taylor - Paranormal Investigations w/Robots

Started by MV/Liberace!, October 02, 2013, 07:28:01 PM


Quote from: lonevoice on October 02, 2013, 11:06:20 PM
Chine, on the first night when Coaster and others came up with it, it was "Infinite Roswells and 51's from BellGab."   

Did someone ask for Elvira's cleavage ?
She and her Elviramobile were recently featured on the show Count's Customs. The shop workers were practically panting over her when she came in dressed as Elvira but little reaction when she came in dressed as herself, Cassandra Petersen.

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grano salis

Quote from: Étouffée on October 02, 2013, 10:03:59 PM
We've been excusing some baaaaddd guests during Art's inaugural two weeks, but this guy tonight has been a frickin' delight!  I even like his crazed little laugh.  Just genuine and funny and bookmarking some intriguing stories.  Plus Art's into it!!

Great night.

I agree with the above completely.  Either the guest+Art have chemistry or not.  It can rarely be predicted.  All the topics are interesting.


Quote from: Redacted on October 03, 2013, 12:21:57 AM
I'm tickled to hear Art so happy.

Aww , thats cute ..im tickled to have people be so tickled that Art is so happy :)


Quote from: jazmunda on October 03, 2013, 03:23:31 AM
Falkie, do you ever sleep? This site is mine in the middle of the North American night. Bwwwwaaahhaaahahaha.

Cool cat pics.

Which part of Austrailia are you in?


Congrats. but I believe the reason that Vancouver are not still #1 is because of the cost of housing.

The world's most livable city.

Don't believe me? Here's proof.


I`ve been to every one of the cities on the "best list", and I have to say, Melbourne - IMHO - shouldn`t even be on the list. Perth; maybe. Sydney; absolutely not. Any place New Zealand is fantastic.

Anyway, that`s just my opinion, for whatever it`s worth (and I assume, not much)

On a side note, I think Tehran is a beautiful city (at least, from what I remember). However, I wouldn`t presently want to reside there. A very good friend of mine still has family in that area, and they think it`s a rather nice place to live.


Quote from: jazmunda on October 03, 2013, 06:46:18 AM
Melbourne, Australia.

The world's most livable city.

Don't believe me? Here's proof.


Oh well that's interesting. I like Austrailia. I know you Austrailians are very proud of your Country. You always talk about it. I am missing a friend from there. I am needing to get in contact with him. He came here to visit. Anyways, I was just asking. Just out of interest as I sure have heard a lot about the place and the different parts of it.


Quote from: Nighthawk on October 03, 2013, 08:13:39 AM
Oh well that's interesting. I like Austrailia. I know you Austrailians are very proud of your Country. You always talk about it. I am missing a friend from there. I am needing to get in contact with him. He came here to visit. Anyways, I was just asking. Just out of interest as I sure have heard a lot about the place and the different parts of it.

I've only met one grouchy Australian. They're some of the most friendliest people in the world. I've always wanted to go there but I don't know if my knee could take the long hours cooped up in a plane.
Maybe a slow boat on the way to China ?


I tried to log on here last night 7:30pm then 10:30pm eastern and couldn't - from my phone at work and my laptop once at home. Kept getting "connecting" for a long, long time.
  I wonder if anyone else had this problem?
  I loved Art's guest Taylor. Such positive, friendly energy and a great sense of humour.
Okay I just heard on the radio it was a local internet provider here that caused the problems logging on.


Ok just starting up...

First thoughts, congrats on the bellgab shout out once again

Second thought, shouldn't Whitely be seeing Tom Clancy any day now?

Third thought, he briefly mentions piracy and doesn't seem like he hates it that much...


Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 03, 2013, 04:32:36 AM
Did someone ask for Elvira's cleavage ?
She and her Elviramobile were recently featured on the show Count's Customs. The shop workers were practically panting over her when she came in dressed as Elvira but little reaction when she came in dressed as herself, Cassandra Petersen.

I have the Scared Stiff pinball machine, featuring Cassandra's voice and likeness.  Love it, and the sayings are great - "Good Head - my favorite!"  and "I'm having multiple jackpots!" just to name a couple.   Bonus - it comes with a spider web cleavage cover for when you need to put the game in a family environment.    8)

Spooky Matter

Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 03, 2013, 04:32:36 AM
Did someone ask for Elvira's cleavage ?
She and her Elviramobile were recently featured on the show Count's Customs. The shop workers were practically panting over her when she came in dressed as Elvira but little reaction when she came in dressed as herself, Cassandra Petersen.
Now THATS what I'm talking about!  I LOVE her to death.  I think she is 62? now?  She's awesome and thanks for the cleavage !  If I were gay I'd do her.  Well maybe I'd do her anyway.   :P
Your cats rock!  Yes put pumpkins on the stairs and sprinkle treats!  Let's get all the darlings in this pic!

Spooky Matter

P.S.  I think it astute to say that anyone here has the virus.  We all caught the same disease.

This to this day one of my most fav songs ever.  IT IS Bell Gabbers theme song.  Note mention of "White Bird!"  Need I say more?  Let her rip.  Sing out you vaguely lovable but adorable and very intelligent bunch!


Here r the lyrics:

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

We were so close there was no room

We bled inside each other's wounds

We all had caught the same disease

And we all sang the songs of peace

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

So raise candles high 'cause if you don't

We could stay black against the night

Oh raise them higher again

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

We were so close there was no room

We bled inside each other's wounds

We all had caught the same disease

And we all sang the songs of peace

Some came to sing, some came to pray

Some came to keep the dark away

So raise candles high 'cause if you don't

We could stay black against the sky

Oh oh raise them higher again

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown.


I'm about half way through the show.   "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."  This guy is a great guest.  I'm not saying I believe everything he says, but he's interesting, entertaining and doesn't inhale.


yo drone what replay you listening to?? spent the night w my girl at the hospital... ovarian cyst.  Poor thing.  Anyways I missed both the live show and then the replay... checking it out on da yewtooobs now... just started.


Quote from: conbrio on October 03, 2013, 07:30:29 AM
Congrats. but I believe the reason that Vancouver are not still #1 is because of the cost of housing.

Any you from Vancouver? I loved it there. My now wife lived there for a year and I spent 3 months there. I fell in love with BC Bud. ;)


Quote from: jazmunda on October 03, 2013, 05:23:50 PM
Any you from Vancouver? I loved it there. My now wife lived there for a year and I spent 3 months there. I fell in love with BC Bud. ;)
Did you buy a car and ship it home?

Quote from: ziznak on October 03, 2013, 05:36:24 PM
lotsa potheads frequent this site anybody notice that?
Yeah, I noticed that too. They need a codeword like 'Roswells' or '51s'.


Quote from: ziznak on October 03, 2013, 05:36:24 PM
lotsa potheads frequent this site anybody notice that?

Reformed pothead.

Haven't toked since February last year. Haven't smoked cigarettes since Christmas day. I miss both. :(


I could never tell whether Art was an occasional toker. He seemed to be pro-decriminalization/legalization as he frequently had guests on who were lobbiests for it. I kinda got the impression that he was but could never be sure he was or if it was just his liberatarian nature that was coming out.

Quote from: ziznak on October 03, 2013, 05:36:24 PM
lotsa potheads frequent this site anybody notice that?

I have noticed this. I think that people also feel more comfortable talking about it here than other places because the thread won't get locked for mentioning reefer like it will on most forums.

Quote from: jazmunda on October 03, 2013, 05:54:48 PM
I could never tell whether Art was occasional toker. He seemed to be pro-decriminalization/legalization as he frequently had guests on who were lobbiests for it. I kinda got the impression that he was but could never be sure he was or if it was just his liberatarian nature that was coming out.

I always wondered this too. He seems to speak from experience whenever he has a guest on the subject. Also, I always thought that with Ramona growing the blue ribbon artichokes, they would probably be pretty good at growing herb.

My friend Chris from SSDP was on coast to coast as a guest on drug policy reform, but he was on with JORCH. I don't work with Chris anymore and never asked him much about beyond "You were on C2C? Was it Art? No? Oh well...."


Quote from: Spooky Matter on October 03, 2013, 02:09:56 PM
P.S.  I think it astute to say that anyone here has the virus.  We all caught the same disease.

This to this day one of my most fav songs ever.  IT IS Bell Gabbers theme song.  Note mention of "White Bird!"  Need I say more?  Let her rip.  Sing out you vaguely lovable but adorable and very intelligent bunch!


Here r the lyrics:

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

We were so close there was no room

We bled inside each other's wounds

We all had caught the same disease

And we all sang the songs of peace

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

So raise candles high 'cause if you don't

We could stay black against the night

Oh raise them higher again

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

We were so close there was no room

We bled inside each other's wounds

We all had caught the same disease

And we all sang the songs of peace

Some came to sing, some came to pray

Some came to keep the dark away

So raise candles high 'cause if you don't

We could stay black against the sky

Oh oh raise them higher again

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down lay it all down

Let your white birds smile

At the ones who stand and frown.

Karen Eng is one of my favorite singers on You Tube.
Here she is doing a quite different version of White Bird.

White Bird - It's A Beautiful Day (Cover)

Goldfinger - Shirley Bassey (KarenEng Cover!) Singing Live! No Video Editing!


I think he probly smoked back in the day and maybe a little here and there after but by the time he got big I don't really think so.


That "white bird" song always sounded like some horrible hippy new age crap to me.


Quote from: ziznak on October 03, 2013, 05:36:24 PM
lotsa potheads frequent this site anybody notice that?
Yes. I smoke weed. And I work, run, make love, laugh, and create 200% more than anybody I, or any of my hundreds of valuable friends and 3 grandaughters knows.

Damn that was a horrible sentence. Too modest and not snarky enough either. I suck when I'm not high. Sorry. Be back soon in better form folks.

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