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Guests CONFIRMED to be on 'Dark Matter'

Started by Ravenna, September 01, 2013, 11:00:05 PM


Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on September 13, 2013, 02:34:44 PM
I hate to say this, but I'll probably skip Hoagland. The man's an utter and complete charlatan

OMG, that's exactly why I'm looking forward to him. hahaha


I think it's a little silly to skip guests because they may be frauds. That's sort of the point of the shows all together. To take in what they are saying, roll it around through your brain, and fell what comes up about it. No matter what anyone says about RH, whether he is or is not the real deal, he puts a lot of effort into presentation and formulas. That was always the great thing about Art's shows as opposed to Dave's. Art could take any guest and make him a start, or a fraud... Whatever Art wanted you to feel about him. I think it's unfair to put upon Art when Dave and Wells morphed these guys into. I expect them to be just as entertaining as they were years ago, before Dave ruined them.


I'd rather listen to a 4 hour loop of UFO Phil singing


Quote from: kingotnw on September 13, 2013, 11:28:51 PM
I think it's a little silly to skip guests because they may be frauds. That's sort of the point of the shows all together. To take in what they are saying, roll it around through your brain, and fell what comes up about it. No matter what anyone says about RH, whether he is or is not the real deal, he puts a lot of effort into presentation and formulas. That was always the great thing about Art's shows as opposed to Dave's. Art could take any guest and make him a start, or a fraud... Whatever Art wanted you to feel about him. I think it's unfair to put upon Art when Dave and Wells morphed these guys into. I expect them to be just as entertaining as they were years ago, before Dave ruined them.

That's precisely why I so enjoyed Andrew Basiago when he was on c2c recently (last month).  That guy is either a charlatan who is a tremendously fine actor, or he really believes he was on Mars with Obama (if the latter, he is likely insane).  I have seldom had so many "wtf?!" moments when listening to a c2c show (other than that show several months back when George was so rude to that poor lady).  I would love love love to hear what Art could do with Andrew Basiago.  Coz I really want to know if the guy is a charlatan or insane, and I think that perhaps Art could ask the right questions to suss that out.

I'm going to recommend Andrew B. to Art's booker, in fact.  I hope they will consider having on 'Dark Matter' a guest who has so recently been on c2c.


There were many more shows with Art that I wasn't interested in than I was.

I think overall I didn't listen more than 5 to 6 times a month when he was full time. But when I did listen it was always top shelf. I don't really care that he will have guests I don't like, because he will have some I do. And that is more than enough for me.


Quote from: onan on September 17, 2013, 12:29:02 PM
.... But when I did listen it was always top shelf. I don't really care that he will have guests I don't like, because he will have some I do. And that is more than enough for me.

That's it!  For me, most guests are just potential tasty icing on the scumptious devil's food cake of Art Bell.  I can always scrape the icing off the cake, if I don't really care for it.


Jonathan Reed? Really? This surprises me. His name is Jonathan Ritter and he's a con man from Seattle. Why would someone like Art, who's basically spent his entire adult life trying to prove the existence of UFO's, have on someone that's a known liar and hoaxster? It's people like him that take credibility away from actual UFO encounters and creates skepticism.


A lot of the old classic Art Bell guests were frauds or hoaxters.
But it didn't matter, Art made the show fun and let the listeners decide on the guests.
I say, bring 'em on.

PS, Wasn't Bugs the guy who claimed who have shot and buried 2 bigfeet in the 70s proven to be a fraud too?

Quote from: Morgus on September 17, 2013, 03:02:59 PM
A lot of the old classic Art Bell guests were frauds or hoaxters.
But it didn't matter, Art made the show fun and let the listeners decide on the guests.
I say, bring 'em on.

PS, Wasn't Bugs the guy who claimed who have shot and buried 2 bigfeet in the 70s proven to be a fraud too?

The thing is, it's 10 years later and they've been way over exposed on Crappy's show


Quote from: Jnthn932 on September 17, 2013, 01:14:21 PM
Jonathan Reed? Really? This surprises me. His name is Jonathan Ritter and he's a con man from Seattle. Why would someone like Art, who's basically spent his entire adult life trying to prove the existence of UFO's, have on someone that's a known liar and hoaxster? It's people like him that take credibility away from actual UFO encounters and creates skepticism.

Jonathan is NOT a con man!  He is a very respectable thoughtful person who high level professional before all this happened.  I suggest you do some extensive research before you post such slanderous comments about Art Bells guest!  Don't you think Art Bell has vetted this story inside and out.  Are you calling Art Bell gullible?  Do some home work and get back to us.


Quote from: Bodhi1111 on September 18, 2013, 07:34:47 PM
Jonathan is NOT a con man!  He is a very respectable thoughtful person who high level professional before all this happened.  I suggest you do some extensive research before you post such slanderous comments about Art Bells guest!  Don't you think Art Bell has vetted this story inside and out.  Are you calling Art Bell gullible?  Do some home work and get back to us.

Reed may not be a con man but he sure as hell is disengenuous. And there was no suggestion Art is/was gullible.

This is a forum of opinions, sometimes factual discussions take place. You should do some research to see what criterion is needed to meet slander.

Here is slander... you are a pompous douchebag, and your mother sucks sox in hell. oh wait not your real name... just like Reed.

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